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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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- Story... there isn't one.  Not really.  And there really should *be* one.

- Warframes.  Are you playing a separate character or is your one character switching frames.  If so, explain male/female frames.

- in-game Clan list so newbies can scroll through and apply to a clan.

- in-game Market (for tradeable items only).

- Grineer Arch-wing quests need a serious revamp.  Can't even see the enemies attacking until they're swarming around you.  Terrible environment too.


That's all I can think of, at the moment.

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Some things I'd like responses on:



This is something stupid that needs to get looked at. Ammo economy between various guns is absolutely atrocious. Some guns have more ammo than you know what to do with, and could never conceivably run out (the Opticor comes to mind). Others, you conserve your best, keep light on the trigger and... whoops, you're out of ammo already. Vipers anyone? Even with ammo maximum and ammo mutation mods, there's a lot of weapons that just straight guzzle ammo and are then completely useless for the rest of the game. Why? Because ammo pickups aren't variable-- a box of pistol ammo gives you 20 shots no matter if you have a Dex Furis or a Lex Prime. 20 shots for a Dex Furis is eaten up in half a second and kills maybe one guy. The same 20 shots in a Lex Prime is almost two whole clips, and can kill 20 guys. That's really the main issue. Even with ammo mutation, on high RoF weapons, you can't pick up enough ammo to keep yourself going with them and it makes them exceptionally unbalanced compared to single-shot or slower-firing weapons.



In regards to this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/538066-making-stealth-and-ai-in-general-better/

Are you making any further advances towards creating a better stealth aspect to Warframe? TAKE HINTS FROM CRYSIS.



Is this going to get changed to affect weapons individually? ie so I could make my Sonicor, Atomos, and Fang Prime hidden when holstered, but nothing else?

You're currently able to hide all primaries, all secondaries, or all melee individually, but I'm talking on a weapon-by-weapon basis.



A lot of recent and semi-recent gear items have had non-unique appearances and its beginning to get frustrating. Things like syndicate spectres and air support charges. Even seasoned players still get confused by the syndicate spectres, and new players are hopeless-- they shoot at them thinking they're enemies because they look exactly like enemies unless you know the very subtle differences (hell the Veil infested spectres are completely identical to actual Leech Eximuses). Also with the new air support health towers, most people dont use them unless I tell them "hey there's a health tower here" and waypoint it, because it looks exactly like a life support capsule.

QUESTION: Are you going to be focusing on gear uniqueness in the (near) future?



So one thing that's confused me constantly about Warframe's graphics department is how inconsistent it is. How can you guys make some things that look SO GOOD, but other things that look like complete trash? Example: the Quanta and Imperator Vandal vs the Braton or Snipetron Vandal. The latter two are BEAUTIFUL (and RNGesus save your support desk if you ever touch their textures), but the Quanta and Imperator looks absolutely atrocious. Their textures are so low-res that some SNES games have high-resolution textures than those guns. How can you have such a difference in your texture artists' design?

Additionally, you've been updating the textures on a lot of things to be PBR-compatible, but is that always good? You've kind of been slapping new "better" textures on a lot of things that look far worse with them on. The Soma looked much more elegant before it got PBR textures. The Tigris looked amazing beforehand, but now it's metal parts have jagged edges, an unclean texture that gets even more jagged when you make it dark... it's just bad



Furthermore, you just add in these weapon audio "upgrades" that are almost universally disliked. Anyone remember how badass the Vipers used to sound a loooooong time ago? And now they sound like paper being ruffled. More recently, the Hek got the same "upgrade"-- gone is the best sound in the game, the deep bass thundering BOOM of the most powerful shotgun in Warframe... replaced with a scratchy bass-less blare. Do you ask us if we want this? Do you think if you asked the majority of Warframe players if we wanted the Hek's sound FX changed, that they'd say yes? That's probably my biggest question. How often do you go out of your way to ask us what, we, the players want?


That's about all I can think of right now.

What Stalker?

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Oh boy, question time:


1: More sniper specific mods coming?


Since mods like Heavy Caliber and Shred were clearly made for a rifle class with a few bullets to spare, I think sniper rifles have room to expand in their own respective collection. Do you have any sniper mods in the works? If not, would you be comfortable exploring the idea?


2: Hints about Saryn and Mag's reworks?


'Cause it'd be amazing if you have some footage or working data in the dev build you could show us. That'd be awesome.


3: ETA on next console update?


Along with the content within? If it's cool?


4: Possibility of giving all tenno a loot vacuum, giving Carrier a new precept?


Since gathering loot is boring, and Carrier solves the problem while hogging the companion slot, hence its widespread usage. Do you have any plans of changing this? I have some justifications compiled below.




5: Any changes in mind for Vauban?


