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Defense With Melee...seriously ?


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I swear no flame intended.

I just wanna try to understand why players keep doing defense missions with melee, frequently underanked.
I do understand the challenge, but should't be defense about containing more waves as possible to achieve loot and possibly reach a level where the waves are truly challenging and fun for a full party ?

I mean, I see all these guys running around hitting the air while 1 single hit of a multi-forma amprex can wipe out 10 or more targets at once, 5 seconds before the melee guy even gets to the targets.
The mission results normally end up with damage dealt by melee users -when and if they are very good- around 5% to 10% , while only the effort of clicking and running around make me sweat watching them.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh run-to-the-already-dead-target Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

If you want to level a melee weapon just keep it equipped when you grind instantly tons of exp with your rifle/shotgun, it will level fast anyway.
If you wanna enjoy the melee fight, which I do too, and of course is a big part of the game, there are just better ways and  kind of missions to do so than defense.

Being relatively new to the game I am just failing to get the sense of it, so please, explaine the magic that I am missing about .


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I swear no flame intended.

I just wanna try to understand why players keep doing defense missions with melee, frequently underanked.

I do understand the challenge, but should't be defense about containing more waves as possible to achieve loot and possibly reach a level where the waves are truly challenging and fun for a full party ?

I mean, I see all these guys running around hitting the air while 1 single hit of a multi-forma amprex can wipe out 10 or more targets at once, 5 seconds before the melee guy even gets to the targets.

The mission results normally end up with damage dealt by melee users -when and if they are very good- around 5% to 10% , while only the effort of clicking and running around make me sweat watching them.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh run-to-the-already-dead-target Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

If you want to level a melee weapon just keep it equipped when you grind instantly tons of exp with your rifle/shotgun, it will level fast anyway.

If you wanna enjoy the melee fight, which I do too, and of course is a big part of the game, there are just better ways and  kind of missions to do so than defense.

Being relatively new to the game I am just failing to get the sense of it, so please, explaine the magic that I am missing about .


Anyone who does this just wants to enjoy melee play. They rely on their teammates to cover the gaps. There's nothing wrong with it as long as the mission doesn;t fail.

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I level most of my weapons by using them, albeit I tend to stick to survival personally (easier to get your own kills). Others might prefer doing def as per your example. It's a whole lot faster to minimize the weapons you have equipped to the ones you want to level, and using them still yields more exp then getting the shared exp.


Of course most of this is a moot point if you join the popular farm spots :/


I'm not so sure what you find so "magical" about this concept.(people preferring a specific mission type, being exp efficient in said mission, simply preferring melee in general.)


Sure it def can be a tad frustrating, but not any different in terms of seeing stuff die all around(not by you) you when using a firearm imo. In terms of some folks melee performance, well that's another matter entirely. I'd say that you don't have to be good to enjoy doing something. If they really wanted to be efficient(if the had that option), they wouldn't be in random defs. So it's safe to assume they are less concerned with reaching high def numbers, as opposed to just having some fun.

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First of all: Anything goes in Dark Sectors and pretty much any normal mission. You can also blame it on DE for giving everyone V aura polarities because it makes me sad having to put Steel Charge on every Warframe but that's another story. A decent Melee weapon actually kills easier tbh for unranked frames and moar points for Vitality for Life Strike and no reload time where the poor guiz are helpless and w/o the ability to block. If I wanna speed level a frame I'd just unequip everything but the Dragon Nikana so I can still jump/copter till they patch in the new system. For newbies Melee weapons will be stronger than their Gunz since Rifles require more upgrades/forma than melee which rarely ever do and only need a Potato at most so I'm not surprised they stick with them more often. 


They could be leveling their guns with their melee weapon as well. 

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I swear no flame intended.

I just wanna try to understand why players keep doing defense missions with melee, frequently underanked.

I do understand the challenge, but should't be defense about containing more waves as possible to achieve loot and possibly reach a level where the waves are truly challenging and fun for a full party ?

I mean, I see all these guys running around hitting the air while 1 single hit of a multi-forma amprex can wipe out 10 or more targets at once, 5 seconds before the melee guy even gets to the targets.

The mission results normally end up with damage dealt by melee users -when and if they are very good- around 5% to 10% , while only the effort of clicking and running around make me sweat watching them.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh run-to-the-already-dead-target Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

If you want to level a melee weapon just keep it equipped when you grind instantly tons of exp with your rifle/shotgun, it will level fast anyway.

If you wanna enjoy the melee fight, which I do too, and of course is a big part of the game, there are just better ways and  kind of missions to do so than defense.

Being relatively new to the game I am just failing to get the sense of it, so please, explaine the magic that I am missing about .


"no flame intended"





They basically don't know how to play the game properly or effectively.  Most of the time they are new.  That or they are just there to leech off of you.  If you think they are leeching, just stop defending the pod and let them defend it for a few waves or the pod will die. That usually gets them to straighten up.  If you fail, you can just leave the party and play with someone else.


What bugs me more are the people that spam the lasers in tower defenses when you don't even need them.

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"no flame intended"





Lol, really, no bad intentions here.

I am now at mastery 11, and again, I know I am relatively new still, but I didn't find yet a melee player in a defense mission being more "relevant" than a firegun user, by far I should say.

That's why I am curious.

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I use melee in Defense because I enjoy that kind of mobility. It keeps things exciting for me and creates somewhat of a challenge. Of course I whip out my insanely OP primaries from time to time, but that just isn't my play style. Anyone that thinks I'm leeching and chooses not to defend the pod will typically find out that I don't need them anyway and they'll end up being the actual leech.

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"no flame intended"





They basically don't know how to play the game properly or effectively.

Entire post became void right there, as sometimes melee players are more effective than gun players if they're good at the game.

I mean, Radial Blind + Silence for defense and you have a bunch of potatoes walking around as if they're unalerted and it gives you some of the higher damage values in the game that can bypass armor. 

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Entire post became void right there, as sometimes melee players are more effective than gun players if they're good at the game.

I mean, Radial Blind + Silence for defense and you have a bunch of potatoes walking around as if they're unalerted and it gives you some of the higher damage values in the game that can bypass armor. 

If you are running with a good team, the enemies won't have armor in the first place.  Melee won't come close to what you can do with a well modded Amprex or Atomos.

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Just leveling my Prisma Cleavers I got this weekend



And here is me, running T3D using melee only:




What kind of S#&$ u guys doing there?

I mean... no potatoforma Cleavers 45% of a team can be legal, but 40 waves of T3 Def there Rino with Ortos do 3k vs other 2 Tenno deal 1k... looks pretty weird. AFK frost and slow Nova?

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I think what the OP is trying to address is the practicality of using melee in a defense mission, aside for the reason of leveling. I have to admit I have often thought the same as to why use melee in defense when a gun will kill more and faster. Now remember I'm addressing the practicality of melee in a defense mission not a persons choice of which weapon he likes to use.

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What kind of S#&$ u guys doing there?

I mean... no potatoforma Cleavers 45% of a team can be legal, but 40 waves of T3 Def there Rino with Ortos do 3k vs other 2 Tenno deal 1k... looks pretty weird. AFK frost and slow Nova?

I'll take it as a compliment!
Pod would have been destroyed if Frost went afk, to be honest.
Anyway, no one was afk'ing. They were actually skilled players.
I've been running melee-only for 2 years now.

This is my melee playstyle, if you're interested:


PS: The fast-slide (and this playstyle in general) is all about timing and when I record, my fps drops to 40-45. This messes a bit with my timing, so you'll notice a few mistakes here and there.

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