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Ominous Loading Screen Message?[Megathread]


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Ahem, I think I can shed some light on this. It reads:


"Tenno, you turned up the power too damn high on the fridge again. My hummus is frozen solid. Ever tried dipping a chive and parmesan swirly bread stick into a solid amalgum of chick pea purée? Well I can tell ya, it doesn't work out so well. I appreciate that you like your beers extra cold in the evening, but next time why not put them in the freezer for a spell? You'll get practically the same results with less inconvenience to your housemates.



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Ahem, I think I can shed some light on this. It reads:


"Tenno, you turned up the power too damn high on the fridge again. My hummus is frozen solid. Ever tried dipping a chive and parmesan swirl bread stick into a solid amalgam of chickpea purée? Well I can tell ya, it doesn't work out so well. I appreciate that you like your beers extra cold in the evening, but next time why not put them in the freezer for a spell? You'll get practically the same results with less inconvenience to your housemates.




Feisty Lotus

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I am hoping that someone has an answer to my issue. so i was doing some void farming trying to get some prime weapon parts and when the game was loading the level something happend to my load screen it looked like a glitch or my HDMI failing, then red tenno lettering followed by white lettering shot across my screen. is this for somthing soon to come or is there something in the game that people havent found out yet. i just want to know whats going on with it cause it has happend several times when ive entered the void. 

     i tryed to show this to my clan mates but they havent had this happen to them and and to maybe force this i ran void missions all day with two of them, i got the glitch message but they didnt.


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Void Link Severed

Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspect tracking signal.

Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier.

Bow in standby for sync check and sync.

Motion compensation complete.

Selenic lensing locked.

Somatic control established.

(Margoolihs) implantation intact.

EVM (Could be reference to Eye, Vocal, Movement) status nominal.

War platform awaiting sync.

Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.



TLDR: its a message received when bringing a tenno out of stasis or going under, which implies that tenno are symbiotic organisms (between frame/tenno?), psionic, and at least in some way biological (maybe tenno and suit maybe just suit). 


void link severed - the orokin hid in the void. thats where the towers were. its safe to assume its from there that they controlled the tenno out in the real world fighting the sentients. perhaps also, severing this void link allowed us to regain self control (and thus decide to kill our oppressors)


reason foreign carrier detected - foreign carrier detected.. this could have something to do with either a ship or perhaps a host of sorts. 


origin unknown - this may refer to either a) the ship possibly referred to as carrier, or the b) host who is either of unknown origin or carrying something of unknown origin (to this system) *(could be referring to infestation)


suspect tracking signal - 


Biho in standby for (sehawnk) check and sync - as far as this being Bow... i think it means BIO, as in biological. The ''sehawnk'' could be psionic


Psionics is a blanket term used to describe alleged psychic effects such as telepathy, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis and others. Parapsychology, a pseudoscience that began around 1889, aims to study psionics and other supernatural claims. [page needed] There is no scientific evidence that psionic abilities exist.


sounds like nyx and ember at first glance.. right? 


motion compensation complete - motion compensation: wondering if this is the last message before being put into cryostasis, in which case our bodies could atrophy over time so perhaps motion compensation is like a PT of sorts to keep us in shape while under the long nap


selenic lensing locked - this is confusing:


The principal modern English adjective pertaining to the Moon is lunar, derived from the Latin Luna. A less common adjective is selenic, derived from the Ancient Greek Selene (Σελήνη), from which the prefix "seleno-" (as in selenography) is derived.[14][15] Both the Greek Selene and the Roman goddess Diana were alternatively called Cynthia.[16] The names Luna, Cynthia and Selene are reflected in terminology forlunar orbits in words such as apolunepericynthion and selenocentric. The name Diana is connected to dies, meaning 'day'.


Selenium is a chemical element with symbol Se and atomic number 34. It is a nonmetal with properties that are intermediate between those of its periodic table column-adjacent chalcogen elements sulfur and tellurium. It rarely occurs in its elemental state in nature, or as pure ore compounds. Selenium (Greek σελήνη selene meaning "Moon") was discovered in 1817 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, who noted the similarity of the new element to the previously known tellurium (named for the Earth).

Selenium is found in metal sulfide ores, where it partially replaces the sulfur. Commercially, selenium is produced as a byproduct in the refining of these ores, most often during production. Minerals that are pure selenide or selenate compounds are known, but are rare. The chief commercial uses for selenium today are in glassmaking and in pigments. Selenium is a semiconductor and is used in photocells. Uses in electronics, once important, have been mostly supplanted by silicon semiconductor devices. Selenium continues to be used in a few types of DC power surge protectors and one type of fluorescent quantum dot.

