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Volt's Rework! We Need It. We Want It!


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Yes they are. Because what he is described to be and what he plays like these days don't seem to match up.

So folks are generally picking whichever parts of him they feel like really define him and going with that...

which won't necessarily match up with the next guy who may feel different things define him.


"Never" been his place? Not true. 


I'm actually curious about your statement that it isn't true, because I just can't imagine anyone asking for a Volt for the purpose of using him as a direct ability damage dealer in a high tier mission. I can see people asking for him for an ES strategy... 


When was this period that he was used in the meta as a direct damage dealer like you say? Or are we both misunderstanding what the other person means? 



he got electric shield to protect himself while casting 




Indeed. He has great synergy there. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I'm actually curious about your statement that it isn't true, because I just can't imagine anyone asking for a Volt for the purpose of using him as a direct ability damage dealer in a high tier mission. I can see people asking for him for an ES strategy... 


When was this period that he was used in the meta as a direct damage dealer like you say? Or are we both misunderstanding what the other person means? 

There was a time when "high tier mission" had a different meaning. A time when electricity was not so limited to certain damaging certain enemies.

A time when Volt was capable of killing things with direct damage.

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I was typing this notepad of all the things I would like ot see changed or added to warframe, going to post what I wrote on Volt:


(1 2 3 4 are the abilities in order)


1 - Perfect, not much damage but staggers enemies
2 - A tad random maybe, speed because lightning is fast? bit of a stretch but always usefull and thus perfect.
3 - Again, a tad random, a shield made from electricity? is that not more Mags area? well still usefull and thus perfect.
4 - Make it so that when cast electricity keeps jumping from enemy to enemy (that are close enough) continuing to do damage, perhaps even
gaining in damage as time goes on. This will mean its more deadly over time and will synergy well with Frost (freezing enemies in place 
thus electricity keeps going between them, and Vauban (bastile) and Rhino (ultimate) and Loki (Ultimate) and Hydroid (Ultimate) and Zephyr (Ultime)
And Nova (Ultimate as they are slowed down and thus stay close for a while)
(make sure Hydroid's undertow does negate the electric jump as that would be a tad OP perhaps)
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minute 1.20.

New overload.

Volt superchages himself with lighting turning himself on a sphere of dead.

Cost 100 energy

Cast time: Imediate

Damage: 250/350/450 electricity damage per second

Range: 4/5/6 meters radius(doesnt increase with range mods)

Duration: 3/4/5 seconds (increased by duration mods)

Proc chance: 25/50/75% per second

While engulfed on the energy field volt redirects any kind of bullet towards him (like chroma ice armor or mesa)

Volt stops being a siting duck, new skill goes with the idea of mobile frame and would look epic

This will never happen, when volt gets better deflecting power than Zephyr, and can proc enemies, it won't happen.
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What if Volt's Overload worked like the mage ability from Dragon Age Inquisition called 'Static Cage'? Essentially Volt would cast an orb of electrical energy above its current position that would pull enemies within a certain radius into it, stunning them and proccing electrical damage.


Every time the enemy tries to leave the area they are pulled back in and the ability's initial effects are reapplied. Any damage dealt to enemies under the affects of this ability procs bonus electrical damage as well as triggering the electrified status ailment.


While enemies are inside it's radius they should gain a stacking debuff that increases the amount of electrical damage they take. I'm not sure if the ability should be channeled, or duration based. Volt's overload augment 'Capacitance' could continue to work exactly as it does now.

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I have an idea for overload

Volt surges electricity through his body which arcs to conductable targets (enemies and lights) staining x energy per second and applying minimal shock damage with a 100% proc chance. After volt reaches 50(?) Energy or the ability is activated again, volt consumes 50 (?) Energy to let out a nova that deals increased damage at increased range based on the number of enemies shocked while moving. Enemies affected by the nova take an additional proc. Each enemy can only be shocked once per stage per cast.

