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Nerfing Of Focus Abilities


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To get your max daily focus  points is relatively hard work, if they are going to be nerfed because of sour grapes then truely what is the point.


These abilites are not active immediately but rather provide a single level boost so they promote people staying in game longer.


Unless the idea is that missions are limited to the  memory span of a goldfish why would anyone feel any focus ability was OP?


These abilites all require a large investment in the game to level up and so finally provide and increase in ability for those willing to invest, if everything is nerfed so as to level the playing field then why bother playing at all? If there is no point levelling anything because once you have wasted time and indeed money in this game the item is nerfed because someone else is bored with it or because they do not have it and want to make certain others do not either.


I personally have invested a lot of time and money in this game and would like to reap the benefits of my investment rather than have them taken away by someone who feels that I should not be allowed to have anything for my efforts.


The idea that every missions should be equally hard and the weapons all equivilent is flawed, if they is no advancement why invest time and effort when other games are not so confused about why people want to play levelling games.

Edited by LeMoog
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Seriously, because balance is balance. THe focus system needs a lot of work in general but spending a week focus farming does not give you permission to break the game. Admittedly this is my opinion but come on people, these threads serve no purpose but to start arguments. Rather than submitting a thread in feedback complaining about other peoples opinions why don't you spend your time coming up with ideas to buff the current lackluster sections.

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Well i think that most focus trees need to be buffed so they are all equally strong.

but NO MORE NERFES. it is a godamn PVE game where we slaughter the enemy and should feel like kind of a god <.<

Not used all trees but from the ability descriptions I would agree that most require a buff.


I would also include information on your primary lens in the stats visible to party members. Once more people have levelled their trees then staggered use of different trees should allow for increased efficency in never ending missions.


Also having the abilities being buffed the more times in a single mission you use your focus would also allow more combinations of focus ability use.


This or the first focus use is the primary and the second would be your secondary lens being used instead and so on. Then you could order your lenses for optimal effect during particular missions, with an associated lens bank dialgue so you could switch lens orders quickly

While I generally agree with you, I still think 4 energy per second as a passive is a little broken.


It depends, if you take a trin you get 100% energy when you want it, 4 energy persecond all the time becomes meaningless once you have full energy

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Seriously, because balance is balance. THe focus system needs a lot of work in general but spending a week focus farming does not give you permission to break the game. Admittedly this is my opinion but come on people, these threads serve no purpose but to start arguments. Rather than submitting a thread in feedback complaining about other peoples opinions why don't you spend your time coming up with ideas to buff the current lackluster sections.


Balance is not balance when someone else decided that other people should be nerfed, if it is the devs because they have sat down and worked it out wholistically then fair enough but if it just sour grapes from people grumpy they picked the wrong tree then that is not about balance it is about hitting out at others who were lucky or smart enough to chose what they didnt.


Given that Focus has been in developement for some time it would suggests that the devs have indeed put some thought into it and buffing those trees that are not equal would be a better solution than nerfing over envy

Edited by LeMoog
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Well i think that most focus trees need to be buffed so they are all equally strong.

but NO MORE NERFES. it is a godamn PVE game where we slaughter the enemy and should feel like kind of a god <.<

Being PVE doesn't mean nerfs aren't needed.


However, I don't think any focus abilities need to be nerfed. If anything, some are tolerable while others are complete garbage.

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Being PVE doesn't mean nerfs aren't needed.

However, I don't think any focus abilities need to be nerfed. If anything, some are tolerable while others are complete garbage.

This is true, pve doesn't usually need as many nerds as we have but it does need them sometimes, pvp is where the nerf buff game should be in most games, especial warframe with some of the stuff going on because they have entire clans who abuse these op stuff
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I've never hit my max daily Focus (work full time, do stuff on the weekends and don't partake in much cheese).


I do however look forward to the system being refined over time....and hopefully visually too. I don't the whole kid-avatar lore.


I agree "kid-avatar" is a bit of a let down and I would welcome a post on how long you have to play without using boosters to get you daily focus points, I would guess 2-3 hours of Draco for example without competition from other focus magnets


In order to get my daily focus I bought multiple weekly boosters, having what I spent cash to obtain removed is hardly going to encourage further investment.

Edited by LeMoog
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In general I don't think focus needs to be nerfed. The problem from what I've seen is that some focus schools are fairly useful and powerful while others don't really provide any benefit at all (*cough*Unairu*cough*). My suggestion would be a rework to actually make them all worth leveling up and, let them be end-game worthy, while perhaps making focus farming a slower affair, so people have to think more about where they're putting their focus points. More powerful effects should live towards the edges of a Way, and all focus abilities should have some immediate and significant effect when activated, besides just a way to trigger the passives. I also think the idea of having different lenses for different schools is a bit lame. Better to have one generic focus lens type, and a global focus pool which we can then direct as needed. A change like that would go best with a one-time respec, freeing up all focus accumulated and letting people re-choose their primary focus (which pre-unlocks that focus ability before any focus points are spent).

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To get your max daily focus  points is relatively hard work, if they are going to be nerfed because of sour grapes then truely what is the point.


These abilites are not active immediately but rather provide a single level boost so they promote people staying in game longer.


Unless the idea is that missions are limited to the  memory span of a goldfish why would anyone feel any focus ability was OP?


