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As An Online Game, Why Not Auction House?


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Well. There's 2 side to this topic. 1 side for AH for fair trading. the other side against AH to ripe off other players.

In my opinion, AH for plat is bad, so if DE were to put in AH, the currency used should be something like ducats.

On limitation, selling & buying limit per day should be +1 per 15 MR. (MR 15 = 1 selling & buying slots for 24 hours)


If DE use ducats as AH currency, new players will be left out. (not like you have anything to buy/sell), and re-useable for void trader. IF were to expend on it.

if DE use another currency (similar to ducats) what's it's features/function is up to DE. Maybe, something like a bound-plat, but only used for buying 10mins, 30mins, 1hrs boosters etc?

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Could we use improvement of the trading system, sure.  But an auction house is just a bad fit for this game.  The market of items that are tradeable in this game is too small, and based pretty much on real money currency.  Make it to easy to trade and the value of items will divebomb.  That would be bad for players that only make plat from trading and bad for DE because if plat starts going further, their sales could easily fall. 

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Well, both sides have pros & cons. As it is, players (like me) avoid trade chat as it's a total mess.

No AH = trade stalkers will ripe off newbies to tradings, more support ticket of QQ for DE, more ranting/QQ by player regarding player X on forum, supply & demand not match (by third-party AH) as not all players even use that.

AH = fair trading, less plat sales for DE, scammer harder time for ripe-off other players, with cap/limitation: players cant monopolize the AH.

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Because beta.


Trading, in it's current form, is not final. Maybe we'll get an auction house in the future, or something similar, or barring that, other improvements to trading. We don't know what yet, but you can be sure they will come.


They've been taking peoples money for 2.5 years. It's not a friggen Beta

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Doesn't even need to be an "auction" 

Could just be a board where you sell what you want at a specific price and whoever wants to buy it just clicks purchase. 


Better than the same 5 people spamming 10 lines in trade chat all day. 

This is exactly what I was thinking, something like a Trading Post.


You can post an item for sale or trade. As an example, let's just say that you have a Nova Prime Helmet and you want Ember Prime Chassis. You can post your Helmet for sale(20p) or trade(Ember Prime Chassis). When someone comes along with the part or the plat, they can purchase/trade for it and you can be playing while you wait for it to sell. This system would also take a lot of the hassle out of trading(connectivity issues, regional issues, scammers, etc.). This type of system would also balance the pricing and show the true availability/rarity of an item.


I think that the face to face trading system should stay, too. If you run into a clannie or a friend who needs something specific, you should still be able to trade with them personally.

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They've been taking peoples money for 2.5 years. It's not a friggen Beta

Oh so you're saying that they had to be providing their product entirely for free for 2.5 years and not be making any money back from it in order for it to be qualified as Beta?


It is a friggen Beta.

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This game needs an auction house badly.  Something where players don't have to waste their time spamming or reading trade chat just to look for something that isn't vaguely priced at "offer" if not over priced by to start.


Also, trades would still be limited to a certain number per day.



Oh so you're saying that they had to be providing their product entirely for free for 2.5 years and not be making any money back from it in order for it to be qualified as Beta?


It is a friggen Beta.

First:  It doesn't matter either way.  F2P open beta that's taking money?  When they call it "release" what changes besides whatever comes with that update?  Even after they officially recognize it as "released" they'll STILL experiment with new systems and continue content development.  Besides...
Second: As long as we're paying their pay checks, we have every right to demand release quality standards.  They don't get to push out rubbish or leave things in a rubbish state just because "it is a friggen Beta."  We're still here because it's fun.  If it weren't fun, they'd be looking for new jobs.  No one gives a $#!% what state a game is in.  They aren't running a charity, and we sure as hell aren't donating to one.  So, no, it's NOT okay just because it's a beta.  I have expectations, and they better damn well make every attempt to live up to them.  Preferably in a timely manner.
Edited by Littleman88
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Warframe really needs an auction house.



It is a good idea but some people can only see the worst examples of it on other games.

So much this.

Whenever auction house gets brought up, people start pointing at that one game that failed to do it properly.

Edited by KingTaro
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First:  It doesn't matter either way.  F2P open beta that's taking money?  When they call it "release" what changes besides whatever comes with that update?  Even after they officially recognize it as "released" they'll STILL experiment with new systems and continue content development.  Besides...
Second: As long as we're paying their pay checks, we have every right to demand release quality standards.  They don't get to push out rubbish or leave things in a rubbish state just because "it is a friggen Beta."  We're still here because it's fun.  If it weren't fun, they'd be looking for new jobs.  No one gives a $#!% what state a game is in.  They aren't running a charity, and we sure as hell aren't donating to one.  So, no, it's NOT okay just because it's a beta.  I have expectations, and they better damn well make every attempt to live up to them.  Preferably in a timely manner.

First of all, entitlement much? Don't go thinking you're gonna get anything out of them with that attitude.


I can't even see where you were trying to get with that first point of yours. And OBVIOUSLY they're pushing out rubbish into us, right? It's not like they're constantly fixing stuff and changing things around to improve the game or anything like that. No, they evidently just do things crappily and say "it's beta, deal with it", right???


And if you're talking about me, at no point did I ever say anything of the sort either. What I did say is that we don't have an auction house yet because the game's in Beta. It simply wasn't made yet. When you go into a Beta game, you're gonna find missing stuff that quite simple hasn't been made yet. That's just how it works. They have said that improvements to trading are on the way, but they haven't been very specific about what, but they're coming for sure. That is what I said.

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Because beta.


Trading, in it's current form, is not final. Maybe we'll get an auction house in the future, or something similar, or barring that, other improvements to trading. We don't know what yet, but you can be sure they will come.


Like a growing number of games its likely to never leave "beta"

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Trading chat isn't used by most players, an auction house would be. Market will get flooded, prices will crash because it's easier to farm and sell things with an auction house. If you want 99% of the tradeable items in the game to cost 1 platinum, then go for it - because that's what you'll get. If you want an actual economy, you can still be against having just the trade chat - we can make trading better without destroying the economy.

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1. Dem traders gonna be butthurt when they see their *insert overpriced mods and weapons, primes etc.* can no longer be sold for 500-1000p if AH is implemented. And then you will see rant posts all over the forums for the first few weeks/months.


2. DE needs to put in a lot of thought for this to prevent new players from just straight out buying everything from the AH and be done with the grind in a day. Well, not like newbies can't buy those mods with the current trading anyways.


TL;DR It will take some time. But mostly about point No. 1.

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