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Let’S Put An End To The Carrier Prime Master Race


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(but they dont seem to care when they are forced to go Frost or Limbo for defense, or Mag, Ember, Ash for exterminates) :)


You can walk away from the globe in Defenses (and avoid globes entirely with enough CC), and literally any class can kill in Exterminates. 

+100% loot or more is a different case. 


But we'll leave that for another thread.

Edited by Archwizard
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It's not a necessity just because you don't have the patience (your words). It's just very good for your playstyle. That doesn't mean anything needs to be changed.


I do use a carrier sometimes. I just don't find it necessary. For the longest time the reason I used it was because I didn't feel like I was ready to bother with companions yet so I felt like it was just the easy choice that's useful without mods or a strong weapon.


So yes, I would advise new players to use it. It's definitely the best one until you're ready to actually invest in your companion.


It is necessary, I literally just explain why it is to me. Should I stop and drop down on land with all the other mortal fleshlings to pick up that ammo drum, or should I ignore it and continue to soar with the wind and leaving punny hipsters like you behind in the grounded dirt?


The answer is Carrier, it will fuel my sky addiction and allow me to never run out of ammo without even dropping a toe on the ground for longer than 3 seconds and keeping my energy up as well as picking up every single ammo drum ever (all ammo drums are created equal #ammodrumsmatter).


On a more serious note, a reason why Vacuum is used over anything else, is not because people are lazy (like me), but because it allows them to simply enjoy just running and gunning and flying and..ummm...farming? Without much concern or care about ammo or energy pick ups. Its a necessity for the fun to really shine.

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If they added Vacuum as a baseline loot radius or redesigned to work on all Sentinels / Kubrows, and then redesigned Carrier into something else. There is a 70% probability that i would use a Kubrow instead, but as it stands. I am missing out on either time or loot if i don't use Carrier.

And there is not a single Sentinel or Kubrow that can give me that back in a mission to the same extent the Carrier can.

People keep saying that the other Sentinel provide more utility or damage, the Kubrows the same. That is not the problem, the problem is that if you spend 0.5 seconds looking for loot or running over to pick up loot. That is 0.5 seconds less you use your Frame ability's or your own weapons.

0.5 seconds may not sound like a lot, but sometimes it is more as well, not only that. But the time it takes to loot or look for loot will add up.


But as it stands now, i feel like have less of a choice while loot radius is tied to a sentinel.

Edited by Hellmaker2004
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if searching before posting was actually enforced, there'd be a lot less people around here...


'Carrier problem' isn't one.


users that feel that Vacuum is mandatory are just mega casuals - and not in a good way.

these Users always have Carrier with them. then, they whine about Ammo and Energy availability.



what you pay for that laziness, is wasting all of the Ammo and Energy on the ground. so when you need it, there is very little to be had.

someday, maybe, people will smarten up and realize that. but they won't. if you do realize this and opt in anyways, by all means.


suffice to say, if you use Carrier, you're not allowed to complain about running out of Ammo or Energy. it's your own fault.



no, increasing the pickup Range for Players AGAIN, or making Vacuum always available is not a 'solution'.

the former would hurt Players that actually know what they're doing, and the latter would just be "lemme get some popcorn so i can laugh at people that don't understand".

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It is necessary, I literally just explain why it is to me. Should I stop and drop down on land with all the other mortal fleshlings to pick up that ammo drum, or should I ignore it and continue to soar with the wind and leaving punny hipsters like you behind in the grounded dirt?


The answer is Carrier, it will fuel my sky addiction and allow me to never run out of ammo without even dropping a toe on the ground for longer than 3 seconds and keeping my energy up as well as picking up every single ammo drum ever (all ammo drums are created equal #ammodrumsmatter).


On a more serious note, a reason why Vacuum is used over anything else, is not because people are lazy (like me), but because it allows them to simply enjoy just running and gunning and flying and..ummm...farming? Without much concern or care about ammo or energy pick ups. Its a necessity for the fun to really shine.


I don't have any less fun without it so that's just a matter of opinion.


Your playstyle and what you consider fun is not very flexible. Again, not a reason for DE to change anything.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Carrier is NOT necessary- please stop parroting that nonsense.

1. I rarely NEED all of the drops in most missions i play. I rarely run out of ammo, im usually good on energy, dont depend on health orbs to survive.

2. Its truly not hard to run over orbs if I do want them. No, it doesnt wildly throw off my offense. You guys exaggerate way too much.

3. I find djinn, helios(with weakspot mod), diriga far more useful at times.

Djin mesmerizes entire crowds, helios scans and shows banshee-like weakspots on enemies, diriga is great at stunning high priority targets. A loot vacuum just isnt always that important in this game.

