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[Changyou Warframe Image Megathread]


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Show me that "law" you say...

well you see by law a contract can't be broken. i don't see how that's hard to understand. they've already told us that it can't come back. in this case the Chinese version is getting they're own founders pack because it is a completely separate version of warframe that has no connection to the international version so most of the new changes that will be introduced to the Chinese version may not even make it to ours, plus it might not even be DE who is making these changes so yea :/ arguments about it are useless...



Im supprised this hasnt been posted yet.




This is a developer credit page.


So all those saying "China has seperate devs", No, they really don't.


Edit:Except for Reb. Not sure why shes there.


hmm well i doubt it's only these four that are developing, majority is most likely made by Chinese devs. maybe they're representatives? hopefully we'll get an answer tomorrow EST.

Edited by thecool1232
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Yep. They have the same devs. Not sure where people get other notions from.

people have it twisted. DE is the developer. so obviously the two versions will have the same devs -_- what they probably have are tools to create their own content like other games with different version have

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But DE can the next Primes be Nikana Prime and Kunai Prime? The chinese variants look so good :D

Please no Kunai Prime, we already have the Hikou Prime- You're essentially asking for a Hikou Prime skin as there is nothing really that differs them that much, DE could instead work on giving us Akimbo secondaries or more interesting ones instead.

Also: that Kunai looks like candy, u'd be throwing candy at people.

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we need the chineese artist that designed the chineese warframe exclusive gear/frame they look amazing compared to our stuff

I dunno. The weapons look terrible and that's just Excalibur with pieces of the Chinese dragon's horns attached to him. One looks like a spiral seashell and the other is just a generic jian.

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Legally DE can't actually release the founders stuff again on consoles.


I wouldn't mind if they did (speaking as a founder), but the way the founder program was worded, they open themselves up to class action lawsuits if they do.


People keep saying this and I have to keep saying: This isn't true. Even with how its worded, it doesn't matter. When you made your account, you had to agree to the EULA like every other player. There isn't some special version for founders. And that EULA states that for whatever reason, DE can do with their content what they wish, all of it. No exceptions. This alone would get your "class action lawsuit" thrown out of court. It holds no water, so while it might be brought to court, it would get dismissed. Then DE could legally counter-sue for all expended money and resources as compensation, though I doubt they are that kind of company.

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Merged a few image-related threads. Posting to state that getting each fact and detail confirmed is the most important thing on my plate right now. It might take until tomorrow afternoon to have them all answered, but the list of questions is clear. 

Thanks Rebecca. I understand that timing on this issues are always annoying given the fact that they seem to usually happen during weekend as well.



People keep saying this and I have to keep saying: This isn't true. Even with how its worded, it doesn't matter. When you made your account, you had to agree to the EULA like every other player. There isn't some special version for founders. And that EULA states that for whatever reason, DE can do with their content what they wish, all of it. No exceptions. This alone would get your "class action lawsuit" thrown out of court. It holds no water, so while it might be brought to court, it would get dismissed. Then DE could legally counter-sue for all expended money and resources as compensation, though I doubt they are that kind of company.


I believe that the EULA can be dismissed if it necessary if I'm not mistaken. At least that's what I remember from the Sony PSNgate in 2011.

Edited by NightmareT12
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I remember Steve saying on a Devstream once that making items exclusive to a certain version of Warframe (he was talking about PS4) would a be huge betrayal to the players and they would never do it. I certainly hopes that he sticks by these words. And I certainly hope that the community is just overreacting.  

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Im supprised this hasnt been posted yet.




This is a developer credit page.


So all those saying "China has seperate devs", No, they really don't.


Edit:Except for Reb. Not sure why shes there.


Sure, if the dev team only consists of 4 people (unless those Chinese writings means other words). They maybe the top command for both of the devs, but the creatives and the workhouse could be a two different teams, lead by different future plan of the games. The might only made sure that no visual styles from the Changyou goes a whole another way from what Warframe is envisioned in the first place.


Might is the whole key here... So hopefully Reb's info will clear up some fog around this matter.

