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Devstream #55 Overview


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I know, but I cant help but wonder... is that sector division really needed? Aside from being an astetic/order thing he didnt say much as to why it was necessary, will it affect drops? Level?


As you said, its a WIP, I would have liked more details but it seems peoples' fear of the new Star-Chart are unfounded.


It all helps with world building & continual development of the lore. The regions correspond with the different Tenno clans & will reveal info about them etc. 


I'm sure level wise, it will all be the same. From the looks of it, the higher level plants are grouped together.

Edited by Rexlars
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The Parkour 2.0 system is great but I'm not 100% sold on the wall run animation with the repeated bunny hopping. It looks...disjointed. I realize they have to smooth over tons of animations still but yeah...hope that stays similar to current wall run anims especially after that awesome Tombs of the Sentient trailer. 


Honestly I agree. It just looked really slow and boring to me. Doing the same thing over and over, with no real flair. I guess it might be more practical, but I can't help but feel like we're losing something with wallrunning.


Also, if we're gonna bunny hop, gimme back my ears dammit.

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Parkour 2.0
• Coming U17
• Will take a lot of re-training of old habits
• Everything can be used to jump off of, much more free parkour
• Double jump is re-triggered each time a surface is hit
• Heavy landing and Rolling landing animations can be canceled by double-jumping before impact
• Parkour 2.0 does feel slower, but with more precision and control
• This will be much easier on controls for console players
• Coptoring looked absolutely worthless
• Click
to see a (long) pre-view of Parkour 2.0
Frost Re-Work Updates
• Coming along well, looking at around U17 for release
• Passive: There is a % chance when Frost is struck with melee that the attacker will be frozen
• Enemies frozen in midair will fall to the ground and be smashed to bits
• Snow Globe will now freeze all enemies in the vicinity and toss them outside the area on cast, potentially smashing them
• Click
to see Rebecca demoing the new Frost
Solar Map
• Very early stages
• Trying to make it more like Celestial Atlas, mapping out parts of the Solar system that the Tenno have defended
• There will be 5 areas, each area encompasses a group of planets, and representing something different with the lore (each represents the 5 Tenno clans, the names mirroring the polarities)
• New players will only be able to see the areas as they unlock them
• Click
to hear Steve talk about the re-work


Shotguns Changes
• Keeping falloff damage, but will tweak the amount of falloff damage (will never fall below half base damage)
• Will double/triple dps of shotguns in their optimal damage zone
• Will ragdoll enemies up close
• Considering different colour reticle (or something else more friendly to colourblind players) to indicate when you are in optimal range


Aside from the potential to Wind Run on enemies, going to keep judgement till a later date for the Parkour stuff.


The Frost stuff looks highly promising, and pretty darned solid. If that was a basic Ice Wave spread, good grief is that thing going to be glorious in action. And if that 'shatter' thing is actually there, you've got an actual window for some interesting skill kill situations: Launch an enemy, freeze em off hand, let them shatter on impact. Sure, perhaps that isn't possible, but darn that'd be fun if it was.


Solar map seems intriguing, particularly the 'more lore' approach to it. If we can get some more substantial fluff out of it, will be interesting, though past that...we'll just have to see what's going on with it all in further depth.


As for shotguns....Whilst they aren't my kind of weapon, these seem interesting at the least. Although I will admit that if this change to give an 'optimal range' indicator aspect to the reticule is going to be done with colourblind folks in mind, I'm interested in whatever prospectives they have. So far, my main idea has been some sort of 'closer you are, tighter the reticule gets' so, an X would be seen if you have prime range, but it'd all be broken out if you didn't, as a real rough one. If something like that came about, could lead to Snipers getting better scopes, with any luck...though considering the lack of sniper comments...not going to hold my breath.


Good stuff as always AM.

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The star chart, from those screens it looks just like Destinys?


You mean Destiny's map looks like every other "from above view" map in video games? This type of map charting isn't new. Warframe wasn't the first & Destiny certainly wasn't. 

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Thanks for the overview, missed few bits due to heavy stream loading times :'( *sip* 

I am so excited about the Parkour, wonder if they implement wall-latching and previously showed zip-line changes. Would be neat if they do! 
Also, new solar map or should I call it "Celestial Atlas" now? Region based, lore expansion, still looking for any news about lowering nodes number and decreasing the farming maybe.... 

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I don't really think Gpull is the main issue with Draco~ it's that Mesa's ult is simply too gamebreakingly OP and Gpull helps fuel it. Nerfing that would just make Trinity or Limbo fill that same space and only thing that changes is people have to annoyingly run all over the map to loot~ same thing you deal with in any other mission like Pluto defense grind when there's no mag in the group and Mesa KSes everything and makes looting a chore.

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Parkour 2.0
• Coming U17
• Will take a lot of re-training of old habits
• Everything can be used to jump off of, much more free parkour
• Double jump is re-triggered each time a surface is hit
• Heavy landing and Rolling landing animations can be canceled by double-jumping before impact
• Parkour 2.0 does feel slower, but with more precision and control
• This will be much easier on controls for console players
• Coptoring looked absolutely worthless
• Click
to see a (long) pre-view of Parkour 2.0

Now everyone can feel like Spiderman.

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New parkour, I got mixed feelings about it. Seems a bit slow.


Frost changes look very good. 


Starchart looks good too, but I'll wait for more details.


Shtogun buffs, finally some details.


I don't know what to think about turrets. Warframe is supposed to be fast paced game, I'm not sure what to think about being a stationary gunner. Guess we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.


And of course thanks AM Bunny for a great overview!

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Thanks Bunny :) .


The new map looks good, but the fact that there's regions means that it's one more click for us... I wonder how the nodes will be, but I trust Pablo to make it as user-friendly as possible...


Looks like he's throwing out the 20 nodes idea and I still saw a void.

As long as its not the same thing we have now with new dressing, I'm all for it


here another example what they will do



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"• Coptoring looked absolutely worthless"




Edit: unless you mean after the changes, then I agree.  I think the lack of speed in the new "parkour" looks terrible.  They also need to fix the animations because the wall jump and wall stick look terrible as well.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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Here's what I noticed:

When Snowglobe is cast, the force that pushes enemies back also acts as a wall for projectile and explosions (Bombard's rocket). Hopefully it also prevents the splash damage from coming though, but regardless, it seems like it an be used as a reactive projectile defense too.

Parkour 2.0? Plz, more like Parkour 2.Slow. We need some sort of speed boost move to go from wall to wall (not saying they don't alreay have one).

My thoughts being, if you crouch-boost while doing a double jump, you should get a forward momentum boost. Or, perhaps we can use the air dodge mechanic forwards. We'll see when it comes out.

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