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Do People Actually Enjoy Level 80-100?


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I love the Sorties in terms of difficulty, they're just right.  When you're locked and loaded and awesome with potatos, forma and fully-ranked mods, and good builds, high level T4 and Sorties (and now the Sentients) are the only thing that can give you a bit of a challenge in the game.


It's really just rewards that need fixing with Sorties.  They need to have a guaranteed medium reward (for completing all 3 only - NOT for the stages separately) as well as a random big reward.

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No, I don't enjoy overleveled enemies.


Yeah I can hold my own in sorties but it's not what I consider fun. Challenging? Yes, but in a frustrating, gritting my teeth kind of way. I personally find that at level 40 is when enemies reach their "peak", 50 with some select enemies. They are tanky enough to not drop to a slightest breeze, hit hard enough that they can pose a real threat if you mess up. But they are still squishy enough that I can play with fun builds on otherwise unused "weak" weapons and still have fun. 

In general, I think the standard end planets are at the sweet spot for my liking. Ceres, Pluto and Eris are at the 33-40 mark where you can have fun builds on weapons and not need every piece in your inventory to have a potato and three formas in them. Void is essentially a "Bonus Level" and thus does not count. 


Of course this is all with me doing minimal cheese. Sorties are basically built special for the purpose of doing as much cheese as possible. 

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Yes I enjoy higher lvl enemies. I wish T4 void could start at lvls 60+.

At the same time I agree with topic starter - its a little false and artificial dificulty.

Armor/hp and dmg scaling is a broken thing and it narrows players choices.


However its much better now than it was like 1 year ago. We have to be more versatile, use different tactics (nullifiers, sentiends etc) and its a good thing. At the same time broken core stays....


Buy atm higher lvls are only challenge for me so once again YES i enjoy them.

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I enjoy the level 100 enemies because it seems to be (along with the sortie conditions) the best they can do to give us difficult daily missions right now. The Nightwatch enemies were interesting to fight and if I recall, they weren't even super high level. I would like to see more of that then just broken enemy scaling to keep us interested. 

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I always said when enemies start to reach lvl 70 was the time we separate the boys from the mens, who is going to be the first to ask for extraction???

Of course it depends on the squad, we all know some Warframes have abilities that help the team to go longer and on the player too, but I usualy get bored way before it, but now he have it from start, the first taste we get on it was the Nightwatch alert.

All my sorties I did on pugs, ppl complaing a lot about pugs but is fun when the whole team is on the ground and the last one standing is a Mag runing to extraction on a grinner survival...

I like it, is a place tp prove your skill and weapon builds, just avoid the famous "meta" combo and enjoy it.

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Warframe's "endgame" is extremely frustrating when you don't have frames that have invincibility or spammable CC (since enemies one shot you with hit-scan weapons); and when you DO have invincibility and spammable CC it becomes boring and tedious.


Something needs to change.

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Wow questioning level 100+ enemies? ??? I mean really. Yes they are a challenge. It is a pain to have to often carry lower level players through. Yes it makes you look at your load outs and actually work at them so you are able to actually handle this level enemies in mass. But Give me a break. Level 100+ enemies are nothing compared to level 9,999 infested. (Yes you red that right level nine-thousand, nine-hundred, and ninety-nine.) And mind this was after they introduced a cap to the game so it did not break stalkers spawn. 


Can anyone imagine a level 9,999 stalker showing up to ruin their day?


The Breeding Grounds event was just a bugger and had enemies that were that high. If you were a competitive clan and wanted to go that far you had to navigate enemies that were lvl 9,999 and still finish the mission. I rather enjoyed that event as sis the rest of my clan. T4 Survival missions easily offer level 100+ enemies. Still remember going on 1 1/2+ hour T3 survivals as that was the only way to challenge my abilities as a player in this game. 


We as a community over all begged DE to give us more. Well they did and now peeps are complaining about it. Not all things are suppose to be easy if they were this game would have died long ago. It is just that now we have much more option in how to accomplish a successful mission.


Personally I am grateful to DE for the effort that they have put into WARFRAME expanding it and the options that there are to play the game on any given day. Anywhere from a casual play day to get down and grind. 


Thanks DE

The difficulty isn't the problem with level 100 (this game, including level 100 for a player with lots of gear, is too easy IMO). It's the lack of options, the powerlessness, and the inevitable cheese that comes from it.

