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Do You Ever Avoid Playing Certain Frames Because Of Others' Expectations?


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Totally agree with you OP. The first year and a half of this game were pretty nice since the meta didn't override fun. Nowadays when I want to mess around with a frame for standard alerts in a public game, I need to bring the meta "best" build rather than an enjoyable build. The amount of times people have tried to criticize me on the keys I'm hosting because I'm not using the equipment they want me to use. I'm not saying correlation equals causation, but I do tend to notice that the people that complain the most tend to do the worst in the group. It may be telling that people that adamantly try to enforce the meta wherever they go need to rely on it to cover up for their own lack of skill, since they spend all their time watching mesa shoot everything rather than actually play.


I do agree, the key host gets the final say on what ends up going on his key, but the problem has spread to all corners of the game. Joining a random squad with your matchmaking settings set to public will most likely yield you naught but griping if you're not using the proper build of a frame. I think the one tenuous exception may be in the case of Speed Nova, as that build can significantly alter the gameplay experience to a negative for a lot of players, but normally these details are worked out in squad.


Luckily I main Oberon, relatively unknown like Zephyr so I don't get as much build criticism like others.

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I once had someone complain about my Slow Nova making the waves in Void Defense "take too long". It's funny, because I always thought that making enemies more vulnerable was more important in combat than convenience was.

The only time I want a fast nova in defense if i am credit spamming runs 5 fast waves are good ..A long run slow nova rules ..

And to the OP when I host don't care what frame people have be nice and have fun. but I will change frames if I am asked  nice to  no big deal to me 

Edited by SlapClown
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I don't play Nova.  


I started Warframe in the end of 2013.  I built Nova because I had been lead to believe she was necessary for endgame content.  When I actually started playing her in pugs, I got nothing but hate.  I would show up in a defense mission and people start cussing me out before the match even started.  I had people telling me I was self-entitled and only playing Nova to boost my own ego.  I had people ragequit as soon as they saw me.


I was new.  I went through the entire star chart as a Soma Zombie (Soma was the rifle it was cool to hate before Boltor Prime).  I didn't know how the game worked.  I didn't know how affinity worked.  Apparently at the time, any enemies killed by the effects of Molecular Prime were counted as the Nova's kills, and all the affinity went to her.  I didn't know any of this.


I had some friends I could play with at the time and they were the only people I could play my Nova with.  Then they stopped playing Warframe and I had to stop playing Nova because I couldn't deal with the constant harassment.  At some point Molecular Prime was changed to be what it is now, but I wasn't playing the game at the time.  I take long breaks when my life gets busy.  But even when I was playing Warframe regularly, I couldn't touch Nova.  I'd remember all the harassment I'd gotten and decided it just wasn't worth it.  There's no point playing the game if it isn't fun.


Now it's the tail end of 2015.  A short while ago I built Nova Prime and that's when I started playing Nova again.  It had been so long I had completely forgotten how I modded her and had to teach myself how to play her again.


When I play pugs, nobody talks.  When I was new, people would only talk to S#&$ on each other, but today it seems that everybody is content to be silent.  Except when I played Nova.  They'd ask me what build I was.  "Speedva or Slowva?"  I'm @(*()$ unranked, I don't have Molecular Prime, don't ask me how I build for it because I haven't unlocked it.  And sometimes they want to be my friend.  "Come on Nova, let's get some XP.  Why don't you MP for us?"  Because I'm rank @(*()$ seven, I haven't unlocked it yet.  People saw a Nova Prime and jump on me.  They didn't interrogate any other players about what their builds were or why they were playing a certain way.  Just me.  Exactly like it was in 2013.  Except this time, instead of trying to shame me, they were acting like they were interested.


Somehow, that only pissed me off even more.


So I don't play Nova.  I have one friend who plays Warframe now.  I'll play Nova and he'll play Frost and we'll do Triton until our faces fall off.  Outside of that, she stays in the arsenal.

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Most of the time I play solo so I don't really have all that many people like them, but I do come em once in a while.

I kinda see them in the same light as people who think higher MR equals higher skill. So sick of that S#&$. (not just talking about mr5 vs mr15 or something, but literally mr16 vs mr 18 and stuff).

Worst I've seen was somebody who wanted mr18(+) players for a t2 surv (not even 2h or something, nope, a 20 or 40min run).


In terms of frames and builds I kinda do my own thing. I have a number of the 'normal' builds, but those are pretty much without exception builds I don't mind playing myself (if it's a frame I somewhat like). Stuff like slow / speed nova, duration vauban, etc.

What I refuse to do, however, is absolutely min-max stuff if it requires all slots. I take rush and vitality on nearly everything. Only exceptions are some frames which barely have to move or which I don't really care about and only play once in a blue moon.


It helps that I don't dislike playing the more common frames like frost (especially after the rework), nova, etc. Only a number of the frames I really don't care about / outright dislike. (rhino, oberon, mag, chroma and not too sure bout equinox atm).



Lately I've also started taking my banshee to defence runs and other stuff. Used to be my 2nd fav frame until it got overshadowed (never sold her, though). After the silence buff and the resonance augment I spent some time to get her up and running again.


So far I haven't really encountered somebody who was against my frame choice in the rare mission type I do with a group, probably mostly because I kinda stopped doing t4d/s, absolutely hate interception and don't do raids. Mostly not because of frame limitations, but simply due to not caring about the mission itself.

If I do happen to encounter one of those elitist pricks in a group I'm taxing to an alert or something, they will get 2 choices: shut their yapping mouth or bugger off. If somebody wants to be all elitist with their build and setup, they can keep that to their own builds.

