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Why Are The Coolest Warframes The Weakest?


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I have to admit before I started this game, I had a look over all the different Warframes, tried to gauge which one I'd find most interesting and cool, and I was really happily surprised by the diversity!


I mean you had Ash the super assassin, you had Limbo who just sounded insane with his banishing ability and so on, oh and Hydroid sounded the boolest! Turning into water? Kraken? It all sounded awesome..


Yet lo and behold, I play the game, I do some research and it turns out lol, the Warframes with the LEAST interesting abilities are the most powerful? :/ (Talking Loki here, especially Loki you will not believe how much I hated his abilities/looks when I saw him first, so boring and simple to me and yet he is like a solo god in many ways, ugh)


But yeah meanwhile, all I can find on Hydroid and Limbo is people telling me NOT to use them and Ash...well Ash everyone just blatantly hates.

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Limbo is very powerful, a properly modded Ash can quickly get rid of most enemies but he is very boring.


Limbo is awesome, I don't like playing him but I do like having him in my squad because of the rift. However the user and the squad needs to know how to play with him so it is easier to just Nova+Mesa/Mirage everything away :/

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But yeah meanwhile, all I can find on Hydroid and Limbo is people telling me NOT to use them and Ash...well Ash everyone just blatantly hates.

Always take others peoples opinion in frames with a grain of salt until you have tried them out yourself. While I don't particularly like Limbo or Hydroid at all for reasons beyond move-set, I know Ash is very good. I suggest trying them out first before just regarding them as trash just cause others said they where bad.

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Yet lo and behold, I play the game, I do some research and it turns out lol, the Warframes with the LEAST interesting abilities are the most powerful? :/ (Talking Loki here, especially Loki you will not believe how much I hated his abilities/looks when I saw him first, so boring and simple to me and yet he is like a solo god in many ways, ugh)


That is only your opinion and not fact.


Hydroid is in dire need of tweaks. His second ability is literally just like Rhino charge.


His third ability, while yes CC king, The minute you use it again to get rid of the enemies.. They kill you because they instantly spawn.



As for Limbo, Banshing is annoying. The effects to it are annoying. His entire kit is just a gimmick. His fourth ability is annoying since you can troll people with it. Plus, Rift surge is just there to be a nuisance. It should've been a passive.


Plus... If there is a Warframe who has abilities that can do a lot of damage, Limbo can make them unkillable. Because abilities work through the void. That just breaks the game. Why do you think Trinity blessing was nerfed?


inb4 players defend Limbo

Edited by KJRenz
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Ash is very powerful. Limbo is dodgy but has his uses. And what's all this rubbish about Hydroid being weak? Everything he does is CC, two of his abilities can permanently lock down a concentrated area for a minute or longer and Tempest Barrage is hilarious when you spam it.

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Threads like this are never going to end well. Any time you claim something is the weakest you're just going to get all the fanboys of those frames coming here defending them with their opinions clouded by bias, just because you enjoy playing something doesn't make it strong. 2 examples of this are already proven in this thread, people with frost and ash as avatars defending said warframes.

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Hydroid actually is VERY good in the right situations. for instance, he makes Interception a breeze if you build for Efficiency, Duration, and Range and just use his puddle at one of the nodes. It makes the node completely un-cappable by the enemy and so you just wait out the timer. a full party of 4 Hydroid can just camp T4 Interception for like, 50 waves with no issues.

He's also quite in demand as a "Loot Monkey" using Kraken with the Pilfering tentacles augment to force additional drops. though you'll mostly be hunting Oxium or the newer stances with that build.


Limbo canbe an immortal god with the right builds, and since allies regen Energy in the Void but their Warframe abilities still hit enemies OUT of the void, banishing allies with channeled abilities can make them last MUCH longer while being functionally immortal as long as that's the only ability you use. with the Augment, he also becomes an okay healer. just don't use Cataclysm unless it's an emergency. everyone will hate you


Ash's Ult CAN kill enemies of basically any level, and he's functionally immortal while doing it. simply because of the mechanic that makes Blade Storm bypass shields/armour, AND keep hitting the opponents until it dies. however this CAN take a while, and you can't do ANYTHING during so it's kinda boring as hell. his Smoke Screen can give ALL allies stealth in a pinch (if they're nearby enough) BUT it's not nearly as lasting a stealth as Loki, and certainly not as long as Ivara. but IIRC Ash has the highest HP/Shields combined total, so for being a squishy ninja he's surprisingly tanky.


basically, my point is that nearly EVERY warframe has their place and CAN be amazing IF you build them right.

Except for Oberon. he's still pretty much trash right now. maybe when his review comes around he'll become usable


hell, I don't even play the aforementioned frames all that much, but I do own EVERY frame and have gotten them all to max. I actually mainly use Valk and Frost, for solo and co-op respectively. though I'll jump into almost any frame if the situation calls for it. I just find those two have the most versatile kits to bring to nearly any mission

Edited by KiloFoxx
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Limbo would be good but the same things he can do can just be done faster by other warframes or his abilities are not useful in most situations. I think there is just not yet mission type Limbo can really shine at.


Ash is OK, just not a good frame for cooperative play, he has very low synergy with other frames.


Hydroids main problem is that his fourth skill is unreliable as it will randomly not hit enemies in the ability radius for some reason. His other skills can have some use in very special situations. He is average in my opinion.

