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[Warframe Concept] Furion - Melee/beast Warframe [4Th Ability Changed And New Artwork]


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On 4/7/2016 at 10:31 AM, calmchaos said:

You don't want the kubrow to become the master for once? With the number of times I've seen and had to pick them up after their sad demise in sorties, it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they came back in the form of a warframe as revenge. There's no telling what the Orokin did to create the poor beasts after all. Warframes may be more closely related to kubrows than we think.

What if instead of the third abilities augment mod, there was a mod that can make you boost the power of your pet whether it be a sentinel or a kubrow (or whatever beast they give us next as a pet). Maybe call it something like Alpha Hunter or something like that. I swear these concepts make me so happy just to see how beautifully creative this community is. Keep it up @daemonstar I am seriously rooting for your concept to make it in game. You are really talented. 

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i think i already replied to this topic but well...whatever... GOD i want this frame in the game so badly..im waiting for something beast-like no more those straight walking BOOORING frames...i waiting for something BADASS just like this <3

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I really like this concept, and I hope it will get implemented sometime in the future.

However, I'd like to ask : what is the advantage of humanoid mode? It seems to me the beast mode is superior to humanoid in every aspect except not being able to use weapons. And considering that switching to beast mode has no cost, I think it made the humanoid mode somehow useless.

Overall still an amazing Warframe Concept. If it was in the game I will probably use it all the time :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2016 at 7:13 AM, ultiga said:

I really like this concept, and I hope it will get implemented sometime in the future.

However, I'd like to ask : what is the advantage of humanoid mode? It seems to me the beast mode is superior to humanoid in every aspect except not being able to use weapons. And considering that switching to beast mode has no cost, I think it made the humanoid mode somehow useless.

Overall still an amazing Warframe Concept. If it was in the game I will probably use it all the time :)

True, humanoid mode is just for show :P

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On 6.08.2015 at 1:02 PM, Culaio said:

I like its new fourth ability I would really REALLY want to see this frame in game but at the same time I wouldnt... I would like to see it because its so AWESOME idea but wouldnt want to see it if DE put it in game same way they put in "dragon" frame...completly chaging its design and abilities :(.

TOTALY AGREED "dragon" for DE is to delete everything which conect frame with dragon xD as in the orginal chroma concept...that just UGH When i saw that concept : YES the real dragon-like warframe  and when he get relased....well crap -_- not even close with cool look and not even telling about abilities R.I.P the TRUE chroma dont even compare 1X0wW6s.png

TO ......this something  latest?cb=20150324023405

Edited by Demlier
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3 hours ago, Demlier said:

TOTALY AGREED "dragon" for DE is to delete everything which conect frame with dragon xD as in the orginal chroma concept...that just UGH When i saw that concept : YES the real dragon-like warframe  and when he get relased....well crap -_- not even close with cool look and not even telling about abilities R.I.P the TRUE chroma dont even compare 1X0wW6s.png

TO ......this something  latest?cb=20150324023405

yup totally agreed when i first heard that they will release a dragon frame i was so hyped but when i saw how he looked like and his ability's didn't feel very dragon to me so if they can just put this warframe in game the same as the fan concept that wold be so awesome 

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6 hours ago, Aredator said:

yup totally agreed when i first heard that they will release a dragon frame i was so hyped but when i saw how he looked like and his ability's didn't feel very dragon to me so if they can just put this warframe in game the same as the fan concept that wold be so awesome 

Agreed im wonder why why they can't rly get into game the real frame from concept instead of changed crap there are sooo many great concepts for warframes why they just dont get them into game? And if he will become  too op? what then it's no problem to nerf it a bit i ll rather like the nerf than giving the fake frame compare to concept

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Love the concept evolution. It's way pro. Mad props to the artist! I love the abilities, and I think the Rakta Syndana would finally look badass on something if Furion wore it. Frankly, I think Furion should be a favored frame for Red Veil. He'd fit right in.

Love the infested design. It could easily be written into the story as part of Alad V's Warframe experiments. Like the latest one with quests to steal the designs so he cannot create it and a boss battle to farm a further infested Alad V to get blueprints.

So boss...

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Ok, I've gone back and read this, and I gotta say...

First, excellent visual design. You definitely did draw from Chroma on that. I like the beast form mouth especially.

Second, the abilities are cool and don't focus too much on the numbers, which I like. Making the transform a basic ability, like Equinox, means that changing back and forth is an integral part of the Warframe. I would prefer the HP gain on the bite be a percentage, so that it would scale with his own HP as the mods get more crazy, and so it would help him sustain in higher level fights, but I'm sure that's been mentioned and I can't read the whole thread with the time I have. Having his stacks come from DEAD enemies, and having them stay throughout a mission, are excellent ideas. It keeps the ultimate from dealing damage, but makes it something to use as often as possible.

Third, in relation to his damage, I'm conflicted. The fact that he only has two damaging abilities, compounded with the fact that his bite only restores 25 HP, seems like he wouldn't last very long in higher level activities. Don't get me wrong, on low and medium level, he'd be a BLAST to play, and I'd pick him over Chroma at the drop of a hat... But this is the kind of frame I'd want to be my secondary (after Frost), even over Atlas...


Let me explain that third point a bit better. My Atlas, as a personal bit of talk here, uses Ack and Brunt. He has Collision Force, the other Impact damage mod, Shattering Impact, and all the basics (Pressure Point, True Steel, Organ Shatter)... Then he himself is built for max efficiency with some power and Flow thrown in on top of his shields, armor, and HP. Atlas, built as such, can clear rooms in just a few punches in under 10 energy. Further, he can strip armor at an alarming rate and stagger the enemy he's focused in on. Even sortie bosses have gone down in a few swings with this build; it's completely broken.

I say all that to say, perhaps this frame should take out of his book just a little. Instead of dealing damage, perhaps allow Furion to chew off armor by a percentage for HP. It should be high, but not too high. 15% at the least, if not as high as 25% (making it four bites at any level to remove all armor from a target at the least, seven at most). Or perhaps allow the bite to work with melee mods, since in beast form Furion cannot use weapons. If both Bite and Pounce worked this way, I could see him scaling into high-level missions.

Further, with his already high HP and armor (sorry, but no one should have more armor than Valkyr, just a side note), he makes a great candidate for a Kubrow companion. His Bite and Pounce, being melee, should count toward Pack Leader.

His transform, at least going INTO beast form, should have a zero-damage impact proc nearby (maybe 10m), to briefly disrupt gunfire and melee enemies and allow a moment of "OH, DID HE JUST TRANSFORM?!". Useful and flashy. No extra graphic needed, but the ability SHOULD take some energy (5, 10, 15, but not 25), and should lean higher (15) if the Impact proc is added. Sticking to walls and ceilings is a MUST, though. That, combined with Pounce would make him extremely useful and unique in so many situations. He'd be fun in Spy, be a good medic in Survival (run across the ceiling through a big room), a fast mover for Interception, and so on.


As a final note, since I've rambled enough and I'm sure you've heard all this before, I just wanted to commend all the work that's already been done. Don't stay complacent! Keep improving the idea! I would LOVE to see this Warframe make it in. Keep up the good work, maintain the forum, and don't lose your grip here. I did, and I regret it.

I'm rooting for ya!!!

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