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Seriously... When Do We Get Trade 2.0?


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At least make a Buy tab, Sale tab and Trade tab!



How would this work?

Person X wants to sell something and puts it in the Sell tab, person Y wants to buy this item but puts it in the Buy tab. They're in different tabs, and both miss the trade they are looking for,

Or does person Y keep on watching the Sell tab in the hope a person X comes by...? Or does person X keep watching the Buy tab, even though he only wants to sell something?



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Your system is good, but would screw new players. I don't see your idea ever happening because that would just limit DE's profits and no one wants that. (MWAHAHA rip off rich kids who just started)



Though your idea would work, its just not profitable.

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I personally believe that there should be an auction house where there's a heavy tax on trades, both credit and plat as well as a minimum price for things listed, say 5p and the tax taking off 2 of that 5. This will give a purpose to trade chat as the tax on dojo trades warrant the extra effort as their low while and creating deals and bargins. This is giving a viable venue to sell things in a more realistic setting other then waiting a half hour crying while u repost.

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How would this work?

Person X wants to sell something and puts it in the Sell tab, person Y wants to buy this item but puts it in the Buy tab. They're in different tabs, and both miss the trade they are looking for,

Or does person Y keep on watching the Sell tab in the hope a person X comes by...? Or does person X keep watching the Buy tab, even though he only wants to sell something?



not sure if trolling or handicapped...

if you want to sell your stuff for plat by spamming WTS, you do so in "sell" tab

if you're one of rare plat paying customers who like good service, you might want to post WTB in "buy" tab

if you want to exchange your frost helmet for unicorn testicles, you write so in trade chat

keeping in mind those rules, you browse chat tab accordingly looking for offer that catches your fancy. I fail to see what about that idea broke your brain.

Obviousily, if such thing were to be introduced, sell tab would be most likely slowly dying, in buy tab ban-bot would overheat so hard that it'd contribute to global warming  and trade tab would be a graveyard. Still, I honestly think that trade tab is really needed. Non-plat market would make things bit more interesting, and lot less frustrating. Now all WTT jewels die in flood.


Edited by 5HV3N
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The plat cap idea is bad, as it would be worked around - resulting in exactly what we have now, but clunkier.  That 600p mod isn't going to become a 100p mod because of a cap - it will simply cost 100p+5 other mods valued at 500p.  And it will push players into making risky, 'multi-part' trades to work around the limit, and end up getting simply ripped off ("You want this mod?  Give me 100p for a junk mod 5 days in a row, and on the 6th day I'll trade you this mod for 100p.  LOL, you fell for it!")



Splitting up trade chat seems reasonable.  Have 3 channels - Trade, buy, sell - and anything said in buy or sell is also said in Trade.  Could probably make different sub-channels different colors in the main channel. 

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How about a "Follow Seller" feature? Ya know, some of us have an inventory full of goodies. I can sell for months and not run out. Also, I 99% of the time offer my veteran service with a sale item (i.e. ask the "new" player if he/she needed help with something). There is no price gouging in a free market. All prices are SUBJECTIVE! If you don't like the price, a simple nty and move on. Don't get ***hurt if someone asking a higher price than you like to buy or offering a lower price than you like to sell. 


The only people that complains about the market are 1) people who don't take enough time to play the market (it's an integral part of Warframe; similar to actual farming) and 2) people who trying too hard to rip everyone off (*subjective opinion*). Set a price you're content with and along the way someone will aught to agree with you. And if you're genuine about it, someone may even be willing to pay a higher price, because they respect your integrity.

Edited by (PS4)A_SimpleName
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Rather no change or an auction house.  Making such selective changes to punish people who don't trade as you do isn't such a hot idea.If you can't give me something I'm used to with no haggle convenience then let it alone and let the career trader folks have their niche gameplay.  


With friends, clans, and how stupidly strong you can get with just solo play...  econ based play is pretty ignorable part of the game.  And I think you're wildly overestimating how frequently these 200p+ transactions take place.


And also, someone spending 25~50 bucks on something that would take weeks to farm or months (if not years... or never) to appear again is a very good thing.  Everyone comes out like a bandit.  DE gets paid the price of a full game.  Vets get extra value out of their time invested and reasons to stop playing shrinks.  People short on time get stuff they normally wouldn't at low prices.  In the states 10~40 bucks will get you 1hr worth of effort, depending on job.  Value no matter how low your job plays.  Off the changes you mentioned, plat limits have got to be the worst.

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If he buys the plat, then yes its his to spend fully. That is explained in the concept though. All that would need to happen is frost be unvaulted next month. Higher rarity frames would need to be farmed again or the market may actully partake in selling their parts at a reasonable amount, hence the entire point of this article.



'All that would need to happen' ??


Sorry dude, again you're trying to control it or are working on concepts that haven't even come to fruition once yet.

Right now if someone wants something they throw out a WTB : and get responses.

It's only time consuming if the buyer wants a very low deal and so waits around for the price they are happy with.

If you want Frost prime and 100p here or there doesn't mean anything, you can buy it.

According to your last comment everyone would have to wait until items become unvaulted.

Which prime items have been unvaulted thus far ?


I stand by my statement : treating players like children and controlling what they can and can't buy is not a solution.

Your premise assumes that every expensive trade is ripping someone off. This is just not true. I've seen trades for legendary cores, ultra rare mods and huge sums of plat yet everyone walked away happy. 

Personally I like the idea of high cost mods, it brings an element to the game that strives you to seek them out if you want them. 

If you're assuming every player should have every mod then I disagree with you. Prime parts and rare mods are a reward, not a right.


The game is free. Oh you want nice stuff ? then cough up or game hard .. and that's the way it should be. 


What I will say is that the current trade system is broken in it's visibility and constant input requirement .. it requires a lot of effort to track and follow the tab rather then being more passive and letting you multi-task while trading (eg. play a mission yet still sell items).

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First and foremost in the DE's favor; Give us UNLIMITED trades BUT! With a cap on the amount of plat we're able to gain and sell in one day.
Stopped reading after this. If there was a downvote button I'd make 61936321623 alternate accounts just to downvote your post with every single one.
Good day sir.
Edited by BeeOverlord
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I doubt this site even works.

I've been using it for a month now and it's my main source of trading. Of course if you're gonna put a Bronco Prime reciever for 50 plat no-one will respond tho.

Put your stuff for a reasonable price and you'll sell out quickly.

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Could we benefit from a system like EVE online where it's easier to track price history, volume bought/sold and the like? Yes. Information is always good.


Should we be able to automate our sales/purchases? No, not in any shape or form.


Honestly, I would be incredibly happy if DE allowed us to make sandboxed ( ie assigned for sale ) inventories that people could browse. Wishlists would also be nice.

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