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People keep saying this and I have to keep saying: This isn't true. Even with how its worded, it doesn't matter. When you made your account, you had to agree to the EULA like every other player. There isn't some special version for founders. And that EULA states that for whatever reason, DE can do with their content what they wish, all of it. No exceptions. This alone would get your "class action lawsuit" thrown out of court. It holds no water, so while it might be brought to court, it would get dismissed. Then DE could legally counter-sue for all expended money and resources as compensation, though I doubt they are that kind of company.


this... i do get tired of seeing people who say DE would get sued if they brought back the founders program.


however speaking as somebody who had all the opportunity to become one i have always been slightly torn on whether or not i should have bought the pack. but now a days i personally don't want to see it come back due to the chaos that would ensue. on the other hand i would like to see this whole founders issue get resolved in some way.

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How dense are you..?

Misa was a special PA, founders package that included "founder's only exclusive excalibur prime" was NOT a PA package. It was a kickstarter/funding package for a game that was ONLY available on PC at that time, we didn't even know that the consoles would get their versions at that time and you guys were probably still playing ps3/early ps4 games at that point.


The package was advertised by DE as "buy now or forever hold your peace" deal and it was expensive, people bought it because of how exclusive it is and because it was never going to be available again in international version of warframe which we are playing.


As long as these two words "excalibur+prime" are used together, it is still excalibur prime. You know..that exact "excalibur prime" that came with the founder's only exclusive package. Come on, match the words here.




You don't get a chance at it because you weren't even in the equation when it was available. If anything, if you got a chance at it then it would be unfair on pc users.


I don't know how else i can explain this to you.... that you can't have it, don't have the right to have it and shouldn't even request to have it.


Going by your logic, it's unfair that people were able to purchase apple/microsoft shares in the 1970-80s ! I wasn't around that time and it's unfair that i don't have a chance to buy it !!1!

Now that's some notable bs. I was around ps4 version launch and I'm not about to reiterate all that's been said then. Search the forums. Not offering founders pack on ps4 was a disgusting move that's not defendable. Now speaking of legal stuff, first, they can do pretty much anything due to eula you sign. Second, you do not own any names in the game. They can release 7 items that are called excalibur prime, one being a sword, and as long as all 7 are separate items from first excalibur prime no court will even accept any appeal. It's been said many times, it's mostly taking a dump on console audience at this point. That is, 2 years ago...
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@Papa the devs are the same. Check the Changyou website. They list out the devs. And it's still the team you see here. The difference is they are able to also create exclusive content over there for their version.


Well, the point of my post is pretty much the same.

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Would rather have an original Nikana Prime that's closer to looking like a katana rather than a chinese sword. If they were to release the chinese nikana here, it should be it's own thing with regular sword stances. It's just weird to have a chinese sword with a japanese stances, while the regular sword stances are closer to chinese sword fighting styles.

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Would rather have an original Nikana Prime that's closer to looking like a katana rather than a chinese sword. If they were to release the chinese nikana here, it should be it's own thing with regular sword stances. It's just weird to have a chinese sword with a japanese stances, while the regular sword stances are closer to chinese sword fighting styles.


Yeah, from what it looks like, the one in the Chinese version closely resemble a Jian, not a Katana/Nikana.


Btw, your username amuses me.

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Now that's some notable bs. I was around ps4 version launch and I'm not about to reiterate all that's been said then. Search the forums. Not offering founders pack on ps4 was a disgusting move that's not defendable. Now speaking of legal stuff, first, they can do pretty much anything due to eula you sign. Second, you do not own any names in the game. They can release 7 items that are called excalibur prime, one being a sword, and as long as all 7 are separate items from first excalibur prime no court will even accept any appeal. It's been said many times, it's mostly taking a dump on console audience at this point. That is, 2 years ago...


Which portions of the EULA, *exactly*, do you propose override section 52 of the Canada Competition act?




EULA's don't override the laws of the land.

Edited by Phatose
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Im supprised this hasnt been posted yet.




This is a developer credit page.


So all those saying "China has seperate devs", No, they really don't.


Edit:Except for Reb. Not sure why shes there.



You're about to be assassinated 10o!


I'm just gladded BasedGod Megan isn't in there :^)  Lotus has been demoted.

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Hilarious how people say "Chinese warframe is a different game" "we won't even see their excal p. so it shouldn't affect us" .. yet I could say the same for console! PC players won't see console players so might as well throw founders at console if that's how people address it.



I really want Excalibur Prime.

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