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Why Wfs Grind Is So Bad/tiresome Compared To Other Games


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 Somehow that seems wrong and a bit ...eeem... how ya call it.. ah yes: Spoiled.  They behave a bit like spoiled little brats... 

Personally, I just want better drop tables. I want that rewarding feeling.

I have 9 prime frames, not counting the primed weapons, or the rest of the frames and weapons. Every time I got one there was no feeling of success, no rewarding feeling. I was tired and just glad to have finished that mountain of a grind, every single time. I could go in depth about the "mountain of a grind", but it's already been discussed and debated. It's just tiring.

And the term "Spoiled" seems a bit excessive for a generalization. I and many others are not playing a "free game" in a sense. Some of us have dropped the amount of a full retail game- in some cases, 4 times the amount of a retail game.

Asking/Suggesting for a better experience, especially after spending sixty to hundreds of dollars on a "free game" does not seem spoiled to me. Even if you haven't dropped a single cent into the game, providing feedback on your experience, what you want as a gamer- that's not spoiled.

But of course that's my opinion.

EDIT: (The reason I have played and continue to play, is that I do find the game fun, especially with good friends- that still doesn't mean the "rewarding" sense of accomplishment is not lacking EXTREMELY. It's so close to being there, they just need to make the grind a little less of a butt)

Edited by Cepmosod
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Look warframe cannot make you enjoy something u don't like or something you cannot interact well with ,but in my experience if you play the missions as if they are a mission not just doing it fir the reward you get into it.capture I bring a sniper and Loki just setting your self up so that you enjoy it and it not being a chore is my only advice.

There is nothing else to do in WarFrame but to get a new shiny. Look at it all. When you've played as long as I have, you start to see things more clearly.


We don't have a compelling and lengthy story (Wait Walls do not qualify as lengthy in a good sense), there aren't any secondary objectives that aren't for grinding, and all there is to do is grind for something else to grind.


Our story missions are centered around the grind, and all the rest is as well. If the grind was more interactive and enjoyable, if it wasn't so heavily dependent on grind, if it actually was something more than grinding hours or even days for a minute of dialogue, then we wouldn't be up in arms about this.

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I and many others are not playing a "free game" in a sense. Some of us have dropped the amount of a full retail game- in some cases, 4 times the amount of a retail game.

(The reason I have played and continue to play, is that I do find the game fun, especially with good friends- that still doesn't mean the "rewarding" sense of accomplishment is not lacking EXTREMELY. It's so close to being there, they just need to make the grind a little less of a butt)

Oh, but I get this. I've spend more on this game then on all other games I've bought these past two three years. Though most of these I buy on a steam sale, I'm generally never in a hurry. And since I also pay for my son I think it's safe to say I payed a multitude of 4 times the amount of retail. But lets look at what retail games nowadays bring us? If they have a campaign of over 40 hrs that would be the exception. Most current games you can play through in about 20 to 30 hrs. And if you're seasoned like you and me probably less. The replay value of most of these titles is small to the point of non existent. And the quality of these triple A games I've experienced over these past four or five years is truly abysmall. Constant crashes, insane frame drops, lame and already chewed out gameplay, 

I build my own PC's, because pc masterrace and all that, and the last PC's I build I build specificly with the Crysis games in mind (crytek fanboy here). Which could be considered a waste since most games are ports from consoles and are no where near the quality I've come to expect through playing Crysis games. 

So would I say that 4 or even 6 retail games give me the same amount of satisfaction as Warframe does? Not even close TBH. Would I say that the value for money is well spend, even if I get most of my games on a steam sale? Hell no. I think the only games in these past years that have given me the feeling every cent was well spend were the new Wolfenstein and Metro last light . As for the rest...? A great many disappointments... Starting with Alien: colonial marines (which made me cry, honest to god) and it just didn't get any better...

So most of these are now gathering dust after half an hour of trying stuiff out and I'm playing WF for 4 to six hours Every.Single.Day.

