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Why Is There Still An Afk Penalty


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Mesa is adjusted and Gmag is buried alive.


Why is there still an afk system? All it does now is punish players.

And that justifies the removal of an AFK system???????

An AFK system is supposed to punish players, it's the entire point of one.

Edited by Xiusa
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Thankfully so, the AFK penalty wasn't really introduced because of mesa and gmag combo but because leechers are a known breed that exists in every game, yesterday i was doing an ODD for ember bp, a guy came in with a trinity level 2 and stood up on the highest point of the map doing nothing.

Another time a dude straight out camped in a little room in a t4 survival with unraked gear AND frame.

Should i go on?

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There's still an AFK penalty because there are still people that are trying to AFK through missions.


If you think it's being triggered incorrectly, maybe you could outline the precise circumstances under which it happened and then the system could be refined?

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the point is that the current afk detection system is crap


i shouldnt be punished for staying still and shooting things from inside my globe as frost


the afk system requires a certain amount of running around, its just funky


5 mins would be fine but 60 secs is stupid

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the point is that the current afk detection system is crap


i shouldnt be punished for staying still and shooting things from inside my globe as frost


the afk system requires a certain amount of running around, its just funky


5 mins would be fine but 60 secs is stupid


So, you want to give Lechers and AFKers like OP below me, to do such?, 5mins no...


So why not have players vote on it.


Just today, i was spamming 4 with nova for an odd, I'd pop into warframe every minute and spam it for a wave.


I was helpful for my team and did what they needed, yet still got an afk penalty.


Press 4 to win, and going AFK?,


Nah, lets keep it..it stops this..

Edited by LegionCynex
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Nova 4 doesn't instakill enemies, I was speeding up enemies for the squad.


I understand leechers are a problem, but I think the squad should decide if they want them punished or not.


I mean, there's people that have to go somewhere in the middle of a game, or get caught by the afk system even if they help (like what i did with nova).


The players would then decide if they wanna penalize or not, not have an automatic system do it unjustly.

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Because you join a game to play the game. As long as you're playing it won't affect you.

You know, you can join the game and play the game yet you will be marked as afk. You can help your team by killing enemies and by using abilities, but the game will mark you as 'afk' if you haven't moved for the last 1 or 2 minutes. And before you are going to tell me that this system is good or may become better by improving it - no, the current system is garbage. Recently I saw a player abusing this system on Interception. How? He stood still doing nothing till the end of the wave, then he did some moves, en voila! - system unmarked him as an 'afk' person. 


Right now the best way to deal with afk-players is to bring enemies to them and let these players die.

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Player voting or that priority system mentioned earlier sounds really nice.



so you don't go afk...

you can always hide in a corner and let teammates do the mission

Can't. As long as you don't move, you are "afk", even if you fire stuff and use abilities.
Edited by BeeOverlord
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The longer you stand still the higher your threat level and so enemies will prioritize you?

That's a great idea. DE please.


Player voting or that priority system mentioned earlier sounds really nice.


Can't. As long as you don't move, you are "afk", even if you fire stuff and use abilities.


oops, should have said it differently, what i meant was that even if mesa was made active you can still do that and so the system is needed

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i shouldnt be punished for staying still and shooting things from inside my globe as frost



Pretty sure that standing still, in itself, won't mark you as AFK. As long as you're engaging enemies with your weaponry (i.e. not using a warframe power on a macro), you should be "active".  If you're getting marked AFK even while shooting enemies, that sounds like a bug rather than intended mechanic.

Edited by Momaw
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It is kind of stupid i'd rather see it changed to no action of any kind than movement. So stand still strategies/powers won't be punished.

