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Who Needs Copter Or Directional When We Got Bullet Jump


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Rejoice Tenno, Parkour 2.0 just got more interesting.





Steve said on twitter this maneuver will be the new Foward + Slide + Jump and it is independent of the equipped Melee weapon.

Check out these new clips posted by DERebecca on Twitter showcasing some Parkour 2.0 manuevers:


http://gfycat.com/LavishAnxiousHorsechestnutleafminer -> This one you can see Directinal Melee still a thing. Although it does not fling you in high velocities anymore, it can still be used to combo with the new manuevers.

http://gfycat.com/LazySplendidGoshawk -> Same with Spin Attack, still a thing, not as fast, but still being used in combination with the Parkour 2.0 stuff.



Another one from DE_Steve:


Edited by RexSol
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Hummm, it doesn't seem to have much more horizontal distance than current forward->slide->jump, but it has a lower vertical profile and seems faster with less air time. The question is how does it interact with momentum, if momentum chains together to increase speed.

Edited by Gelkor
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I wonder when will the nerf coptering crowd will start whining that its too fast.

The problem with coptering was never that it was too fast.


The problem was that a select few weapons made you insanely fast, while if you chose anything that coptered like arse, you were always left behind.


It is a stupid feature.

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We've been able to do the bullet jump for a few months now using the Glaive with forward directional melee. (Well I've been doing it anyways with Glaive Prime and Astral Twilight equipped. Not sure if it's an Astral Twilight only thing though.)

There are many better players than me. I just recorded this for fun and you can see me doing the bullet jump many times in this video.

Edited by sushidubya
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The one we have now still seems faster xD

It's already been established that some speed WILL be lost....can we finally accept this?

In trade for some of the speed we get a lot more of actual mobility/agility....which I don't mind...because sometimes coptering will simply smash you into a wall just because of it's ridiculous speed...not sure how that's any helpful.

Not to mention some weapons can't copter at all...which is a HUGE downside for these weapons....now if coptering was unnecessary to keep up with everyone "easily"....then everyone wins...that is the ultimate goal here...not to make us even faster, ffs. 

Plus wall hopping and bullet jumping are a hella lot more "ninja" compared to spinning around through the air like a drugged bird.

Edited by Shehriazad
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The problem with coptering was never that it was too fast.


The problem was that a select few weapons made you insanely fast, while if you chose anything that coptered like arse, you were always left behind.


It is a stupid feature.


This. I don't have a problem with copter, I have a problem with only certain weapon/stances being able to copter, removing player choice when it comes to movement. 


And you can't just "make all weapons copterable" because it's reliant on weapon speed and swing style, which would make 2 handers either merely cosmetic or completely overpowered.

Edited by Gelkor
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Very nice! My guess based on the description and looking at it for a bit is that it might be performed by doing something simple like tapping the sprint-key in mid-air. That'd dramatically reduce the carpal tunnel factor while still allowing us to do a distance covering airdash maneuver.


As mentioned above, however, the real value won't be easy to determine until we see how it interacts with other animations.


That said, pretty optimistic for this dramatic overhaul, personally.

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Okay, this is nice to see after the slower looking parkour 2.0 showcase on the devstream.  So glad it's independent of melee, I am really looking forward to the time I can take out my Scindo Prime or other heavy weapon and not feel slow as balls.

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