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Connection Issues (Chat, Game Launcher And Server) [Megathread]


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Are servers down again?





Designated Megathread for 19/09/2015 Server Problems.
It is being looked into. Continuing the merge threads into here.
DE is currently monitoring the server issues, [DE]Drew has made a post here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/530724-september-19th-connectivity-issues/
Edited by NovusNova
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So this is the second time that the servers go down today (also the second time I was in a raid, GG no re reinforced container).

I know it's not always something that DE is responsible for, but is something gonna be done about it (as in investigation to see what caused it, and fix so it doesn't happen again), or are we to expect more because it's on the servers providers whatever's side?

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Okay, so I am on the same internet as the person I play with. Suddenly, at the end of the mission, I am, without stuttering or anything else before it, canceled out and returned to the multiplayer menu. The person besides me gets thrown out to the Login Screen Login fails with a "Login failed. Could not connect to server. HttpSendRequest (https://ToS violation/api/login.php) failed (ERROR_INTERNET_TIMEOUT).


Fix your frelling matchmaking already. That thing is more bugged than a week old cadaver in the wilderness.

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