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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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Frist Ability:
Its fine but only if you see enemies in one line and near each one, so some times its waste of energy to cut one enemy, because slash dash dont catch next enemies (maybe some kind of energy drain per slash (5per slash, 5x=25energy). I dont like slash dash when you aim in up, its as a super jump and after its finished you just fall dow, not like a natural one... example: Slash dash up and forward, to move forward, but in the middle of it you dont fall down and move forward, you just fall down like a heavy rock.

Second ability: Its very good no issues. Only casting animations repeats in some situations like Radial blind and immediately do finisher or immediately use life support etc...

Third ability: its the weakest ability. 1000damage and stun them for a 2-3 seconds. Its good in low leveled missions to kill all enemies, but its bad at higher levels, just waste of energy, better option is to use Radial Blind. Radial Javelin damage is too weak to do something to them, excal should get buff from it, for example he is connected to all skanas and they give buff to excalibur or a whole team. (Automatic channeling melee and it cost you 0 energy for 15 seconds, something worth 75 energy).

Fourth ability: Its good, but waiting for Charge attacks, so he could get them to this ability too : ).

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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Don't know if it where already ask but personnaly the most and only frutrating part of this rework is that we can't zorencopter decently under ultimate.

That just kill the mad melee fight I've got use to do.


The mini-radial blind is pretty nice, got on a patrol, blind them, kill them or finish them, got to another pack. I think the range is enough, If I needed to blind a whole room, still got the "2". I see it like a close damage/resistance buff to clean a ennemis pack. A bit like volt shock how stun ennemis the time you kill them at melee.


But lose the zorencopter momentum for that... Yes we got the slash dash how can help us to go fast to one ennemis pack to another but... zorencopter madness!! I miss you.

I stop ultimate after a fight just to get my bo's zoren when I got to travel long distance and get real mad parkour with the bo+slash dash.


One solution for me, is to put this mini-blind on the stomp melee attack (jump / look down + melee).


Some of my friend think that it will be less smooth during fight to blind people in order to finish them or get the melee buff but with some use of slide+roll jump+stomp, we can have a close movement dynamics and like that we can travel great distance with zoren copter + directional air melee + slash dash -> mad mugen ninja style


And afterwards, it could be more safty for epileptic players! I really got use to always slide attack, can chain them quicly and with this blind ... Flash .... Flash everywhere... I'm sorry for every players how play akkad with me yesterday. :d



Edited by ZeGreymane
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Regardless of pretty much any other thing about Slash Dash, I really hope one particular behavior is not a bug: If you attempt to swing a melee weapon while in Slash Dash, you will immediately halt your Slash Dash, and have your melee weapon equipped and ready for use. It was startling the first few times I ran into it, but I've come to really enjoy it - it adds a wonderful element of fluidity that I don't really feel is present in any other frame.

Just tried it and it's kind of nifty but it doesn't seem intentional so I wouldn't get used to it.  DE seems to shifted positions about emergent gameplay as a whole and is not tolerating any kind of unintentional "happy accident" fun anymore, it seems.  

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So , rebacca , Is that a bug that :

1.Exalted Blade blade wave doesn't affect by melee mods?

2. Exalted Blade can always proc life strike in order to make us survive?


 mean......as when we open up Exalted Blade , we are in pure melee and I think we do need the "Survivability" on life strike , Valkyr also have 5% life strike but she is Invincible , so please don't nerf the life strike+Exalted Blade and let melee mods affect the blade wave

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Don't know if it where already ask but personnaly the most and only frutrating part of this rework is that we can't zorencopter decently under ultimate.

That just kill the mad melee fight I've got use to do.


The mini-radial blind is pretty nice, got on a patrol, blind them, kill them or finish them, got to another pack. I think the range is enough, If I needed to blind a whole room, still got the "2". I see it like a close damage/resistance buff to clean a ennemis pack. A bit like volt shock how stun ennemis the time you kill them at melee.


But lose the zorencopter momentum for that... Yes we got the slash dash how can help us to go fast to one ennemis pack to another but... zorencopter madness!! I miss you.