Selenium salts are toxic in large amounts, but trace amounts are necessary for cellular function in many organisms, including all animals. Selenium is an ingredient in many multivitamins and other dietary supplements, including infant formula. It is a component of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase (which indirectly reduce certain oxidized molecules in animals and some plants). It is also found in three deiodinase enzymes, which convert one thyroid hormone to another. Selenium requirements in plants differ by species, with some plants requiring relatively large amounts, and others apparently requiring none.[4]


Simply put, selenium is used in both glass, and by cells. its a semi conductor also used in photocells. for all intents and purposes, it seems to me like selenium or selenic compounds and the lensing' is used to help control / convert whatever special void radiation (light according to vor) we emit and how its tuned into various abilities? 




somatic control established


Somatic psychology is an interdisciplinary field involving the study of the body, somatic experience, and the embodied self, including therapeutic and holistic approaches to body. The word somatic comes from the ancient Greek root σωματ- somat- (body). The word psychology comes from the ancient Greek psyche (breath, soul hence mind) and -logia (study). Body Psychotherapy is a general branch of this subject, while Somatherapy, Eco-somatics and Dance therapy, for example, are specific branches of the subject. Somatic psychology is a field of study that bridges the Mind-body dichotomy.

There is increasing use of body-oriented therapeutic techniques within mainstream psychology (like EMDREFT, and Mindfulness practice) and psychoanalysis has recognized the use of somatic resonance, embodied trauma, and similar concepts, for many years.[7]

Historically, there are early practitioners, for example, the Persian physician Avicenna (980 to 1037 CE) who performed psychotherapy only by observing the movement of the patient's pulse as he listened to their anguish.[8] This is reminiscent of both traditionalTibetan medicine and current energy therapies that employ tapping points on a meridian. As a contrast to the Western separation of body/mind, some writers describe the "body as a slow mind" [9] and this re-examination of the fundamental mind-body dichotomy has coincided with research into neuroscienceembodiment and consciousness, and an unconscious mind that 'speaks' through the language of body


so, gaining control over a 'body' seems to be the key here. dunno if that is for regulatory function to keep things working while under this possible stasis, or regaining control over it after having what was controlled by whoever freed up.


margoolis implantation intact : heres a wild one


Lynn Margulis (born Lynn Petra Alexander;[1][2] March 5, 1938 – November 22, 2011)[3] was an American evolutionary theorist, taxonomist, bacteriologist, protistologist, and botanist, with advanced degrees in zoology and genetics. She was known to the public as a science author, educator, and popularizer, and recognized as the primary modern proponent for the significance of symbiosis in biological evolution. Historian Jan Sapp has noted that, "Lynn Margulis’s name is as synonymous with symbiosis as Charles Darwin’s is with evolution."


perhaps this implant is what allows for some symbiotic relationship between frame and tenno. 


as ive mentioned before, i think that the frame and tenno have a symbiotic relationship (or whatever is inside) 

in the same way that LICHEN are moss and algae symbiotically living together, i think the frame and tenno are united. 

I think that the void radiation emitted by whatever wears the warframe is used in some form of photosynthesis to create nourishment for the warframe, and whatever byproduct is emitted is used by the tenno as its source of nutrients. In the same way that we breathe out carbon dioxide but breathe in oxygen, yet plants (not the roots but the rest) take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. 


evm status nominal - eyes voice movement - The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment



this seems most fitting, relating to consciousness and coma, considering coming out of a coma induced by cryostasis


war platform awaiting sync - trying to regain 'awareness' i would assume, waiting for the two entities (tenno and warframe) to synchronize and begin working properly


initializing synoptic overlay - while one could say that this overlay forms a synopsis of what all is going on... like a way to monitor the happenings of being put in or removed from cryostasis, one could also argue that it is possibly some form of information and/or propaganda given to the tenno upon waking up. ive always thought of each tenno helmet having some form of screen inside (like ironmans helmet) with appropriate hud.


Synoptic philosophy comes from the Greek word συνοπτικός sunoptikos (“seeing everything together”) and together with the word philosophy, means the love of wisdom emerging from a coherent understanding of everything together.[1]

SO, perhaps due to not remembering much via memory wipe or side effects from being in cryo for so long, we need some form of debriefing.. a bringing up to speed if you will.

this could be lotus's or whoevers way of saying 'while you were away, this is all that happened/ is happening' as a way of defining/redefining our purpose and sense of duty, to these newly awakened tenno. 

