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Parkour 2.0 Devstream 55 Feedback Megathread


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Dude...they didn't show the wall-to-wall hops last time because it looked awkward at the time. It may just be 4x as fast as coptering, and allows for fast movement with heavy weapons.


     You clearly have not used a berzerker tipedo. 4x the speed of that is faster than light.

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And if you read his twitts...






Make it stance based. Oh wait this is the same mod system that has a lot of mods that are just bizarre. If stamina is getting removed what about mods like:





Edited by Kinjeto
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Make it stance based. Oh wait this is the same mod system that has a lot of mods that are just bizarre. If stamina is getting removed what about mods like:





I think they are going to change that like old melee charge mods.

And if they make it stance based, we still are going to see xploiters with the same melee weapon overshadow movement mechanics.

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DE have made so many, really, really bad design decisions lately,.....


If they remove copetering, they remove one of the last feature, that seperates WF from all other 3rd person shooters out on the market,


And as somone else stated, all us veterans that is bored of running the same tiles over and over, have grown quite used to copetering,

The game will feel like its in slowmotion, if we cant copter,...




DE,... remove copetering, loose allotta veteran players...

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They are fixing a bug... Not removing a feature.
If coptering is why you are still in the game, i cant say something more constructive than... Lol.

You have to learn how to move, you have to be fast, not your melee weapon.

Slow motion? Really?
Because coptering is the only way that most of the player know, it doesnt mean is the only one that exist in the game, they are going to change that, 

I come from 2013, and i ever hate coptering, no because is hard to do, my mother can copter lol.
And if they remove coptering, im not going to leave.


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DE have made so many, really, really bad design decisions lately,.....


If they remove copetering, they remove one of the last feature, that seperates WF from all other 3rd person shooters out on the market,


And as somone else stated, all us veterans that is bored of running the same tiles over and over, have grown quite used to copetering,

The game will feel like its in slowmotion, if we cant copter,...




DE,... remove copetering, loose allotta veteran players...


Except they won't. Coptering will be removed and maybe a few veteran players will throw a hissy fit and leave, but DE will promote it enough to get a whole new group of new players and everyone who enjoys progress and good game design not based around exploits will be happy. And everyone else can sulk and go play a different game. Simple as that.


I for one welcome our new parkour overlords and I really hate coptering and I'm glad to see it get the axe.

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All i know is there are many sections on all tile-sets where i cannot see a way to traverse as quickly as jumping straight to your destination, the lack of surfaces leaves no faster way with what we have seen of the new system than current melee methods. Space ninjas should never have to consider stairs, and after the recent 'forma blueprint vs reactor blueprint' invasions on one of the corpus tile-sets i came across multiple rooms where we may have to suck it up and take the stairs like the regular npcs around us.


The new system may feel 'cool' and bring 'joy' for a few missions but, after archwings being a 'cool and new' thing i can see myself easily getting bored of the new movement and just end up wanting to fly through several tower missions in a much shorter time space, even if i have to spam a combination of jumping, sliding and melee a few hundred times to do so, it makes grinding through the sometimes awful drop chances actually bearable. The current movement looks many times faster than what we are being offered and, frankly, there are many other systems in the game in which, i personally, would have much preferred development time being put into *cough* trading *cough* . Hey at least they're fixing the auto-rolling on landing which could send you off the room and deactivate an ability resulting in a player going down.

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Coptering was just gum in the dam for a bad Parkour system. It's getting replaced by Movement 2.0. If you're leaving over a small thing like coptering, just leave.

I've been here since early June of 2013. I use coptering a lot. I'm also pretty good at it. But it's not the only movement option I use and I only typically use it to kill, not fling. I also don't think it's worthy to continue using it if something better and more skill based comes along, which is not only usable for the current tileset, but is also something that DE's level designers can actually design around and make levels more interesting. I'd love to jump off enemies myself.

Parkour 2.0 and the nerfing of coptering is there to help the future of the game. No one is trying to kill fun here.

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I want to feel like a ninja, not a beyblade

I laughed so hard


Edit: For those of you mad about the the removal. Just think about how you'll actually be able to use the scindo now without being 10 miles behind your team :p

Edited by xxaaron5515xx
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DE have made so many, really, really bad design decisions lately,.....


If they remove copetering, they remove one of the last feature, that seperates WF from all other 3rd person shooters out on the market,


And as somone else stated, all us veterans that is bored of running the same tiles over and over, have grown quite used to copetering,

The game will feel like its in slowmotion, if we cant copter,...




DE,... remove copetering, loose allotta veteran players...

But,.... Veteran player will have to... Learn to use the new systems,..... I mean, come, on dude,.... If you have stick with the game, for so long... Why would... You quit because of this and,. Not learn the new system...


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i was never interested in parkour 2.0 and now i will be forced to use it.

Even though I was interested in parkour 2.0, I somewhat feel the same, I love coptering, don't get me wrong, I want a "proper" movement system, but I still like this one.

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Confirmed from Steve on Twitter Coptering is gone just like stamina...

Lets be honest, what do you think guys?

For me, it loos like awesome new mechanic with more balance, where movement is not based on your melee weapons its amazing...


Best thing that could possibly happen to the game.  It was a terrible mistake to keep it in, that's probably cost DE more potential newbies than anything else.