These abilites all require a large investment in the game to level up and so finally provide and increase in ability for those willing to invest, if everything is nerfed so as to level the playing field then why bother playing at all? If there is no point levelling anything because once you have wasted time and indeed money in this game the item is nerfed because someone else is bored with it or because they do not have it and want to make certain others do not either.


I personally have invested a lot of time and money in this game and would like to reap the benefits of my investment rather than have them taken away by someone who feels that I should not be allowed to have anything for my efforts.


The idea that every missions should be equally hard and the weapons all equivilent is flawed, if they is no advancement why invest time and effort when other games are not so confused about why people want to play levelling games.

It may need a re-balance but from what I have seen. These abilities (compared to what a base warframe of the same class can do) need to be BUFFED.



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Balance is not balance when someone else decided that other people should be nerfed, if it is the devs because they have sat down and worked it out wholistically then fair enough but if it just sour grapes from people grumpy they picked the wrong tree then that is not about balance it is about hitting out at others who were lucky or smart enough to chose what they didnt.


Given that Focus has been in developement for some time it would suggests that the devs have indeed put some thought into it and buffing those trees that are not equal would be a better solution than nerfing over envy

You are over simplifying and generalizing. Many of the nerf threads I have seen are by people that have used those abilities. Contrary to popular opinion the forums are not full of people trying to destroy your fun.


As for the current focus trees, DE admitted that they were rushed and thrown together to be out on time with the Second Dream quest.


Also saying that Focus has been in development for a long time is a bit untrue as it was repeatedly scrapped and recycled into other areas of the game and even DE has admitted that the current version was cobbled together.


Also, yes it is. Like it or not nerfs are some times needed to keep balance.

Edited by xRufus7x
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While I generally agree with you, I still think 4 energy per second as a passive is a little broken.

I thought the same too however DE has set conditions within the Sorties attacking just that. 1/4 energy regen. All eximus leechers. As far as lower level content maybe, but for higher, I think it's fair.

My opinion though.

I do agree that the passives except Zenurik and Naramon should be buffed tho.

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The ideal cascade effect for DE's Focus tweaks that I hope to see:

- Focus Points are made easier to earn, both in solo and team settings. No more kill stealing.

- Encourage ingame activity to speed up Focus Power cooldowns, rather than remain a fixed time sink (Focus boosters).

- Realize players only have at most a 20 seconds window to make use of their Focus Power at one time. Increase the active Ways' effectiveness across the board.

- Balance passive Ways around being viable all mission-long, as attractive buffs that activate upon picking up Focus boosters as well as the first activation of your Focus Power (to combat host migrations and make reviving less punishing at high levels)

- Allow different Lenses from different schools to earn Focus Points through installation on different weapons (more uses for all those extra Lenses from Sorties)

- Focus Point cap independent for each school to allow simultaneous earning.

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I would welcome a post on how long you have to play without using boosters to get you daily focus points

Excalibur: 17~40 minutes via Draco depending on how good is your squad.


Stealth capable frames: 25~40 minutes via stealth runs, depending on your performance.


Survivals with Synoid Simulor: around a hour~hour and half, I guess.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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Balance is not balance when someone else decided that other people should be nerfed, if it is the devs because they have sat down and worked it out wholistically then fair enough but if it just sour grapes from people grumpy they picked the wrong tree then that is not about balance it is about hitting out at others who were lucky or smart enough to chose what they didnt.


Given that Focus has been in developement for some time it would suggests that the devs have indeed put some thought into it and buffing those trees that are not equal would be a better solution than nerfing over envy


I can grantee you that nobody did sit down and spend a lot of time on the focus development, otherwise we would have not have 90% of it absolute pointless to a point where it is not even worth it to  invest a single focus point into it and the rest more or less broken with a few silver linings in between(like instant revives for other people that you pick as a team player with zero benefits to yourself).


The hole thing is a bloody mess and should not be in a beta test but on the drawing board of somebody that actually played the game at least once in the last 12 months.


I need about 2h to get my focus points while doing solo pluto dark sector excavation, the benefit over drako/stealth runs is simply that you also get void keys, fusion cores and a few mods worth selling in trade chat during your daily grind.

Edited by Djego27
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I've never hit my max daily Focus (work full time, do stuff on the weekends and don't partake in much cheese).


I do however look forward to the system being refined over time....and hopefully visually too. I don't the whole kid-avatar lore.

You as well? I was beginning to think I was the only one who didn't like their operator as a child.

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While I generally agree with you, I still think 4 energy per second as a passive is a little broken.

Eeeeh, as a solo player I prefer to have energy regenerate than having to scrounge resources to make pancakes. Makes the experience enjoyable not having to be bogged down by that resource management. Besides the 4 energy per second is the top rank, and I worked for that -_-, and no I did not use exploits, I played the game normally..

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While I generally agree with you, I still think 4 energy per second as a passive is a little broken.

A large team energy restores gives ~19 energy per second (400 / 21). You can stack that by dropping multiple restores, but you'd really never need to. An EV trin spamming away gives even more than that. You can stack that by having two EV trins's, but you'd really never need to. 4 energy per second is a small quality of life improvement. In exchange for slightly less energy, you can spend less time farming polymer bundles, and you probably weren't farming polymer bundles very often to begin with.


The energy economy is simply not functional. If they released a bug in the next patch that let people cast powers without having the energy to pay for it, it might take me a week to even notice. Running out of energy simply isn't a thing that happens once you're far enough into the game's content.

Edited by DSMatticus
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