Edited by PookieNumnums
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Void Link Severed

Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspect tracking signal.

Reinitiating dipolar connection on naval carrier.

Bow in standby for sync check and sync.

Motion compensation complete.

Selenic lensing locked.

Somatic control established.

(Margoolihs) implantation intact.

EVM (Could be reference to Eye, Vocal, Movement) status nominal.

War platform awaiting sync.

Initilizing synaptic overlay... Good night, sweet angel.

void link severed - the orokin hid in the void. thats where the towers were. its safe to assume its from there that they controlled the tenno out in the real world fighting the sentients. perhaps also, severing this void link allowed us to regain self control (and thus decide to kill our oppressors)
reason foreign carrier detected - foreign carrier detected.. this could have something to do with either a ship or perhaps a host of sorts. 
origin unknown - this may refer to either a) the ship possibly referred to as carrier, or the b) host who is either of unknown origin or carrying something of unknown origin (to this system) *(could be referring to infestation)
suspect tracking signal - 
Biho in standby for (sehawnk) check and sync - as far as this being Bow... i think it means BIO, as in biological. The ''sehawnk'' could be psionic
Psionics is a blanket term used to describe alleged psychic effects such as telepathy, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis and others. Parapsychology, a pseudoscience that began around 1889, aims to study psionics and other supernatural claims. [page needed] There is no scientific evidence that psionic abilities exist.
sounds like nyx and ember at first glance.. right? 
motion compensation complete - motion compensation: wondering if this is the last message before being put into cryostasis, in which case our bodies could atrophy over time so perhaps motion compensation is like a PT of sorts to keep us in shape while under the long nap
selenic lensing locked - this is confusing:
The principal modern English adjective pertaining to the Moon is lunar, derived from the Latin Luna. A less common adjective is selenic, derived from the Ancient Greek Selene (Σελήνη), from which the prefix "seleno-" (as in selenography) is derived.[14][15] Both the Greek Selene and the Roman goddess Diana were alternatively called Cynthia.[16] The names Luna, Cynthia and Selene are reflected in terminology forlunar orbits in words such as apolunepericynthion and selenocentric. The name Diana is connected to dies, meaning 'day'.
Selenium is a chemical element with symbol Se and atomic number 34. It is a nonmetal with properties that are intermediate between those of its periodic table column-adjacent chalcogen elements sulfur and tellurium. It rarely occurs in its elemental state in nature, or as pure ore compounds. Selenium (Greek σελήνη selene meaning "Moon") was discovered in 1817 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, who noted the similarity of the new element to the previously known tellurium (named for the Earth).

Selenium is found in metal sulfide ores, where it partially replaces the sulfur. Commercially, selenium is produced as a byproduct in the refining of these ores, most often during production. Minerals that are pure selenide or selenate compounds are known, but are rare. The chief commercial uses for selenium today are in glassmaking and in pigments. Selenium is a semiconductor and is used in photocells. Uses in electronics, once important, have been mostly supplanted by silicon semiconductor devices. Selenium continues to be used in a few types of DC power surge protectors and one type of fluorescent quantum dot.

Selenium salts are toxic in large amounts, but trace amounts are necessary for cellular function in many organisms, including all animals. Selenium is an ingredient in many multivitamins and other dietary supplements, including infant formula. It is a component of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase (which indirectly reduce certain oxidized molecules in animals and some plants). It is also found in three deiodinase enzymes, which convert one thyroid hormone to another. Selenium requirements in plants differ by species, with some plants requiring relatively large amounts, and others apparently requiring none.[4]


Simply put, selenium is used in both glass, and by cells. its a semi conductor also used in photocells. for all intents and purposes, it seems to me like selenium or selenic compounds and the lensing' is used to help control / convert whatever special void radiation (light according to vor) we emit and how its tuned into various abilities? 



somatic control established

Somatic psychology is an interdisciplinary field involving the study of the body, somatic experience, and the embodied self, including therapeutic and holistic approaches to body. The word somatic comes from the ancient Greek root σωματ- somat- (body). The word psychology comes from the ancient Greek psyche (breath, soul hence mind) and -logia (study). Body Psychotherapy is a general branch of this subject, while Somatherapy, Eco-somatics and Dance therapy, for example, are specific branches of the subject. Somatic psychology is a field of study that bridges the Mind-body dichotomy.

