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U17 With Words From De Steve. Gone:copter-Flying, Stamina, Wallrun!


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You are ignoring the fact that game itself forces you to unlock every planet/node as fast as you can, why ?  because of random alerts and tactical alerts, for example person wants a vauban  well that person finally got lucky and there is alert with it but its on planet they dont have unlocked so they wont get it, and next time they have chance to get it may happen many months later since not everyone has time to be in game everyday and sometimes vauban alerts show up on hours inaccessible to person in that region. so best way to increase chance to get vauban without waiting months is to unlock all the planets/nods as quickly as you can.

Tactical alerts have exactly same problem if you dont want to miss out on unique weapon, mod, stance then unlock as quickly as you can otherwise you may end up waiting half a year to a year  for it to show up again.


As you can see you can miss out on a lot of things if you take your time, if people continue miss out stuff because they take their time then distance between experianced players and new players will be actually widening, remember that one of negative side effects of power creep is too big distance between veterans and noobs if there is no way for new player to keep up with veteran then game will become unattractive to new players and they quickly abandon it soon after trying it and warframe could end up with exactly same problem if people take their time.

Though luck. I got my CP after a year and a half. Did I cry and whine for a taxi to every alert? No. Besides, unlocking nodes is not hard. It's the easiest part of the game. AND if coptering gets removed noobs will have an easier way to catch up with pros. Learn the new wallrunning mechanics.

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"Though luck" seriously >_>,  waiting to get something in game for year and a half is NOT normal and should NEVER happen in game, its just a bad design(especially for a game that come out in 2013), game must attractive to new players instead of scaring them off, especially since its actually new players who give DE a lot of money, so this could end up killing the game.


I never said unlocking is hard,  you said people should stay on planets fiting for their level until they get more experiance at playing warframe and I said that they CANT do that if they dont want to miss out on stuff.


And no removing of coptering wont fix problem of noobs being left  behind since there are frames that boost speed that not every noob has, yes volt speeds up whole  team but only if they stay close enough when volt uses and many people using volt dont get out of their way to make sure whole team has speed boost.

Another thing it parkour ,it can help you move faster through the map but the thing is that only experianced people know how to do it best, I am sure that even with parkour 2.0 noobs still will have a lot of problems with it and it makes sense since warframe veterans know titlesets best and know where to use parkour but it means that new players once again will be left behind. If you really want noobs from being left behind then remove from game speed boosting frames and parkour completly, it would prevent noobs from being left behind and of course would make game much less interesting. The thing is that coptering actually is HELPING noobs with keeping up with experianced players, since copter is actually pretty easy to use compared to parkour(that more experianced are able to do MUCH better), 

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The thing is that coptering actually is HELPING noobs with keeping up with experianced players, since copter is actually pretty easy to use compared to parkour(that more experianced are able to do MUCH better), 

There's no way for  new players to keep up with any experienced player simply because they are new.  Since he has to get a suitable melee and know the tileset, he stops being new.

So, I'm sorry but that statement is false. Coptering needs to go once and for all eternity.

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Everyone is talking about coptering, but does anyone remember the "wall kick" which is also a bug? Immediately let go after starting a wallrun and get launched like from a fricking Trebuchet. Not very fluid if you ask me.

Now, remember that lava corridor from Grineer asteroid tileset? The one with walls clearly designed for wall hopping? Yea, good luck with that. This I hope the new system will fix

This is a normal wallrunslingshot - basicly the same thing like shown in the dev stream (it just will get better animations with parkour 2.0 ... ).

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"Though luck" seriously >_>,  waiting to get something in game for year and a half is NOT normal and should NEVER happen in game, its just a bad design(especially for a game that come out in 2013), game must attractive to new players instead of scaring them off, especially since its actually new players who give DE a lot of money, so this could end up killing the game.


I never said unlocking is hard,  you said people should stay on planets fiting for their level until they get more experiance at playing warframe and I said that they CANT do that if they dont want to miss out on stuff.


And no removing of coptering wont fix problem of noobs being left  behind since there are frames that boost speed that not every noob has, yes volt speeds up whole  team but only if they stay close enough when volt uses and many people using volt dont get out of their way to make sure whole team has speed boost.

Another thing it parkour ,it can help you move faster through the map but the thing is that only experianced people know how to do it best, I am sure that even with parkour 2.0 noobs still will have a lot of problems with it and it makes sense since warframe veterans know titlesets best and know where to use parkour but it means that new players once again will be left behind. If you really want noobs from being left behind then remove from game speed boosting frames and parkour completly, it would prevent noobs from being left behind and of course would make game much less interesting. The thing is that coptering actually is HELPING noobs with keeping up with experianced players, since copter is actually pretty easy to use compared to parkour(that more experianced are able to do MUCH better), 

Then they get left behind. That's it. There's a difference between experienced players and new players. Let's give noobs Soma Primes and max-ranked serrations immediately now. After all, they need to keep up with experienced players. DEAL. WITH. IT.


