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Fan Concepts Forum Concept: Sub-Categories


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This is a great section, but incredibly crowded, and easy to lose track of topics if you don't subscribe.

I think it would initially complicate, but very quickly simplify things in this section if we had sub-forums, or sub-categories. 


UPDATE - Below is our new list of temporary categories:


Equipment (Weapons, Gear, Archwings, Arch-Weapons, Ships, & Mods)
Locations (Tilesets, Planets, & Solar Systems)
Factions (Factions & Syndicates)
Characters (Units, Bosses, & NPC's)
Missions (Modes, Alerts, Quests, Events and PVP)

These are just suggestions.

I'm not sure if people make polls for this type of thing (off-site polls)... Simpler:

Disagree? Don't upvote.

Agree? Upvote.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Thanks for the support and replies so far, everyone.

Good to know it's possible, Drew.

unknown99, yes, that index is very detailed and I hope they continue to update it. The only issue I see with applying that format to the forum is it is easier to access that many sub-categories in a single thread. In my experience, it gets much messier on a forum layout to have that many sub-forums.

It's cleaner, easier, to have less sub-categories [than the index has] for a forum. Just the broad categories would be enough to test out first and see if it would help organize things here. Old die-hards complain less about navigating the site if it's something in the middle (more categories, but not an overwhelming amount of categories as compared to what they were used to).

That's my objection to using the index's format, though. It is entirely up to the community (if everyone loves the index format and agrees to it, no problem) and in the end DE.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Something like this could be possible, if there's enough interest. Open to more ideas/suggestions. 


Hey [DE]Drew, If possible, do you think you can make a post in GD titled something like "Have an idea/concept/etc. Read first" and then link to fan concepts? the amount of times someone posts their idea or concept in GD is ridiculous. could possibly cut down on the commod's workload of having to relocate tons of concepts to their appropriate location

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Could go:



Equipment (Weapons, Gear, Archwings, Arch-Weapons, Ships, & Mods)

Locations (Tilesets, Planets, & Solar Systems)


Factions (Factions & Syndicates)

Characters (Units, Bosses, & NPC's)

Missions (Modes, Alerts, Quests, & Events)



That's only eight sub-forums.

Edited by Krion112
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Rozalinsnow, Morec0, that ties into my wariness of using the (incredible) fan-index. As a single thread, it is easy to navigate it. That many categories as sub-forums...would be a maze.

If others are strongly for using the index format, I'd love to hear arguments for why.

Even the categories in my OP are just suggestions. Here's another try:

• Warframes (whether original or reworks or archwings, armor, skins or alternate helmets)

• Weapons (every thing that goes twhip, slice, snikt, bang and boom)

• Environments (maps, levels, ships/lisets)

• Companions and NPCs (kubrows, sentinels, ship cephalons)

• Factions, Syndicates, Enemies

• Missions, Quests, Events, Alerts (PVE and PVP)

• Mods, Cosmetics (Anything applied to a warframe or weapon)

That's only seven sub-categories, each of which is a bit of a catch-all.

The change won't be without hiccups.

EDIT: Krion, you beat me to it.

I like your set better. Because ships are physical locations (and not part of our arsenal yet, though they will be soon), I think those can go under locations.

Archwings would go under Equipment, I'd think. Since a Warframe equips it.

PVP going under missions?

I think Syndicates belong with Factions. They're both groups of allied persons.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Thanks, boys and girls.

Seems many of us want this.

Is everyone okay with Krion's proposed list (which is Morec0's list simplified)? And should PVP be in missions? (We need to slot it somewhere at least initially)

I can't see how to boil it down past 7-8 broad categories right now. I want to edit it into the OP if y'all are good with it.

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This is a good idea and i've upvoted for it. However, the struggle to sort these all will be colossal, so in an easier theory for the current situation; why not let users tag their posts? Of course this would have some ground rules (inappropriate content etc) but it would make it easier while DE fix it up.

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Feedback  = "I like X. I don't like Y" 

Bug = "X doesn't work and neither does Y" 


Feedback: It's really annoying when X doesn't work :P


But rather than definitions of the words I think he's asking about why the two forums are organised into different sets of subforums when they could both divide the game up in the same way?


IDK, it makes sense to me that bugs are organised by platform because they're 3 different sets of code, but feedback is more general about the game and only has subsections for things that are platform-specific. I never really noticed the other bits were different before. But apparently there's a whole subforum for giving feedback about the dojo. And nowhere to report bugs with warframes or weapons (well, it all goes in general bugs).

Edited by Azure.M
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