Having the main mode of experienced player movement be something that isn't evident, presented, or obvious to newbies in the game (and, moreover, tied to specific weapons at its best), makes the early PUG-ing experience painful and alienating (you feel like a complete idiot being left behind).


But the problem is of course that taking it out alienates vets.  Hence, terrrible, terrible mistake to keep it in just because it was "cool".


But better to bite the bullet sooner rather than later, and I suppose having its removal timed with a new movement system that everyone has to learn, is the best way of salvaging the situation DE could implement. 


If the new movement system tethers experienced players and newbies a bit closer together (so newbies have a chance of catching up to the group) I foresee a bright future for new players falling in love with the game more easily.


And so long as the new movement system isn't too slow in relation to coptering (while still being at the same time something newbies can learn as they're starting out), hopefully the vets will understand, and accept.


Even at the moment, the run-crouch-jump flip is a fairly fast form of movement, so it's not impossible that a form of movement that's more even as a playing field, can also be pretty fast, while still staying in keeping with the rp feel and lore and not offending the laws of physics :)

Edited by Omnimorph
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             So, with the upcoming addition to the parkour system many players feel that the removal of coptering was the staw that broke the camel's back, and to be fair supermaning across maps in a blink of an eye can be seen as OP (exploiting). But this additional "exploit" is what made warframe different from the generic third person shooter *stares at mass effect*. Now, back to the topic at hand... Parkour 2.0 will have its flaws for being a new system, presumably more falling through walls like in dojo's, but any new mechanic will need tweaks.


              Now onto the problem. Tilesets... This has always been and always will be the bane of warframe. The jagged and complex designs of the walls will make parkour 2.0 completely and utterly pointless, and what i mean is running into a wall every five seconds or being thrown off a wall simply because it wasn't built to sustain such movement. Not to mention how utterly repetitive such tilesets are... Even a novice player with less than 5 hours of gameplay can memorize a tileset after his third run. If parkour 2.0 is going to outshine the current/old mechanic the game will also need a revised version of the tilesets to help further implement the system.   As for coptering being "muscle memory" i dont see how its any worse than holding down shift+w (which is what the average player will do in every freakin game).  The removal of stamina is like a breath of fresh air in a fart, people will ALWAYS try to get to the objective as quickly as possible especially with overly repetitive maps and RNG...


        Being able fly through the air and slam down on unsuspecting enemies has always been a fun addition to the game even if it wasn't intended. Therefore I strongly believe removing coptering is like removing a cool aspect of the game. Thus I think that if DE wants to succeed with Parkour 2.0 they should have both the new system and a slightly nerfed coptering.


TL;DR, Not everyone is going to play the game the same way as another person would, therefore if parkour 2.0 is to succeed it needs to have both the new mechanic and a nerfed coptering to change up the aspect of the game as well as better/ less repetitive tilesets to complement the mechanic. It seems after every update the game slowly looses it's uniquity and becomes more of a conventional 3rd person shooter set in space. 



Removed Alternate game references

Grammar fixes etc

Edited by ReaperGoneMad
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no coptering no warframe, simple as that... it's funny how DE created coptering accidentally and now they are putting a lot of effort into making a movement system that is less effective and more complicated than the one they made by accident... it's star chart 2.0 all over again, but this time we are loosing the only effective way of moving without falling asleep, because all frames "run" so incredibly slow...

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If you have bothered to look over twitter or the devstreams they have changed Wall Running to Wall Hoping in order to prevent the frame getting stuck into all the bumps and ridges of the walls, you can now use enemies as launch pads, no more stamina system, slide attacks and directional air attacks are still there they just don't launch you further based on attack speed anymore.


Also if you think the current coptering is healthy to the game, you are wrong, because it invalidates a whole movement system and makes many many melee weapons useless because they can't copter.


Also, even now you can use walls for coptering, all you have to do is hold space enough to start the run but then release space and you'll be launched at high speed diagonaly or forwards (depends on wall), hell even the slide jump can be half as good as coptering right now.


Also, what other Third-Person Shooter lets you wall run so naturally ? ey ? What other Third-Person shooter doesn't glue you to a wall and instead trusts you to place cover between you and an enemy ? ey ? Thought so.

Edited by CTanGod
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People will adapt to the new system and find newer ways to get from point A to point B, maybe even faster than the current system. Outside of coptering, there have always been ways to get to places quite quickly, such as Maglev wavedashing and air directionals (great together), but with much better stability.

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If you have bothered to look over twitter or the devstreams they have changed Wall Running to Wall Hoping in order to prevent the frame getting stuck into all the bumps and ridges of the walls, you can now use enemies as launch pads, no more stamina system, slide attacks and directional air attacks are still there they just don't launch you further based on attack speed anymore.


Also if you think the current coptering is healthy to the game, you are wrong, because it invalidates a whole movement system and makes many many melee weapons useless because they can't copter.


Also what other Third-Person Shooter lets you wall run so naturally ? ey ? What other Third-Person shooter doesn't glue you to a wall and instead trusts you to place cover between you and an enemy ? ey ? Thought so.

if a system gets invalidated it probably doesn't need to be part of the game, coptering is effective and fun.

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