4. Drops are really not that important after youve reached a certain level of play in this game.

If you're stuck on using carrier, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I'm surprised no one's mentioned carriers usefulness when loot falls to an unreachable spot on the map or is behind a wall. This and straight up convenience are why I always use carrier. Though, Wyrm is much more useful for combat. I think the innate vacuum is a great idea. I seems kind of silly that a ninja from the future has to pick stuff up by hand especially when they know it'll be something they'll have to do a lot. That schema Sygnano put up, while hilarious, I think is a good reflection of how silly it is for a ninja to be running around picking stuff up especially when they have an important mission to finish. 

I feel you.Have been farming sentients like no tomorrow for long time and its rather daily for them to even spawn inside the wall and not only in  puzzle areas. alot of times mods drop inside the wall of middle of one of puzzle room wich has big cage(?) on the middle when i solo

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no, because if you're smart, you search for previous existing threads, and post in them. to continue already existing discussions.


Hmm, your elitist mentality is very interesting. Also the way that you imply that others are not smart and that you are, also very interesting. Maybe DE is looking to hire a forum organizer so that no topic, no matter how different, may exist outside of one single thread in one single subforum. Your life would be complete.


Explain how popularity is a problem.


When "popularity" is only a stat comprised of one sentinel being used far more than any other, not because people simply like it better. Even Rebecca commented on how it is a problem in Devstream 59.

Edited by GhostFeng
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When "popularity" is only a stat comprised of one sentinel being used far more than any other, not because people simply like it better. Even Rebecca commented on how it is a problem in Devstream 59.


From DE's perspective the problem is that the other companions aren't seeing enough usage. They want players to use as much content as possible.


This isn't a problem for players. It doesn't have any effect on a player if the rest of the players all use the same companion.

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From DE's perspective the problem is that the other companions aren't seeing enough usage. They want players to use as much content as possible.


Then it would be in their best interests to make the other sentinels more appealing.


That said, I don't "need" Carrier Prime. Certainly it's useful, but only when I'm specifically going after certain drops (Argon, rare mods, etc.) or where I know I'm going to be burning through lots of ammo and energy.


Deth Cube complements my sniper builds. Diriga complements my CC builds. Helios is good for when there are new enemies out that need scanning.

Shade...would be a useful stealth companion if it wasn't so damn flaky about deciding when I get concealed. No comments on Djinn or Wyrm as I haven't built those...but they don't strike me as being very appealing.

Edited by MirageKnight
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No comments on Djinn or Wyrm as I haven't built those...but they don't strike me as being very appealing.

Trust me, build Djinn. Mesmerize is an awesome ability. Its great CC. Wyrm use to be good at dropping a crowd of enemies, but doesnt feel as reliable any more.

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Then it would be in their best interests to make the other sentinels more appealing.


Part of the problem is it takes some considerable investment to make them worthwhile over carrier. Also, the game never gives you a compelling reason to go outside your comfort zone and try them.


Basically, I don't blame the carrier. I blame the other companions.

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Part of the problem is it takes some considerable investment to make them worthwhile over carrier. Also, the game never gives you a compelling reason to go outside your comfort zone and try them.

Basically, I don't blame the carrier. I blame the other companions.

Blame the players instead, this for stopping themselves from getting something different simply because they don't want to invest time and resources on something that isn't carrier, what also stops them from leaving their confort zone.

I also agree on what Hypernaut said, Djinn is amazing after fatal attraction rework, in the same way as diriga offers a lot of utility (imo Djinn > Diriga > kubrows > carrier. Sadly i realized this not so long ago, which puts carrier between my most used stuff)

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This is a farming/grinding game. Obviously, something that makes the farm/grind easier is going to be popular. I, for one, love vacuum, though I don't believe that changing Sentinels so that every precept is available to every Sentinel is the way to go. Perhaps adding Vacuum to every Sentinel would be a step in the right direction, but then Carrier would need something that makes it unique again. 

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Each person has the choice to use what they want. That so many play with the Carrier is theirs to make.


Ive leveled all the Sentinels and the only two i kept are Carrier Prime and Helios for their strengths and yet keep going back to my Sahasa over those two on most occasions.

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Each person has the choice to use what they want. That so many play with the Carrier is theirs to make.

Ive leveled all the Sentinels and the only two i kept are Carrier Prime and Helios for their strengths and yet keep going back to my Sahasa over those two on most occasions.

Sahasa ability to actually create drops can be considered an advantage over vacuum too. Ive had it dig up a rare stance mod that i needed once at the end of a mission. It starts you off with extra energy, and can come in handy if enemies arent dropping orbs. If you dont have a problem with grabbing your own drops, then Sahasa is actually a big bonus. It can be almost considered a passive energy/health regen, not dependent on enemies and rng.