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Yes, I very much enjoy fighting level 80-100+ mobs. I feel this is the only challenge in the game and even then I've never failed a sortie for reasons other than people leaving. This game SEVERELY lacks challenge for endgame frames and gear unless you do ridiculously long endless survivals/defense/etc..


If anything this game needs way more endgame content because only being able to do Sorties once per day sucks.

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There's not much "fighting" involved when up against level 100+ enemies.

Either you have a frame that is not capable of CCing them (in which case at some point you'll get torn to pieces on sight) or you do have a CC-capable frame, in which case it boils down to how long it will take you to chew though all that HP while your enemies stand there - blind, deaf, disarmed, and perhaps slowed or insane.


Slapping formas on gear can only get you so far - I mean, you have a finite number of mod slots, and even with all them formaed, enemies will still scale higher and higher. 

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Grineer and Infested? Yes, I do. Makes me feel like my actions have consequences and I can actually lose, but still allows avoid them (even without a Trin). Corpus however, fudge no. Sapping Osprey alone make this faction's scaling "un-fun" and then combine that with the amount of one shot-capable units and over use of area denial to get the worst scaling (in terms of fun) faction.

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Yes, but for me it's only in solo as frames like Banshee, Ember, Frost or Volt. (Yeah, call me old and grumpy. I never really got as closely attached to frames released after Hydroid, with the possible exception of Atlas and Limbo.) Infinite enemy levels are meaningless when you have a Trinity and/or perma-CC in your team. 


Nyx would and should be up there too, but I find it almost impossible to go further than T4S 50 min with Nyx due to how Chaos can affect LS drops...I should look for some help with Nyx solo strategies. 

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Yep. I love the sorties because they let me do this sort of thing without playing an hour of some mission before I get to them.They are an optional challenge mode without the no shields/no energy BS of nightmare mode.


Fighting these "OP" enemies requires some level of planning. Some people might view that as "cheese" but a game that requires no thought is boring and a game where you have to plan but can do just as well with anything is (if you'll excuse the term) just masturbatory. For choices to matter, there have to be wrong choices. Otherwise, it's just a player pretending they're smart and not actually being tested. I don't want a game for the little kid that pees themself, falls, down, cries, and still gets a junior soccer participation trophy.


Yes, that means some FUN frames won't ever get picked. But so what? It's a game about collecting gear that you like and maxing it out. You know, obtaining that legendary Tenno power that it gasses on about endlessly. It's fun to mow down a horde of weak enemies, but it's also fun to put my ability to build a frame, build weapons, build a team and then execute on all that to some level of a test. There are tons of other missions where you can take anything at all. Enjoy both types of mission for what they are, one wacky whatever fun time mission, and one engage your brain mission.


And if you don't believe it requires at least some thought, just watch some randos fail the sorties over and over.

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I find it fun in my small group of friends because we don't use any special tactic, we all run around the map and do whatever, wth random it's always using something to make yourself Neer invincible and complaining when I run around with my volt prime and sword, even worse when you revive them several times, then when you go down they teabag and insult you for no reason

To sum it up:

Yes, when I'm with my friends

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If the base is boring it doesn´t matter what level it has. Thus, No difference fighting level 30 50 100 in fun factor.


As long as AI has the brain of a peanut and the skills/mechanics of walking punching bags what should be the difference any way? Game is missing a enemy skill overhaul + AI + active dodge system (passive dbuff now = ZZZZZzzzzzzzz + it´s not even working properly vs higher level accuracy), enemy attack announcement/notify system

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If the base is boring it doesn´t matter what level it has. Thus, No difference fighting level 30 50 100 in fun factor.


As long as AI has the brain of a peanut and the skills/mechanics of walking punching bags what should be the difference any way? Game is missing a enemy skill overhaul + AI + active dodge system (passive dbuff now = ZZZZZzzzzzzzz + it´s not even working properly vs higher level accuracy), enemy attack announcement/notify system

then 25+ heavy gunners come in waves lvl 100s with nulls guarding them, and bombarders covering them 

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then 25+ heavy gunners come in waves lvl 100s with nulls guarding them, and bombarders covering them

Let's see the bombarders would either miss or do little to no damage to me(idk why, they rarely do full damage even when the rocket hits me), nullies are easy because I use melee without abilities, and heavy gunners have bad accuracy and arnt that scary:P

All they have is more armor and hp basically

Edited by (XB1)Master4733
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