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Aksomati, Holy....


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[...]you can get boltor prime up to 44k bursts damage, don't use bad warframe builder saved builds...   anyone using a puncture mod should be shot, [...]


Boltor Prime is easily in the top 20 best weapons, and i would recommend it to any MR2 player, as a way to make them quit warfarm when they find out no other weapon around there level is worth using....

Well, there is still the Tonkor that has a super-low MR requirement and can be built in a second to get their hopes back up ;D


About the puncture mod, well, i wanted to experiment with a Radiation/Puncture build instead of the usual Corrosive/Cold one for Void Runs but i sadly lack Piercing Caliber so i'm holding it off until further notice. It shouldn't work too bad, at least in theory.


The Akstiletto does far too little damage for its accuracy or status to be terribly meaningful. The Aksomati's damage towers over it, and its accuracy isn't nearly as bad as people complain about. Going full tilt on a machine pistol at anything less than point blank is going to yield poor results. Tap and burst at range, get in close if you want to hose something down. It trucks down corrupted bombards and nullifiers pretty well.

Well, that's true, but Akstiletto behaves a lot like the Braton prime does - if you fit in the right status you're in for an excellent time imho.


And for the sake of numbers alone (http://warframe-builder.com/Secondary_Weapons/Builder/Akstiletto/t_30_30000000_193-1-5-204-0-10-206-2-5-212-5-3-263-4-3-487-6-10-543-3-10-605-7-10_204-18-193-11-206-11-543-12-263-7-212-7-487-16-605-14/en/3-0-38) you can go corrosive+fire and build for crit and status in the Akstiletto and get a respectable 19k burst which is nothing to scoff at.

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But OP, you forget the stylish broken Akmagnus, less worry about ammo economy and well I guess you probably would run out of ammo if you abused the fire rate on the AKMagnus but who cares! When each shot is a literal truck to the face amirite?



AkMagnus is awesome.

Edited by Kthal
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but it TANKS your single target damage.

Punch-Through is always as a replacement for the extra Damage Mod you'd throw on the end - meaning a very small fraction of your total Damage.

you lose very little Damage from Punch-Through, because again, it's replacing a Mod that was adding ~10% Damage per Shot tops.



well hey now, Stoi has bamboozled me because he has Stug listed without Crit Stats, when it does have Crit Stats!


Piercing Caliber. 

people do know that Piercing Caliber is only good against Grineer, right?

where you can have Radiation + Puncture instead of Radiation + Toxin?


it's not useful in any other situation if you're looking for a Weapon that's usable on all of the Enemies you're fighting in a Mission.

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people do know that Piercing Caliber is only good against Grineer, right?

where you can have Radiation + Puncture instead of Radiation + Toxin?


it's not useful in any other situation if you're looking for a Weapon that's usable on all of the Enemies you're fighting in a Mission.


Puncture only has negative multipliers vs Shields and Protoshields, mainly Corpus. Puncture shines more against Grineer and Corrupted (excluding nullifiers, moas, crewman and drones ). For Grineer I use Radiation + Ice + Puncture, I don't know why you are using toxin over ice.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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I don't know why you are considering toxin over ice.

because Grineer is a mix of Ferrite and Alloy Armor.


Puncture is poo in other situations because you could add something else that gets a larger Multiplier (and therefore more Damage) instead.

Radiation + Ice is nice if you have a Status Weapon so you can Freeze Enemies, otherwise it's a waste of time. just use Toxin.


Puncture is meh for Corrupted because you already have Corrosive, and you're better off with larger bonus to Alloy Armor + Shields. meaning Ice.

Radiation + Puncture is also viable, but less practical as it's less flexible against the Enemies you're facing. you'll struggle against some Enemies.



you're not using the 'best' Multipliers. at all.

unless you have one Weapon for one Enemy Type, and another for another Enemy Type, and a third for the last Enemy Type... but that's very unconventional and time consuming compared to Damage Mods that are effective against everything that's shooting at you instead of only some of them.

Edited by taiiat
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because Grineer is a mix of Ferrite and Alloy Armor.


Puncture is poo in other situations because you could add something else that gets a larger Multiplier (and therefore more Damage) instead.

Radiation + Ice is nice if you have a Status Weapon so you can Freeze Enemies, otherwise it's a waste of time. just use Toxin.


Puncture is meh for Corrupted because you already have Corrosive, and you're better off with larger bonus to Alloy Armor + Shields. meaning Ice.

