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(Spoiler) Poll: Do You Like The New Storyline.


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Yeah I do. It wasn't 100% of what I predicted, which is good because I like to be surprised, but it pretty much ended up being a perfect amalgamation of every popular fan theory out there. I don't ever self insert in games, so the reveal of what Tenno are doesn't bother me at all. I'm still way more attached to the frames themselves, since I've spent years playing with them, and that hasn't changed now. I was afraid that my attachment to the frames was going to be marginalized due to the reveal, but it ended up being even stronger with the turning point of the quest(the second climax).

I can't wait for the story to tackle the new mystery and hopefully pose some interesting moral questions that incorporate what are modern society is going to have to deal with in the not so distant future.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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besides the fact that i'm annoyed by the train of thoughts some have now regarding the Kid, I Loved the Questline and Anticipate more, so a solid YES from me.


Btw, do you guys think that, once 2nd dream isn't that Spoilery anymore (by that i mean, where most of the users know about it, kinda like when the Stalker got introduced) we could see transmitions of other peoples Tenno? I'm not annoyed by it, and i'd like to see how other people made their child just as much i'd like to see how people made their warframe look. and unlike warframes, the only way to see the Zariman child of others for now is when someone uses thier 5th power.


of course, those who disabled operator voice don't have to listen to either their own nor other peoples operator, if they don't wanna hear their own character, they probably don't want to hear anyone elses character either.

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No. It really takes me out of the universe to know I'm not actually in the Warframe in those battles I'm fighting but instead just remotely controlling the thing from some bigass chair like a video game.


That's what I'm ALREADY DOING, I don't NEED to be reminded of it.

You know what is really bugging me? How limbo and mirage died, they were refereed to as an individual not as something that could be disposed of. 

I am kinda meh for the story line, could see it be integrated further.

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I can't wait untill the next Tenno based cinematic quest where all of you who are saying things like "Mirage's and Limbo's story are pointless now" have your mind blown, because you all are thinking way too flat.

Edited by DrBorris
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Why would it blow my mind when this quest failed in that aspect for me and killed the suspense I originally felt? Cinematic improvements didn't make up for lost tone or some autonomy for me.  The only way I could feel anything for either of Limbo or Mirage's "Deaths" is if there were actually tenno bodies in them. 


A scenario of the frames themselves being "alive" would not feel right to me, as the frames seem like they would be better off dead, given how braindead or wild (as the one in as the proto Rhino in the Rhino codex was) they appear to be. Either way, a generally invalid mental state to be found.  Having to live in a body with no eyes, nose, mouth, ears or usable "organs"(And I am not talking merely internal, know what I mean?) to put it lightly, on top of being controlled by preteens, is also quite unpleasant sounding. Death would seem like a godsend for such a poor specimen, from my perspective. 

Just a veritable "Johnny Got His Gun" at that point.

Just want them to be suits, thanks.


A scenario where the Tenno actually felt all the pain of their Warframe and died from it, contrary to what we know about conclave and the whole freakin' point of going to the Moon in this quest,  wouldn't feel right to me either, as that feels arbitrary to me, and they might as well be in the suit themselves at that point. Would just seem really forced and pointless setup otherwise.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Storyline was alright. Loved the music and feel of the final mission. Space mom was great. Stalker was being his usual edgy self. And space grand-dad was nicely menacing.


Im fine with the operators existing... but Id wish theyd age a bit. Or atleast give us more choices about faces, voices and everything.


Not saying Id like my operator to be like space mom but... Id def want my operator to be like space mom. (or with tyl regor voice)

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