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T4 Bombard Rockets


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They stun you knock you down, follow you forever,and one-two shot you.


That is not fun DE. I'd like to see a rocket that will leave me severely injured but which I can shoot down, dodge, lead away or avoid. These homing, rapid fire stun-locking yellow sperms of death are not fun.


Is it just me, or are they like this for everyone?


Edit: Finally realised. Yes, that comma put me in a coma too. Gimme some slack guys :/

Edited by Evanescent
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Seeing as Kela de Thaym is due for a rework anyway, I sorta wish that Bombard would adopt her attack patterns, namely:


-Rockets that don't home in, but have faster travel time and the Bombard can "lead" their shot if you move in a predictable manner

-Attacks are actually well telegraphed (Ogris makes a loud beeping and even the rockets themselves are noisy so you can actually hear them coming)

-That one smokescreen attack is a nice touch to throw off your targeting

-They don't need to deploy Rollers though, that I think we can live without


The damage can still be punishing and all that (it is a rocket after all) but I feel like it would much more fair than the current nigh-unavoidable salvos of silent and incredibly accurate heat-seekers coming at you from every direction that we have now.



EDIT: At the very least let us shoot down missiles. If I'm not mistaken enemies can prematurely detonate rockets from our own Ogrises, so how come we can't do the same?

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Don't forget that Bombards will also sometimes machine-gun their rockets.  Dodging a rocket every now and then is fine, but when I have to dodge a rocket a second from one Bombard on top of everything else shooting at me it gets ridiculous.


Other fun Bombard facts:

They are the second-tankiest Grineer, tied with Heavy Gunners (Napalms are tougher).

They are the tankiest Corrupted (again tied with Heavy Gunners).

Bombard rockets can hit through Frost bubbles.

Bombard rockets will NOT hit targets in the Rift.  However, if they explode nearby, their AoE WILL.

Rockets can be shot down.  Weapons with high fire rates and larger projectiles are good for this (Especially Supra).

Rockets home so well they will occasionally circle back when dodged and require a second dodge.

Bombards gain a massive rate of fire boost when attacking stationary targets.  They sometimes get this against moving targets too.

Edited by Trylobyte
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It is called not staying still.  I know how to lead the rocket safely away so it doesn't damage me.

I know of this skill called 'not standing still.'


I have played 5 T4 exterminates solo since this post.

I have rolled, tried to sprint away, wallrun, lead the rocket away, jumped past, over it, tried to race it way and......


.....It still followed and killed me.


The AoEs are HUGE and there is no way you are going to get away from the radius if you don't have a frame with a mobility skill or teleport.


They need to stop being homing, and stunning. AoE needs to be tweaked. Damage is fine.


Could you post a video showing how to? There is always the possibility I am doing something wrong.

Edited by Evanescent
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Think about it though. Take Vanquish for example (an utter flipping fantastic game I recommend it 11/10 ign). In that game there are bosses that shoot an infinitely larger number of rockets than our pal the Corrupted bombard. But guess what! If you're hide in cover when said boss launches that salvo of heat seeking missiles you're safe! Why? Because explosions don't go through walls.


Get it together, DE -_-

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Don't forget that Bombards will also sometimes machine-gun their rockets.  Dodging a rocket every now and then is fine, but when I have to dodge a rocket a second from one Bombard on top of everything else shooting at me it gets ridiculous.


Other fun Bombard facts:

They are the second-tankiest Grineer, tied with Heavy Gunners (Napalms are tougher).

They are the tankiest Corrupted (again tied with Heavy Gunners).

Bombard rockets can hit through Frost bubbles.

Bombard rockets will NOT hit targets in the Rift.  However, if they explode nearby, their AoE WILL.

Rockets can be shot down.  Weapons with high fire rates and larger projectiles are good for this (Especially Supra).

Rockets home so well they will occasionally circle back when dodged and require a second dodge.

Bombards gain a massive rate of fire boost when attacking stationary targets.  They sometimes get this against moving targets too.

Explosions from enemies are broken to the extent where it even hits through the Rift.

Still damages through walls and globes/shield. After 2 years, this still isn't fixed.

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EDIT: At the very least let us shoot down missiles. If I'm not mistaken enemies can prematurely detonate rockets from our own Ogrises, so how come we can't do the same?

We can do that, noticed when I was using Mirage and Dual Cestras, rockets exploded mid-air in the plasma curtian.

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We can do that, noticed when I was using Mirage and Dual Cestras, rockets exploded mid-air in the plasma curtian.


It seems to be doable, but only with a few guns and even then it isn't very reliable. I'd go so far as to say it's currently a bug or oversight than an intended feature, which is a shame because being able to shoot down their rockets would be great to have as a viable countermeasure against them.

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It seems to be doable, but only with a few guns and even then it isn't very reliable. I'd go so far as to say it's currently a bug or oversight than an intended feature, which is a shame because being able to shoot down their rockets would be great to have as a viable countermeasure against them.

Showering their faces with soma prime clips doesn't shoot them down. :/

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Lower ROF and less homing will help.

Regular Ogris homing missiles aren't even that bad.

Exactly. They are slower and can be avoided. These however are yellow super sperms of death seeking your ovule to bury their heads in no matter the cost.

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