Bounce is nearly pointless with the wonders of parkour 2.0 to boost us everywhere, and Bastille and Vortex seem to have very similar uses, albeit with different amounts of enemy compression. Do you have a rework in mind? Would you be open to exploring the idea?


And will you finally give the guy a new droptable??


6: Weren't we supposed to be able to gather pickups in Limbo's Cataclysm by now?


Just saying. A rework would be lovely for him too, while we're on the topic.



Yup, that's all I've got in mind. Can't wait for the stream!

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I have a few questions:

1. Are there any plans to turn Loki's invisibility into a toggle like exalted blade?

2. Have you considered giving players the option of stacking elemental mods on the same slot to create the hybrid elements?

3. Would it be possible to level mods with affinity rather than fusing them, and removing the cap so they can be strengthened indefinitely as you use them?

4. Will warframe augmentation mods get their own slot so players don't have to sacrifice a beneficial mod for a moderately useful one.

5. Have you considered implementing a skill system? Rather than having mods which give players a chance of unlocking containers or increasing hacking time, instead the more you do these things the better you become? Skyrim is the example I would use.

These questions have been on my mind for some time and I would really like an answer.

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Greetings Devs my questions are 


When are the relays top floors added for the relay/ what are they for?


Any plans on modding or decking out ordis's interior?


How about the relays that we destroyed in the events , when are they going to get built again?

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So this is very long. I apologise. I can add way more about enemy changes but I will leave this as such. 




Companion behaviour


-Need an on/off switch. Getting those melee kills for your bonus is hard when your carrier does 500 dmg/shot.

- need targeting prioritization precepts such as attack (closest, farthest, weakest, strongest)



-Fall through the floor when opening lockers

- do a whole lot of staring at nothing and getting stuck. Then run around in circles around you. Atlas's rumblers seem o find the first thing they can smash and run into that direction, obliterating as much as possible. I wish kubrows had this behaviour. Rather, I wish I had more control over the commands I can give my kubrow (ie. Retreat, Hide, Stay close, protect target, go on killing spree)

-Attack flying objects in a similar vein as catching a frisbee. Watching your brow swipe a shield sent out of the air would be glorious.

-mount ogris on kubrow's back. (jokes)




I love the reworks of various frames as of late. Excal, Frost, Ember, have become much more interesting. 
Really looking forward to your Saryn rework.


Reworking the mods is a great idea. I have been seeing new mods like adhesive grenade and combustion beam. These very specific mods are excellent and add a new layer to modding that can drastically change the behaviour of the weapon. On the convectrix, which is a shotgun (for some reason) yet accepts the same range extension mods as flux rifle & amprex. that part makes sense. You need tons more of these. I have some ideas:


-Give sniper rifles an edge by allowing infrared scope mods on them. I want to be able to head-shot an enemy behind cover or through a wall that has not even seen me yet. I think this will go well with the announced UI changes for sniper rifles.


-Bows should not decide damage type. Arrows should. Being able to mix and match various arrows and various bows would be interesting. 


-Beam weapons need to not consume ammo. Instead, they need to overheat or allow time to recharge like archwing weapons (or both). Very different mechanic than ammo.


- Just get rid of elemental mods altogether or figure out appropriate mods. You have a glaxion which shoots a freeze ray, yet you can mod it to also shoot fire? Shouldn't it shoot steam then? I feel like certain elements need to cancel each other out. Radiation + Viral? Radiation would kill the viruses! Unrelated - the new Golem archwing can set you on fire in space. IN SPACE.


- ever play borderlands? grenades come in so many varieties - sticky, bouncy, homing, teleporting, MIRV (like 10 others). These should be mods for Tonkor/Penta. Ogris needs homing rockets for sure. (nobody uses ogris.) 


- rifles that shoot bullets need to jam on occasion. Another mechanic that will force switching to secondary and melee weapons.


Your primaries can be divided into Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers, Energy weapons, Bows & Launchers. Right now it's shotguns + everything else. Split chamber? On a bow? What chamber? How does one split a chamber? Multi-arrow makes much more sense than split chamber for rifles. 


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Exilus MODS


Antitoxin, Flame Repelent, plus all other elemental reduction mods, Reflection, Reflex Guard, Undying will, Rapid resilience, Provoked, Why these mods aren't Exilus Mods???


I find quite good mods but would never reach my build, now has a exilus mod, I would sincerely consider them and don't find it would fall out of the lines of exilus mods.


