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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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I'd consider a scammer someone who will sell at one price(say 5p), but will take advantage of someones inattentiveness to sell to them at a higher price if they cannot keep up with the pace and put up an offer(like they put up a wtb at 15p for the item).


In a sense, due to he was unable to keep up with the hectic chat, he lost some extra money and hence was scammed.


If you think that is fine and dandy and morally acceptable, I pity you.


That is just ethics and honestly, scamming consumers is really a thin fine line especially if they paid for it willingly (at the time). It is very hard to fault the seller if the buyer clearly did not do his homework on prices.

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This is what i think about AH.


Posted by Acidulant in another auction house topic.



Problem with Auction House in these types of game is that supply is infinite while demand is low.


Once you've acquired one item, you don't need it ever again. Since video game items are not resource limited(except for time) and can be produced infinitely, everything tradable in game will ultimately be worth nothing, unless constant, high volume influx of new players is happening.


What trade chat is doing, is to artificially mini-fy the market. At any given time, due to how inefficient trading chat and trading forum is, the supply and demand are ridiculously small, and therefore current platinum prices are accepted. Once an auction house is implemented, now that market is expanded to the entire Warframe community, and even the rarest of the rarest Prime parts & Primed mod prices will plummet.


This is bad for both players and Digital Extremes. Let me explain.


1. This means that everything tradable in-game will be worth almost no platinum compared to before, while the in-game Market, implemented by Digital Extreme itself, will retain its current price. This means that it will be substantially harder for someone to buy anything off from DE's market since their platinum income will be abysmal.


1+. Also to compensate how many of the in-game items can be generated compared to how many people actually want it, DE will most likely lower the drop rate for the sake of the entire market.


2. Also, this will lower the revenue for DE. Since tradable items will now cost substantially less amount of platinum compared to before, those who like to buy platinum and trade for what they want will buy less platinum compared to before. In addition to 1., the DE's Market will maybe somewhat offset the price crash of tradable items, but the amount of tradable items in game far outnumber the amount of items sold in the DE's market. Not to mention almost everything DE's selling in the markets are grindable, except for cosmetics.



Other MMORPG games have various measures implemented to counter this. Enhancement(Item breaks upon failure), Enchant(Item breaks upon failure), Gamble, Dungeon Entrance Fees, Breakable Items, (Required)Consumables, etc, etc, etc...


Warframe has none.

Edited by Makinar
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Hear me out guys what if there is a auction house in your Clan Dojo, You could put all your Prime Parts in the auction house, You could put it on private only so that only your Clan member can trade or you could put it in public so that other people can come to your Dojo take a look at what you have in your auction, If the player don't like the price or if you don't have that specific parts they can just go to someone else Dojo and see what they have. and plus at the same time you could show off all of your decoration and trophy. it's just an idea

Edited by Andrewz77
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If they ever make a consignment system, which I believe they may be taking into consideration according to some of the Dev Streams, it would end up being on the Relays.

I post that like 2 month ago about putting auction house in the Relays and got a lot negative comments from people. either way I don't mind it if they put the auction house in the Clan Dojo or the Relays. they got to do something with the trading system, it's really bad in my opinion.

Edited by Andrewz77
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I post that like 2 month ago about putting auction house in the Relays and got a lot negative comments from people. either way I don't mind it if they put the auction house in the Clan Dojo or the Relays. they got to do something with the trading system, it's really bad in my opinion.

Why so i might ask ? I think its a great idea ?

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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, with no takers, no matter how low my prices are. Instead of a trade channel, why not add an auction house? Here you could list your items so they're out of your inventory, and people can buy them for the price you set if they wish. This would also serve as a way to help people know what their parts are worth. Too many people out there give bids way over or way under what things are actually worth. So, DE, please add an auction house or player market so we can actually play the game instead of sitting in the trade channel for extended periods of time!


What do you guys think? Am i onto something? Anything that i missed? Am i completely bonkers? :P

Let me know down below!