Radiation + Puncture is also viable, but less practical as it's less flexible against the Enemies you're facing. you'll struggle against some Enemies.



you're not using the 'best' Multipliers. at all.

unless you have one Weapon for one Enemy Type, and another for another Enemy Type, and a third for the last Enemy Type... but that's very unconventional and time consuming compared to Damage Mods that are effective against everything that's shooting at you instead of only some of them.



I think this where we have a mix up. I am not arguing puncture over a 3rd elemental. I already have 3 element mods. Unless you strip the corrupted off armor I don't see how puncture is just "meh". Yeah it has bad multiplier vs shields I know that (I edited the post to remove the best multipliers comment) but I am more worried about the heavily armored units in the void then shielded ones. 

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but I am more worried about the heavily armored units in the void then shielded ones. 

then you should also be worried about the Alloy Armor. because those are a significant threat as well. 

while Corrupted Heavy Gunners are the most durable, focusing on JUST that Enemy is asking for trouble, and you'll get it.


now, if you're playing at Level Ranges where the other Enemies like Robits haven't become problematic yet, sobeit. but that's a wide variance pending on what Weapons you have on you.



so, for Grineer, where there aren't Shielded Enemies, the best Damage composition is Radiation + Toxin for just Elementals. since it's a Puncture Weapon, Radiation + Puncture is superior. if you want more than that, take your pick as to whether the Alloy Armor or Ferrite Armor is giving you the most trouble at that point. chances are it'll be the Ferrite Armor because you have more Multipliers against Alloy Armor already.


Corrupted, for universally lowest TTK (which is what Damage Mods are for), it has to be Corrosive + Ice. Puncture is okay, but Puncture is not very great against Alloy Armor, you may as well add more Ice as it'll deal more Damage to Alloy Armor.

but if you have even more space for extra Damage Mods than that, (5?! that's a lot of open space), then yeah, might as well use extra Puncture, not much left to go for other than some more Corrosive.

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If you're going to truly compare weapon damage you need to look beyond the sheet damage and do some math.


For instance on Soma Prime: Hammer Shot provides more DPS than Cryo rounds through status procs via mostly Bleed but also faster armor reduction when running Corrosive.


Boltor Prime is also still the 2nd best Full Range Automatic Primary available. Prisma Grakata would be 2nd but it lacks zoomed long range accurancy and therefore isn't quite full range. Using a mod to counter it's hellfire kick just puts it in 3rd place regaurdless.

Besides it also kills the fun of using it.


Yes primmed mods are making pistols huge but as others have said the ammo maximum on Aksomati is garbage. I actually came on the forums to make a post about it but saw this thread. it has an ammo count of 210 with 20 seconds of total fire time, that's not viable in my book.

I'll take Lex P, V. Marelok or Twin Grakatas any day over that.

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The problem with getting 3 elements and Piercing Caliber is the diminishing return of stacke multipliers. Unless you're going for specific status builds after you slot 3 elements you're usually better off slotting something other than an elemental mod (or a phisical damage mod which behaves the same way).

Due to how stacking multipliers works, basically:

- first 90% element is a raw +90% damage

- second 90% element is a raw +47.4% damage

- third one is +34.1%

- fourth one is +24.2%

For reference, slotting the first fire rate mod give a +30/60% for Shred and Speed Trigger respectively and +79.4/83.3% for Vile Acceleration depending on whethe you have just Serration or Heavy Caliber and Serration.

For a crit weapon, Hammer Shot gives a better increase than the fourth elemental with crit chances higher than 30% considering a 2.0x crit damage.

As a side note, generally unless you're going for Radiation+Viral your fourth element won't be a 90% mod but a 60% one to keep the elemental combos where you want them to be, so the actual increase of a fourth elemental mod is way lower, unless we're talking about a weapon with a single predominant damage in a situation where it's beneficial (Fanged Fusillade for a Dread 4 CP build for example).

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You couldn't fake that build more that that? What are 3 fire rate mods doing on Tigris? In game you will never ever get any use out of those on a duplex-trigger.....

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uh with hornet strike, barrel diffusion, and lethal torrent, the physical damage is WAYYYY less than what is listed there. it should say 79.8 slash, NOT 325

You're talking about the Aksomati build in the builder? Becaus the builder automatically factors in the crit chance and damage when showing the damage numbers.
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You're talking about the Aksomati build in the builder? Becaus the builder automatically factors in the crit chance and damage when showing the damage numbers.


Yeah, it seems they think I was trying to deceive them of something.... and I even said Boltor P fans do not need to read this.

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