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Corrosive Vs Radiation In The Void


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(Pretty sure this has been answered)

So everyone knows corrosive was the best elemental combo for the void because of heavy gunners.

Corrupted Bombards wear alloy armor, so that means they are more vulnerable to radiation, in addition to that, corrupted lancers are also vulnerable to radiation.

The only mob that really benefits from corrosive dmg is the heavy gunner (ancients too but they die pretty easy)


I'm wondering just now because i stoped playing for a while and i came back like a month ago and it never really crossed my mind.



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it depends on play style


sometimes i run 


corrosive heat or corrosive blast


but i also use


radiation viral with good amount of damage that also cause the enemies to turn on each other 



if your doing a status build it goes either way, depends on how often you want that status to appear and in what way you play 

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Corrosive is useful for Proc against armor in general, since each trigger munches away part of the armor


Thus putting corrosive on Sancti Tigris might be less effective than Torid 

since the cloud stacks and causes status during the duration, where the tigris only have opportunity of proc when firing at the target.

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it depends on play style

sometimes i run

corrosive heat or corrosive blast

but i also use

radiation viral with good amount of damage that also cause the enemies to turn on each other

if your doing a status build it goes either way, depends on how often you want that status to appear and in what way you play

Now there's a thought. Which is better, corrosive and heat, blast or ice? Personally usually go with blast because it's an additional damage mod worth of damage vs the seeming diminishing returns on stacking multiple mods of the same damage type.

On the topic of Radiation, though, I strongly believe that a long distance radiation proc is a very powerful tool when used on the right enemy. It van stop a group of enemies in their tracks as they suddenly have to deal with their confused and murderous ally. Keep a radiation secondary with a high proc chance handy just in case (or use a Oberon for Smite!)

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Corrosive + Ice gives universally lowest TTK across all of the Enemies you encounter.

Radiation + Toxin is viable however, it's just less flexible. Ancients will laugh at you and you'll deal rather ehh Damage vs Heavy Gunners and Et Cetera.


both work, but i'd still lean towards Corrosive + Ice for Damage oriented Weapons. Status oriented ones are more flexible, as Radiation Status is quite useful as is Corrosive or Ice.



Corrosive Blast is a bad idea unless you have a Status Weapon - Blast Damage will be rather poo.

Radiation + Viral again bad idea unless it's a Status Weapon - Viral Damage will be rather poo.

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Now there's a thought. Which is better, corrosive and heat, blast or ice? Personally usually go with blast because it's an additional damage mod worth of damage vs the seeming diminishing returns on stacking multiple mods of the same damage type.

On the topic of Radiation, though, I strongly believe that a long distance radiation proc is a very powerful tool when used on the right enemy. It van stop a group of enemies in their tracks as they suddenly have to deal with their confused and murderous ally. Keep a radiation secondary with a high proc chance handy just in case (or use a Oberon for Smite!)

usually im running radiation viral for thrown weapons , very effective on saryn with cerata build high stat and OK crits


ive actualy done 35k on a thrown blast aoe ^-^ it was very impressive take down of many enemies


blast is as you said normally for knock down /stun of enemies 


heat is for fleshy as ice is for shields


i try to have my setups balance with my other weapons so i can choose my attack and play style to adapt to a situation


i do have dedicated slots for different enemies but its up to me to choose before i run a mission 



blast i have had do some odd things on a single strike i hit with tonbo and it did 3 x 6k hits blast on a target, this is a radiation/viral setup or corrosive/blast 


and has primed reach 

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Ultimately, it helps to have friends so you can divide up elements across the team, let one guy get the Moas and another get the heavies. I tried a radiation Lecta once, and it didn't turn out so well. Corrosive seems to be the best single damage type. Add cold and you'll get more damage and two very useful procs.

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I would say Corrosive/Cold.




Because Heavy Gunners are much more common than Bombards so they'll be the most common tank enemy you'll go up against if you stay for long runs (and anything is viable for a short run, let's face it).

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I'd say it depends more of the gun and the frame you use it with, than of the enemy faction. Only exception being the infested, against which the radiation-toxin combo is utter trash.

My go-to mix is corrosive. Viral when 4*CP. Then corrosive-cold for more versatility, if I have enough slots - Vaykor Marelok for ex, with 3 base mods and 5 elementals. Radiation-tox for specialized alloy-munching, when coupled with a corrosive secondary - my Tigris for instance, used by Mesa which won't go against infested anyway.

