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Waaaait A Minute, No Uproar On Exilis Slots Taking Up Mod Points?


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This is a slot for standard mods though. It is just giving us an extra slot that is limited to mods that are not directly power/survivability related.


We also have a much larger surplus of points than we did when we got auras, as we now don't have to pay for abilities and have auras to add more points.

Edited by egregiousRac
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With all the forma drops from the void, we all have enough mod points to overcompensate everything forever.


I think people are just happy we're getting utility slots since it's been asked for by a lot of people for awhile. Complaints will come but maybe not yet. I'm happy because maybe I can use handspring all the time now :)

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We have forma. LOTS of forma.

That's true! We have lots more forma now than back then. Good point.

This is a slot for standard mods though. It is just giving us an extra slot that is limited to mods that are not directly power/survivability related.

Good point as well. Ugh, too bad i wont be using it yet on Trinity, i'd rather not Forma her because Trinity Prime.

Fair game on most of my other frames though. Maglev, anyone?!

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What on earth is exilis?


An extra slot for "utility" mods (some confirmed ones being Rush, Handspring, and Enemy Radar, I believe). It basically functions as a ninth mod slot, but only these specific "utility" mods can fit on them-- so, like our usual 8 slots, you can polarize the slot and the mod will cost energy as normal.

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An extra slot for "utility" mods (some confirmed ones being Rush, Handspring, and Enemy Radar, I believe). It basically functions as a ninth mod slot, but only these specific "utility" mods can fit on them-- so, like our usual 8 slots, you can polarize the slot and the mod will cost energy as normal.

Well that sounds great.

Makes bandaid mods less bad.


I think it should still cost points though. Having them work like auras would be a bit much.

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I remember when we used to have 10 slots which all took up mod points and no aura slot to add points.


And people complained when we switched to the current system. They complained a lot. No sarcasm.

People always complain, DE could hand out 10.000 plat to each player and people would still complain that it wasn´t 100.000 or that they just had bought plat and now want their money back. Pettiness is strong in people these days.

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I remember when we used to have 10 slots which all took up mod points and no aura slot to add points.


And people complained when we switched to the current system. They complained a lot. No sarcasm.

And they should also remember that Warframe abilities could only be used when you equipped their respective mods. Let's just say I wasn't a fan of it.
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I think that probably i'll not use that slot. The existence of that slot means that i should polarize my warframes more, so i need to grind exp again to install a mod which won't really change much in terms of performance.


Still, i'm not against it.

Edited by OzoneAle
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I think that probably i'll not use that slot. The existence of that slot means that i should polarize my warframes more, so i need to grind exp again to install a mod which won't really change much in terms of performance.

Still, i'm not against it.

Great observation

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We have so, so, so many Formas floating in the Void now that it seriously doesn't matter if it costs points or not. That slot is going to be used by people, like myself, that have way too many points left over after putting four (or more) Formas on things. I could always use some more sprint speed...

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I believe it's overall good thing. So far for my builds I only had to polarise only two of all my warframes (and I miss only Ash P). Another ~5 of warframes are running with somewhat lower rank of Redirection/Vitality and fare well enough, so I am too lazy to forma them up. Now I just have more incentive to use up some of my ~100 built forma hoard, while making my warframes more comfortable to play.


Unlike guns, warframes and melee weapons rarely benefit from extra polarities and I like that DE are changing this.


With Parkour 2.0 I believe there will be some borderline essential utility mods and the slot will be even more handy.

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Hope they will add an augment mod slot in the futur with no cost, but wait a minute.

With this additional utility mod it cost minimum 2 polarized slots.

I'm fine with this, but it cut the possibility to have an additional augment slots in the futur, except if it come with no cost.

But with 9 slots + primed mods i think it's not very user friendly for 3 configurations of warframe.

And what if an utility mod is primed ? You need 3 more polarized slots for sure.

I think the best way can be to have 12 slots by warframe.

1 aura mod slot who give you points

1 utility mod slot who cost you points (with polarity of utility installed)

2 augments mods slots who cost no points


In this way you can have versatile builds.

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Augment slots should never happen tbh. The point of augs is to sacrifice a basic mod for additional utility. Having aug slots kinda beats that purpose.

If it ever happens, 1 augment slot tops, and have them act like exilis/utility slots.

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