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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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Like what?

Worthless weapon parts, lenses or some cores?


This seems like the perfect reward to make a sortie interesting, though after you have Nezha it would make it less interesting if he's a permanent drop...

Sounds like Sorties aren't for you.


Ah well, you'll find something else to do after season 2 :)


Less ye want all the new warframes in Sorties even Vauban.


Otherwise, you'll never touch them again

Edited by Sorise
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Havent read every single reply yet, but as for a different drop location for Nezha parts....


Since Ivara drops from Spy missions, why not have Nezha parts drop from either excavations the same way (low levels for systems, medium for chassis, high level for bp/helm)


Aternatively create a special mission for the parts to definitely drop that could only be unlocked through an interception?

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Ok, here's a SOLUTION. How about, instead of being PURE RNG. you get a 100% chance of getting a piece every 3 sorties. That way in 12 days you WILL get the piece without bullsht RNG.


but of course, no one reads the comments after the third page so wwhatever

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It is limited currently only by the number of attempts per day just like Nitain. Only with this, you have all day to do it. Everyone is freaking out about the fact that the rewards cycle but look at the difference between season 1 and 2. Only the Karak was replaced. There is no reason to think that the frame parts won't be in the season 3 reward pool. All in all, it is still better than Vaubaun, who you have no control over.


Thats righ, we like to freak out a lot and we seems to forguet that vauban only drops from alerts, but its kinda diferent, because now we have the posibility to have a frame that donst drop anywere. And the fact that probably he will stuck with the shorties reward forever meanst that we have 3 less posible rewards, that could be something nice, you name it.

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Ok, here's a SOLUTION. How about, instead of being PURE RNG. you get a 100% chance of getting a piece every 3 sorties. That way in 12 days you WILL get the piece without bullsht RNG.


but of course, no one reads the comments after the third page so wwhatever


So every three days I'm guaranteed to get another Nezha helmet blueprint instead of having the potential to get a legandary core? No thanks.

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Sounds like Sorties aren't for you.


Ah well, you'll find something else to do after season 2 :)


Less ye want all the new warframes in Sorties even Vauban.


Otherwise, you'll never touch them again.


No matter what gets added.

Either you're doing a bad job at being a troll, or you didn't properly read what I have said...

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he's going to be ultra expanise for a couple weeks then he'll be trash exactly like oberon and ash parts if not more it's just a cheap cash grab exactly like the broken war-war thing except this is  temporary. As a solution  i'd suggest to make sorties replayable with one "special reward" per day like the raids, take nezha out of the sortie reward table and put his parts in as an end of mission reward as one guaranteed part per mission each mission can drop any included the blueprint, like old-style boss missions use to, or alternatively put him in the eximus drops with oberon wouldn't be a bad idea, i think no one has any issue diluiting THAT drop table, of course the parts in both cases would be untradeable

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Once they said they want to reduce the Grind.

Now, I think they lied.


They did reduce the grind. You can only attempt to farm Nezha once a day. Did it reduce the NEED to grind? Nope. But they did reduce the grind, one way or the other. XD


What a clunky, ham-fisted solution this was.

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So Nezha is finally out, but can only be obtained from Sortie rewards. This is a phenomenally bad idea for several reasons:


He's potentially only available to players that can play for this particular 15-day stretch.

He'll stick around for another reward cycle, meaning the rewards become less valuable.

He'll be added in some other way once this "season" is done, which would make the rewards even less valuable than if he stuck around in the pool for multiple seasons.

Players unable to participate in sorties have no way of obtaining the frame outside of trading (assuming you can even trade for the parts). This is fine for weapons, since there are hundreds of those and they're all replaceable. This is certainly not fine for Warframes.


I'm sure there are more reasons, but honestly I'm too dumbfounded to think of them at the moment. I understand that you want to make the reward pools exciting, and that you want to drive plat / market sales, but this is not the way to do it.

it has been confirmed in the patchnotes that she will stay in sorties for all seasons...

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