This keeps the bonus of any electronics while also promoting volt to be mobile and allows him to scale based on enemy count. The CC and damage provided would Unfortunately still probably be underwhelming compared to M. Prime, but most skills are

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Love this.

I would like ES bonus dmg and crit multiplier affected by power strength, maybe range too. Also, it should do cool stuff when you cast Shock through ES.

Shocking Speed should be affected by range mods.

Speed should boost reload speed too.

I would love Maim/WoF style Overload, that would be awesome.

I like the passive + 30% dmg for electric dmg, not so much the other one. Maybe something similar to what Frost got would be cool + immunity to electrified water on Uranus.

I also wouldn't mind a sprint speed increase (1.2), he feels really slow without Rush.

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The changes I think would be most useful for volt would not be to change the abilities but to at least change how they work so they adapt to the changes the game has undergone, except overload... that needs to change



As far as his stats go they make him a glass cannon so I like them the way they are, except for his base speed. He is flowing with electricity after all and electricity moves rather quickly. So shouldn't he be quick as well? I don't mean a huge speed increase, just enough to have him as on of the fastest if not the fastest frame. And if the change is only implemented into Volt Prime that is alright.






1.- Stun time stack: When an enemy is shocked there is a stun for a certain amount of time but when the enemy is shocked again the stun time is unchanged. What would make the ability more usable against higher level enemies would be for the stun time to increase depending on how many times the enemy was blasted. Say the stun lasts 2 seconds, if the enemy is still alive another blast from shock would increase the stun by another 2 seconds respectively 


2.- Disintegration: Occasional when blasting waves infested even after some die they look like they are simply stunned,not dead. It is impossible to tell when they are actually dead or stunned which makes me either chop at something that is already dead and looking like a goof or blasting it again and wasting precious energy. So instead of a static stun like animmation after death the enemies could become disintegrated to better distinguish the living shocked enemies from the dead ones. Also it would look sick. 


3.- Volt Prime Shock: Having Volt Prime's shock that rains down from the heavens sound like an actual thunderbolt would be fantastic




1.- Parkour 2.0 Fix: This ability is great as is except that with Parkour 2.0 you lose a ton of momentum doing the bullet jump and such if that could be fixed to jump faster or further it would work marvelously.


2.- Gotta go fast: I would pay money to have the "Gotta go fast" theme song from Sonic X play whenever I use speed.

Replace any time it says sonic with "Volt" and hedgehog with "Warframe".


Electric Shield


1.- Explosives: Please make the shield cancel out explosion damage and knockback because whenever a bombard arrives I suddenly don't feel so safe behind the shield. Other wise it is perfect.


2.- Visual: It may be a bit much in terms of coding and performance to ask, but, it would look sooooo cooool if whenever a bullet hit the shield a sort of translucent hexagon glow appeared on the shield.



Kinda like this



Oh Overload, where to even begin with this one?

To be brutally honest the skill needs to be changed entirely. The fact that it is useful only once per room and on certain tile sets hinders volt greatly.


Now, what would be great would be to get inspiration form the "Force Repulse" ability in star wars the force unleashed 2.


1. Where there is the initial shock wave 360 degree blast of pure concentrated electricity.

2. Enemies within closer proximity say 5m get the most damage and then there is a damage falloff after that range.

3. Enemies that die disintegrate similarly to the shock ability.

4. Enemies that live are flung like rag dolls away from cast location which would leave them vulnerable to melee finishers or other attacks.


5. Aaaaaaand a cool bass heavy explosion like sound effect to make it oh so satisfying to use.



If you are wondering, Yes I made this GIF purely for the post



Also cloth physics on his butt cape would be grand.

