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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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Do you have any plans to make more Warframes availible via Quests, perhaps moving old Warframes such as Oberon or Ash or Volt into a quest? Mirage, Limbo, and Chroma are all awesome, and I'd rather have more of those sorts of quests instead of grinding a boss for parts, because at least you know when you finish.

Edited by S.T.M.P.D
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If I own one of the old arcane helmets, will it ever be possible for me to move the bonus off that helmet and onto one of the newer, better looking helmets? For example, if I have an Arcane Aura Helmet for Trinity Prime, would it ever be possible for me to move that bonus over to her prime helmet?


At the moment, some of the bonuses are so nice to have that I'd never use a different helmet just for their appearance alone.

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Since we have so many(still i want more much much more) secret compartments on tilesets with doors in them, are there any plans to implement for these doors to have a chance to spawn some vault type mini room with even more richies.


Is it a possibility to have in near future in the spirit of zephyr like minigames. Maybe make them craftable in dojo. Every frame could have a very simple game associated to it with highscore. A panel on liset dedicated to minigames for refreshing timekill to burn the burnout. No need to engineer something new. There are countless minigames on the internet, just borrow the ideas and paint in wafreme style with one of factions.

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In the Reddit AMA, you were asked if you'd considered adding an extra color tint option for metals on the PBR Prime items (including the frames post-Nova Prime)... and Sheldon missed the point of the question when he answered. Care to revise?


You're remaking the Star Chart to stamp out loot caves, but isn’t it counter-intuitive to arbitrarily provide “meta” skills to make farming more efficient on the side, such as the upcoming Archer Warframe's "Robin Hood" power or Desecrate?


Previously you’ve stated that you were considering blanket changes to improve the baseline scalability of damaging powers. Atlas' Landslide and Equinox's Maim both have phenomenal scalability in their damage, but when will we see older skills like Fireball and Crush be made similarly effective? 


When can we expect a buff for Scythes? Anku is generally stronger than the harder-to-get Reaper Prime and Hate.

Edited by Archwizard
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Oh oh, I actually have questions this time. :D



1) Will there be another archwing that'll come out before the new trial?


2) The recent frames/skins have wonderful texturing and whatnot. Are there any plans to go back and add this kinda love to things like immortal skins? Or perhaps still clean up and add some of them for the frames that don't have em. (Looking at you Nova Immortal skin with all your lines.)


3) Will the interior of our ships ever be different if we use a Liset/Mantis?


4) Kubrow eggs are a nightmare to obtain these days. Are there any plans to make them easily more obtainable? Perhaps from completing Earth spy/sabotage missions?


5) Will we ever get Void Excavation/Spy? I feel excavation would work well with the moon tileset once that comes out. I don't know if I'm remembering the quote right but somebody said that spy in the void wasn't going to happen until parkour 2.0 came out or something like that.


6) Will we ever get x2 reward defense outside of Archwing?

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How is the progress on the Warframe Reworks going, specific mentions go out to Saryn and Mag as I heard they are on the priority list.

Are any more weapon specific augments coming soon? Concealed Explosives and the Dagger mod were awesome additions and I really hope more interesting mods like them are coming.

What is the status on more Ability Augment mods? On the design council it was said there were intentions to add more than one for each ability, is that still planned?

Are any new Archwings planned? We have a nice set of three but I am hoping we get more soon considering all the new Archwing Content we've received recently. 

Edited by Nox174
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Q: So, who's the next frame archer lady or Wukong? If Wukong - this will ruin gender chain that started long ago...


Q: Will there be an event in U17?


Q: Sheldon gave us a hint that boar getting changed. Does this mean Boar Prime buff? Or will avarege Boar be stronger than he's prime counterpart?

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1. So we got this 



Will the efx return or be revised? Seems like a lot of optimization is based on low-end machines and not midrange machines. Is this the case? I ask because I hate to see the beauty sacrificed if it can be helped.


2. Extractor overhaul or improvements? Can a distilling extractor on Uranus pull Telerium (found on submersible missions)?


3. My specters, namely Clem, does not benefit from team heals, over-shields or Equinox Mend.


3. Any new mission types in the works?


4. PvP Dark Sector Conflicts... Still asymmetrical? Has the idea of optional side objectives been suggested/thought about ie... activating a sniper tower/nest, constructing a turret for defense, destroying/repairing energy orb and health stations etc...? The idea is from Dirty Bomb and/or BRINK.

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