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Update 16.11: Ash Prime + Hotfix 16.11.1


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Ok guys Time to stop whining


The greedy mag augment , was actually Killing the fun for thoose who want to Have Fun while playing


Not ppl who want to Farm while afk....



Mag is a CC beast and will still be a CC beast and a corpus killing machine... (she may also give hard time to sentients who know)







cause actually mag players will see no changes


Thx dude... i needed a proof



I never played greedy mag but nerfing her this much was unnecessary. Stop shooting yourself in the foot DE. A frame actually became team support and endgame viable and now isnt.


Great job



Well now  think that u can use Carrier :D


But in all seriouness



Tenno Warframes should have the same atribute in space and on foot , innate item magnet

Carrier should just boost our natural atraction aptitude



or Maybe its time to make both Health and Energy auto regen over the time without the use Of Aura

Edited by Tsoe
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So...is everyone forgetting that 1. Normal pull can stun enemies for quite a while, and 2. Shield Polarize can REPLENISH SHIELDS?


I main mag, and I absolutely tear through solo TIV missions.


(Plus, Greedy pull in it's previous state was too damn situational. It was useless in pubs where you'll move a lot, and if you don't have a coordinated team, it was basically a "screw you, this is my stuff" button)

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Ok guys Time to stop whining


The greedy mag augment , was actually Killing the fun for thoose who want to Have Fun while playing


Not ppl who want to Farm while afk....



Mag is a CC beast and will still be a CC beast and a corpus killing machine... (she may also give hard time to sentients who know)







cause actually mag players will see no changes


Lmao, of course they wouldn't..  Mag still gets all her loot so it will literally be no difference to her.  Anyhow... I tested it, you still pull energy so it doesn't change team play style at all.  The only difference is that the mag itself is the only one that gets the actual loot such as mods and resources, while ammo, energy, and health can only be picked up by 1 person so they will all share that.   The other 3 players in a team will have to get their own mods and resources though.   With this said...  It's not that bad, for what a lot of people are complaining for.  It just makes carrier, which was used 85% of the time, to being used 100% of the time.  Have fun in your stasis Kubrows.

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Guest Jake21

At least they didnt nerf the excalibur.

I dont get it , you'll be able to farm all of them right after the updatea conpletes, or it's another prime S#&$ where you have to wait to get those

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let's just forget about the gmag nerf, it is done... it may change, we don't know,  the only good thing (in my opinion) is the camping will disappear (I hope).

there's a great suggestion here made by Finguine "continue to pull in all regular loot (resources, mods, etc.) for everyone, but exclude -only- the energy orbs"


This is not the first time DE decides to modify an aspect of the game that THEY consider gamebreaking or poorly designed... 

I'll do my best to list the real problems here:

- loot tables with ridiculous amount of grinding (NOT REWARDING)


let's face it, loot caves will always exist while the loot is so. badly. distributed. Suggestions on how to fix this?



- Affinity system been based on quantity of kills (NOT REWARDING)


About the affinity... while shared affinity is great for new players, it can be abused, as most of us have noticed; doing nothing but pressing one or two buttons and MAXING a weapon/frame... compared to playing one T4S, killing a bunch of enemies with ACTUAL-EFFORT (you know, shooting them in the face, jump-kicking them to the ground and making the bullets of your new pair of aklatos rain on that level-43 void bombards... and KILLING THEM in such a glorious way it makes you feel so great until you notice IT GIVES YOU SO LITTLE AFFINITY, YOU COULD CRY YOUR EYEBALLS OUT) and leveling, what, 1 to 15 in 40 minutes? This is the kind of things that DE should FIX. 

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So, I have a simple solution for the endless grinding in the void. Instead of just giving 1 reward per rotation, how about giving multiple? Or how about instead of dropping a random reward per rotation, have each rotation drop multiple consistent rewards that are the same every time, so that we feel like our time and effort have actually amounted to something. This way skill will feel rewarding as opposed to relying on random number generators.


As for the gmag change, test it out first before crying about it. As someone said (and as the description of the change suggests) the change only affects loot, i.e. mods, resources, etc, but the ability may still pull energy, health, and ammo drops, which would make this a very minor change, and it would give people an incentive to move around, without completely removing the utility of greedy pull. If this is the case, I'm perfectly fine with it. I'm tired of people just going afk in Draco, letting all the loot and resources come to them and barely having to do anything.

