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Remember The Days When... Wf Edition


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I'll add onto this thread for the sake of it


- When we had events what felt like damn near constantly, and said events were fun. (This kinda ended at Botanyframe but Breeding Grounds and Cryotic Front were both pretty great. Cryotic was the last good event tbh).


- When the game was a power trip fantasy, instead of a cheesefest on both sides. It felt good.


- When all the factions seemed fair and different from one another, and not one bullS#&$ CC or proc after another.


- When hivemind AI didn't feel like such a problem (byproduct of the point above ^)


- When enemies weren't soley designed to take away from game experience and ruin solo players' times even more (Mutalist everything, new Ancients, upcoming Combas, Cats).


- When mods like Anti-Toxin and Diamond Skin (used to reduce laser damage) were important for high wave defense.


- When armor ignore was a thing, and somehow allowed for more endgame viable weapons than we have now.


- When melee was actually fun and charge attacks were a viable way to do damage.


- When bean queen Saryn was the queen of DPS via venom.


- When the old HUD and UI looked like they came out of a cartoon.


- When tilesets seemed well thought out and exciting. Jupiter tileset was the last one to do this.


- When every planet had a boss.


- When bosses weren't locked behind keys.


- When Alad V's character wasn't ruined.


- When Nef Anyo wasn't dressed up as a giant shekel.


- When horrible ideas like Kubrows never crossed the devs minds.


- When The Void was a fun place to explore for lots of neat loot, some runs even taking as much as an hour long just to find every single nook and cranny, and learn all the different puzzles. The Prime part at the end just feeling like a bonus.


- When the starchart showed actual progression and not the terrible nonsense we have now.


- When you could actually enjoy the peace and quiet of the menu screen and not have to listen to ship sounds or see a stupid box spout terrible dialogue at you every minute or so.


- When Warframes' kits had actual thought put into them so that they weren't crap (we haven't had a quality kit since Mirage). 


- When the devs actually used to post on the forums.


- When we heard there would be a codex and scanning everyone thought it'd be like Metroid Prime and that they'd use scanning in order to add some life into the game world. Instead we got bullS#&$.


- When the idea of PvP was laughed at by the devs. If only it stayed that way.


- When Steve outright said in Devstream 1 that he "didn't wanna just cheap out on lore with a paragraph of text every now and then." Funny how that turned out.


- When Lotus used Rebecca's actual voice instead of the horribly robotic, synthesized, and emotionless version we hear now.


- When Lotus' character wasn't ruined by some Other M level motherhood bullS#&$.


- When I didn't hate every NPC in the game.


- When the promise of Dark Sectors (Badlands), Syndicates (Proxy Wars.. with one of them being "Oracles of Saturn"), and Focus were all supposed to be endgame content for 2014. 



I can go on and on and on and on and on...

Edited by Diarist
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I'll add onto this thread for the sake of it


- When we had events what felt like damn near constantly, and said events were fun. (This kinda ended at Botanyframe but Breeding Grounds and Cryotic Front were both pretty great. Cryotic was the last good event tbh).


- When the game was a power trip fantasy, instead of a cheesefest on both sides. It felt good.


- When all the factions seemed fair and different from one another, and not one bullS#&$ CC or proc after another.


- When hivemind AI didn't feel like such a problem (byproduct of the point above ^)


- When enemies weren't soley designed to take away from game experience and ruin solo players' times even more (Mutalist everything, new Ancients, upcoming Combas, Cats).


- When mods like Anti-Toxin and Diamon Skin (used to reduce laser damage) were important for high wave defense.


- When armor ignore was a thing, and somehow allowed for more endgame viable weapons than we have now.


- When melee was actually fun and charge attacks were a viable way to do damage.


- When bean queen Saryn was the queen of DPS via venom.


- When the old HUD and UI looked like they came out of a cartoon.


- When tilesets seemed well thought out and exciting. Jupiter tileset was the last one to do this.


- When every planet had a boss.


- When bosses weren't locked behind keys.


- When Alad V's character wasn't ruined.


- When Nef Anyo wasn't dressed up as a giant shekel.


- When horrible ideas like Kubrows never crossed the devs minds.


- When The Void was a fun place to explore for lots of neat loot, some runs even taking as much as an hour long just to find every single nook and cranny, and learn all the different puzzles. The Prime part at the end just feeling like a bonus.


- When the starchart showed actual progression and not the terrible nonsense we have now.


- When you could actually enjoy the peace and quiet of the menu screen and not have to listen to ship sounds or see a stupid box spout terrible dialogue at you every minute or so.


- When Warframes' kits had actual thought put into them so that they weren't crap (we haven't had a quality kit since Mirage). 


- When the devs actually used to post on the forums.


- When we heard there would be a codex and scanning everyone thought it'd be like Metroid Prime and that they'd use scanning in order to add some life into the game world. Instead we got bullS#&$.


- When the idea of PvP was laughed at by the devs. If only it stayed that way.


- When Steve outright said in Devstream 1 that he "didn't wanna just cheap out on lore with a paragraph of text every now and then." Funny how that turned out.


- When Lotus used Rebecca's actual voice instead of the horribly robotic, synthesized, and emotionless version we hear now.


- When Lotus' character wasn't ruined by some Other M level motherhood bullS#&$.


- When I didn't hate every NPC in the game.


- When the promise of Dark Sectors (Badlands), Syndicates (Proxy Wars.. with one of them being "Oracles of Saturn"), and Focus were all supposed to be endgame content for 2014. 



I can go on and on and on and on and on...

While I can't agree with everything in this list, I agree with 85ish%.   


Hey DE when your players that have been around long enough to see all the changes since closed beta are reacting like this, there may be a problem. 

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When Mag was pointed out to be the most useless Warframe. (Yay for a slight rework... More please.)


When Mag can Pull teammates.


When Bullet Attractor in closed beta can be used to kill teammates who insult you.  Ha.. HAHAHAHA!


When the Flux Rifle had an innate ability to cause staggering before damage 2.0 completely removed it.  (Also boltor weapons).


When Acrid had the dot damage scalable with all elemental mods.


When your paycheck arrived after they just closed Founders packs so you can't get that Lato Prime and it bothers you to this day...

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