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Update 17.6: Trinity Prime


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While I love Trinity Prime's new helmet, the jumprope pigtail tentacles aren't part of it... if you put on a different helmet they sit there in mid air dangling from where the default helmet's tips would have been.   It'd be really swell if those were part of the helmet not the body.


Or, y'know... maybe if there was a way to display the trinity prime helmet while using an arcane helmet for stats...


Or here's a thought: let us bind Arcanes to Sigils.  I have a Mastery Sigil on every frame I own and it just sits there looking cool but doing nothing.  If I wanted to put an Arcane on anything, that's where I'd put it.


Especially since Ash Prime, Nova Prime, and now Trinity Prime have so much stuff on their backs that the only Syandana I own that doesn't clip like crazy on them is my Telos Syandana, which I love, but I don't want it on every single frame.


DE, I am waiting to ever run a Trial until the reward is worth the effort.  As I use different cosmetics on basically every frame, right now it just isn't.  Please, PLEASE let us bind them to ANY cosmetic - Sigils and also Emblems (like the Stratos Emblem comes to mind especially).

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(Reposting this since i originaly posted on a bad timing, thus people would have missed this.)


Now, due to the long time having these problems, it forces me to do this kind of a massive post consider that people dont really click on links.
Now what am i talking about? Stealth and Ai systems. Now, as new and amazingly fun Warframe is, it has, a very pathetic Stealth and Ai system, filled with bugs, gltiches, House Goblins and co-workers on pills.

The post includes a wide array of explainations of what is wrong with the Stealth and Ai systems, and some includes animated gifts to demonstrate the gltiches in action, with my own explaination based on my expereince with the game programming's clumsy way of handling things.
So lets get started sall we?


The list is as of follows.


1: Enemies will at random, know your existance without the need to see, hear or notice you. This is often prominent

when you leave enemies behind when trying to be stealthy.


2: Enemy Ai is broken to the point that, you may think Gearbox Software made the Ai for the game, wich

is demonstrated here in this gif. All enemies that gets to a designated Ai Node will sometimes have this problem.

The reason for this from what i can understand, is that the Ai Node is a narrow object. This causes the Enemy Ai to

spin around the Node as it tries to aim for it, wich casues this majestic dance.






3: When an enemy is being moved via ingame-code (So that players dont have to run back to get the enemy during

extermination or similar missions), the way the code works is broken and can cause all enemies to know where you are and know that you exist. This is also presented in the same way when an enemy can sometimes disapear out of nowhere infront of you (This happens when an enemy jumps to a platform. Not 100% of the time, but it can happen.). This is probably because that, unlike most games that handles enemy units with cut and paste command, the game simply moves the said enemy at an extremely high speed, but it isnt fast enough, and the line of sight gets wider and any Tenno they see will not only alert the said target, but anyone in the room.


4: When group of enemies are close togheter and stands on a designated Ai Node, they will get stuck in one another

to the point where they start spinning around with paused animations. This is very problematic for the stealth players that tend to play the mission without killing anyone (non exterminate missions). Here is a gif demonstrating this

The reason for this is that, there is already an enemy unit taking the space of the Ai node, and the surounding enemy units gets

confused of why they cant stand on it, wich causes this glitch to happen.This is shown in the gif that one enemy unit is in the

middle, possibly on the Ai Node, while the rest dont know waht to do.





5: At some points, an enemy in the next room might suspect that someone is nearby and will go into cover, while his/her

comrades ignores this. (Same as before, they dont have to know that you exist or have seen or heard you).


6: Enemies that sees their allies die infront of them with a silent weapon will sometimes just stand there and

stare at their dead bodies and carry on with the patroling. A real guard would be suspicious and alert

his allies of a potentional threat. This is probably because of that, enemy units follow sounds rather than sight most of the time.

Wich is why the enemy unit ignores the dead ally when a weapon is silent.


