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I Am Joining The "mastery Rank Elite".........

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Its okay because it only gets worse. You may think they drop you now because of mastery rank, but in another thread I am in players want the option to fully view your setups/mods on each weapon/frame you have and thereby determine if your setup does not match what they consider the perfect build you get booted.


I love how people seem to forget the key of this being a GAME

this is pretty much a shooter mmo, and ohhhh man, in other mmos one stat wrong and your kicked.



Edit-Not saying i think kicking is a good thing, i just play a decent bit of mmos, so i see it alot

Edited by Arenzo4
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Let's be honest here, almost no one will bother to actually go check a player's profile for time played, ciphers solved, mission accomplished when they are trying to get a group going for raid. So obviously in order to be as efficient as possible, hosts generally checks mastery rank of the player invited. Because it's easy, it literally shows up on the lobby screen, so no need to click any extra buttons. 


Also another thing with raids is that hosts generally prefers players who are versatile, who can swap out their roles to accommodate the whole group, and while low mr players might have the skill needed, or even some of the frames required, MOST of the time they are not as versatile as high mr players who have a full arsenal of corrupted build, min/maxed build warframes(i'm sure most players here have experienced a few raid runs where the low mr player does not have the frame required so someone else had to swap to something different to accommodate them, or a new group have to be made). So in most cases, it is a lot easier to get a group ready with all high mr players than low mr players just for the convenience and the efficiency. 

Also i'll probably get a lot of hate for saying this, but in my personal experience, my raid runs were generally far smoother with all high mr rank players than raid ones with most/few/some low mr players. I cannot count the number of times a low mr player stepped off the pressure plate, wrong pressure plate, did not listen to orders at some part of the raid and caused the raid to fail. I am not saying all low mr players are bad, or all high mr players are amazing at this game, but in my personal experience, high mr players generally are more experienced than the low mr players with some exceptions. 

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57 meter or so blind is more useful than a bastille to be honest. I guess it's debatable in the end.

You are right, it's debatable XD. Depend as you use it. But yes, I saw that the blind is usually more suitable for raid, it's just I prefer Vauban as I play him all times.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with using MR as a rough guide.  It's rough, and obviously not an accurate predictor of performance, but it's better than nothing as a guide.


But as to the "randoms suck" notion - it's funny but I think in most games, the more skilled I've gotten at the game, the more stuff I have, the less I care about accumulating stuff, the more joy I get out of random PUGs, precisely because they are random, and that keeps the game interesting.


IOW, as a powerful player, you are actually capable, to some extent, of "carrying" a bad random team, which is a challenge in itself. 


It's also perpetually amusing the antics some people get up to in random groups.  It's actually entertaining when things go wrong (so long as you're no longer concerned about achievement in the game so much).


So yeah, when someone complains about "random PUGs", that always tells me how far advanced in the game they are.  It tells me they still care about achievement and advancement, so they're not actually a full vet. 


Real vets love randoms.  It's the only entertaining thing left in a (PvE) game at that point.


(I should say I'm not at that stage myself with Warframe - I still care, and random PUG shenanigans can still annoy me, because I'm still intent on achievement.  But I've reached the stage I'm talking about in other multiplayer games before.)

Edited by Omnimorph
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if you did the hard work for going to MR 19 means knowing the game and willing to learn, if you do it different because of not that much time then you should communicate the right way, people which host raids arent dumb and have basically - or most of them - a sense for warframe and teamplay ^^)


so, communicate until you have the badges to show


nobody has the time, need and sense by the incoming new players and even more strange players without any sense for teamplay, which number is drastically growing, for checking your profile "en detail"


i for myself didnt do any raid until now because of finishing "homework in warframe" for myself and for waiting for U 17 which carry for shure dramatic changes for individual gameplay


i also found a guy which sended me a mail with instructions for raid missions and how to begin and play it


youre right, MR doesnt mean a thing as well as its a part of warframe and so i use it, and it feels good to be MR 19 and im finally close to MR 20 and i cant still wait to reach it with joy ^^)

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I'm MR19 with a whole lotta days logged, and when it comes to forma'd weapons don't even get me started.