Pretty sure that standing still, in itself, won't mark you as AFK. As long as you're engaging enemies with your weaponry (i.e. not using a warframe power on a macro), you should be "active". If you're getting marked AFK even while shooting enemies, that sounds like a bug rather than intended mechanic.

it's always been there it was a known problem particularly with Mesa and Frost. Even actively killed will mark you. So you would have to move around at the last second if you didn't move. Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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You know, you can join the game and play the game yet you will be marked as afk. You can help your team by killing enemies and by using abilities, but the game will mark you as 'afk' if you haven't moved for the last 1 or 2 minutes. And before you are going to tell me that this system is good or may become better by improving it - no, the current system is garbage. Recently I saw a player abusing this system on Interception. How? He stood still doing nothing till the end of the wave, then he did some moves, en voila! - system unmarked him as an 'afk' person. 


Right now the best way to deal with afk-players is to bring enemies to them and let these players die.

This is just not true. Killing an enemy with a weapon resets the AFK timer. Moving ~10m resets the AFK timer. The only way to be flagged as AFK is if you actually ARE AFK, OR sitting in one place spamming an ability. Since the latter behavior is very much like a bot/macro or semi-afk player it also triggers it. Also FYI, the trigger is TWO minutes, not one.


Also, though people call it an anti-afk system, it's mostly anti-botting/macroing system. The system was designed to stop cases where people would set macros on their frames to spam one ability in excavation missions where the enemies would spawn endlessly. Though the main mechanic that allowed that is gone (greedy pull) the system is still in place to stop any more exploits of that nature should they be found.

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Because you join a game to play the game. As long as you're playing it won't affect you.


actually - as long as your are moving it won't affect you....

have you ever played caster frames?


I suppose you never,ever had a situation when you had constantly cast one ability after another without enought break between them to be capable of moving to survive/keep team working


Yeah, that's what it does, Punish for leeching or AFKing.


Are you a Leacher or AFKer OP?

it punishes for not moving


Pretty sure that standing still, in itself, won't mark you as AFK. As long as you're engaging enemies with your weaponry (i.e. not using a warframe power on a macro), you should be "active".  If you're getting marked AFK even while shooting enemies, that sounds like a bug rather than intended mechanic.


nope bro this is exacly as it works - firing your weapons doing damage in any means does not mean anything as long as you don't move meanwhile


we were testing that system out in our clan and slaughtering infested on survival in tight spot in "sc2 marine way" (standing stil in line unleashing our canons) was marking all of our team afk pretty much... unless we make two steps forward two steps backward every while.....


and thats why people were raging on it

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Pretty sure that standing still, in itself, won't mark you as AFK. As long as you're engaging enemies with your weaponry (i.e. not using a warframe power on a macro), you should be "active".  If you're getting marked AFK even while shooting enemies, that sounds like a bug rather than intended mechanic.

Nope, the game marks you as 'afk' even if you are using your weapons/abilities.




This is just not true. Killing an enemy with a weapon resets the AFK timer. Moving ~10m resets the AFK timer. The only way to be flagged as AFK is if you actually ARE AFK, OR sitting in one place spamming an ability. Since the latter behavior is very much like a bot/macro or semi-afk player it also triggers it. Also FYI, the trigger is TWO minutes, not one.


Wrooong. I know what I'm talkign about, because I tested this last week.

Equip the Carrier P, then go to some DS defense, find a good spot where Infested won't reach you (but not too far from the cryopod so that Vacuum can work) and start using your abilities/shooting enemies down, but don't move! After 1 or 2 minutes you'll see that Vacuum isn't working anymore until you make a few steps.

Same goes for Trinity, for example. You won't get energy from your own EV after 1 or 2 minutes if you hold still, even if you are killing enemies with your weapons.

Edited by ngrazer
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I think it would be much better if being tagged as AFK for X minutes allowed you to get vote kicked. The current system does little to prevent actual AFKers, because they can just bullet jump before the end of the mission and get the rewards. Instead, it punishes camping setups. I don't like camping, but if it's to be made undesirable, it should be done through gameplay, not through AFK detectio.

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unless we make two steps forward two steps backward every while.....

This is freaking annoying.



I know that I'm helping the team even if I do something every minute or so (MP, disarm, perpetual vortex, globe, whatever), and yet I have to go back every 30 seconds and take a few steps and back, just because of this system.

Edited by BeeOverlord
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