7: Syndicate allies have no repsect for silence and stealth, and those that are put behind on hold will kill enemies that spawn near them (since a player is not presented in that room, enemy units will spawn in there with the allies since the syndicate allies arent marked as player units).I have done multiple tests, including Spy and Deception and Rescue.

Most of the time, DE tells players to ''just tell the allies to stay put'', but they underestimate their game's glitchy system.

When they stay put, they will engage any enemy that spawns near them and any enemy that you find further into the mission will be alerted to it, even if they technicly cant hear it.


8: While this isnt an Ai problem per say, this one is still anoying and can be abused.

If you snipe an enemy from a very far distance, such as in the Grineer Asteroid base r other large areas,

An enemy will respawn directly and will spawn in your line of sight. Continue killing the spawned enemy, and another

one will take its place. This was supposed to be fixed since 17.2.3, but apparerntly, it wasnt



9: Sometimes, The enemies doesnt know how to use cover correctly, and will stay in cover regardless where

you are. Thanks Handstamp for the screenshot.



10: Another thing regarding syndicates. Their weapons, may it be their primary or secondary,have this radial

explosion that causes damage to everyone around you. Now, this is fine during open combat and for players

that seek carnage, but for stealth, its bad, really bad. On high end missions, the radial blast

doesnt kill the targets around you, but damages them and alerts them.

Having the option to manualy activate the blast sould be adequate, or give the silent

syndicate weapons a different effect that is not a nuke. 

(The syndicate proc effect is currently being worked on to fix the stealth issue acording to Devstream 60)


I hope that the post gives alot of informative feedback on the subject. If you got any questions, please do ask them.

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Or here's a thought: let us bind Arcanes to Sigils.  I have a Mastery Sigil on every frame I own and it just sits there looking cool but doing nothing.  If I wanted to put an Arcane on anything, that's where I'd put it.


Especially since Ash Prime, Nova Prime, and now Trinity Prime have so much stuff on their backs that the only Syandana I own that doesn't clip like crazy on them is my Telos Syandana, which I love, but I don't want it on every single frame.


Well, I was talking about older Arcane versions of helmets, not the current arcane binding system.   While I'd love to use Trinity Prime's own helmet because it looks awesome, I'm not willing to give up the stat boost from the Arcane Aura helmet... 


The head-ropes on trinity prime are pretty obviously meant to be attached to the trinity prime helmet, but they don't go away when you change to a different helmet.... they still flap around anchored to the point where her prime helmet would exist, but since none of her other helmets stick out that far they are suspended in mid air.

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Why is everything T3 rotation C?


DE pls.


I know you want prime access packs to sell, but I mean, the year of quality is looking grindier than every other year.

If they were smart they'd reduce the current price of the packs to less than 1/2 their current value, that way more people WOULD be inclined to buy them.  But that just makes too much sense now doesn't it? :/

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HANDSHAKES BUG: When performing a handshake, the camera gets stuck between the two participating Tenno and I can't see their interaction. I have no idea what the handshakes look like because all I see is the clipped insides of warframes.

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If they were smart they'd reduce the current price of the packs to less than 1/2 their current value, that way more people WOULD be inclined to buy them.  But that just makes too much sense now doesn't it? :/

I'd buy it at that...

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Prime accessories does NOT feature the Kavasa prime collar or gene masking kit.


So unless we're getting Corrupted Drahk and Corrupted Drahk masters that drop them, this will remain the sour point of this prime access.


...Unless of course I'm missing something.


Then I'd look like an idiot.

Kavasa Prime Collar have the components droped from the Void BP and 2 parts, so as "Dropable" it shouldnt be included on the Prime Accesory pack, sadly the gene masking kit is locked to Prime Access(the Prime Accesory pack excluded) only

Edited by salubri
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HANDSHAKES BUG: When performing a handshake, the camera gets stuck between the two participating Tenno and I can't see their interaction. I have no idea what the handshakes look like because all I see is the clipped insides of warframes.