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i find it funny how this game seems to be punishing coop play (i mean, real coop, not putting 4 ppl in a room and everyone do the f* they want), everytime players find a good/great synergy among frames/abilities trying to overcome this broken grind system, it always get nerfed somehow.

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RIP Mag.


Ask yourself this question: What uses did mag have before greedy pull? Yes, she was good against corpus... and that's it.

Every single one of her other abilities was bested by another frame.


Now after the greedy pull nerf she will go back to the depths of inferiority.


Mag has a special place in my heart since she was my first frame. But let's be honest, she's now going to be put on everyone's backburner yet again.

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  • Mag’s Greedy Pull Augment will now only draw in items for Mag.

Update excitement vapourized in an instant :(

$&*^ move DE. There was absolutely no call for that. One of the best utility abilities in the game, the one utility that made other frame's abilities function as the good lord intended, and you nerf it into irrelevence? Not happy. Not happy at all..

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Because greedy pull was the only ability of the mag, to help the complete squad, which is a co-op mechanic.

Sure she can do damage, but there are other warframes who can do that as well.

She can do some CC with 4+augment, but there are other warframes who are better at it or at least equal.

Greedy Pull was an unique ability no other warframe could provide. And it was not game gamebreaking, it just made life a bit easier (there is this guy in this thread, who thinks "at least I can now do something with my frost in void defense instead of placing snowglobe"... well yeah, running around aimlessly to pickup all the drops surely THE fun thing about playing).

It was not even overused, 1 out of 10 games I had a greedy mag in my squad. Wow. Yeah.

It there would be at least ONE good valid reason why DE did that, but there is none.

You are wrong in so many points.

- it was overused, DE stated it themselves. Recruiting channel was 70% full of "gmag + mesa".

- Some CC with 4+augment? Sorry to disappoint you, but fracturing crush doesn't bring anything to CC, but to damage - it's crush itself. And i myself use Pull for CC, not the ultimate (ultimate CC only while other guys are reviving)

- greedy pull is not the only co-op ability - Shield Polarize?

- btw Shield Polarize is one of the most powerfull damage abilities in game due to excellent scaling

- "running around" is the biggest part of ego shooters, perhaps besides ...shooting. and looking for pickups is not aimlessly, even quake and unreal have that.

- greedy pull is not the only "unique ability" in the game, most abilities are


valid reasons? perhaps reading threads regarding this topic BEFORE the patch would have helped you and us (in not reading your bad whining)



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Sooooo.... Tell me more about coop...


coop is shield polarize

coop is paying attention to your teammates, if they are down, if they need some CC-help, if they are reloading, if they need a health/shield/ammo/pwer plate

coop is tenno vs. aliens

coop is not 1-vs-all, not single-player

coop is..

uhm, well, right: don't feed the trolls..

Edited by CyberWiz
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I admit that DE is in fault for not , acting faster


I thoug they would nerf MESA 4 and add some .... gameplay to it....


anyway Greedy pull now have legitimated itself by being Greedy....

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hey DE,any eta on fixing Excalibur's wonked powers?


Getting annoyed to see the Radial blind being triggered 2 or 3 times AFTER you do it if you use it on conjunction with other powers.




Use radial blind

Immediately cast radial javelin.

once radial javelin animation as ended, radial blind will activate at least once more (the norm is 2 radial blinds in succession, but I've had up to 3 in a row on laggy hosts)(as in 3 consecutive radial blinds after radial javelin).


Its less apparent with Radial blind + Exalted blade will also yields at least 2 extra radial blinds after the the exalted blade animation ends.




Radial Blind

Immediately cast Exalted blade

Upon finishing Exalted blade (sword out animation). Excalibur will do another instant Radial Blind (1 extra radial blind is the norm, rarely 2 when the host is lagged).



This bug can also happen if you use radial blind and while its blinding, you do the "circular" melee attack pattern (dash + melee + kick).

The character will do another extra radial blind after performing the circular melee attack.


Please note that these "extra" radial Blinds DO blind (so they are not empty animations). But also are activated by themselves.. not manually . They are activated on their own).


Also this radial blind bug is perfect for when you're reloading .


Cast Radial blind.

Perform radial javelin

The game will trigger the 2 additional radial blinds.

Your gun will reload automatically if its empty (you can force reload during the radial blind phase)

Gun will be reloaded fully after the 2 consecutive radial blinds  and you're ready to fire on heavily blinded map with no "power already in use" limiter.

Edited by Cesarin
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