But I get your point about the sense of accomplishment. That is indeed something that needs to be looked at. But you know what is really great.. I get the feeling DE is totally aware of this. And they are realy trying hard to find something to do about this. For us veterans it seems it takes eons, but look at all the stuff that is in this game. All the stuff that is put in without it even being shouted from the towers (like the emotes in destiny.. omg.. the gall of these people). Tilesets that are constantly changing, added secret rooms every so often, more definition on our frames and weapons. 

I had a WF burnout at the beginning of this year so took a month or two off (omg, all the stuff I now DON'T have). When I came back, there was so much new stuff I felt like a n00b and needed to be carried partly by my clan because of this. And I STILL don't have all the new shiny things (which is good). 

So really, if it's all too much, just take a vacation. Skip an update or two. Then come back an feel like a newbe again, because you WILL have that experience. And that is the moment you realise actualy how much they cram in these  updates. 

They miht not have the bigger picture in order, but the details... holy mother of mayonnaise... the details are really overwhelming... But we don't see them, because for us they come in too gradually...

Gah.. I'm rambling. Sorry.. I'll stfu now ;)

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I dunno, it's not that grindy of a game. I feel I make some sort of good progress every couple of days.  It's not grindy like some of the Asian games - they're really grindy.


And anyway, grind is good, if you're in the mood for it.  The grind is for mindless play, which is something we surely all like to do now and then (some a lot; and who are you - the hypothetical you out there - to say there's something "wrong" with that)?


Also, if the grind gets you down, consider you might give the folks who make it, some money, and shorten your grind.  It's a fair enough deal, isn't it?  Videogames don't grow on trees.

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Quick fact.

Like in the real World, to make platinum/currency its far better and fast to trade and trade and trade again than work hard and get it from yourself.

I apologyze. Como decía Celia Cruz; My english is not very good looking.

Only say that in near future... Like a month... I would try to make a Farmers syndicate.

One tip. Wall Street make that comerce get a new level. Why don't DE make a miniwall street to impulse comerce and platinum spent? If you don't know how to do, my team has a few tips on it.

Once again, apologyze for my english. (=u_u=)

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4. Resources - while not too high on my list of needs, I welcome them, especially the argon crystals.


Yeah I used to sneeze at argon crystal drops. Then I learnt the good business of breeding kubrows. Can't have enough argon for the incubator cores. 

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If Warframe was like a lot of other F2P games no amount of grinding would get you all the features, and the free portion of the game would look a little something like this:

Can only unlock the first 3 planets: Earth, Mercury, Venus

Can only do total 10 missions a day

Can't do Void or Derelict Missions

Warframes and weapons are level capped at rank 10

Credits are capped at a max of 25,000

Can only build starter gear in the foundry and only 1 item per day.

Can't fuse mods

Can't join a clan

Can't trade

Can't join syndicates

Can't customize warframes or weapons colors or accessories

Be thankful for everything DE gives you for free, you have it so good yet you refuse to realize it.

Yeap its either this or, what we have currently...so CHOOSE

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I wold have to agree this grind does get a little annoying.  Im tryin to get rank 2 to unlock the Rhino and 28 missions later im still 2K from Rank 2.....shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and when its all said and done, maybe 100-200 rank xp...geez.  Then the Soma, which is the weapon im after, looks like ill never see that thing. 


I can see where this game gets boring after awhile of just endlessly shooting the S#&$ out of the same mobs and look at your progress and its gone no where. 


Otherwise, its kinda fun. 

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I wold have to agree this grind does get a little annoying.  Im tryin to get rank 2 to unlock the Rhino and 28 missions later im still 2K from Rank 2.....shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and when its all said and done, maybe 100-200 rank xp...geez.  Then the Soma, which is the weapon im after, looks like ill never see that thing. 


I can see where this game gets boring after awhile of just endlessly shooting the S#&$ out of the same mobs and look at your progress and its gone no where. 


Otherwise, its kinda fun.

I'm not even going to say what my brain is thinking...

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You ppl, the game is designed to be grindy. If its wasn't and you could get anyting you want whit no effort Warframe would be dead and developers would be jobless or doing something else.