New players could probably use a Huras kubrow more than a carrier too. In fact, a Huras is the perfect companion to soloing those empty starchart nodes. Unfortunately, if a new player reads the forums, they will be misinformed and fear even hatching a Kubrow. This happened to me as a new player. I put off making my Kubrow because I thought they were "end game" and hard to maintain. Turns out when I finally did hatch my Huras, I realized that cloak was an invaluable defensive tool for a squishy frame without maxed mods.

Again, new players and old players are doing themselves a great disservice if they refuse to move out of their comfort zone with carrier. Once you get used to grabbing your own drops, it can almost feel like a waste of utility to bring vacuum.

Dont get me wrong though, carrier is not useless and works great for certain builds. Carrier on Ash is awesome because it grabs drops while you blade storm- something you CANT do without it. Its also good if you plan to use high ammo consumption weapons like the Amprex, or use a gammacor. Other than that, the necessity of carrier is very overstated on the forum.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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This is not a Carrier problem, it is a player problem.


If someone thinks Carrier is the best companion, he/she is just a bad player. Period.

How can Vacuum be better than my Diriga/Helios with high Status Chance distributing radiation/viral procs all over the map?


People are just lazy, that is the story.

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This is not a Carrier problem, it is a player problem.


If someone thinks Carrier is the best companion, he/she is just a bad player. Period.

How can Vacuum be better than my Diriga/Helios with high Status Chance distributing radiation/viral procs all over the map?


People are just lazy, that is the story.


You calling people lazy because you have a different opinion than them doesn't do much for your opinion. That has already been discussed in the very thread you are replying to. Also calling players "bad" because they realize that Carrier's usefulness surpasses that of other sentinels, not doing much for you either. I can easily argue that Carrier's shotgun can be quickly built to provide as much CC, if not more, as every "CC" sentinel in the game, while still having the convenience of Carrier's Vacuum. Heck, if I wanted to I could call players that need that much extra CC in this game "bad" but I'm not going to because I'm not that kind of person and I understand that we all have different ways of playing the game. It has already been shown that there is a clear problem in Warframe with the sheer majority of players who use Carrier more than any other sentinel. DE has addressed the problem and we are here addressing the problem in this thread. Because you are one of the minority that find the specific use of one of the other sentinels more useful to you than Carrier's Vacuum, that's great, you are a minority in this game. It does not change that there is a clearly defined problem with the outclassed usefulness of Carrier compared to every other sentinel in the game among the majority of players.

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People are just lazy, that is the story.


In the same way that farmers using a threshing machine machine instead of a fail are lazy...


Companions need variety, because currently there is none.

And that is not the players fault.

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Sahasa ability to actually create drops can be considered an advantage over vacuum too. Ive had it dig up a rare stance mod that i needed once at the end of a mission. It starts you off with extra energy, and can come in handy if enemies arent dropping orbs. If you dont have a problem with grabbing your own drops, then Sahasa is actually a big bonus. It can be almost considered a passive energy/health regen, not dependent on enemies and rng.

New players could probably use a Huras kubrow more than a carrier too. In fact, a Huras is the perfect companion to soloing those empty starchart nodes. Unfortunately, if a new player reads the forums, they will be misinformed and fear even hatching a Kubrow. This happened to me as a new player. I put off making my Kubrow because I thought they were "end game" and hard to maintain. Turns out when I finally did hatch my Huras, I realized that cloak was an invaluable defensive tool for a squishy frame without maxed mods.

Again, new players and old players are doing themselves a great disservice if they refuse to move out of their comfort zone with carrier. Once you get used to grabbing your own drops, it can almost feel like a waste of utility to bring vacuum.

Dont get me wrong though, carrier is not useless and works great for certain builds. Carrier on Ash is awesome because it grabs drops while you blade storm- something you CANT do without it. Its also good if you plan to use high ammo consumption weapons like the Amprex, or use a gammacor. Other than that, the necessity of carrier is very overstated on the forum.


tl;dr other companions are good when you're lacking a proper setup. Or did I miss the memo saying that starchart notes have had their difficulty boosted by 4500% ?


Oh and also I had this one drop that happens once every full moon so it's definitely good !



This is not a Carrier problem, it is a player problem.


If someone thinks Carrier is the best companion, he/she is just a bad player. Period.

How can Vacuum be better than my Diriga/Helios with high Status Chance distributing radiation/viral procs all over the map?


People are just lazy, that is the story.


I surely have missed the totally exclusive ability that allows one of those two companions to proc aoe viral damage. An ability so exclusive I didn't even heard of it.

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