Fortitude and Fast Deflection, these might leave a frame a bit OverPowered. But would they also not follow the same Lines





Give the V auras some love expecially for casters, I mean other then Excall and Valkyr no one uses these aura polaraties



Other Thing

Please get a new boss for Phobos the current one makes no sense

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Q: any chance to have someone at the studio take a look at drop related rng, 'cause there are phantom mods in the game; that is, mods so rare I have literaly never seen them drop (e.g. shotgun spazz -since it's move to the orokin containers; crimson dervish -havent seen one since it's release; life strike -detto; etc.) also it's suspicious to see 5 void missions of the same type give exact same rewards in a row. there was an issue with rng not functioning properly about a year back, could you please take a look at it and make sure it's not broken.

Q': on a related note: back when focus was still a thing to come, there was mention of a dojo room to generate custom missions; would you consider making this room to help "mod hunting" either to generate nightmare-mission-like alerts (rewards desired mod), or to be used like pigment research = "research" a mod > farm designated mob X times > create 1 copy of the mod?

Because let's face it, transmutation isn't realy an option even with special cores. With polarity locked, you are still left with about a third of an ever expanding mod pool to roll from with same rng that may be buged.

hope to hear about this,

see you on friday

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My Questions:


- Any news on the Umbras?


- Who is the next Boss/Assassin Re-work? Phorid? Stalker and/or in his Archwing? Zenuka/Harvester? Void Vor? etc...


- if you ever add an Assassin to Archwing what will it be?


- Any news on the Void Re-work or if there will be Archwings parts added?


- Who's lore on the next quest will be Reveled? Teshin? Stalker? Sentient (Lotus Dad/Mom..er parental thing)? Syndicates?


- Will we see more improvements or lore or more interaction with the Syndicates? Re-work Assassins, Reward/Penalty system for Loyalty or switching from side to side with rival factions..etc.


- Now that we have a new Earth elemental power... will they be added to Chroma's huge color=element choices in a future? Or any other of the other elemental combinations like water, air, blast...etc..etc...?

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I have a few usual questions:
1) There are many corpus and grineer weapons in game, but enemies using lesser than half of them. Do you have any plans on this?
2) Any plans on adding more tiles in existing tilesets? I know you've did it to grineer underwater tileset, but what about others?
3) What about replaying quests and replaying old events as quests?
4) Should we hope for crossplatform multiplayer?
5) Any plans on reworking kubrow and specter AI? They are stupid, and it is a very gentle word.

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Still want some answers to this questions from -->Posted 22 July 2015 - 05:54 PM<--

Hi DE!


My Questions:


0. How is your day ;)?


1. Are there plans what will happen with the useless items in our inventory, that arent sellable or sensless to craft Like: 2.6Billion Alloy Plates, Omega Isotopes, Limbo theorems (after limboquest is finished and built) or Fomorian Disruptor? Oh and the NAV Segments for the Planets...


2. The random droptables from Defense/interseption/Survival are more then frustrating. fighting 20waves/4rounds/20min to get only one void key - with LUCK - and mods nobody really needs. Wouldnt it be more rewarding, if for example the drops includes materials that are located on the actual planet? Like polymer or Nano Spores and so on...?

Talking of that, is it possible to extend or change some of the planet restricted materials? Like: Take out Alloy Plates out of Void and put in something other...OR: Tower1 = Alloy| Tower2 = Ferrit | ...


3. What happens to the STAMINA-Mods if parcour 2.0 is coming and Stamina is removed?


4. On GC last year i think, you said Void will be changed...Any infos what the difference will be and how is the progress ?


5. Why cant my friend and me get Ash Prime Systems after ~10+ T3 survival runs @ 40min :( ?


6. Is it possible (sooner or later) that the Arsenal UI gets a little polish? I would love to see in the Weaponschoice-menu how many Formas are on it

(If u choose Equip-> and see the weaponslist then on top is the actual weapon with a progressbar...add the "Forma stars" there, and  on the right side where the stats are listed...then im superduper happy :D)


Thats all i wanna know in the moment :P


Have a nice day ;)


greetz Eni




7. Will Limbo ever be finished? Because his Rift "thingy" playstyle is cool but doesnt work logical.


 If i am in the rift, and banish an enemy into the rift too, and kill him: Why isnt the loot he drops inside the rift and collectable? or: If i pick up a Datamass and enter the rift, why do i drop it and not my weapons? Also: some consoles are hackable inside the rift, others not....why? Limbo is an awsome frame, with great potential, but i think he needs more love :( 

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Question 1: When events give out a weapon, we technically received a free weapon slot right? Will we ever get free Warframe slots or Sentiental/kubrow slots? Maybe add free slot inventory increase on the daily rewards? What about the quest frames giving a free slot?

Question 2: Any new Revolver/Magnum designs? Scary firing noise [vasto sounds like Psh psh, want more like VaKash]? Or a corpus magnum based like the caster pistol from 'outlaw star' [Gene Starwind's ace in the hole gun]

Or like Vash the Stampede's from Trigun.

Question 3: New Chroma Helmet? AKvasto Prime?

