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For All Those Who Wouldn't Do Ta Part 2 Without Mesa :)


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Mesa abusers containing more slat than the ocean :)

Using a frames ability to its best potential isn't really.. abuse. 

Don't get me wrong, I find mesa teams the most boring thing in the world because being able to afk most things makes me just wanna quit the game. 

but the salt towards mesa players is funny because you're all mad that they don't play your way. 

as long as that mesa player can play other frames just as well and survive, I could care less if they use mesa outside of my groups. 

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Mesa isn't really that good for the new tactical alert anyways, I've been consistently doing more dps and killing more enemies with Ash's bladestorm spam than Mesa spam.


This is with multiple runs so I've been in multiple parties with different mesas with my Ash and my Ash actively comes out on top with more damage dealt and most enemies killed (and ironically least damage taken).


Then again what can you say when your Ash can one shot lv 69 bombards and mesas can only dent them?


I do notice as I enter around the midpoint waves my Ash starts pulling ahead in dps and enemies killed vs mesas consistently.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Mesa isn't really that good for the new tactical alert anyways, I've been consistently doing more dps and killing more enemies with Ash's bladestorm spam than Mesa spam.


This is with multiple runs so I've been in multiple parties with different mesas with my Ash and my Ash actively comes out on top with more damage dealt and most enemies killed (and ironically least damage taken).


Then again what can you say when your Ash can one shot lv 69 bombards and mesas can only dent them?


I do notice as I enter around the midpoint waves my Ash starts pulling ahead in dps and enemies killed vs mesas consistently.


And here I thought the OP was the one trying to stroke their PP~


No idea what mesas you were rolling with....

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And here I thought the OP was the one trying to stroke their PP~


No idea what mesas you were rolling with....

Considering Im getting 50-70% dmg dealt with 399+ to 5xx enemies killed upon only join in at the 2nd or 3rd waves and I've been farming this run for hours on end for the rng drops I think I know the spectrum of the mesas I'm dealing with.


Ash's bladestorm hits harder than mesa and the bleed proc ignores armor and shields, combined with the fact each hit from bladestorm and the clones add to your melee combo meter and stacks up to give your bladestorm even more damage, which would obviously outdamage mesa in the long run if the enemies are strong enough to withstand mesa's hits, which happens when you're facing lv 69 grineers lmao. Add to the fact that it's 25 waves of these grineer skoom and you have multiple chances to catch up and bypass mesa's dps.


Keep in my mind the mesa parties I been in they've all just held down the spam button at every wave, I don't think theres much "skill" to using their 4 to mess up some sort of complicated "dps rotation" for mesa. There's not much skill involved in pressing Ash's 4 either.


So if you're trying to imply the mesas I been with are bad, I don't think so, there's not much difficulty involved to press 4, nor can you mess that up.

Edited by --Sensei--
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Mesa's damage falls off HARD against high-level enemies. Ash is indeed a cheesier tactic... as is spamming Disarm, which was apparently used more before the hotfix because the target getting stuck caused all the Grineer to take a lunch break in their rooms as long as they have guns.


Cheese for everyone, basically. Although both of the Mesas I ended up in PUGs with during the tactical built for more than Peacemaker and used their full ability set rather effectively.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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Mesa's damage falls off HARD against high-level enemies. Ash is indeed a cheesier tactic... as is spamming Disarm, which was apparently used more before the hotfix because the target getting stuck caused all the Grineer to take a lunch break in their rooms as long as they have guns. Cheese for everyone, basically.

Agreed^ Mesa is nice for mid level runs where she can one shot the enemies before Ash even has a chance to strike.


On high end missions where the enemies can pretty much laugh at mesa's damage, Ash has a chance to strike and if the first strike doesn't kill, you can bet the OP bleed proc damage will.


Not really saying mesa is bad nor am I trying to flex my interweb peen, just saying, mesa isn't really required nor needed for the new tact alert when there other frames that are much cheesier than mesa, which was the point of my post.

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Agreed^ Mesa is nice for mid level runs where she can one shot the enemies before Ash even has a chance to strike.


On high end missions where the enemies can pretty much laugh at mesa's damage, Ash has a chance to strike and if the first strike doesn't kill, you can bet the OP bleed proc damage will.

I just use BA and make their friends kill them.  :X

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I was implying you came in stroking your PP harder then the OP~

Oh, not really, my point was mesa isn't really required for this tactical alert, and I understand how the OP felt when people would join pug parties and say "noob party" and leaves because no mesa. Just proving a point if they wanted a cheesier frame that does this tact alert better than Mesa, look at Ash.


I don't really care if my Ash does more, more so how everyone's lord and savior Mesa isn't the end all be all solution to every run -ever-.


So depends on how you look at my comments on mesa, if you were a mesa user you probably would take offense to what I said rather than be neutral and look at the facts that Ash can do the new tact alert better than a Mesa as it is a cheesier frame than mesa in high end runs.


Hell one run I was using my excal prime and some random joined and call us noobs because no mesa, this happens more than you think.

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make an ash bladestorm build and you can solo fast with no problems... valkyr is good but way slower

Finally someone who understands the power of Ash. Seriously I did the Phoenix Intecercept escalation with 2 ashes , 1 banshee, 1 greedy mag and none of us died in the whole mission.

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The TA is not even hard, I mean, have you noticed there's no Heavy Gunners or Ballistas around ? Or the fact that Bombards spawn significantly less ? (I'm not sure about the latter, but I'm getting blast proc'd less than usual so I guess that's it). There're indeed more Manics but they're more annoying than they're engaging. So it's just 25 waves of fighting level 50+ trash mobs most of the time.

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