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How Has The Free Market Helped You?


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How has the free market helped you? If at all? For me well, it made me want to stay in the game more. Haggling for prices is a lot of fun and even getting that 2p extra is very satisfactory.


Sure the chat is a mess and it could do with some improvements but after trying out some other game well... it takes a difference of contrast to realize what you can take for granted.


Sure this is a small thing but I still wanted to let DE know about this, the free market is one of the best things you've provided us with. Not only did it bring sustainable life to the game but added another side of "endgame" potential.



Have a look at this [leads to aftermath forums] http://forum.willyousurvive.com/index.php?/topic/7124-buy-sell-trade-how-in-game-economy-works-important/


Basically the developers of Aftermath have a store, in that store you can sell your stuff for a price set by them. That store also sells some items for a price set by them. They want to fully control the economy of the game. DE on the other hand, simply said "here take this" and ever since then just let us play with it.


Sure some time-exclusive mods are wayyy over priced but this price is set by us. If you are against that high price, boycott it or sell it for much cheaper (which we all know nobody will do). 




So what do you guys have to share about this free market? I mean overall it probably did help but what do you expect the future to hold? We all know a badly implemented system could very much kill the current existing economy.

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wastes too much time in it's current state. i just want to fight not spend hours shouting WTS/WTB which by the way has a 2 min(3 minute?) cooldown and if you try to type before that timer ends you have to wait even longer.

Edited by Dillon_J
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It's nice that the game allows us to trade currency that can only be obtained with real world money.  The aquisition of which, for me, is an endgame of sorts.  I don't need plat, it's just something that accumulates as I play.  It truely only takes minimum effort for maximum gains.


The only thing that could make it better is a player shop system that lets me make sales while I'm not playing the game.

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Trading definitely allowed me to get a lot of extra slots, and even drop some plat on prime parts I was tired of farming, or cosmetics.


I was pretty much 'endgame ready' before I bought my first platinum pack using real money, so that just serves as proof that the game is perfectly playable without paying.


As for what I want from the trading system:


It's definitely too hard to find your trade out there. There needs to be a better announcement system, and an actual trade system that does not require both players being in the same session at the same time.


With websites like warframe.market appearing it's way past time for trading to get a 2.0

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I have made more plat than I have spent through trade. It also reduced my farming time considerably for several items. If you are patient and are willing to be a bit flexible you can do pretty well for yourself. On the other side, I hate trade chat and haven't actively traded for over a month because the sheer thought of it makes my mind go numb.

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i sell all super cheap so i dont have to stay i trade for more than 5 minutes really hate the chat trade system AH please

i have made quite a few plat tho but i also have played liek for a year or smthg , and i also buy plat for money i say 50% trade 50% cash but its really annoing

Edited by Mathemagics
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I have an issue with this market as it's really coincidental, the buyer and the seller have to be online at the same time, and looking in the same tab, for the parties to meet, the trade channel is flooded constantly making it hard to search for a buyer or seller of what you have or want (and even when you do, their name flies by and you have to scroll up and search meticulously to find them)


What I'd suggest is an open market or auction house where the sellers can place their item up for sale.

Now in a perfect trade world:

the seller could put it up for an approximate price, where a buyer could message them and haggle it down.

they could also set a "lowest" price, where buyers could bid for the item until the seller agrees to sell it to the highest current bidder (with a time limit so the seller doesn't set and forget).

and finally they could set an exact price, where the seller could sell the item for a price, and first come first served.


We know we're getting a ship addition at some point, so we can add a hub there for the players to get to their market. As well we could add a hub into relays just for "realism" basically.


The current system REALLY needs a rework, I'm just suggesting what I would think works well.

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Naturally the trading chat has been a great source of Plat, as well as the occasional Prime part that remained frustratingly ellusive in the Void.  I do think it needs a lot of improvement and I think that's probably on the drawing board at some point since it is so obviously frustrating to people. 


I personally would prefer an "auction" type environment like what games like DDO use where you post your item, you set your price and then you sit back and wait to see if it sells or not.  During that time it is for sale, it is removed from your inventory and the auction itself takes the item and gives it to the buyer so there is virtually no chance for cheating.  If you set your price too high, the item won't sell and you can get it back and try again with a lower price or keep fishing. 


When you want to buy something, you simply look it up like the Codex, narrowing it down by the type of item like a Primary Weapon, then break it down by the individual parts and then find it in the list and then the screen displays all the pieces that are available and for what cost.  It's a very good system and very "hands off" for the players so it's something that can happen in the background while you are playing.  When an item sells, you would just get a message and go to the menu to claim your Plat or maybe get it in the Inbox message.  This would remove the whole haggling thing, but I think that intimidates a lot of players into not using the trading chat at all, so that may still be a good thing.  Just my .02

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Ive made 3k plat with my arcane helms and operation gate crash rewards. So I'm set for life basically specially since I'm at a point in the game where I've got all the things I wanted forma'd and maxed mastery. Never spent a dime after grabbing founders and this free market just makes it better to access things I would of had to use my irl money on with that feeling if I should get it or not.

Edited by TrueBuddhaBruh
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wastes too much time in it's current state. i just want to fight not spend hours shouting WTS/WTB which by the way has a 2 min(3 minute?) cooldown and if you try to type before that timer ends you have to wait even longer.

Maybe people could stop selling Sicarus prime barrels etc. Also i never seem to waste too much time for the thing im looking for or selling unless im looking for an Arcane Helmet. 


Free market is good. It rewards the seller who sells the thing that people wants. Its all about selling the thing that people wants. Buy from low, sell from high. Thats how you make platinum. Its not rocket science, anyone disagreeing that its not effective prob, trying to sell Sicarus prime barrels.

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Maybe people could stop selling Sicarus prime barrels etc. Also i never seem to waste too much time for the thing im looking for or selling unless im looking for an Arcane Helmet. 


Free market is good. It rewards the seller who sells the thing that people wants. Its all about selling the thing that people wants. Buy from low, sell from high. Thats how you make platinum. Its not rocket science, anyone disagreeing that its not effective prob, trying to sell Sicarus prime barrels.

or you just sell stuff really low compared to most so people automatically go to you.  Or you are simply there at the right time. In my region, chat is always dead at certain times meaning for some people they may never be able to do trades.


Like i said in its current state it is terrible.  People just spamming chat by the paragraphs is not a good trade system.  On top of this there are constant scammers due to little explanation on trading for newer players.


i dont play this game to play some micro-managing market trade i play it to "shoot S#&$." if there was an auction house then thatd be way better, but we have no idea what DE is planning to do with Trade 2.0.

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or you just sell stuff really low compared to most so people automatically go to you.  Or you are simply there at the right time. In my region, chat is always dead at certain times meaning for some people they may never be able to do trades.


Like i said in its current state it is terrible.  People just spamming chat by the paragraphs is not a good trade system.  On top of this there are constant scammers due to little explanation on trading for newer players.

Well anyone selling from really low prices aint gonna make much. Im against those paragraphs aswell but scammers? How do people even fall for them anyway? Do people switch kubrow imprints etc? You can double check them with that button. New players has little to trade anyway. What are they going to sell ? 



i dont play this game to play some micro-managing market trade i play it to "shoot S#&$." if there was an auction house then thatd be way better, but we have no idea what DE is planning to do with Trade 2.0.

Oh no. Im not going down that way. Im just going to say im wholeheartedly against any Auction house. There are just too many reasons for that and i dont intend to ruin this thread by going that way.

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