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When Was The Last Time A New Frame Became Your Main Frame?


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I "main" Excal, even though my prof says saryn is my most used at 9%, Excal and Excal P combined is 16% or something. Yes I do switched around a lot. I do have  "core" frames though, frames that I consider my go to frames.


Well, I have tried. I promised I would add Chroma to my top three, but then went back to my core 3 Excal, Trin, and Mag. Promised myself I would replace Mag with Equinox, but it just never happened.

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Not really ever. I main Frost, Excal, Saryn, and maybe a few others that were available since before U8 or 9 maybe. Newer frames are fun for a bit but they just aren't as good to me as the older frames. Maybe they are too gimicky, idk. The older designs seem more solid, esp now that they are starting to get reworks

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I'm genuinely curious -- how would you go about defining a 'main' frame? I've always had difficulty pinning it down myself.


I have many frames I use for different occasions, many that have been forma'd to perfection, and no frame has mechanics deep enough to really require a high level of proficiency to play properly.

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I'm genuinely curious -- how would you go about defining a 'main' frame? I've always had difficulty pinning it down myself.

I have many frames I use for different occasions, many that have been forma'd to perfection, and no frame has mechanics deep enough to really require a high level of proficiency to play properly.

I'd say the frame you find in the liset after login, the frame you use when no particular skills are required and the one you enjoy the most and would like to use in any mission if you could.

Also, usually your actual most used one.

IE: if I have to run a Spy mission, I use Loki Prime, if I run a fast Exterminate in the Void I take Saryn, Nova Prime and Mesa are quite used when I have to run a defense and occasionally I take Trinity if needed. Farming time? Well, Nekros and Hydroid are ready to go!

But these are all single situations, particular occasions where a certain power is needed.

Otherwise, I'd be running Excalibur Prime all the time on every mission!

Edited by siralextraffo
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Mesa was my main when she was released, then Ultimate Turret Mode builds starting popping up everywhere. Now I started running Volt Prime 8/10 because Volt is just so versatile and I feel Volt Prime is one of the best looking frames out there.. 

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Im the same man. When I got Chroma I thought I was going to stay with him but once he hit like level 20 I seemed to go back to my main frame, Frost Prime. He is my go to frame and with that new update coming to him I dont think im ever leaving him. Seems like every frame i try to switch to it comes back to Frost.

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Volt, then Valkyr who is still my 'main' I guess.


My starter was excal, right at the end of Grineer Sawmen, wasn't having a ton of fun with him, he was a guy who carried my Burston and Aklato. (which btw, I had NO IDEA how much better guns could be than that.) Stopped playing for a long time.


After a while, came back and there was this tutorial level that let you pick a frame and weapons. Picked Volt. Tutorial done, still just had Excal.


Got a 75% off plat thing, got Volt, and he was my most used till I got Valkyr, who is probably my favorite overall, and now most used since Volt has been replaced by his Prime.


Frames that have been newly released while I was playing, or right before I came back, well, I still don't have Mesa, and Chroma I only use occasionally, still slowly chipping away at the Equinox blueprint acquisition.

Edited by KinetosImpetus
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