Edited by rydercd
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To be fair, I honestly want Overload gone entirely. Volt has always been about being a mobile damage dealer with high survivability. His biggest asset was always his ability to pick and choose when and where to fight, and nothing about being locked down for 2+ seconds in order to deal minimal damage across a wide area fits into that motif. During CBT, his ult was a monstrous damage dealer that cleared entire Exterminate missions with a single cast which is why his "no gunplay here" label exists. However, they nerfed that into the ground pretty quickly, and now that its only real component is gone (damage), it's simply useless in its current iteration.

wisdom ^. Bring back OG Overload or scrap it. My thread on this adds some cool utility but ultimately if it isn't CBT and like when he casts it in the Alad V cinematic (HOLY $&@" THAT WOULD BE AWESOME TO WITNESS IN-GAME), it's null and...uh, void...(PUN FACEPALM)

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I have always loved Volt's Shock. I wish it were easier to use, however, because it's got some sort of hidden cooldown timer or something, and is difficult to repeatedly use. 


For Shock, I wish they'd make it so that you can hold down the button and continuously shock the enemies, instead of a quick lightning-bolt attack. Or hold down the button, put away your weapon, and use the mouse button to zap people, as quickly as you want. Like a semi-auto rifle. That'd be nice...

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Your conservative rework doesn't seem to hit the problem so much.
The Big Rework simply transforms Overload into a moving Nyx's Absorb.

I'd like to see Overload as a sort of real overload, working similar to Equinox's Metamorphosis.

For some simple ideas sharing, take a look at this:


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Your conservative rework doesn't seem to hit the problem so much.

The Big Rework simply transforms Overload into a moving Nyx's Absorb.

I'd like to see Overload as a sort of real overload, working similar to Equinox's Metamorphosis.

For some simple ideas sharing, take a look at this:




Like my suggestion?


Cuz my point is

I dont think that an damage buff for Overload will actually happen.

Since Volt's Overload dealed in CBT lots of damage. This is where the "alternative to gunplay" came from

DE thought that thats not what they want for overload and nerfed it.


So the only alternative we're going to see is a complete rework/change for Overload.

Not a damage buff(since they nerfed it for a reason)

not a casting speed buff (I mean with that poor damage its just a expensive shock)


Better try this:

-It provides synergy

-since Volt is almost perfect this also doesn't change Volt to much

-something else something new

-balanced in my opinion



New(and current) Concept/Idea for Abilty 4 :!!!!!!!

So, what if Overload was a mode, that when activated overloads your abilities

New Overload

-10/20/30s Duration

-initial energy cost = 40

-increased cost for all abilties (look down below for more info)



The Lighting effects around Volt are much stronger(indicator for being overloaded)

Imagine it like the Super Sayan 2 Form where they have those lightning effects




Overloaded Abilties:

Overloaded Shock 

(actual cost)+ 15 energy

-Now casts multiple acrs.(Imagine it as "Amprex" with "Multishot")

-Every arc can chain to other enemies.

-Chaining effect prefers enemies that where not stunned before.


How it looks:



Overloaded Speed 

(actual cost)+ 15 energy

-You're affected stronger by speed

(plus 10%/20%/30% of the Speed buff:

-If you have 50% Speed boost you get +30%(at rank3) of your 50%  = 65%)

-This extra boost only affects Volt


The Values of the Overloaded Speed still need some tweaks. But the intention was to boost Volt a bit more than the rest of the team^^ (he finally can be the fastest^^) 


Overloaded Shield 

(actual cost)+ 30 energy

-Instead of a shield, you spawn a sphere, that has the same traits.

-Overload allows interaction with shield(shooting Shock trough e-shield/sphere allows crit and improves the range)

-Enemies that come in contact with the overloaded e-shield/sphere are shocked


How it looks:

(But much smaller)





Altertnate version:

Spawn a bigger shield (not a sphere)


I came to that idea, cuz we all agree that Volt and his first skills are perfect.

So boosting those and taking away the old ult would be fine, wouldn't it?

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Mm, nice. I posted in another thread, so here - just a few tweaks.


Overload still has me stumped. I kind of want to look into crazy ideas like turning into some sort of lightning-ghost that zaps between enemies, or bringing more plasma into it, or summoning a big badass thunderstorm, but the ones I can think of overlap far too much with WoF or Speed or Absorb.

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  • 1 month later...

Take a look.




