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Ivara - The Grind To Get Her.


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You heard of Sensors? Comms systems built into suits?


Why should not the entire level go on alert when something unusual happens? If someone yelled "shots fired" or "I've been shot" into comms would not the entire level go on Alert? If you fire a bullet in a building full of security personnel, they won't just go to the last place where they heard a noise because unlike the AI in this game, they won't be incredibly stupid, and would instead put the whole place on lockdown.


If I got a job for the factions, and I were to implement "sensible" and "logical" security measures, you would never get the damn Data. Be thankful DE washed down the difficulty so much that even non perma-invisibility Frames even have a chance.


This is a videogame first, a reality simulator second.



All enemies in the tile knowing exactly where you are the moment one is alert(even after you kill them) is simply poor mechanics.  It only encourages cheese tactics such as perma-invis, as the moment you're seen your stealth is over. It is only acceptable on the Infested as ingame Lore states all share the same hivemind.

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TBH I don't bother with the grind for parts anymore because I make sure to save enough Plat when I know a new Warframe is on the way and just go ahead and buy it. So instead of wasting time hoping for that helmet to drop, I get to actually play the frame and have fun. Granted some people love to grind and if that's your fun then great but for me this is how I beat RNG.:)

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Rhino is great for stealth, stomp just kills everything and goes through walls, is instant damage, and recastable quickly thanks to corrupted mods.

Then with charge and skin, he can ignore the lasers and carry on with the mission.

Really, Rhino is OP and needs a serious nerf. He should be moved out to Pluto at least for how powerful he is.

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Rhino is great for stealth, stomp just kills everything and goes through walls, is instant damage, and recastable quickly thanks to corrupted mods.

Then with charge and skin, he can ignore the lasers and carry on with the mission.

Really, Rhino is OP and needs a serious nerf. He should be moved out to Pluto at least for how powerful he is.


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Hey if everyone in the room is dead, nobody is going to complain about the pink and gold rhino in it hacking a terminal.

Again, this is a game about how violence can help solve all the problems. Which part of the game is not aided by judicious application of violence in here?

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TBH I don't bother with the grind for parts anymore because I make sure to save enough Plat when I know a new Warframe is on the way and just go ahead and buy it. So instead of wasting time hoping for that helmet to drop, I get to actually play the frame and have fun. Granted some people love to grind and if that's your fun then great but for me this is how I beat RNG.:)

You aren't beating RNG, you're feeding it. Platting out for this is basically you telling DE that this kind of behaviour is good and deserves to be rewarded with money.

As for the means by which we obtain Ivara blueprints, I'm fine with that. Spy vaults are something I can actively work at. Alertium is not fine and it had better not use that abomination for crafting.

Edited by DoomFruit
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Bring on the spy missions. I'll have Ivara cooking within the hour of release. Spy is great, and this will really help distinguish those who can, and those who can't. It's the neglected gametype and it's goid to see a little love going to spy. I myself can do spy missions with stealth frames in about 4 minutes, and non stealth in about 5. So as I said, bring that grind. Ivara will be mine.

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Hey if everyone in the room is dead, nobody is going to complain about the pink and gold rhino in it hacking a terminal.

Again, this is a game about how violence can help solve all the problems. Which part of the game is not aided by judicious application of violence in here?


I agree with you though. I don't know how many "stealth kills" I have gotten from Embers World on Fire. Lol.

My Ember is bright pink too. Just because.

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I haven't really played Spy outside of Syndicate Alerts, but why are people complaining? I just go through it killing everything and resetting alarms when needed. Then I go for a quick bit of stealth when I'm at one of the vaults, then back to loud gameplay.

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I mean there are 3 chances per mission to get her parts....

I think you you have a team of loki's it shouldn't be too bad


No you don´t. You have 1 chance to get 1 part ( BP ) and only if you do all 3 terminals successful.



Could be worse, could be rescue. It's the one mission I refuse to play, baby sitting some of the worst path finding/AI in gamerdom is more than I can stand.

Spy not bad though, at least you can multitask with getting rare rewards and Simaris stealth scans etc.


You don´t need to babysit the AI, just open the cell and get to extraction. Done. Rescue is the fastest missiontype together with capture.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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Is that confirmed? Or just based on how the rare stuff drops now?

I mean you are probably right but it would be funny if you could get all 3 parts in 1 run :)

NO but what normally happens with rare stuff like keys and dual stat mods, are they are tied behind the third cache unlock, so seeing as its a frame, I can also see it being in this tier 

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Bring on the spy missions. I'll have Ivara cooking within the hour of release. Spy is great, and this will really help distinguish those who can, and those who can't. It's the neglected gametype and it's goid to see a little love going to spy. I myself can do spy missions with stealth frames in about 4 minutes, and non stealth in about 5. So as I said, bring that grind. Ivara will be mine.

Big head!

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Also I'd like to add, even if you agree with the stealth A.I being okay, I still hold to the point...what's the point of going stealth, when you can blitz a room easy with no stealth-ing at all. just making people do bonus damage is not enough of an incentive to do stealth :/ 

and lastly...we have just revamped spy missions..why not revamp sth more derelict like deception, she'd fit alright into their, especially as deception offers you nth in terms of rewards, unless its an alert, SO MANY game modes, are redundant, why has stealth got to have another big shot. we revamped rescue, and then spy, cmon we need to expand the range of game modes that actually reward you. admittedly rescue needs an incentive too.  

Edited by Nemesis-Infinity
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