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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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5. E3!

Warframe will be making its first E3 debut in a big way!  In exactly 6 days some of us will be flying to E3 (a lot of us for the first time *shakes nervously*). The team will be showing off Warframe to the global media and industry head honchos on both the PC and PS4.   Keep your eyes peeled for us,  we’ll be updating everyone with news as we are there (hopefully from the show floor!).


This project really has gone so big so fast, I'd have never seen that coming, (I don't mean to say this in a bad way, mind you!). You have done an amazing job so far, and I do think you are ready to take it up to the big time now!



1. RNG:


What can I say about this? Between facts (RNG Data) and fixes (Bandaids and an overhauled system entirely), a lot is going to change. A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness. Thank you all. It is our duty as developers to fix large issues, and with all the Update 8 revisions going on, it is becoming ever clear what can be fixed in a Hotfix, and what needs an overhaul entirely, namely RNG Drops.


When a system exists based on “Rare, Uncommon, and Common” tiers, the probabilities to drop something from these tiers as a whole remains the same, but as more content gets added to these tiers, the desired items become harder to get.  This is a problem – a player actively seeking Rare Drop X may get burnt out on the game and decide seeking Rare Drop X is no longer worth it. 


RNG is always going to be a.. touchy subject for both players and devs alike. If I had any say in it, I'd say take your time, think ahead, try to get this right. The current system really needs an overhaul, and the shape the rng takes literally defines progression, so I think this is one of the core priorities to give the game a sense of longevity.

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The trailer is great i wanna ask just a few things:


- Rhino rework % completed ?? aka when will he be valuable again in high end contents?

- The new anti-matter warframe, when does he come out?

- Other primes?

- The marketplace between players?

- Game will be released along with PS4, that means it will come out from beta in PC too right? with a storyline and all the other stuff that would make it a finished and complete game? I hope it will not comeout like it is now nor like Diablo 3...

Edited by Phoenix86
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Can we have ETA on in-game stats? I'm pretty tired to guess how given mod will behave, or will it work at all. Now I have to study Wiki or use 3rd party calculators.

Edited by V0LK
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Grats on the PS4 move. A few of my friends just happen to FB chat me today after the announcement, with messages like "hey I hear Warframe is going to be on PS4." And these are friends who do not play the game, so the news is pretty big apparently and lots of gamers are going to be joining the community in the coming weeks/months.

Though I sort of got the hipster angst as an initial reaction to the "going mainstream/console" announcement (for shame), it didn't take long to realize how big and "mainstream" the teaser trailer for Dark Sector was all those years back. In the end, I'm glad DE has come full circle, and now has the chance to give the world that game they always wanted, with some minor changes, but hopefully to equivalent or even better reception.

Also, have fun at E3. Not sure how the format is for that show these days, but hopefully the trailer, as well as some footage gets shown and thrown around on youtube/ign/gamespot/other major gaming websites, and hopefully WF can get a lot more attention and win some awards.

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About that drop-chance thingy:
There's really something off. First off all the drops in defense missions, 90% of the rewards are hellfire(or another elemental), i already feel like i could fart flames because of all the hellfire drops i got, reminds off how i once ate too hot jalapenos. This def. needs to be fixed.

Next of all: VOID
The drops on the void are kinda off, i already got 16(or more?) Latron Prime BPs, 3 Receivers, god knows how many stocks, barrells and whatever.

I got all of the frost prime parts BPs at least 3 times, even though i already built them. I even got 4 forma drops, which i believe have a pretty small dropchance.

BUT i didnt even once get the overall Frost Prime BP with its 7% (datamined?) dropchance, even tho i got items with similar chance multiple times.
I could build everything off the void at least 4 times, although i already have them, but can't finish my frost prime because that one friggin item won't drop.
Did i do something wrong? Do i first have to sacrifice some dice, card decks and a sheep to the almighty RNGod to get them to like me?


I already had all my items like 3 days ago, excepts the one i want. So i went ahead and bought keypacks for a huge amount of platinum, went with every opportunity my clan gave me (which were quite a lot, thank you guys, space sharks are awesome!) but the one drop just won't occur.
Perhaps many of you players may now say : "well it SHOULD have been an event exclusive item, so serves you right, rabblerabble, i want exclusive items because i want to be something special" and stuff like that, but sry, i started playing A LITTLE too late, but loved the game from the start, bought a founders pack because i wanted to contribute to this awesome game (yeah, and get platinum, but i wasted nearly all of that on keypacks, so 'duh) and i think EVERYONE should have the same chances on getting an item they want.

And i want the frost prime.

Long story short, either im bad luck brian or the RNG-System really needs some more tuning.

Thanks for your attention if you read the whole post, here, have an exclusive space-ninja-cookie (it's taste: awesomeness!) and sorry for mistakes, im not a native speaker!



on the other Topics: NICE GOING, warframe just keeps getting more awesome!
I really hope this will be cross-platforming, so i can play with my console-native gamer-friends (pc is still boss tho) :)

Edited by Teilzeitgott
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The only thing I really have to say about the RNG is remove Warframe abilities from the rare pool, if not the uncommon pool as well. Or hell, just remove warframe abilities from drops entirely. It's absolute nonsense to finally hit a rare drop and have it roll around to be Radial Blast or Contagion.


Removing THAT MUCH clutter from the rare table would be a huge step in the right direction, considering we're talking a whopping 26 rares that most people max by jamming copies of Slash Dash into them.