I stop ultimate after a fight just to get my bo's zoren when I got to travel long distance and get real mad parkour with the bo+slash dash.


One solution for me, is to put this mini-blind on the stomp melee attack (jump / look down + melee).


Some of my friend think that it will be less smooth during fight to blind people in order to finish them or get the melee buff but with some use of slide+roll jump+stomp, we can have a close movement dynamics and like that we can travel great distance with zoren copter + directional air melee + slash dash -> mad mugen ninja style


u do know coptering won't be as fast or have limited distance in parkour 2.0. its no use to ask to get coptering back. the least we could do is ask to get our slide attack animation back AND have the passive radial blind. (if that can't be worked, put passive radial blind on channeling EB.)


again, as i mentioned before, it could easily be reworked and copy pasted from the muzzle flash augment mod. it has better sound, no interferance with spin attacka animation, and has its own explosive animation with a little shake to it i think, if the shake is too much it may need to be reduced for public health issues purpose. but atm its public eye health issue if u will, for some people, we can feel the stress on the eyes when we slide spam with EB.

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So , rebacca , Is that a bug that :
1.Exalted Blade blade wave doesn't affect by melee mods?
2. Exalted Blade can always proc life strike in order to make us survive?
 mean......as when we open up Exalted Blade , we are in pure melee and I think we do need the "Survivability" on life strike , Valkyr also have 5% life strike but she is Invincible , so please don't nerf the life strike+Exalted Blade and let melee mods affect the blade wave


Both are confirmed as bugs as quoted here for 1.


The design intent is:

Slash Dash damage scales off of all melee mods.

Exalted Blade damage scales off of all melee mods.

Exalted Blade waves scale off of all melee mods.

Will look to see what's up - if anyone can post details (Damage #'s vs enemies) it'll help troubleshoot! Also include relevant loadout details (i.e my Radiant Finish Augment skews damage numbers, etc).



As for 2. They said the no energy life strike thing was a bug on the latest prime time yesterday with a bugfix coming very soon.

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So...any way that Radial Javelin could inherit the elemental damage types of the melee weapon equipped? (If no elemental type is equipped, then it could do the even split of impact/puncture/slash).

Edited by weezedog
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erm guys i have a probelm with eb. it drains 28 energy intially and 3 energy per sec. then the waves deal much dmg then the actual slashes... any ideas? Also, radial javelin and slash dash seem to deal more dmg than eb...

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Currently, energy wave produced from Exalted Blade can cut enemy into pieces, but not the normal melee attack. If you kill enemy with your blade (not wave), you won't see any gore no matter how you cut them.

Please add gore to Exalted Blade melee attack.

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After playtesting a bit more it sounds fun that single and dual swords buff Exalted Blade as a cool passive, however, I am still not satisfied how Exalted Blade scales off of melee mods (the key here is "how"):


If you want to bring out the best from Exalted Blade you are pretty much stuck with using either the Skanas or Dual Cleavers or the Jaw Sword:


These all activate the passive bonus as well as have a +100% base damage augment that also works on Exalted Blade. Which is totally worth it even without the syndicate effects on Exalted Blade.


Exalted blade evenly distributes its massive base damage between IPS damage types.


This means that using Buzz Kill and other 120% IPS mods (Primed Heavy Impact with 165% still applies as it adds less damage than a single 60% elemental mod in Exalted Blade's case) is not recommended even if your equipped melee weapon would benefit the most from them.


So basically you are stuck with specific weapons with sub optimal builds for themselves to bring the best/beast out of your Exalted Blade.


This leaves you running with a melee weapon you don't necessarily want to use on it's own but only carry to boost your Exalted Blade ability, very similarly with Valkyr where you bring specific weapons to transfer their critical stats to Hysteria. (I know, those critical builds with berserker are actually extra awesome on their own so it's less of an issue.)


A better solution in my opinion would be this:


* Exalted Blade getting a separate interface slot where you can load it with specific melee mods with its stance automatically loaded.

