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U17 Bug Report Megathread


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Description: kubrow dont grow up

Who: my Cesa kubrow

What: Kubrow puppy

Where: Liset

Reproduction Steps: 

1. yesterday i bought a kubrow egg

2. i have rush it to hatch the egg, and wait less time to see it become adult.

3.now is 02.10 am in my country, i have wait 24H so 2login, it should have become adult now but the kubrow did not grow up.

never happen before the UP17

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BUG # 1:


Who Any warframe

What Power Menu not working as intended / Not working like it used to

Where Any Planet





Since last update the power menu has been broken in several ways:


1. Unable to make the power menu appear unable to activate powers while running. (Holding the L1 button simply does nothing and pressing the L1 button does not activate the currently selected power)


 2. Unable to deactivate "channeled powers"  For example, If I activate "sound quake" with banshee and then release the L1 button, the power menu then becomes unavailable and I am unable to hold L1 again and then press "Y" to deactivate because I'm still considered as "using a power" (I have to wait till my energy is depleted before I can move again)


BUG #2:


Who Any warframe

What Unable to reload while running.

Where Any Planet





Similar to the other Issue, it can be partucularly troublesome with weapon such as the strun wrait where the gun is being loaded "shells by shells" Say I have 2 shells remaining in the gun, I start reloading by pressing "X" I then start to run from point A to point B  the "running action" automatically interupt the "reloading" process.


Hope that it's detailed enough.


Also I'm aware that the controller mapping have changed since last update but it's not the Issue here those bugs could be reproduced with a keyboard using the same method described in the post. I'm simply refering to the old control scheme since it's the one that I'm used to. 

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What: Unable to expand map or bring out scanner when sprinting


Here's a thread that was started by someone else: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/501761-since-u17-cant-hit-m-to-change-map-while-sprinting/

They say that all gear items are affected.


I am using the "Hold to sprint" option and my sprint key is using the sprint/roll keybind, "m" for expanding the minimap, and a mouse key for my first gear slot, which contains my scanner.


Reproducible: Yes



1. Hold "shift" and a direction to sprint

2. press "m" or mouse key to bring up the minimap or scanner respectively

3. minimap or scanner will not come up

4. wait about 1 second after sprinting

5. press "m" or mouse key to bring up the minimap or scanner

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Who (Any Warframe)

What (N/A)

Where (N/A)






There is an old, old camera bug that's been around as long as I've been playing. If you string too many maneuvers together the camera sometimes ends up locked slightly lower than the standard angle. This causes Quick Melee to become unusable - for some reason?


Previously - this was an easy fix - another roll or flip would often fix the problem and melee would return to normal.


However with Parkour 2.0 - you're stuck - because its not just melee that stops working - YOU CAN'T ROLL/FLIP EITHER or Attack in Melee mode at all (Not just Quick Melee)


Some combo of Bullet and Double Jump apparently reset the issue as per the old days - however it is happening much more frequently within Parkour 2.0 than it ever did with 1.0.



I've had this same exact problem multiple times. Before U17 it was just a minor nuisance but now it is GAME BREAKING. This has bugged up my and my friends game more than a few times and the old solution of rolling and flipping doesn't work. Neither have we found any combo of bullet and double jumps that would fix the issue. The only way we have found out to get rid of the bug is to die and use a revive. I can only imagine how frustrating this bug can be in the middle of a long haul survival... I hope this bug gets fixed ASAP

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DESCRIPTION: Frost's Snow Globe allows Harpak wielding grineer to shoot through it

Who: Frost/Frost Prime and any Harpak wielding Grineer

What: Snow Globe

Where: Happened to me on Uranus, during a submersible mission





1.    Cast Snow Globe.

2.    Have a Harpak wielding Grineer shoot you.

3.    The bullet goes through the shield and hurts you.

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DESCRIPTION: Master Thief mod does not open locked lockers on Jupiter "loot room" tiles.

Who all warframes

What Master Thief

Where Jupiter





 1. Equip fully ranked Master Thief mod on any warframe

 2. Select Exterminate mission on Carpo, Jupiter

 3. Attempt to approach/unlock any red locked lockers in dead end tiles. None will turn from red to green.

 4. Locked lockers in non-dead end tiles WILL unlock. It's only the ones that are the dead end "loot rooms", as I call them.

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Who Archwing 

What Velocitus & Corvas

Where N/A




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Equip Automatic trigger on velocitus/ corvas

 2. Semi-auto fire increased

 3. Charged speed unchanged though = Same charge duration

Edited by ligonare
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Who Loki

What Archwing

Where Uranus




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1.Place a decoy near you

 2.Swap teleport just before you hit the water

 3.Now you can fly around


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DESCRIPTION: Melee weapon cannot be used


Sometimes, in a mission, the melee weapon simply stops working (not engaged when I click on the melee button).

I may be able to use it in the beginning of the round, but after a short while it happens. When it happens I cannot use it for the remainder of the game.


This doesn't happen every round, but often. Obviously it is very annoying.

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DESCRIPTION: MR Test 12 Test never successfully completes. All enemies are killed within the time frame allotted, the lasers disappear but the timer continues to run. The mission does not end until the timer runs out at which point the mission is failed. There is no way to pass this mission.


