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A Cry For The Warframe Trading Community


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Greetings fellow Tenno.

I would like to take a few minutes of your time to explain a case that I myself, and my friends have been seeing in Warframe as of recently. As we all know, trading can be useful, if our 56th farming run doesn't grant us that Wyrm Prime System? Well then.. perhaps we can sell some of our junk-primes and then buy it from others instead. Largely, trading is always useful when it comes to crowded games with a lot of people, but trading in Warframe is not bad because of the system implemented by Digitial Extremes, but by the very players that deal in it.

Players in warframes trading system are usually harsh and unforgiving, and they do not take into consideration that the player they're dealing with might be lesser experienced than themselves. Recently I was trying to buy a few Prime Warframe Sets, to which I was able to buy a Rhino Prime for around 60p, quite cheap I thought, but apparently from what I've gathered such sets are extremely cheap.

Well, then comes the kicker, I ask in trade-chat for a Frost-Prime set, and I get around 5-7 whispers with "Offer". I then procede onwards to offer 60p like I just bought the Rhino for, and yet, this time around I am not met with "Ok sounds nice, inv.", instead I am greeted by 7 messages of precisely similar words:



And from what one would actually believe, I was ignored straight away by all, without having been given the chance to respond, and perhaps try to bargain with fellow Tenno. But instead, I was ignored, and I had no idea why. I assumed it was because of the price. I then asked region chat what such a Frost Prime-set cost, and one helpful fella told me it was being sold for 400p as the usual price.

At this point, I'm really starting to believe that people need to take a step back, and think about the fellow players their interact with. So this is my cry to all of you in the trading chat: If you see someone bidding completely and absurd prices on something, like from the example above, don't just ignore them, and instead try to explain to them what the item is worth. There is no need to act like elitist *******, be helpful, and keep in mind that not all players are 100% devoted to Warframe, and may not know the prices of all items being sold in trade chat.

Thank you for reading this, and please do discuss, what is your feelings of this matter? When it comes to people just straight-away ignoring you because you offered a price that in their eyes are unreasonable?

Also, my apologize if I made this thread in the wrong section, I believe this is my first post, but I feel that General Discussion is the right place for a small thread like this.


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As a frequent trader and trade matchmaker, I find this extremely as disappointingly true.

However, what I learnt is that it is best to ignore such traders. The trade chat is a cruel world with too much struggle for profit, the Corpus might as well own the chat.

Carry on with your own buisness and ignore those who do not contribute. Morality and ethics know no meaning on the internet.

Though, there are a few honest and decent traders out there, just keep an eye out fo them ;)

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Thats the issue with any community, some people will be greedy.

I got ignored by a guy that we settled a deal and he didnt want to wait 5min until I left another trade, so he ignored me.


Other people will actually take the time to bargain and stuff.


Its just how people act behind a keyboard, best thing is to not take it personally, they wherent worth your time anyways, as they seem like the kind of people that would probably be expecting 600p to get the most out of it.

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im nearly tired to tell:


GREED rules the tradechat, thats one side


the other side is that people which are young or have no job or less real cash for getting plat can get cheap everything in warframe (except some "useless shiny stuff" from prime extra packs)


and thats it ... dont care about the emotional nonsense in the tradechat, get your things done there and close the window, and dont even try to find out whats going on there, it will create immediately hell in front of your computer =)))

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As a frequent trader and trade matchmaker, I find this extremely as disappointingly true.

However, what I learnt is that it is best to ignore such traders. The trade chat is a cruel world with too much struggle for profit, the Corpus might as well own the chat.

Carry on with your own buisness and ignore those who do not contribute. Morality and ethics know no meaning on the internet.

Though, there are a few honest and decent traders out there, just keep an eye out fo them ;)


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After suffering from similar esteem-breaking, life-devastating encounters myself, I sympathize. A simple "that's too low" or even "I'd rather take x amount" would suffice. However, I usually pm other possibly experienced-looking players and ask them about a particular item I'm trying to sell and so far all of such encounters were met with positive responses. Either "I don't know, sorry" or "I think about x amount" or similar. So you could try that.