They need to learn how to use parkour then. They need to learn how to move fast without cheap copter. They need to learn how to play.

Edited by S3EK3R
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There's no way for  new players to keep up with any experienced player simply because they are new.  Since he has to get a suitable melee and know the tileset, he stops being new.

So, I'm sorry but that statement is false. Coptering needs to go once and for all eternity.


Not true, when I first learned how to copter and had weapon that was pretty good at it I still was pretty inexperianced player, I was still at my first frame.


Its frustrating that most of people who want copter to be gone are people who played warframe for a long time and dont need copter anymore since already know how to move through the maps fastest, Removal of copter wont have affect you guys but WILL affect enjoyment of many players.

Edited by Culaio
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DE can't please everyone. And if you think that coptering is better than fluid movement, well, looks like DE are not on your side.


Of course fluid movement is something I really want to see, but we shouldnt need to sacrifice speed for it, I am fine with removal of coptering if they add something to game that would let us move on ground with similar speed to coptering something like dash or something OR if they make map smaller proportionally to how much speed we lose with removal of coptering.

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The thing is that the parkour 2.0 changes mention removal of stamina but not speeding up sprint(or at least I didnt hear about any changes to speed of sprint), and sprint in game is painfully slow, its kinda ironic that I am capable in real life run faster then space ninja(and for much longer), also it would be stupid if we could move faster on walls then on ground since it wouldnt make sense.

Edited by Culaio
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There is one comment on reddit, that perfectly describes the problem with the way Steve presents the stuff and why many people react strongly against it:

"If he would go in and say: "look, coptering is broken, unintended and hinders the further development, but dont worry, we'll try to give you something adequate so you wont miss any of the things we're going to take out", then i doubt there would be much of a uproar at all."
"what do we get instead? "oh we'll take tons of stuff out lol!""
"of course you got your fair share of whiners, as in everything, regardless what you do, but that shouldn't be an issue. its the job of a customer relations manager to weed that out from the actual concerns, or, like i mentioned above, actually not squirt oil into the fire as usual."
Parkour 2.0 changes are great but its not like we can use parkour everywhere in game, there are locations in game that you cant use parkour efficiently, like corridors or big halls(like for example during boss battles), while technically you can use parkour in big  halls, you cant use it efficiently for combat if you dont have long range weapon. warframe game needs some kind of dash ability that would let us close in on enemy or quickly run away from battle if we have low health, coptering let me do just that which  is why I am against removal of coptering if they dont put something similar in game(this and for moving fast in locations where using parkour efficiently is impossible)
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There is one comment on reddit, that perfectly describes the problem with the way Steve presents the stuff and why many people react strongly against it:

"If he would go in and say: "look, coptering is broken, unintended and hinders the further development, but dont worry, we'll try to give you something adequate so you wont miss any of the things we're going to take out", then i doubt there would be much of a uproar at all."
"what do we get instead? "oh we'll take tons of stuff out lol!""
"of course you got your fair share of whiners, as in everything, regardless what you do, but that shouldn't be an issue. its the job of a customer relations manager to weed that out from the actual concerns, or, like i mentioned above, actually not squirt oil into the fire as usual."
Parkour 2.0 changes are great but its not like we can use parkour everywhere in game, there are locations in game that you cant use parkour efficiently, like corridors or big halls(like for example during boss battles), while technically you can use parkour in big  halls, you cant use it efficiently for combat if you dont have long range weapon. warframe game needs some kind of dash ability that would let us close in on enemy or quickly run away from battle if we have low health, coptering let me do just that which  is why I am against removal of coptering if they dont put something similar in game(this and for moving fast in locations where using parkour efficiently is impossible)


Well, if you put it that way, I absolutely agree. Something that really looks and functions as movement tool, and does not depend on your melee weapon.

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The thing is that the parkour 2.0 changes mention removal of stamina but not speeding up sprint(or at least I didnt hear about any changes to speed of sprint), and sprint in game is painfully slow, its kinda ironic that I am capable in real life run faster then space ninja(and for much longer), also it would be stupid if we could move faster on walls then on ground since it wouldnt make sense.

Well sprint is slow if you are not using loki or ash. But yeah, i really hope speed is buffed. Otherwise poor frost might die for old age before reaching anywhere in places like phobos or europa.

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look.. everyone knew this was coming. 


wall-running was at that point when it was becoming utterly useless to the point no one used it in game.. it was clunky... it was slow... most terrain had crap geometry for wall-running itself...


anyone that has spent a bit of time in game knows of this. and most people that have been here longer was expecting this!