Who (Warframe, Companion, Teammates, etc.)? Warframe; Loki Prime used for the test

What (Load-out, Weapons, Cosmetics, etc.)? N/A

Where (Planet,Mission, Area, Liset, etc.)? MR 12 Test




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

1. Began the MR 12 Test

2. failed the one time by touching the lasers

3. Killed all enemies, in the allowed time but still failed the mission.

Edited by Politician
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Who: All Warframes

What: Cannot open ability menu, use abilities, reload, or open the map while running.

Where: Everywhere






1. Run

2. Try to open ability menu, use abilities, reload or open the map.

3. None of these functions work while running. All function normally while walking or stationary.






Who: Ash/Ash Prime

What: Ability menu is stuck open after using Bladestorm. Must trigger ability menu again to close ability menu.

Where: Everywhere




1. Use Bladestorm

2. Ability menu is stuck open until you activate it again. Using aim while it is open opens chat, hitting other buttons will activate abilities but not close ability menu.





Who: Nyx

What: Cannot exit Absorb unless you run out of energy.

Where: Everywhere





 1. Use Absorb

 2. Enter any or all commands in the game in any order to attempt to exit absorb prior to running out of energy

 3. Fail to exit Absorb prior to running out of energy

Edited by Protomorph
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Would you like to add in how you got into these situations? What you were doing? How you were doing it?


While screenshots are helpful, throwing them at the devs and saying, "Fix this!" is rather rude.

exactly this,and there is a specific thread for U17 bugs,i'll move this thread there,also please tell us how did all of these bugs happen.

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exactly this,and there is a specific thread for U17 bugs,i'll move this thread there,also please tell us how did all of these bugs happen.

In the first image I had died and revived character,and this what happened.in problem 3 when I go into the mission in the beginning i start without sharkwing.When looking for an exit from the map i fail in in nothing so I see the map and it restarted me and only then get sharkwing....The problem with the water effects when I got out of the water was water on me....I apologize for my english,I hope you understand me

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DESCRIPTION: Tonkor+Kulstar seems to share the same ammo pool. I don't know whether this is intended, and even if it is, I don't see what purpose it serves. Why am I not allowed to use my weapons independent of each other? :s

Who (Warframe, Companion, Teammates, etc.)? N/A

What (Load-out, Weapons, Cosmetics, etc.)? Kulstar+Tonkor

Where (Planet,Mission, Area, Liset, etc.)? Anywhere.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Y/N? - Yes, unfortunately.


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Equip Tonkor+Kulstar

 2. Get into any match, start shootin' the fireworks

 3. Run out of ammo on both weapons.

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Thanks for all the reports, Tenno! The team is making their way through them for further investigation. You might not see a fix immediately, but rest assured we've got our eyes on the megathread :) 


Edit: Oh! And thank you x 34934569134 for following the Bug Report format. It's really helped us to locate and narrow down the issue. 

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As of Update 17.03


Description: Permanent sleep (as least until someone else kill you) when Equinox is killed while casting rest on other players.


Who: Equinox

What: Warframe Power

Where: Conclave


Can you reproduce the bug? Maybe, I didn't use cause the bug directly but I was the guy who got slept.


1) Equinox Casting Rest on a player

2) Kill Equinox while that happen

3) The player will be in "sleeping state" permanently, until someone else kill them.

Edited by Hueminator
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Currently, Nova Prime's antimatter Absorb Augment is NOT affected by range mods whatsoever!


Steps? Mod nova prime for antimatter absorb, stretch, and overextended. The range is still the base 3m range for the absorb field.

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Couple things to note.

1. The Tigris - The alt-Fire allows you to fire one barrel at a time instead of having to hold the mouse... HOWEVER... the Alt-Fire is classified as SILENT. I literally shot a grineer IN THE BUTT and the whole group ahead didnt even look at me.


2. Grineer "Blunt Packs" - I've been noticing that whenever I hit that location with whatever non-piercing weapon, nothing happens. No damage, no impact-sounds, no impact-signs, it acts as if I never shot the darn thing at all.


3. Assault on Tyl Regor - I've had moments when I had my roomy host a warframe game, I end up underwater WITHOUT MY ARCHWING. So, we switched and it seems the Host is safe from this glitch but others with delayed loading times end up having to go on foot. Thankfully with Parkour 2.0, and with time, those without a wing can join in on the action by parkouring out.

Ah. Just noticed Vlada91 mentioned the "No Archwing" deal. But I think I found the cause, as mentioned above.



That is all i wish to bring up. I'd recommend looking into the Blunt Pack issue because it's causing trouble when I'm going fora  weapon stealth-kill.

Edited by RenegadeX557
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Description: Equinox pacify ability drain the same amount of energy per second, no matter the power efficiency


Who: Equinox

What: Warframe power

Where: Everywhere


Can you reproduce the bug? Yes, everytime


1) Go into Simulacrum with maxed blind rage, no other mods beside range mods.

2) Spawn 1 Crewman and 9 shield ospreys, to make sure they're all clumped up.

3) Activate Pacify.

4) Repeat steps, except switch out blind rage for max power efficiency.


Recorded both runs, and then ran them side by side to make sure.

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IDK, but after i cast Javelins with Excalibur, E (Melee) stop working. I can equip melee weapon, but melee attack doesnt work. i can use 4th ability, E still doesnt work, and sometimes my melee weapon become invisible, and other players cant see it too, but i can equip it (but it doesnt work). It happened me several times on different missions. It got fixed only after death. Also Shift stop working for roll, running still works, but press Shift to roll doesnt.

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