Shotguns are a bit special though ; that Blaze mod is simply too good to pass on, it should be included in any build, either for radiation, or corrosive-fire.


Don't know what magnetic, gas and blast are really worth. Not much I guess

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I'm gonna sound like a noob but I'm too lazy to switch out different elemental for different missions. so pretty much all my weapons with low crit chances are running corrossive and heat, building it as high status chances. crit based weapons like soma prime I got it as viral only but maxed it with crit mods and even hammer shot so high crit chance and hammer shot proc abit more viral and I find it so much better. (Personal preferences, don't hurt me *sprays flame repel all over*)

Edited by Kz.Prime
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For the Void, I find Corrosive + Ice is the way to go.  Corrosive works great against the heavy gunners and ancients, plus procs further weaken any armor, while cold is a decent alternative to radiation for dealing with alloy armor and it eats through shields better than radiation to boot.  That way, you've pretty much got all your bases covered.


...Of course, you can carry three weapons, so it's only prudent to put radiation or some other kind of plan B on one of them.

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The big three in void missions are going to be Bombards, Gunners, and Ancient Healers. Bombards and Gunners are obvious; their scaling armor values make them absolute bull**** to fight at later levels when they're sporting damage reduction of around 97%. Ancient Healers jumped up the priority list since they actively protect other enemies by giving them insane damage mitigation, and a fight of attrition isn't one you're going to win against an endless hoard of enemies that are constantly growing stronger. 

It's important to also note that Radiation and Corrosive have the unique attribute of ignoring 75% of the enemies armor, meaning that their damage stays relevant in the void for much longer than other options. 

Viral is also an option, but needs extremely high proc chance without sacrificing damage to stay relevant. Our methods of increasing proc chance almost always come at the cost of our ability to do damage, meaning that Corrosive/Radiation tend to win out even if you are halving the enemies health 100% of the time. 

If your party is rocking 4x Corrosive Projections (and you'd be stupid to do high-level void content without it), Viral (build towards damage, not proc chance), Slash, and Fire jump up as the most effective elements for the Void/Grineer. The Moa's will give you a little more trouble than normal, but they're also not terribly difficult to mitigate and it'd be silly to build for robotics when the robotic presence in void is so small comparatively. 

Anyway, some numbers: 

1000 Corrosive/Radiation damage against level 80 enemies in the void:

Bombard HP: 28,384.5
Corrosive: 173.1, Radiation: 302.9, Viral: 87.0
Corrosive Proc 1: 218.2
Corrosive Proc 2: 271.2
Corrosive Proc 3: 331.6

Heavy Gunner HP: 23,628.0 
Corrosive: 341.5, Radiation: 195.2, Viral: 100

Ancient Healer: 37,846.0
Corrosive: 1750, Radiation: 250, Viral: 1,000 

This isn't accounting for the "Void Buff" which makes enemies even more sturdy as you go up in tiers. 

You can figure out how many hits you'll need to kill any given enemy by just dividing their health by the amount of damage you do in a single attack. A trend you might notice is that Viral tends to do roughly three times damage less against an armored enemies favored weakness. While Viral Proc does reduce their Health by half for 6 seconds, keep in mind that achieving a higher proc with Viral always comes at the cost of sacrificing damage, which means that the gap between Viral and Radiation/Corrosive grows larger as you try to increase your proc chance. Mathematically, in order for Viral to be a better option than Corrosive/Radiation it needs to be doing greater than half of the damage of Radiation/Corrosive with a maintainable proc chance. 

A final thing to note is melee Finishers can be very effective against heavily armored enemies as they tend to do a truck-load of damage and ignore armor entirely. Provided that your melee weapon is built competently you can expect finisher damage to range from 25,000 to 30,000, with some melee weapons doing far greater damage as their Finisher animations hit twice. Against Bombards and Gunners this can be a very effective tactic provided you have a reliable way of proccing finishers (Ash, Excalibur, Valkyr, etc.) 


One more thing; the weapon mod Covert Lethality is a frighteningly good option for high level content if you have a way of reliably proccing finishers as it will instantly kill enemies regardless of their health. It's not bad for lower level content either. Dragon Nikana and a few other melee weapons have combo's which end in Finisher Procs, letting you follow up with a stylish execution. 


Edited by Acos
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