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We Really Don't Need Nullifiers Anymore


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Today's Sortie 3 was a train wreck thanks to Nullies (God I hate them and their creator). I'm ok with the idea of special unit that shelters his teammates from our powers, but really, Nullie's buble is just a big F YOU  to anyone who uses weapons that are not bullet hoses. And today's sortie 3 was a damn fine examle of this BS. And that brings to another point - Sniper rifles are useless in this game. I allwasy wondered how my Paris P can cut through an entire row of enemies, but its arrows can't get past the bubble, when my warframe can freely move in and out. If Sniper Rifles were negating Null/Arctic bubbles that would be nice. Or just make Null's shield HP based (i.e. if I can oneshot his shield - his shieeld drops from one hit).

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So your in the 3rd group like I am:P


i like the concept, but not the execution. IMO Comba/Scramba feel like Nullifiers done properly.


 I'm ok with the idea of special unit that shelters his teammates from our powers, but really, Nullie's buble is just a big F YOU  to anyone who uses weapons that are not bullet hoses. 




Pretty much this.
Edited by MosAnted
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It broken because it limited damage PER shot, yet we using sniper rifle which only used because one-hit-ko (come no close to shot gun or grenade launcher) yet they swarmed us with a bubble that limited damage PER shot. I can agree with grenade launcher because it was supposed to do blast (minor damage combine together) not one single shot like sniper rifle. Some how I doubt orokin falled because they are all incompetent SoBs who can't not create a proper sniper rifle. (No built-in punch through).

Edited by Player.G
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I want Nullifiers to change abit.

Instead of raising a protective c0ck-bl0ck bubble over their allies, they should generate an aura that negates all ability effects.

Instead of raising a null zone, it creates a more defensive setup for Nullifier and his allies.

If Combas were the Offensive version version of Nullifiers with their jamming and silencing, I think Nullifiers have to be less aggressive with their mechanics


I want to remind, Nullifiers were created to prevent widespread carnage with abilities, but it doesn't allow them that softening Bubble that resists gunfire to an extent. 



This allows Stealth units like Loki to not get immediately shutdown when trying to take out their MVPs. 

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Problem is, nullifiers are NOT anti-power unit. You can spew rakta ballistica in their direction and world on fire does the kill. Or shield polarise. Nullifier is an anti-sniper and anti-bow unit, especially hardcore anti-sniper one. Game should NOT HAVE AN ANTI-SNIPER UNIT. Period. It's already anti-sniper by design.

Make sniper rifles pierce nullifiers shields. Bam, snipers viable and nullifiers balanced.

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I personally do not like certain aspects about this unit


-their shields do not follow any of the established rules of the game(not affected whatsoever by either damage amount, damage type, whether or not the weapon penetrates, or elements)

-the unit has no sense of self preservation when the bubble pops and continues to charge straight at tenno/objectives blindly as if the shield were still there. When the bubble pops, the nullifier and the units around it should scatter and then try to collect themselves back under the bubble when it reforms. The nullifier itself should run to the nearest cover until its shield begins to regenerate. They're just too aggressive for a unit that is supposed to be a support/defense unit and it winds up getting killed.

-the unit has a sniper rifle that freely allows it to attack at long ranges while tenno snipers can do absolutely nothing in return. Even bows can fire off shots rapidly just to barely stay ahead of its regeneration speed. Snipers don't have enough bullets in the chamber to pop the shield without being forced into a long reload, which gives the shield time enough to start regenerating again.

Edited by (PS4)VariantX7
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Nullifiers were never needed, IMO. I've always found them to be annoying and largely pointless. 


annoying yes, pointless no.


They are needed, grineer and infested need those kinda units too

Edited by VRHmason
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Actually, their number incrrease with their level. The existence of nullifiers is only noticable once they reach 40.

I've seen 3 on one field when enemies were at level 27 approaching 30. That's still too much for me to actually enjoy a run. I would actually want more combas and no Nullifiers. Like other players, I don't mind a power nullification, just not all powers at once, and don't cancel powers already cast, just protect those inside from them and cancel future casts. And the bubble sponge is just lame.

Actually, their number incrrease with their level. The existence of nullifiers is only noticable once they reach 40.

I've seen 3 on one field when enemies were at level 27 approaching 30. That's still too much for me to actually enjoy a run. I would actually want more combas and no Nullifiers. Like other players, I don't mind a power nullification, just not all powers at once, and don't cancel powers already cast, just protect those inside from them and cancel future casts. And the bubble sponge is just lame.
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Problem is, nullifiers are NOT anti-power unit. You can spew rakta ballistica in their direction and world on fire does the kill. Or shield polarise. Nullifier is an anti-sniper and anti-bow unit, especially hardcore anti-sniper one. Game should NOT HAVE AN ANTI-SNIPER UNIT. Period. It's already anti-sniper by design.

Make sniper rifles pierce nullifiers shields. Bam, snipers viable and nullifiers balanced.

Too true. People shouldn't be punished for using bows and sniper rifles.
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Replace them with the new COrpus units and I will agree. Nullifiers are a boring enemy, Scrumbas are fun and interesting. 



Nullies are such a LAZY idea. I mean you take some random unit stick a radial power canceler on them. BOOM DONE. It isn't clever it isn't intellegent is simply bland and stupid. It is a bandaid fix.


Scrumbas are much more intellegent and much cooler. They fly around quickly disable certain types of powers, and make you THINK. You can't just spam because they can fly over your bullets forcing you to aim and they can sneak up on you. It forces you to be aware of your surroundings. 


Replace Nullifiers with Scrumbas PLZ.

Edited by Feallike
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