* Have its mod capacity increase at the same rate as Excalibur's when levelling up inheriting his Potato as well.


This way it would function similarly to how it does currently with only the passive ability of Excalibur working in favour of a specific weapon type allowing you to carry different weapon types that would benefit from significantly different weapon mods than what Exalted Blade would benefit from. Thinking about throwing melee weapons for example and crit based melee weapons.


Example based on the above: This is not how you should mod a Prisma Skana but this is what benefits Exalted Blade the most:

http://goo.gl/eI0tiL - (You can use the other 90% elemental mods instead of Focus Energy but I wanted to offset Life Strike)


You can substitute any Skana here or the Jaw Sword or Dual Cleavers with their respective syndicate augments installed, this build would not really be the best for any of them but using these on Exalted blade would add the most damage to it directly.


Also Exalted blade seems to have a 10% crit chance, 2x multiplier and a 20% base Status chance with 1.3 base attack speed so consider that when looking at these mods. - No confirmation on this yet but seems accurate enough. My UI glitched after modding Excal and starting to mod Galatine and showed Exalted Blade's previous stats compared to the current stats of my Galatine.


I like how Exalted Blade scales off from melee mods but I hate that it makes certain weapons unsuitable as your main melee weapon in case you want a viable ultimate on him - thorwing melees and crit based weapons especially.

Valkyr has similar issues but there you transfer critical stats and attack speed as well as your base damage and not your mods so you can use a Scindo Prime effectively whereas on Excalibur the best mods for your Scindo would not match the best ones for Exalted Blade and if you want to build a berserker based Kogake you practically gimp your Exalted Blade as it doesn't benefit that greatly from your crit mods.


Ideally your 4th ability should not define what melee weapon you should be using but provide you with an awesome alternate fighting style upon triggering it.



P.S.: sorry for the wall of text. Tried to separate it as best as possible.

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Some enemies lack gore, my Exalted Blade cuts most of them into pieces most of the time.

I tested with the Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Corrupted, none of them are cut to piece. Are you sure you didn't kill them with your energy wave?



It's because how damage currently works, only weapons with main slash damage cut enemies in pieces and exalted blade deals the same amount of slash, impact and puncture dmg.

Can they just make an exception?

Edited by Runtowin
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Both are confirmed as bugs as quoted here for 1.



As for 2. They said the no energy life strike thing was a bug on the latest prime time yesterday with a bugfix coming very soon.

ok , then DE , What are you going to do the give survivability to excalibur? we need the heal , may be on the skill itself ok? 5% damage healing is enough , we do need something to keep us alive , Valkyr have 5%  why can't Excalibur have 5% too ?

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I found an important bug affecting Exalted Blade: It doesn't appear to benefit from melee mods if the player is not the host. Tested today in a T2 Survival mission with a friend, I was host and easily killing corrupted heavy gunners with one non-channeled hit, while he required 2+ channeled hits to kill one. Later into the mission, as the enemies scaled up, he usually required 5+ channeled strikes to bring one down, while I still required 1-2 normal hits.


I was using a Prisma Skana while he was using the Dragon Nikana, both were modded with base damage mods (Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike), attack speed mods, and elemental mods. The mod loadouts were pretty much the same, but my EB was hitting much harder than his.

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If the prisma skin (body) wasn't so... well frankly bad (sorry DE :c) then it wouldn't be overpriced at all. (seriously though, its like the entire suit is 1 color... why is such a big area without any detail all the same color- my inner artist is screaming)

screw yur inner artist , some love it


but i want a Prisma Prime Helmet now >_<


Well its a shame that the melee itself dont affect exalted sword or it imply that weapons mods are in fact equiped in our Warframe and not in our weapons, would make sense actually

Edited by Tsoe
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I found an important bug affecting Exalted Blade: It doesn't appear to benefit from melee mods if the player is not the host. Tested today in a T2 Survival mission with a friend, I was host and easily killing corrupted heavy gunners with one non-channeled hit, while he required 2+ channeled hits to kill one. Later into the mission, as the enemies scaled up, he usually required 5+ channeled strikes to bring one down, while I still required 1-2 normal hits.