The one time someone told me my prices were too high was by first telling me that "I'm f****** stupid", but in order to get the info I needed from this kind fella I politely asked what the usual price was, which he eventually told. wish I could've him his behaviour was in the minority relative to the rest of the community though.

Edited by Scarletite
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Oh thats sad . 

I had the same issue.

When i restarted warframe i was a bit off the prices .

People just answered me things like "Oh tenno the price is more around XPlat"

Never got ignored. 

You can price check first next time.

Good thing you got ignored so you will never get to trade with those Annoying type of tenno.


For the moment Mag and Frost are no longer dropable so the price may be little higher than before.

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Their loss.


Either way, that's bad manners from them anyways. nothing you can do about it sadly.


For me, I check MR of people I trade with, just to gauge how much they know about the game (rough estimate).


Maybe that's what DE should do: Show player MR beside their name


Edit: Open market, where everyone sets their prices without judgment

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I can understand that.


I tried to get Glaive Prime set once and used "WFTrading.com" for price comparison.


the only person who would sell it to me wanted easily double than what the highest price was. Mainly it was the BP which comes from a T4 mission that spiked the price.


But the guy never explained why he wouldn't budge from his 150p offer.


I eventually found the set for the same price from someone else, but they added the scindo prime handle (or blade, not sure) and i said to msyelf "F*** it i'll take it...."

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The trade chat is the true endgame of warframe.

Sadly, the prices on there us dictated by the seller, and not any true fixed prices, so you can expect to be over charged, or have players offer far less than actual worth.

While I'm nice enough in game, and avoid trading most of the time, Iv fallen back on the trade chat to help me with my grind, and I see some of the dumbest things in there.

People asking for a Maxed hornet strike for 35p, my friend being offered 20p for her Maxed redirection, and stuff like loki p set worth 90p tops(due to new updated drops. He isn't quite as rare anymore).

Mods like prime flow and continuity sell for far too much, and frost prime sets are going for 500 ish now.

The whole trading system is broken by the community rather than the devs. Sadly, there's no real way to moderate prices. Yes I know of wftrader, but Noone ever uses that in the trade chat.

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See the bright side : who would want to lose his time with such short tempered lad ? to be honest if i saw an offer like yours (60 plat for a full frost) i just don't answer to it since i'll manage to sell it 300 anyway :/


But i'm not gonna black list you just because you're making an offer Oo that's just silly.

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You either wait, do homework or buy it with big money. That's what in-game market always did.

You can't even take about 15 mins checking price in trade channel, why do sellers should have responsible for all the defect and fault of the whole system? I won't be surprised if those sellers consider OP a troll.


I got another similar thread for you:


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Perhaps the Xbox community is different than PC, but when I or a buddy of mine (who has more patience for trade chat than I do) ask for a price check we are mostly met with replies like "offer?" Now when I am asking the price of something, and not asking to buy said item, why on earth would you think asking for an offer is an appropriate response? Shenanigans like this are why I have little to ni patience for trading.

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This is one of the annoying things with trading, when you ask for something and you get 5-10 messages saying "Offer?" Just tell me the damn price you want for the thing, and I'll decide if I will take it or not or if I want to try to barter for it. 


The other annoying thing is the need to be at a trade post. 

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    Personally someone tried to sell me 1 primed continuity and 1 primed flow for 860p both without even mentioning the ranks and when i told him i can buy a primed mod maxed for that price-insta ignore. 

    I try to keep decent prices to the stuff i`m selling, sometimes giving even a small bonus (extra prime part, mods, etc) or sometimes even give dup. mods for free to mr10 and below. Problem is with scammers, and with "Offer" response, most of the people try to ripoff the buyers that don`t know what the prices are. There is tho the other side of the coin - if i`m selling something for 60p the are some people that will go "i`ll give you 40" those i`ll ignore without a word, i`m already giving you a normal or even below normal price - you don`t go to the SuperMarket and stat haggling with the cashier now do you ?        

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haha, you know, after a while dealing with the trading chat, this sort of reactions become amusing, you may even start enjoying it, that is my experience at least, helping noobs in low level missions or even teaching them about the raid is the way, but the trade chat is a totally different game

Edited by rockscl
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