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What Do You Guys Think Of Being Able To Build Your Own Weapon In Game?

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If we can choose our stats as well I can already see my perfect melee :

Orthos Prime 2.0 :

- 30% status chance

- dmg type : corrosive

- extra 5m range over the normal orthos p

- A new polearm stance that literally goes helicopter in its combos hiting anything around you while moving forward .

Edited by TheRealShade
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If we can choose our stats as well I can already see my perfect melee :

Orthos Prime 2.0 :

- 30% status chance

- dmg type : corrosive

- extra 5m range over the normal orthos p

- A new polearm stance that literally goes helicopter in its combos hiting anything around you while moving forward .

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if this could be really detailed id say it would be moot, as an engineer in numerous fields id just ruin it, i think i would just make OP designs and then distribute in mass builds to youtube, then it would nullify the concept as people would just cookie cutter said designs as they do on frame setups 


thus pointless but fun at the same time...

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I think that would be totally game breaking because someone would build something that's insane...just i dont like this idea

Balance can be sought by the drain on certain attributes.

You want explosive crit based missles ?

You get a massive drain on your points left to distribute. So your actual damage suffers.

Plenty can be done to balance this easily. The key is customisation and giving players true freedom to build something they can call their own, and put all those art assets to good use

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Neat concept, but it needs a LOT of restrictions. Like not being able to create a super-high fire-rate machine gun sniper that fires cluster grenade rockets or something.


If anything I'd see this as some sort of super-advanced weapon modding option. You can take two or more weapons and combine them into one functioning prototype. You can guide the stats, or the crafting process, in a direction but you don't have full control. A slight random elements so you can never be sure of what exactly you're going to get. This ensures that the system can't simply be boiled down to a handful of cookiecutter weapons, and it creates a resource sink to try and get that one weapon you like.

I mean you ARE taking existing weaponry, breaking them apart and slamming the parts together to make a new functioning weapon. You have a general idea and concept of what you're aiming at and how to get there, but you can't be 100% sure about what the end result will actually be like.


Then of course there is the problem of visuals. Yeah I'd like to combine my Braton with the Lanka or a Latron to create a full-auto battle rifle. Not very ammo efficient but hits like a freight train. But what exactly is going to govern the visual part? This isn't borderlands where the weapons are put together from a Lego toybox of parts with stats tacked on. Each weapon is modelled as a single unit, largely. You can have the weapons adobt the visual model of a weapon that contributed the most to the franken-gun. But that just seems more half-assed then anything.

And then there is the restriction that this kind of weapon can NEVER be taken into a Conclave match. The stats are somewhat randomized and as such the devs can't balance these weapons to function fairly.


In the end, awesome concept. But needs a LOT of work to even make it off the drawing board.

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*sticks scindo blade infront of supra*.. SCIENCE!

Vasto + skana = FF8 gunblade.

While the idea appeals to me, i can still imagine this being a balancing nightmare. You would need to make so many considerations. And honestly it would take a ridiculous amount of time for it to be implemented.

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