There is increasing use of body-oriented therapeutic techniques within mainstream psychology (like EMDREFT, and Mindfulness practice) and psychoanalysis has recognized the use of somatic resonance, embodied trauma, and similar concepts, for many years.[7]

Historically, there are early practitioners, for example, the Persian physician Avicenna (980 to 1037 CE) who performed psychotherapy only by observing the movement of the patient's pulse as he listened to their anguish.[8] This is reminiscent of both traditionalTibetan medicine and current energy therapies that employ tapping points on a meridian. As a contrast to the Western separation of body/mind, some writers describe the "body as a slow mind" [9] and this re-examination of the fundamental mind-body dichotomy has coincided with research into neuroscienceembodiment and consciousness, and an unconscious mind that 'speaks' through the language of body


so, gaining control over a 'body' seems to be the key here. dunno if that is for regulatory function to keep things working while under this possible stasis, or regaining control over it after having what was controlled by whoever freed up.

margoolis implantation intact : heres a wild one
Lynn Margulis (born Lynn Petra Alexander;[1][2] March 5, 1938 – November 22, 2011)[3] was an American evolutionary theorist, taxonomist, bacteriologist, protistologist, and botanist, with advanced degrees in zoology and genetics. She was known to the public as a science author, educator, and popularizer, and recognized as the primary modern proponent for the significance of symbiosis in biological evolution. Historian Jan Sapp has noted that, "Lynn Margulis’s name is as synonymous with symbiosis as Charles Darwin’s is with evolution."
perhaps this implant is what allows for some symbiotic relationship between frame and tenno. 
as ive mentioned before, i think that the frame and tenno have a symbiotic relationship (or whatever is inside) 
in the same way that LICHEN are moss and algae symbiotically living together, i think the frame and tenno are united. 
I think that the void radiation emitted by whatever wears the warframe is used in some form of photosynthesis to create nourishment for the warframe, and whatever byproduct is emitted is used by the tenno as its source of nutrients. In the same way that we breathe out carbon dioxide but breathe in oxygen, yet plants (not the roots but the rest) take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. 
evm status nominal - eyes voice movement - The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment
this seems most fitting, relating to consciousness and coma, considering coming out of a coma induced by cryostasis
war platform awaiting sync - trying to regain 'awareness' i would assume, waiting for the two entities (tenno and warframe) to synchronize and begin working properly
initializing synoptic overlay - while one could say that this overlay forms a synopsis of what all is going on... like a way to monitor the happenings of being put in or removed from cryostasis, one could also argue that it is possibly some form of information and/or propaganda given to the tenno upon waking up. ive always thought of each tenno helmet having some form of screen inside (like ironmans helmet) with appropriate hud.

Synoptic philosophy comes from the Greek word συνοπτικός sunoptikos (“seeing everything together”) and together with the word philosophy, means the love of wisdom emerging from a coherent understanding of everything together.[1]

SO, perhaps due to not remembering much via memory wipe or side effects from being in cryo for so long, we need some form of debriefing.. a bringing up to speed if you will.

this could be lotus's or whoevers way of saying 'while you were away, this is all that happened/ is happening' as a way of defining/redefining our purpose and sense of duty, to these newly awakened tenno. 



Edited by Neorlin
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TLDR: its a message received when bringing a tenno out of stasis or going under, which implies that tenno are symbiotic organisms (between frame/tenno?), psionic, and at least in some way biological (maybe tenno and suit maybe just suit). that perhaps emit void radiation which could be the light that vor refers to. 

Edited by PookieNumnums
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TLDR: its a message received when bringing a tenno out of stasis or going under, which implies that tenno are symbiotic organisms (between frame/tenno?), psionic, and at least in some way biological (maybe tenno and suit maybe just suit). that perhaps emit void radiation which could be the light that vor refers to. 


If anything us emitting Void energy is the MOST sure thing we have about the Tenno.

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TLDR: its a message received when bringing a tenno out of stasis or going under, which implies that tenno are symbiotic organisms (between frame/tenno?), psionic, and at least in some way biological (maybe tenno and suit maybe just suit). that perhaps emit void radiation which could be the light that vor refers to. 


TLDR. Pookie is making a boatload of assumptions and coupling it with selection bias to make their owen pet theory seem definitive.


IMHO It's most likely just foreshadowing the Star-chart revamp and/or the Second dream quest.


There is nothing in there that definitively suggests that any of that is about a Tenno and/or Warframe. 


Beware selection-bias: that way lies madness... and the Indoctrination Theory (Mass Effect Reference)

Edited by SilentMobius
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