Edited by Balrog229
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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, with no takers, no matter how low my prices are. People, rather than look for people who are buying or selling what they want, will just put out an ad themselves and only pay attention to PMs they get in response. Instead of a trade channel, why not add an auction house? Here you could list your items so they're out of your inventory, and people can buy them for the price you set if they wish. This would also serve as a way to help people know what their parts are worth. Too many people out there give bids way over or way under what things are actually worth. So, DE, please add an auction house or player market so we can actually play the game instead of sitting in the trade channel for extended periods of time!


What do you guys think? Am i onto something? Anything that i missed? Am i completely bonkers? :P

Let me know down below!


Prefer not an auction house but more like a buying/selling ui where you can put an item on for sale. Like the steam market.


Sitting around saying wts all the time can get annoying, I'd rather just dump the stuff i want to sell on some corpus craiglist like UI and focus on other things.

Edited by Makairi
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There are countless amount of threads that discuss this topic that you're talking about, put your insight on auction houses there, it's completely unneccesary to make another thread about a topic that's been discussed many times. 

There are countless amount of threads that discuss this topic that you're talking about, put your insight on auction houses there, it's completely unneccesary to make another thread about a topic that's been discussed many times. 

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I never participate much on the "action house" treads.

But I'm seeing allot of negativity.

From what you guys read on other treads, and from which conclusions it lead to it:

Would it be that bad if auction houses were only for buy/sell items trough plat.

And trade chat only for actual trades (item per item, no plat)

Or vice-versa: only buy/sell with plat on trade chat, and only item per item in auction house?

Which conclusions you guys reached on those treads?

Edited by 7grims
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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, with no takers, no matter how low my prices are. Instead of a trade channel, why not add an auction house? Here you could list your items so they're out of your inventory, and people can buy them for the price you set if they wish. This would also serve as a way to help people know what their parts are worth. Too many people out there give bids way over or way under what things are actually worth. So, DE, please add an auction house or player market so we can actually play the game instead of sitting in the trade channel for extended periods of time!


What do you guys think? Am i onto something? Anything that i missed? Am i completely bonkers? :P

Let me know down below!


You didn't go low enough (1p). Thats all. You think that an AH would alleviate your problems? The AH would give you the same S#&$.


Edit: The trade is the real game for some of us by the way.

Edited by InfinitySinX
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I hate to say WTB " insert rare stance mod" in the trade chat and getting no response also. Just because no one is on in my time zone that has the item I am looking for. I dont want to waste and hour in chat day after day with no response, I would prefer just to play the game.


Obviously people dont know that an in-game economy is controlled by the devs. The proper way of running any economy is create a demand then regulate the supply.


Dual Status mods are a perfect example(Demand Created), Released in events, then brought back to get into more peoples hands.(Regulated Supply)

This is why they still are worth a good amount. 


If Prime parts get too cheap then that means the supply is to high, how to fix would be creating a demand(ducat sinks). With these parts going more into ducats then less available to craft, then it will drive the price up.


Auction house=Player market, I actually don't agreeing with auctioning stuff off. Buy and Sell only.

Edited by TriggerHappyWhiteGuy
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We do NOT need an "Auction House." That would, as many people point out, kill the market. 


We DO, however, need a "Market." No bidding or easy-to-manipulate prices, just a UI where you can put your items/mods/sets up for sale. 




And even if both ideas are nay-said, we need SOMETHING. The current system is such an ugly and unrefined system for such a well-made game. 

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Another day another auction house thread.


Another Auction House thread another no

Another no another why not


Another why not another long stupid post about why and why even though in the end the resounding answer is no because that is the majority of the forum. Also the idea of the auction house won't happen because it is less profitable for the DE because it causes prices to go down so in the end it removes the main purpose of trade which is MORE PROFIT!



The only thing Trade needs to change is the UI. That is coming in U18 AS A NEW CHAT UI. 

Edited by Feallike
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You can have everything you want. But fix the economy first. The problem isnt the debate over AH or not. Its that the economy sucks.


Just to tease you a little. How is it that the shiniest new prime lobster to hit the market only cost a mere 250p (or less) while her less exciting variant cost about the same on the market place.


Are plats too expensive? Are parts too easy to farm? Are market prices a correct reflection of how things work?


All this and more when DE finally decides to start doing a Janet Yellen

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