That said you don't wanna inv me to a raid. I've joined 3 pug raids, all were a mess, and every time it was a complete waste of time and there was nothing I could do to salvage it. I only have theory from reading and watching videos, and I don't have a mic.

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MR rank shouldn't really be taken into consideration when trying to set up a Raid team(unless we're talking about a < 3 MR).


And this is quite sad, because if we were back in the day when Xini was the best way to level up or when Void was not even in the game, MR was actually meaning a lot; power farming screwed things up quite a bit, so now it's a nonsense to look for MR19 only for Raids, as you could find players that reached that level in about 2 weeks.....


I know I may sound like an old man who complains lost in his memories, but this MR issue(MR destroyed by power leveling)saddens me....

Edited by siralextraffo
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Mastery Rank refers to how much of the game you have completed, so having higher mastery means you have a selection of warframes to choose between.  For me its easier knowing anyone can run anything if you are of a certain MR.  

OP said you only have Loki and Mesa..it just limits options IMO, what if I need a Frost, Nova, or Trinity?  Same for any mission not only raid.  Usually, I will only goto recruiting if I need a particular frame mastery is just the fastest way of knowing whats in their arsenal.  WF is not particularly difficult so you can carry people through, but if you are doing high level stuff then it should really be with guys you run with all the time.



Your priorities are all wrong anyway.  Why arent you working on your mastery rank instead of 5 Forma'ing weapons?  I mean I get it, you want to be competitive and you want weapons to be beastly but if I was you I would start completing Bosses on each of the planets to grant you access to other warframes.  Loki good for a lot of things, and so is Mesa in the current meta but you have no excuse.  Expand your arsenal and in-turn increase your Mastery rank it will only help you and your team in the long run.  I didnt 5 forma anything until I hit MR19 come to think about it.

Edited by (PS4)Sum1ne_Else
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I should clarify what I meant by near max Loki. I have a rank 9 Primed Flow, rank 8 Primed Continuity, and a rank 8 Narrow Minded. So I'm just a total of 5 mod upgrades away from being 100% maxed on all 3 of my different Loki builds.

As for Mesa - I would never bring Mesa into the raid. I just figured I would get crap on the forums if people only thought I focused on my Loki. The Mesa was to try showing some versatility :p.

(Competent) people hosting raids are generally mostly concerned with build quality and player raiding experience. The next time someone asks for MR, open up by telling them that you're a disarm build Loki and how many raids you've already completed (assuming you've completed them). After telling them your build and raiding experience, follow up with the revelation that your MR happens to be low despite those credentials. If the hosts know what they're doing, if they need a Loki, they'll probably let you in (but you might have to reassure the other members in the party that you know what you're doing shortly after entering; they will likely have similar concerns as the host).

A second tip is to always switch to Loki (or a raid friendly frame) before accepting a raid invite; a low MR player with a non-raid frame can cause raiding groups to rush into a migratory stampede at the drop of a hat.

A personal requirement I have for Raiding groups is that people in important roles like battery carrier or crowd control be able to furnish their own energy pads. If a raid experienced player told me that they had a large stockpile of their own energy pads, I'd instantly let them into the group even if they were an MR 2 (or whatever minimum level it takes to be able to access energy pads).

I don't know if the player culture is very different on XB1, though... I've heard that the raid community between PS4 and PC is a bit different, and the difference in raid mentalities could potentially be its own thing on XB1 as well.

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Raids don't require you to be elite and in fact it is complete bullS#&$ when people recruit by mastery rank, they should always check your loadout first and if it suits the needs of the squad then they should invite you. Raids do not require mr10+ or mr14+ Hell I at mr11 was able to survive much higher levels than the raid past the hour mark of a T3 survival.


You can´t check the gear of other players. At the profile you can only see if he has the gear and leveled it to 30 and that actually says as much as mastery.