Question 4: Will the part 2 of Natah quest also give more Lore on Tenshin?

Question 5: In the NYCC scott mentions how they there inspirations from fans designing their own Warframe, is there a way for players to create a Lore or story that Steve may approve on? Maybe a "submit your cool story application" idk just thought it be cool to submit stories not in forum and receive a Yes or No.

Question 6: Will Law of Retribution and the one with J-3 Golem Trial/Raid lower the player requirement? Would really like to solo or have a 2 player requirement instead of 4

Edited by (PS4)Killerworld
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Im playing a long time Warframe and a lot of questions are coming and going. But Actually ive support some of the Questions floating around but come with my own.




Rifles and Pistols are very different from Melee , but a Secondary slot like the Auras or Stances , are here a good sovle of Problems too. I think at things Like Bullet Type or something different , which you can choose to Get More usability of Assault rifles like Dera. Heavy Bullets Deal More Impact damage but the Rate of fire and clipzise decrease a lot of. 




I really would like to See some Warframes Reworked , but for me Personal i ask myself why the Warframes are Genderspecific? Equinox is Female , but with her look on Day form she Looks seriously male like even if i know there is a girl under the Frame.So just a Question for One day far away: Wil the Warframes get some day stand alone and fitting on a choosen Gender under the Frame? for me personally it is not relevant Game mechanics but for the Feeling behind the Game it is necessary. 


A important thing for me is to know , will there come more european Themed Weapons , a Broadsword , a one Handed Axe , Halberds , Spears with theyr own Battlestile ? The ancient Tenno , Cyber Ninjas. I personally think they used a lot of Weapons and armaments like Smoke grenades to Get out a Hard Situation fast , Grenades to deal a Big Damage on a bunch of enemies. I know Grenades are not that Really Tenno stile but like on survival Missions , they would help to survive even better in such a Very offensive battlestile.

Will come grenades of different Styles Aviable for Tenno ? Blend Grenade or what else kind of Grenades are floating around.




I out me now and Say no gold. I dislike the Prime Warframes with theyr Gold a lot of and ask my self , will we get a chance to Evolve our Arsenal with Parts , mods or something else to make them Better. It would be a very big difference to the Prime weapons and a long way to make them that Stong the Prime Weapons are but , i very like the Design of the most Standart weapons and i only use them and not the Prime Version.Or maybe a chance to change the Gold on the Warframes and weapons into a own colour. Some of the Prime Weapons look very great too , i focus on the Braton Prime which design i like a lot more than the Very old Braton Design if i did not look on the gold. 


Landing Ships. Mantis , Liset and more , i very like to see the New Landing Crafts and hope on much more even in Corpus or Grineer Design. but will they get a different Interior ? ... I hope for something like this some bit longer (next to the biggest wish to play a space combat with Space ships XD but Archwing is ok too) .. at all i really wish if i get not a dojo , i wish i get a Orocin Cruiser , we see them ingame , theyr huge and the Time of orokin is longe gone , with this time the Towers and Stations but now there floating millions of dojos. I would hope for a Cruiser like a Relay , where the clan is on and play like he wants interact , trade without the Barrier of the Dojo and Relay. A Mobile Orokin ship ... much posabillitis are coming with this idea , Defend your Ship , atack a Ship and so on.


(Im feeling bad for the not that well Spelled english and say sorry to that , hoping you can understand the Essential Parts :) .)


With Lovely Greetings , Innozentia

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DE, Why forma isn't at 12 hours build lifetime ?

I've heard lots of complains that forma is always at 24 hours and its really easy to farm the bp itself.

If it 12 hours, probably they stop whinning.

Also Why not making Clan Hall especially made for Arch Wing room ?

Will be there any new main quest after Natah ?

Also, "Lotus will be standing in relays", is the room reserved on the Second Floor where you can't get in ?

Why didn't bring Boar Prime back when Boar itself revived ?

This one is the last question. Why don't you guys make Syndicate War ? Since they are opposing at somepoints...

Which it'll be more fun having PvP Syndicate War. Scheduled ofc.


EDIT : Forgot a thing. Why not giving Frost Prime and Excal Prime an extra buff ? Like Rhino walk and run is very slow, but when its a prime, it move alot faster.

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Will Critical mods be tweaked/ removed to with the whole mod balancing? since they are also mandatory for weapons with high crit.


I wouldn't mind if the crit chance/damage went up with the level of the weapon, but I dunno how we'd get red crits then.

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How are your thoughs about the current melee system and would you consider a rework, to make the combat with melee weapons more fluid?


Some points about the melee system:


-Have more than one button for combos(take light and heavy attacks to string a combo [example:Dynasty Warriors])

-More combos for stances (especially the older stances with only one or two unique combo)

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