I was using a Prisma Skana while he was using the Dragon Nikana, both were modded with base damage mods (Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike), attack speed mods, and elemental mods. The mod loadouts were pretty much the same, but my EB was hitting much harder than his.

I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Scaling is definitely bugged when not hosting.

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So , rebacca , Is that a bug that :

1.Exalted Blade blade wave doesn't affect by melee mods?

2. Exalted Blade can always proc life strike in order to make us survive?


 mean......as when we open up Exalted Blade , we are in pure melee and I think we do need the "Survivability" on life strike , Valkyr also have 5% life strike but she is Invincible , so please don't nerf the life strike+Exalted Blade and let melee mods affect the blade wave

This, this, this and more of this!!

He needs a way to keep useful at high lvl missions!!!

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bugs for the Excalibur rework: his 1st ability always misses atleast 2/5 enemies even when grouped or in a line. the targeting needs tweaking.


his 2nd ability seems to go awry at times triggering  nonstop blind even when you totally take your hands off the keyboard and mouse, all on its own in rapid successions till your energy is depleted or too low to cast another.


his 3rd still doesn't work as intended with the augment and only produces a flat damage instead of adding more dps with each kill as stated on mod.


his 4th ability alongside his 2nd always does the finisher moves out of bounds if youre on a slope like a stairs or horizontal plane or on a ledge, putting you over or under and in some case in  crates for the duration of the moves


 all these a very sloppily done and needs tweaking.

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Leave.  Life Strike.  The way it is.  PLEASE.  It is not OP.  Look at Valkyr.  


That should be a passive anyway for Excalibur, as long as it isn't for Damage mods.  


I've done many Surv touching 40 minutes and over and it's not God-Mode what-so-ever.


Please don't ruin a good thing ;-;  Give it a couple of weeks DE for that change.  You KNOW people will make NERF threads if it starts to become a hot topic.  Let us enjoy this re-work, he's literally been through hell ever since E-Gate.  


Edit:  And I'm not saying Valkyr is OP.  But if you completely remove this ability, people will just run back to Valkyr or whoever they can use to stay alive faster.  We still have to channel regardless even at lvl 30-40 enemies.    


I said Valkyr because her, Excal, and Nekros are the 3 freaking  mouseketeers right now.  PLEASE LEAVE THIS SYNERGY ALONE.  It's meant for players who like to melee.   Reward us for melee, do not shun us.  If you want to nerf.  Just drop a Mesa in every game we play.  *shots fired* 

Edited by Ishki88
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Leave.  Life Strike.  The way it is.  PLEASE.  It is not OP.  Look at Valkyr.  


That should be a passive anyway for Excalibur, as long as it isn't for Damage mods.  


I've done many Surv touching 40 minutes and over and it's not God-Mode what-so-ever.


Please don't ruin a good thing ;-;  Give it a couple of weeks DE for that change.  You KNOW people will make NERF threads if it starts to become a hot topic.  Let us enjoy this re-work, he's literally been through hell ever since E-Gate.  


Edit:  And I'm not saying Valkyr is OP.  But if you completely remove this ability, people will just run back to Valkyr or whoever they can use to stay alive faster.  We still have to channel regardless even at lvl 30-40 enemies.    


I said Valkyr because her, Excal, and Nekros are the 3 freaking  mouseketeers right now.  PLEASE LEAVE THIS SYNERGY ALONE.  It's meant for players who like to melee.   Reward us for melee, do not shun us.  If you want to nerf.  Just drop a Mesa in every game we play.  *shots fired* 


Please DE , leave Life Strike ~  We need it for pure melee ~~~~ please~~~

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Agreed, some form of life steal is needed. Preferably one that doesn't require a mod.  


Can we have the OP updated with suggestions, bug reports and the like? There have been many great ideas so far, and they drown in the discussion. Would start a different topic, but it will probably get merged into this as well so...

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