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A few questions:


1. Will we be getting some more slots through mastery rank soon?

2. Any potential for other platforms? PS3, Xbox360, WiiU?

3. A map for the dojo?

4. Change energy beam colour of pew pew laser weapons?

5. Could xp be removed from daily rewards? it seems pointless...

Edited by Scoosh
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Grats on the Sony deal DE!


A critical bug that I've noticed though, the offline friends bug. This bug really really sucks when you want to invite your friend or your guild member to run a mission with you, but they aren't "online", so you aren't able to invite them :/ this is extremely problematic on void runs, since it's invite only. Please let this bug be on your high priority list, since it's kind of breaking the "co-op" experience :P

A suggestion, that can be implemented whenever you have time, would be to add more / commands. Most notably, /invite, which would save a lot of time and effort xD

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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


1. RNG:


What can I say about this? Between facts (RNG Data) and fixes (Bandaids and an overhauled system entirely), a lot is going to change. A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness. Thank you all. It is our duty as developers to fix large issues, and with all the Update 8 revisions going on, it is becoming ever clear what can be fixed in a Hotfix, and what needs an overhaul entirely, namely RNG Drops.


When a system exists based on “Rare, Uncommon, and Common” tiers, the probabilities to drop something from these tiers as a whole remains the same, but as more content gets added to these tiers, the desired items become harder to get.  This is a problem – a player actively seeking Rare Drop X may get burnt out on the game and decide seeking Rare Drop X is no longer worth it.  Which brings me to my next point…


2. End Game and Diverse Content!


Complaints about grind & farm are being heard loud and clear, our players want more to do in the game. More complexity, more skill based objectives.  Lots of great ideas are being presented in the forums, thanks for the continued creativity while we make new content.


1 - The RNG system is completely and utterly broken. You just can't have a system where seeds are the same for every group of 5 waves. Also, the better rewards should have their drop percentage increased as the waves progress and the random seed must be recalculated every time a reward is to be given.


2 - I just hope you make the game *more* challenging. It is ridiculously easy the way it is now. Why would I spend money on Forma and Orokin Catalyst if I can kill everything really quickly with a non overcharged weapon or by just pressing "4" ?


Another point: having to spend 5-10 minutes on a map to reach a boss (and leave after killing him) that takes 10 seconds to kill is not fun at all. This is just pure grinding.


At last, it makes me sad that the only challenging part of game are T3 void missions that are locked behind a pay2play system. I'm not really interested in getting a Frost prime or whatever, but I want to play a challenging game and I'm not willing to pay 5 bucks for a 20-25 minutes mission. I'm starting to regret having put money into this game. I just hope things will be different from now on.

Edited by rlro
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I have to wonder sometimes, especially with the RNG problems, do the DEV's even play their own game? You would think they would have first hand experience of the problems we are having with the RNG and alerts if they were playing like we do, just say'n.

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I guess the feelings of stuff never really changing are coming in a large portion from people having experienced this before. Not from Warframe in particular but in the context of evolving games, so people started to get very distrustful. Oh, and then there a the ones that just like to complain, they also exist.

Personally I don't care about a PS4 release in any other way beside it helping Warframe grow and expand to encompass even more stuff in the game ;)

The trailer is absolutly wicked but gamers are never statisfied so... when is our Ash's Bladestorm going to look like that? ;)

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Please DE, fix the off-center reticle






and Jackal instakill clipping issues...







It's happened after the 8.0.6, and It's quite annoying for long-range or non-shotgun users to have off-aimed shots (even when you already get used to it), and for people who wanted to farm Rhino BPs...


(Yeah, I realized that these bugs not entirely gamebreaking and already mentioned a lot in the Open Beta Bugs subthread, but it still worth to try to mention it in this patch release log. Sorry for shouting it in this topic too...)


Welp, got lazy to write it all over again... It really worries that there are only a few post about this on this topic.

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GREAT news about Sony & the PS4!  Remember your PC roots, and then go out there and knock'em dead!!


Also great news about the Twin Viper sound FX and general pew-pew shinyness.  The sound work in WF has pretty uniformly been first-rate, so I have faith that trend will continue.  (I have to say, I hope they don't mess with the Braton Vandal too much ~ I love the way that gun thunders!)


Great trailer, too.  I can't wait to DL it to my iPad so I can show it off to...well, anyone willing to stand still long enough to watch it.


I have to say, I wish WF players had more patience.  With the RNG (frustrating though it is), with drop rates in general, with how long it takes to fix broken aspects of the game, with Tech Support response times, with how long it takes to create new content, with so many things. 


With RNG in particular - it isn't broken simply because you farmed something for a bunch of hours over a day or two and didn't get what you wanted.  RNG means you have the same chance every time - NOT that your chances get better (or should get better) as you repeat your runs.  If odds were certainties, casinos would be out of business.  Yes, there are many aspects of it's current implementation that could stand improvement.  But have some faith, people.  DE wants us to play the game in relative happiness for a long time, and giving us everything we want quickly won't make us happy or DE happy in the long run.  If you're complaining about a pet peeve, try to keep in mind that it's a pet peeve, something you in particular don't like, and not a game-breaking disaster.  We all have things we wish were being improved.  It can be difficult, but try and have patience, Tenno.


I view Warframe like a hobby - something I play simply because I enjoy playing it.  If I get a good drop here and there, so much the better, but the fun is in the playing.  If there's something I want that I don't choose to spend plat on, then I farm until I get it - and while I'm farming, I have fun just playing.  For me, it's always been about the journey, much more than the destination.

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