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For some reason, I haven't encountered anything like this. Maybe it's because I usually don't join runs with super-strict requirements, like "hosting T3S MR15+, need Frost, Mesa and Trinity, CP ONLY". Those requirements by themselves tell me the host is most likely both bad at the game and annoying.

On the other hand, as VKhaun said, it should be clear that when people are looking for a certain frame, they want its meta build and not the unique snowflake build you made. When someone asks for a Vauban for ODD, I don't go in with a Tesla Link build. That would be rude.

Edited by Defendor
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Walk your way bru, you got nothing to justify.


Lots of tards think Trinity Blessing spam is the only way. Like you couldn't, at first, generate infinite energy but you still must reduce energy consumption.


Trinity link does by far better job in long high level mission. Make sure that any disrupter is not here, link, revive your mates who're likely spending a lot of time on the ground (usually those who pretend there is a way, lol).


Same goes for all warframe. There is your way, and in a pve game it's the only one which matter.

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I find them sometimes, i for example had players who requested corrosive projection on the recent alerts to reduce the rather low armor that they had.

I usually go on sarcastic mode and say things such as "you go from 50 base armor and 500 robotic to 25 armor and 500 robotic, a massive change, won't sleep without cp"


If you're a really good player just say to them that you will keep said warframe and said build, because you know it works.


When i join games, i don't join any that have a MR requirement, as those show pretty bad players, lack of competence is an issue that i avoid at all costs, when it comes to warframes i might go along with a specific warframe, altough with no actual strategy in mind and with a rather trivial mission, i just go with whatever warframe i want, if the host requires a specific warframe for trivial missions then i simply avoid joining as the user hasn't reached an acceptable level of gameplay yet and still needs very efficient playstyles to succeed at said missions.


That's pretty much it, i simply select from the available games, which ones to join, which ones need my help and which ones i need to avoid.

I'm not going to say how players should do things, i just don't help when the player is purposefully bad.

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The only frame on my S#&$list is Trinity - not because of anything wrong with her or my builds - mostly because of how painfully bad a sizable proportion of the playerbase is without her to rely on all the time.

Other than that - I say screw em all - even the whole keyholder etiquette thing can take a hike in my opinion. Barely anything in this game requires these meta build squads to succeed and generally all I see in those squads is a bunch of scrubs copying others tactics from YouTube while having no ability to adapt or respond adequately to high level play once a piece of the machine falters.

If you are confident and capable with your build - you're much more likely to survive and react positively to difficult situations than anyone who is completely dependant on the crutch-like meta.

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Unless it is an expectation that has been discussed before beginning a mission with people who can communicate like human beings, I could give a S#&$ less what they expect of me when I play a certain frame. I know what I'm doing and I know how to carry my own weight. I can't say I have had anyone really berate me for how I play, but if I did I'd probably just ignore the chat and carry on. Constructive criticism is fine, but don't be a jerk about it.

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Mate... just play whatever you want, the way you want. And forget that kind of people even exists (For some reason my chat in game always disconnects so i cant read anything that anyone says, im thinking this is great now :D )


But yeah, i know what you mean, also: people dont even know what they are doing.. you just have to see how some people ask for mesas/trinitys/slowvas for T1 deffense. 


The thing is, as you said, it might be convenient to have a certain comp for... lets say a T4 survival. Then everyone asks for this composition for any survival becouse it makes them feel proffesional. 


Anyway... play whatever you want, enjoy and have fun the way you want mate. 

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Nope, play what you want/like and anyone else can go spin.


That said i Have only used the recruitment channel twice in the Year that ive been playing once at my friends urging to find two more for a ODD that we were doing and once with a friend who found a pair of rather bossy dimwits for a T3S who tried to get us to play to their plan and duration but started to die often well before that.


The only place where a select Frame could be asked for is the raid as it has needs and wants that go beyond the effects of any regular mission.

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Honestly if people ask for specific builds when they try to recruit a PUG, they are kinda lost cases. You can argue with them, or you can just not care and move along. I usually do the latter, or I troll a little and join the group anyway with a different frame, just because I CAN.


But this behavior is present in every grouping system in every game. People want the cookie cutter missions done the cookie cutter way, because they have gotten lost in the mindless grinding game, slightly frustrated over every single second they waste because they still need (insert random drop).


The rest of us just like to have fun. Part of the fun for me is taking unorthodox setups along, so yeah :)

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It has happened, most notably with Rhino and Boltor Prime. Rarely see those nowadays.


But hey it don't stop me, and it don't stop my friends. Screw them haters.


Oh and I don't have Mesa, but nobody in any PUG I've been in has any problems with running Mesa because of her ubiquity. They're pretty generous in my opinion, willing to sacrifice all that affinity.


And I play PUGs pretty much all of the time.

Edited by TheKingOfAllNoobs
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I just play what I want.


Sometimes in tower missions someone might want to do something specific and I can choose a 'frame to help facilitate that, but that's generally for premade groups whose composition is up for some discussion before the mission kicks off.


PuGs? I play what I want. I'll tend to play certain 'frames for certain mission types. Defense means Nyx or Banshee, extermination means Valkyr or Saryn, interception is all about Zephyr, except when it's Nyx...that sort of thing. Sometimes, I even bring Trinity, but no one seems to notice--aside from them running off and Trin never seeing them again, but they'll still *@##$ about getting smokechecked because they were stupid.




Anyway, I've had people bail because I had the temerity to show up at Draco with NyxP (which she can solo to key nirvana quite readily), but mostly I don't care. I play what I want.

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When I do go to recruiting (which is a very very rare occurrence.) I always make a point to avoid people looking for certain frames or people hosting camping games. I don't mind having to sit in my liset for a while just to find a group who is cool enough to let people bring what they want as long as they can hold their own.

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