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Stop Forcing Us To Play Archwing De


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I like Archwing, and I like Balor missions, but Eyes of Blight should never be repeated. We lost Four Relays to the guns of Vay Hek, and we could have stopped them, but somewhere down the line a significant portion of the Warframe community chose to let the Relays burn, chose to just not bother. And it's gonna happen again.


The difference this time is that you get rewarded for doing the missions many times, we didnt back in Eyes of Blight, once you did your quota of damage there was no reason to run it again.


Now people can grind for Imperator Vandal parts and I just recieved a r5 core pack after my run, that was a major critique of the original event.

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Eyes of Blight was one of the worst received events in Warframe history. And this has a chance to drop Imperator Vandal PARTS? You know, that gun that looks like a half chewed Skittle? That we got for free the first time? Fully built? Who legitimately thought this was a good idea and why aren't they being reprimanded for it? 

By who. Almost everyone I played with loved it. Do you have statistics to back up your statement?

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i enjoy AW, but i rarely play it. DE please give us more AW alerts and events!!! i want more reasons to collect and rank up my AW gear.


Im loving the new speed boost, it makes the event feel better than the last time.

Fortunately, DE will continue to develop AW and make it a part of the game. You dont like it, then dont play it. 

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THIS. How hard is it to accept an AW event which gives AW related rewards ?


Because haters gotta hate and nothing will ever change that.


It's not like this is a HARD mission or anything, its just that people STILL don't have a clue how to play it. My last group, I had three players killing stuff outside the Fomorian while I killed it solo. At least they know better than to sit in place like A LOT Of the haters.


'Oh, I got 1 shotted. Not MY fault I didn't bother to MOVE! YOUR fault!'


By who. Almost everyone I played with loved it. Do you have statistics to back up your statement?


Hate doesn't need logic or statistics. Of course, the fact that the event REQUIRED people to actually MOVE once in a while to keep from being fried and required people to be able to shoot accurately was a BAD thing.

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I hope it gets destroyed. That won't happen though, DE will just do some magics last minute to prevent having to make up some way to restore the relay.

Archwing needs to be improved beyond the gimmick it currently is. I had to write off playing with a friend yesterday to go looking for the boar because he just got back into warframe since U12. He couldn't play a Uranus mission because the first 5 seconds of the map involves using the at archwing just to move.

Archwing just isn't there yet with being developed enough. It's mostly tedious and sleeper.

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Some people will always cry instead of being happy that we just got a recycled event with a recycled reward.




I'm pretty neutral towards archwing, I think it has potential and I enjoy parts of it but I really dislike some parts too.


But lately DE seems to try focusing attention on archwing by making us grind the same node over and over for new gear. That is not the right way to go. If they want people to play archwing they have to make it enjoyable for those people, not force them into playing it if they want new gear (which is mostly AW gear, but do remember that we also have Atlas and Limbo locked behind AW). They also seem to like to put market blueprints in the mission droptables to make us grind even more.



Image from Reddit


This is pretty much admitting that they did it to make people play Archwing. And to increase the grind they split the weapon up in components and blueprint. This is the first special weapon that receives a blueprint, just to increase the grind.


And the mission itself didn't really get changed compared to the one from Eyes of Blight, except for the fact that the area around the core now nullifies your abilities so you can't spam Thumper at the core anymore. I like the fact that they brought the whole thing back as a normal occurence, but it barely changed from all the bad feedback it got and they slapped a grindy reward on it to make people play it.


If this trend continues Archwing itself as a gamemode will become the same as void where we have to hunt parts for virtually anything related to it. And the only items that don't need part grinding are extremely expensive to craft compared to other things. (Looking at you Grattler Oxium cost and Knux research cost...)


Inb4 archwing void with archwing void keys having a 5% chance to drop at AW defense & interception C rotations

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I hope it gets destroyed. That won't happen though, DE will just do some magics last minute to prevent having to make up some way to restore the relay.

Archwing needs to be improved beyond the gimmick it currently is. I had to write off playing with a friend yesterday to go looking for the boar because he just got back into warframe since U12. He couldn't play a Uranus mission because the first 5 seconds of the map involves using the at archwing just to move.

Archwing just isn't there yet with being developed enough. It's mostly tedious and sleeper.

They let 3 other Relays get destroyed, I'm sure we can let this one die too. But since its on the beginning map its gonna be harder to let it die due to all low ranked players are able to join in on this one.

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 but do remember that we also have Atlas and Limbo locked behind AW)



Inb4 archwing void with archwing void keys having a 5% chance to drop at AW defense & interception C rotations

Thank you

1) they released the event during the holidays


2) we wanted to test DE and see if they would actually destroy the relays *spoiler* they did 

ppl play more in holidays

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Archwing is unpolished but its still fun.  Honestly its needs lots more attention to improve and expand it.  Besides its not like its hard or takes long to just get a basic archwing setup.  Personally I am glad they are making use of it more, and I hope it gets a lot more attention from DE.  

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Thank you

ppl play more in holidays

Sure They do but this was around Christmas and New year. A lot of people are away at those times. Was also during those times when they relays was lost.


If its like last time it will go to the next planet after we destroy the first one.

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yeah the event, and i can bet you most ppl do it for the mastery from the vandal weapon, like i will do.

Let the event come to an end, or go back before the event, how many squads?

The same could be said for, you know, 90% of the entire starchart. And there are always squads on Uranus, even before Sharkwing.
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Archwing feels like a steam greenlight game. The kind that dies silently in the night due to lack of support. Its not surprising how many people are raging about it.

so did WF, and so does every mission mode if you look at it by itself.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Sure They do but this was around Christmas and New year. A lot of people are away at those times. Was also during those times when they relays was lost.


If its like last time it will go to the next planet after we destroy the first one.

How many people play Warframe at a given time? 20-25k?

How many ppl do you think it would take to save a relay? i bet, it would be less than a thousand. That guy above said there around 70 open squads atm, do the math.

The same could be said for, you know, 90% of the entire starchart. And there are always squads on Uranus, even before Sharkwing.

because sharckwing in Uranus does not require you to actually play archwing, only if you fall in the water.

Usually 4-5 on average - which is orders of magnitude more than 90% of the starchart. 

Don't fool yourself mate, i have never seen 5 squads in ANY archwing node.

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