You don't want to grind? pay, you don't want to pay? grind.


You don't have cash? and you don't want to grind?? There's the door, use it, bye. This isn't charity, your playing a game that has hundred (DE) ppl working on it, they don't do it for free.


You grind or you spend money, DEAL WITH IT.

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Yeah, because the game is without  flaws. No problem there, it's totally the player fault.

No, it's just that ppl are greedy af.

They have 100 weapons and 20 frames, but they cry everytime a new frame comes out and they cant have it NOW.



Do you realize that?

The Grind Topics come up everytime a new Frame is released.

Do you expect DE to hand out the new Frames to everyone in just a few hours?

Why would anyone bother to spend money then? You can cry all you want, but servers and developers don't work without money.




Edited by CruelMaiden
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No, it's just that ppl are greedy af.

They have 100 weapons and 20 frames, but they cry everytime a new frame comes out and they cant have it NOW.



Do you realize that?

The Grind Topics come up everytime a new Frame is released.

Do you expect DE to hand out the new Frames to everyone in just a few hours?

Why would anyone bother to spend money then? You can cry all you want, but servers and developers don't work without money.




Exactly. This is all about Ash prime really.

Also, I don't think it's purely about money and forcing people to buy. Having rare items gives us something to do. People are actually complaining about having a goal in this game that motivates them to play. If it was ONLY about selling frames then I'm sure it would be cheaper. The high price IMO actually encouraged players to play the game to earn frame instead of buying it outright.

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If Warframe was like a lot of other F2P games no amount of grinding would get you all the features, and the free portion of the game would look a little something like this:

Can only unlock the first 3 planets: Earth, Mercury, Venus

Can only do total 10 missions a day

Can't do Void or Derelict Missions

Warframes and weapons are level capped at rank 10

Credits are capped at a max of 25,000

Can only build starter gear in the foundry and only 1 item per day.

Can't fuse mods

Can't join a clan

Can't trade

Can't join syndicates

Can't customize warframes or weapons colors or accessories

Be thankful for everything DE gives you for free, you have it so good yet you refuse to realize it.



Yeap its either this or, what we have currently...so CHOOSE

Doesn't sound like you ever played other F2P games. The thing you are describing is far from common.

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If Warframe was like a lot of other F2P games no amount of grinding would get you all the features, and the free portion of the game would look a little something like this:

Can only unlock the first 3 planets: Earth, Mercury, Venus

Can only do total 10 missions a day

Can't do Void or Derelict Missions

Warframes and weapons are level capped at rank 10

Credits are capped at a max of 25,000

Can only build starter gear in the foundry and only 1 item per day.

Can't fuse mods

Can't join a clan

Can't trade

Can't join syndicates

Can't customize warframes or weapons colors or accessories

Be thankful for everything DE gives you for free, you have it so good yet you refuse to realize it.

And ofc you have to pay for all of those features ........ Be happy guys....... DE updating this game constantly ......... But then people don't actually realize what they have till they lose them....




Also, you guys are taking this game WAYYYY TOOOOOOO SERIOUSLY....... I know competitiveness is good but c'mon man ........ games were invented to have fun ....... if you guys wanted a challenge ...... Go back to reality ....... THAT'S THE REAL CHALLENGE

Edited by DzeraDragonbane
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I wold have to agree this grind does get a little annoying.  Im tryin to get rank 2 to unlock the Rhino and 28 missions later im still 2K from Rank 2.....shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot and when its all said and done, maybe 100-200 rank xp...geez.  Then the Soma, which is the weapon im after, looks like ill never see that thing. 


I can see where this game gets boring after awhile of just endlessly shooting the S#&$ out of the same mobs and look at your progress and its gone no where. 


Otherwise, its kinda fun. 


You're doing it wrong mate! 

You get Mastery XP from LEVELLING frames and weapons - if you're running at missions with ranked stuff your mastery ain't going nowhere. 

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The Grind is mostly a problem for people who already have everything, as a new player you aren't really troubled by what you couldn't get during a long Survival run cause you still walk out with something of value.  Older players such as myself on the other hand feel the hard backhand of RNG, doing Eris nodes to get one rare mod from a rare enemy does get to me after 50 failed attempts.


