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What Do You Think Will Be The Average Trade Price For Syndicate Primaries, Day One On Console?


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I'm mildly concerned about how much a Sancti Tigris and a Secura Penta will set me back.  I'm eager to get my hands on these, so I'm expecting to pay top dollar.  An unfortunate circumstance of representing the left side rather than the right.  So in your opinion...what do you think will be the asking price for these the moment they're available?



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I would definitely try the trade route first. I know I'll be trading a Tigris for a Simulor day 1. Then my second Tigris will get traded for the arbiters new primary and I'll keep the third for myself.


But you are correct, there does seem to be more left than right syndicate loyalty on PS4. You could always swap like I did. I wanted all 6 syandonas so I maxed the left plus red veil 1st and then maxed the right plus steel meridian. I may switch back at some point, who knows.

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60P at first but then





Pretty much this, the secondaries followed a similar pattern. I used to be able to sell them for 30p easily, but now I can get 25p with a little work. I frequently get low-balled for 20p. However, the primaries need more rep, so you'll have to add about 5p to the final price.


I went on earlier to see what they were going for and people were trucking to huck them for 200p. Not happening.

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Trading is really the best way to do it in the first few months when the prices are so varying and extra expensive. 


I mean, now you can get syndicate secondaries for around 30p-35p on pc for example, sometimes even less. And they only cost 25K less standing than the primaries. So I expect syndicate primary prices to settle somewhere in the 35p-45p range eventually. Right now not as many have been farmed yet and everyone's excited so it's going to be more expensive and sellers may be asking for a lot, just like when syndicate secondaries were first out. 


Wait for the market to level out to buy. Until then, I would just suggest trading primary for primary and secondary for secondary. I have never had trouble getting what I wanted that way. 


Just traded an extra Telos Boltor for a Sancti Tigris the other day no problem. If you wait a little on trade chat and have patience, you'll almost always find people willing to do a straight trade. 



Note: If you support the left side like I do, I would simply caution that you'll probably have the most luck trading the Telos Boltor and the Synoid Simulor for the weapons on the right side. 


I have heard some people have had trouble trading their Vaykor Hek, or selling it, for much of anything, but that's just anecdotal because I haven't tried to trade/sell one yet myself. It seems to be one of the very least currently valued of the syndicate weapons, so I would go with the other two for trading power. 


I am maxed with Arbiter's and Suda, but I don't quite have rank 5 yet in Steel Meridian. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I planned for this a long time ago.  I prefer being on the right and that's where I started.  Its less populated since the left was "better" so finding trades is easier - more left supply and right demand.


So as soon as the change came to only pay sacrifice once I swapped to the left to get the syandanas that where the only things I didn't have.  Waited there until now when I have a good reason to go back to the right.  I'll buy my left primaries and then let the grind commence on the right.


I'll then stay on the right until DE gives me a good reason to change... i.e something I can't trade for. 


FWIW, I have a never pay plat for syndicate stuff mentality.  If I can't trade straight up for it I'll grind the rep myself.  What the hell else am I going to do with 20+ k of rep (30k if you count the 50% ally bonus) every day .

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Go for straight trades and get as many as you can right away. Their value should drop quickly if you're looking to buy/sell so plan accordingly. Since you need to be MR 12 in order to buy/sell/trade syndi primaries the market for them is quite a bit smaller then for secondaries. In other words, the player economy will be saturated with them quickly.

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I recommend you hit 125k rept first for the syndicates you have.
Then exchange those you are missing.


That is what I have being doing.

For example, I was SM, RV, NL and Perrin.

I traded for Synoid and Telos first.


Then i proceeded to continue to sell the Tigris and Cernos since they have more demand.

Then in mean time, I leveled the Hek, Synoid and Telos to keep myself busy.

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