Let's start about that this is an amazing abiility that just destroys almost all enemies... nah, I'm joking. This in high level enemies just works as a stun, and actually it's worst than mag's pull so, my idea with Shock is eliminate damage to enemies and increase enormous the damage to shields making it a destroyer of shields. Also, it will stun the enemies without shield and the ones with shield will not be stun. 




Just leave it as it is, it's great. Maybe make it toggleable but not necessary.


Electric Shield:


I think this is one of the best abilities of the game, it really saves your life and make it all more easy so no additions here. Maybe if you can move it in front of Volt like Odonata one.




Volt is a spam warframe, like Ember or Nova. The difference between these 3 is that the ult of Ember and Nova is like you spammed 500 abilities and already work. Ember just make explode all enemies that enter in it's range and Nova puts a really big debuff to enemies while using other ability it makes a good CC, so my idea with Volt is make Overload toggleable giving Volt half velocity buff from it's Velocity ability while Overload active and change it's whole kit while in this state. Also, Volt will detonate all the devices in X range dealing arc damage.


- Shock- Pulse

Make shock an aoe attack unless that lightning. Let's say 7 meters. The enemies inside Volt's range will be shocked and stunned taking lots more of damage from Shock (even the unshield ones) and if you use Shock and affects an enemy it will create a chain of lightning between enemies and again, making it deal damage to unshielded enemies and also stun. Like a pulse.


- Velocity- Electric Sphere


Volt launches an electric sphere that goes forward exploding all the electronic devices while gaining it's arc damage. For example, if there are 5 devices that weren't exploded and volt throws it's electric sphere it will go forward with 500 damage but if it detonates the energy devices (just by being close) it will gain more damage, 500 damage base + 250 for each device. A total of 1500 damage. ¿Cool huh?


- Electric Shield


Maybe you don't like it but how about if all the energy shields that you put in the map become permanent until you deactivate the ult? If not, i would suggest to make Volt overloard it's shields an amount.


So, here it is. I hope you like this kit and I hope the Devs make something to volt because he needs it.

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Let's start about that this is an amazing abiility that just destroys almost all enemies... nah, I'm joking. This in high level enemies just works as a stun, and actually it's worst than mag's pull so, my idea with Shock is eliminate damage to enemies and increase enormous the damage to shields making it a destroyer of shields. Also, it will stun the enemies without shield and the ones with shield will not be stun.


Shock works well as a stun, personally i think it's one of the best 1s in the game, due to the fact you can spam it WHILE RELOADING. And we all know Volt is a gun mage really. Position yourself quickly thanks to speed, protect yourself and boost your damage with shields, cc the nearing crowds with shock while reloading... Perfect synergy. Guess damage could be a plus but i never have more than Intensify on him anyway and only for the speed boost actually.


I see the idea of Volt's shield following him pop up. Well, how would you defend a defensive object then? Volt totally rocks at excavation at the moment, this would make his usefulness there nil. This should only become a thing if you can still drop em, like maybe with another press of 3 or something...

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I see the idea of Volt's shield following him pop up. Well, how would you defend a defensive object then? Volt totally rocks at excavation at the moment, this would make his usefulness there nil. This should only become a thing if you can still drop em, like maybe with another press of 3 or something...


Yep, it could be pressing 3 again it will stop it where it is.

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another concept came to me when i read the codex entry saying volt features an alternative gameplay to guns...i don't see how since shield is such a major addition to guns..so another idea is to give volt an electic railgun cannon like mesa/excalibur/valkyr 4th skill mode...it would shoot massive electric lasers? Lol!

What if it worked like a mix of WoF, Maim and railgun? Toggle it on and it starts electrifying stuff around you. Toggle it off after a certain point and it releases a big railgun kaboom, dealing damage based on how long you were loading it, with infinite punch-through and maybe pulling enemies towards the line of damage.


This is a very nice rework indeed, but I disagree about adding extra FX to the shield. It would look nice, but would be an annoying decrease in visibility in the long run.

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