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2 weeks ago I hosted a game (im rank 19) and some dude (MR 7 or some S#&amp;&#036;) asked me if he can join and im like ok np 


Than he went all about playing for 60+ days and Kudos to that statement he did 


Than he #*(&#036;%%@ everybody at the end of the wave 39


NEVER EVER DID ANYBODY rank 19 made a fool of myself (well some did go afk for some time) BTH 


Higher ranks almost always mean more dedication take it as u wish (i hardly ever get ''kicked in the balls'' by higher rank players)



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Before the Tenno lie many weapons.

He picks those he wishes to use. Learns to wield them with deadly precision. Later he replaces these with his chosen upgrades.

When he deems a weapon unworthy, though, the Tenno must prove that HE is more than worthy of IT. He must bare the weapon he scorns to Draco, and defeat the Grineer horde without drawing it even once, to show that he does not need it.

He must do this with every weapon he deems unworthy, or unsuited to his preferred style. He must go out of his way to find weapons he does not want, and bare them to Draco as well.

Only then, can he be said to have proven his character.

If a Tenno says to you, "I have not carried the strun, the ballistica, and the ether dagger to Draco, I did not wish to," how do you know he will not say, "I will not carry the bomb, I do not wish to?" You cannot know this. He is unproven.

Ive got nothing particular to contribute to the thread that hasnt already been stated, i just wanted to say that this is the best post in the thread. Hands down.

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I can kinda see your Problem here, i dont like how mastery works either. I´ve been there from the beginnings of this game but i refuse to lvl what i dont find fun to do so. i am MR14- close to 15. yet iam kinda in fear when threads like" lets make mastery ranked recruit channels" comeb up because that is literally &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;, mastery rank has nothing to do with how you perform ingame. yet alot of people still rely on that. i myself am not really a "victim" of that but i see that happening on a daily basis in recruit chat.

*cough* t4 endless missons *cough*

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Sad to say this, but if a team for raids is relying on MR, then you are best finding another team, joining a decent team isn't the hard part, it's completing that matters, my MR9 rarely impresses someone, because what matters is always the gameplay.


If are a decent player at raids, you will have no problem getting invited and getting reinvited by good teams.

I never have these issues you speak of as i stay away from MR stating/requesting players/groups.


If you are sick and tired of it, don't join, the leaders are free to play the way they want and to invite in the conditions they want, if they are subpar why would you even consider joining them?

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Mastery rank is a very poor indication of skill.


I'm currently at 14, but I was sitting at 10 for about 6 months as I couldn't be bothered taking the test. I've still got so much mastery I'm not actually sure what rank I am as everytime I rank up, I'm automatically ready to rank up again (started ranking up a few days ago for the same reasons as OP)


I think there should be some other skill indicators, beside gear

Edited by WereFowl
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If all high MR players only got their because of grinding, wouldnt that mean ow MR players are even worse? Its a ridiculous argument. If anything, there are more skilless low MR players that grind draco than anything. I highly doubt someone that grinds one node over and over will make it above mr10 before burnout. Draco is even MORE of a reason to ignore lo MR players.

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MR7 is fine for a raid imo, but you should watch some videos or something to get an idea of how it goes.  OP if you try to bring in a Mesa you won't get very far.  Focus on a range disarm your Loki as your 'in'.  I'm in raids all the time with MR 6 and 7's who do fine.  Ignore the ones that want MR12, if that's their thing let them do it.  Don't throw in with the hateful anti MR crowd.  There's room for everyone.

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The only "this rank requires some bit of skill" rank, IMO, is rank 18+. Because draco all you want, but you had to get those parts from somewhere. And chances are you didn't get ALL of it from trade chat. But even then that's such an arbitrarily high number to go by thanks to the sheer farm required, that I won't use that as my measure. I will however say that MR7 is so easy to get that if you aren't at least that high it's not worth a glance. Pretty sure you get higher than that just from a few frames and some market weapons.

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I really don't like the elitism in some of these posts.


I does smack a bit of my old starcraft days when people would immediately judge people on their scores and if it wasn't high enoguh starting hooting about noobs (Why I ended up just sticking to the custom maps)


someone could be a mastery 7 because they don;t want to bother doing the tests more, they don't need t bothe rwith syndicates because they traded for the mods they wanted.


I think having an arbitary number does not determine how well someone plays a game.

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