I recently got a PS4 and started seeing WF from a newbie's POV and it's really not that bad, there is a lot usefulness in things you don't want/need, almost everything can be of use when you have very little.


We Vets have to stop being so bitter and acknowledge that we are playing almost a completely different game from noobs and your average gamer.  With all that being said it would be nice to see some changes made to accommodate us in our unusual position, Transmutation could use "quality of life" changes to how it functions, maybe Ducats could be exchanged for bi-weekly rotating Prime parts with Baro or LFG matchmaking system for players doing Raids and Voids, just some thing to help Veterans without "mouth-feeding" them.

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   I agree with your point, putting this huge wall of grind would be the start of many problems of Warframe.. oh btw, be ready for the comments from the players who would disagree with you and tell you to stop playing this game since you are complaining lol

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The Grind is mostly a problem for people who already have everything, as a new player you aren't really troubled by what you couldn't get during a long Survival run cause you still walk out with something of value.



I disagree, as a new player.  LOL


Been playing about 2 weeks (roughly 2 hours a night at least 3 days a week plus a couple 5 hour sessions on weekends), and not a noob to F2P.  I've played all the World of series (Tanks, planes, boats, bring it on LOL), and a long time player in MWO.


People complain epicly about the grind in MWO, and so did I.......until I played Warframe.  Now I laugh at the pitiful grind babies on MWO forums. LMAO


At least in MWO you just grind money, then go buy what you want.  Warframe...man, I have to grind money to go buy a BP so that I can then grind the parts to then pay money and BUILD what I want.


What?  LOL


My only comment as a new player is that the grind at the start is tedious, you are literally stuck with crap weapons forever (not even going to get into new Warframes).  So you have crap weapons (I built the Cronos and bought the Mk1 Braston, best you can do without spending real money early on) that make progressing levels difficult.  I bought the Mesa Warframe with cash, leveled my starting Mag to 24 and my Mesa to 20.......and just last NIGHT was able to build a Boltor.  The MK1 Braston is at 24, loaded with up damage, rapid fire, and ammo mods, my frames are loaded with shield and health mods and energy mods........still can't get far in one of the story missions that states it's for level 6-8.  Without doing that mission can't get to the worlds were the materials for the good weapons might be.


My only suggestions, as a new player, would be to expand the weapon availability out a bit more evenly.  Right now it seems like there is a handful of beginner trash, and then a whole bunch of options for higher parts of the game................but no real intermediate level.  There needs to be a few more options available for credits only (not BP and materials) that fill in a bit on the mid range of power.


In MWO I can start a new account (new accounts get massive bonuses to in game money rewards for there first bank of matches, 20-25 games....so about the same timeframe I've been in Warframe) and by the end of the bonus period I can buy my first mech.  After that, another 10-15 games and I can buy some new wepons and configure it the way I want.  And onward from there adding upgrades and buying new chassis.


In warframe I've been at it the same time, and I have bought 2 BPs (One I have no hope of building anytime soon evidently LOL), and 2 wepaons (The MK1 and the Shotgun.............which I have found no real mods for and seems worthless LOL).


I think the game has potential and is fun, and I'm not by any means uninstalling and leaving, may even spend some cash on it (waiting for the 50% off plat discount reward LOL), but F2P should be....free.  And not free if you want to limp along and suck in the game, free to actualyl PLAY.  I have no issue supporting the devs since the game is fun, and that's why I'll drop some money, but I shouldn't HAVE to.

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They need to make gameplay much more challenging while making it more rewarding overall.

Half the time you don't even feel like you earned it. There's very little chance of failure, and if you do fail it's likely you didn't get anything worth mentioning. If they make the game harder (aka remove artificial difficulty and add consistent and meaningful mechanics) while improving rewards, it's satisfying because you put in effort. Breezing through a mission or waiting 20 minutes isn't effort. It's just wasting time mashing keys. Time is spent, not effort, especially at high levels of play.

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