Warframe will still be a very entertaining game With or without wall-running... hence why i trust DE will make the best choice and if problems should occour they can simply revert or make changes suited on how people perceive the feature and how it can be improved upon...


Doomthread ? yeah right more like an uproar thread, considering some of us have seen new drastic changes that we thought would be the end of the game... turns out to be just us over exaggerating. and look at the game now!


still kicking and still a good game.

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Well sprint is slow if you are not using loki or ash. But yeah, i really hope speed is buffed. Otherwise poor frost might die for old age before reaching anywhere in places like phobos or europa.


DE will probably boost the sprint speed. Judging from this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/477978-june-19th-community-hot-topics/


Hoping more people vote in favor of increasing sprint speed because we feel too slow for wearing advanced suits. 

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DE will probably boost the sprint speed. Judging from this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/477978-june-19th-community-hot-topics/


Hoping more people vote in favor of increasing sprint speed because we feel too slow for wearing advanced suits. 


I am actually shocked how many people are fine with current speed, unless they include in current speed stuff like copter.


One thing that makes me wonder is how removal of copter affect sliding attack in general, to me its very important  type of attack that helps me go through tight corridors filled with high level enemies including Nullifiers, it saved me many times.

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There is one comment on reddit, that perfectly describes the problem with the way Steve presents the stuff and why many people react strongly against it:

"If he would go in and say: "look, coptering is broken, unintended and hinders the further development, but dont worry, we'll try to give you something adequate so you wont miss any of the things we're going to take out", then i doubt there would be much of a uproar at all."
"what do we get instead? "oh we'll take tons of stuff out lol!""
"of course you got your fair share of whiners, as in everything, regardless what you do, but that shouldn't be an issue. its the job of a customer relations manager to weed that out from the actual concerns, or, like i mentioned above, actually not squirt oil into the fire as usual."

I'd rather get his unvarnished version of what's coming than some PR stuff designed to keep the masses happy.

Edited by motorfirebox
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As I've said before: I'm angry about coptering being gone only because we aren't given any alternatives that can cross the distance just as fast that every warframe can utilize (iirc the same copter nerf will apply to directional air melee too).


Bug or no bug, there is a need for speed.

Edited by HyokaChan
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I am actually shocked how many people are fine with current speed, unless they include in current speed stuff like copter.


One thing that makes me wonder is how removal of copter affect sliding attack in general, to me its very important  type of attack that helps me go through tight corridors filled with high level enemies including Nullifiers, it saved me many times.


I'm shocked by it too. Our Warframes should be able to move a lot faster. We will still be able to slide attack but the momentum bug that propels us 50 meters depending on weapon attack speed will be gone.

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What I've learned from this thread is that some people are really impatient to the point where they'd quit the game if this parkour 2.0 ships, or saying warframe without coptering is painfully slow and what not.


First of all, if you're gonna be disappointed when U17 ships and quit the game, that's all the more better for the game to be honest, if you really will quit. 


If you do not like the game and care about the game, you wouldn't post stuffs here and talk about it. If you say you'd quit, that's straightup hypocrisy, because you wouldn't. If you really do, then it's your own foolishness to refuse what the devs work on and not enjoy more polished gameplay. There is no doubt that the current movement system with all the excessive momentum is a byproduct of unpolished and overlooked movements in general.


If coptering is gone and you can't move from one end of a tileset to the other in 3 seconds, that just means the game is gonna be a different game. If you ask me, that wasn't what the game was all about. I don't even consider it "bearing the slowness" when I run and air melee or tumble mid-air. It's just how I played when I don't copter.


Coptering was always optional and I didn't like how it worked from the beginning. The new "wallruns" will definitely make the game feel a lot different and I'm interested to play with it.


And before someone says "so you like moving slower?" I say yes to that question. I want a game that's more polished than how it is now, and I know U17 will bring it.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I'd rather get his unvarnished version of what's coming than some PR stuff designed to keep the masses happy.


So you think increasing worries of fans probably unnecessarily is good idea ?


Of course they shouldnt lie because it would have even worse effect but its not that hard to promise that we wont be moving as slow on the ground after update as we do now without copter.

Edited by Culaio
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So you think increasing worries of fans probably unnecessarily is good idea ?


Of course they shouldnt lie because it would have even worse effect but its not that hard to promise that we wont be moving as slow on the ground after update as we do now without copter.

Players who are overly sensitive should just avoid the forum.

Devs should feel free to speak their mind. You want censored info, then go to an EA forum.

I'd much rather the devs feel free to say what's on their mind instead of worrying about people who will nitpick and make doom threads

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