I have noticed this too, BUT I have only seen this bug in Relays.  In missions or even the clan dojo, this doesn't seem to happen - handshakes line up properly and the camera works fine.  For some reason they go completely wonky in the Relays.


Sadly the best place to find people to do a syndicate handshake with is the Relays anyway.

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SYDANNA BUG: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/539286-prisma-yamako-sydanna-moves-weirdly/#entry6056180





- Eris Missions in Infested Corpus Ships show a Normal Corpus Ship on approach. It makes no sense that the ship is intact since it's in pieces when viewed from inside.

- Orokin Derelict Missions show an Infested Corpus Ship on approach. It should be an Infested Orokin Ship, since there is a model for them and it's a great one.

- Sometimes the thing we approach is just an untextured cube thing, like the picture below shows.




- At the start of Corpus Extermination Missions Lotus doesn't have any introduction lines ("Eliminate all Corpus threats" was the one I was expecting)

- At the start of Crossfire missions Lotus tells us we're fighting with the Corpus when in fact we're fighting against both factions.


Voiceover suggestion:

- Bring back the start-of-mission voiceovers by the Syndicate reps, because they were nice to hear and brought a bit of immersion.




Lecta-wielding Scrambas and Combas still have the whip extended in front of them like a sword.



Illustration of the problem:


CODEX BUG: Reminder that the Corpus Nullifier Crewman and Nullifier Crewman Eximus re-use Ranger portraits in the Codex when they should have their own



The backpack in the Corpus portrait is a jetpack, not a nullifier backpack. It is the same as the Ranger one:




Meanwhile, Corrupted Nullifiers have the right version: 




This is how it looks like in-game. Obvious difference.



Edited by LordPreda
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Why is everything T3 rotation C?


DE pls.


I know you want prime access packs to sell, but I mean, the year of quality is looking grindier than every other year.


Sadly, ^This^


If they were smart they'd reduce the current price of the packs to less than 1/2 their current value, that way more people WOULD be inclined to buy them.  But that just makes too much sense now doesn't it? :/



I'd buy it at that...



What I don't get is why Prime Access is so bloody expensive. I guarantee if you cut the price down to 1/2 or 1/3 of what it is now, you'd get 6x as many people buying it.


Like me. =_=


^THESE^ Guys know what's up! DE could make even MORE money with MORE satisfied customers if they'd look into an economics 101 class.


Selling 3x the Prime Access Packs @ 1/2 The Cost = PROFIT!  *AND* Less customers complaining about exclusive items IN prime access.


Seriously - If it weren't for all the mega-mistakes so far this year - I'd buy prime access if it was half it's current cost, too!

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I just wanna throw this in the mix:


I play 4 F2P games frequently.  Warframe, Dirty Bomb, Hawken, and AirMech.


I have spent over $100 with each of these and I can say, hands down, Warframe was the best value per dollar spent.  Plat goes a lot farther and flat out gets me more stuff in Warframe than any other game.


So...is Prime Access too expensive?  Yes and no.  It IS expensive compared to, say, buying a AAA title like the latest CoD or something like Fallout 4, where you get a whole game $10 cheaper than even the mid-price Prime Access pack.


On the other hand, even at this price, it is still the best value I've seen in any F2P game.


So...rather than reducing the price for this, I'd prefer that we simply add the Gene Masking Kit to the Accessories bundle and call it even.  None of this needs to be cheaper if it wasn't for something that's purely cosmetic being absent from the cosmetic bundle.


But I wouldn't object to a price decrease either, for sure.  I still think the current prices are fair, but I'm always up for saving money.  Who isn't?

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So...rather than reducing the price for this, I'd prefer that we simply add the Gene Masking Kit to the Accessories bundle and call it even.  None of this needs to be cheaper if it wasn't for something that's purely cosmetic being absent from the cosmetic bundle.



They already did that.

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