Edited by Genoscythe
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I'd just say play what you want and take whatever someone else says into consideration but don't let it drag down your fun. I play Mag, people tell me to stop playing her cause in their opinion she sucks, to me.. though currently... Mag is my Corpus ship killer! nuking a few rooms at a time and breaking every bit of glass, locking down doors and generally being a huge pain... on accident... >_>; But regardless, play what you want! Have fun! You wanna play Limbo, Hydroid or Ash? You do it! I played Loki to rank 30 then dropped him, he was fun but meh, not my style. Play what you want and don't take sheeeeet from nobody!



basically, my point is that nearly EVERY warframe has their place and CAN be amazing IF you build them right.

Except for Oberon. he's still pretty much trash right now. maybe when his review comes around he'll become usable


And I like Oberon! Fairy Deer Princess frame 4ever!! D8

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I dunno what you're talking about, Frost is fuckin' boss.

I don't remember Frost being weak.

After all, he is the coolest warframe

Where are you guys seeing him mentioning anything about Frost? it's nowhere in the post.

and Frost IS amazing. I main him in most of my co-op missions.

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Every frame is useable if you can find a decent synergy for it. Although some like hydroid and oberon really could use a rework.


Personally for limbo I recommend the headshot quanta cubes + 4 to detonate them nuke approach, it takes a minor amount of setup time but absolutely wrecked face in today's augmented armour sortie 2. Meanwhile some of the other least played frames are indeed very strong and have people who love them (ie banshee), people just generally like to rely on invincibility/overhealth based frames like rhino/valk or aoe nukers because meh

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I have to admit before I started this game, I had a look over all the different Warframes, tried to gauge which one I'd find most interesting and cool, and I was really happily surprised by the diversity!


I mean you had Ash the super assassin, you had Limbo who just sounded insane with his banishing ability and so on, oh and Hydroid sounded the boolest! Turning into water? Kraken? It all sounded awesome..


Yet lo and behold, I play the game, I do some research and it turns out lol, the Warframes with the LEAST interesting abilities are the most powerful? :/ (Talking Loki here, especially Loki you will not believe how much I hated his abilities/looks when I saw him first, so boring and simple to me and yet he is like a solo god in many ways, ugh)


But yeah meanwhile, all I can find on Hydroid and Limbo is people telling me NOT to use them and Ash...well Ash everyone just blatantly hates.


Anyone telling you not to use a frame can be ignored as a minmaxing toolbag. I don't actually have Hydroid yet so won't comment on his playstyle. Limbo is exceptionally useful at single-target elimination, team revives, protecting rescue targets, and breezing through Corpus spy missions. As with most frames he has a purpose that he is quite good at.


People hate on Ash because of the type of player that usually goes for him. It just seems like most Ash players are grade-A douchers more interested in spamming Bladestorm than mundane things like POWERING THE FRIGGING EXCAVATOR or CAPPING B. This isn't really the case but it's just so much more noticeable when an Ash is doing it. It's actually a really solid frame with excellent survivability.



That is only your opinion and not fact.


Hydroid is in dire need of tweaks. His second ability is literally just like Rhino charge.


His third ability, while yes CC king, The minute you use it again to get rid of the enemies.. They kill you because they instantly spawn.



As for Limbo, Banshing is annoying. The effects to it are annoying. His entire kit is just a gimmick. His fourth ability is annoying since you can troll people with it. Plus, Rift surge is just there to be a nuisance. It should've been a passive.


Plus... If there is a Warframe who has abilities that can do a lot of damage, Limbo can make them unkillable. Because abilities work through the void. That just breaks the game. Why do you think Trinity blessing was nerfed?


inb4 players defend Limbo


It is always amusing how people feel the need to point out that something is opinion as if that is in any way relevant to anything being discussed.


Butthurt anti-Limbo players are fun to Banish the most. The ragequit is like icing on the butthurt cake. "OMG UR NOT PLYING OPTMLY!!! I GUN TELL DE!!"


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Loki is quite simply the coolest warframe when it comes to looks. When it comes to abilities he's just your stealth warframe.

As for limbo, he's not so much liked because of players who don't know how to use him and banish other players to the void,making them unable to do anything bit ait and wait.

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Talking Loki here, especially Loki you will not believe how much I hated his abilities/looks when I saw him first, so boring and simple to me and yet he is like a solo god in many ways, ugh)


The simplicity of Loki's ability set is exactly what makes him so powerful. There is no need to memorize a bunch of interactions and virtually every aspect of his kit is incredibly straight forward. Range increases his range, duration increases his duration, efficiency improves his efficiency, power strength improves the damage on the limb sheering aspect of radial disarm (that mechanic that most people ignore completely).


As for the rest of your post:

-Ash is actually pretty good and is well liked by many. Most of the others are indifferent towards Ash.

-Limbo isn't bad, its just that the situations in which is shines are nuanced and much of what he does can be done better by other frames.

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If I were you, I would stop getting other's opinions and just play the game and find out on your own.

What I think you'll discover, is that everything is good, viable and potentially fun.

Some of the frames are a little more cohesive in their design, easier to use, etc. However pick a frame from the list and you can find a group of players who have conquered the game using that frame.

So ignore the narrow minded supporters of the meta frames, and go play the ones that appeal to you.

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It's not always about straight up damage potential.

Hydroid? Heals, Crowd Controls, removes status ailments. That makes him especially useful for infested as a support role.

Limbo requires some understanding and skill to use.

I feel lIke most people that say not to use a specific frame just don't think outside the box.

Edited by (PS4)Xurokhan
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Yeah, I really wish I'd had a Limbo with me for today's second round of the sortie.  Shield Polarize was taking care of the vast majority of the enemies, but being in the rift would have made it a LOT more relaxing.


Edit:  Limbo's also the only thing anyone's ever all caps screamed at me for.  I've never trolled with it, but simply for cataclysm bombing some low level stuff got me yelled at.  The hate for him is oh so real.

Edited by (PS4)Cwellann
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