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How Is Exalted Blade Different From A Gun?


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I don't actually understand how is Exalted Blade slide "sluggish". It is one of the fastest slide attacks in the game, if not the fastest. Every other weapon's spin has a startup > attack > recovery sequence, while EBlade's slide effectively doesn't have a startup, it strikes almost immediately.

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7 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

I don't actually understand how is Exalted Blade slide "sluggish". It is one of the fastest slide attacks in the game, if not the fastest. Every other weapon's spin has a startup > attack > recovery sequence, while EBlade's slide effectively doesn't have a startup, it strikes almost immediately.

actually any melee weapon at full berserk is the fastest spin attack.

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Energy wave with every swing is a bad idea.  It was cool at first, but now it is just silly.  Exalted Blade's combos are irrelevant if the energy waves are what does the most damage with the biggest radius and range.

My suggestion would be to limit the waves to combo enders, Slash dash and charge attack.  Mindless spamming the melee button just doesn't cut it for good action games.  If one would look at any well received action games like DMC, MGS Rising, GoW, even Dynasty Warriors, we'll realize none allow these kind of one buttom mashing ftw nonsense (jump cancel exploits aside).  You will always benefit more for doing none basic combos.  

Right now the energy blades are so powerful, I wonder if I'm even playing a melee Warframe.  And don't tell me to go Body Count build, that defeats the point of a energy blade as your Warframe's ult.  This is a disconnection and balance issue, not a playstyle problem.   


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5 hours ago, Casval_Rouge said:

Energy wave with every swing is a bad idea.  It was cool at first, but now it is just silly.  Exalted Blade's combos are irrelevant if the energy waves are what does the most damage with the biggest radius and range.

My suggestion would be to limit the waves to combo enders, Slash dash and charge attack.  Mindless spamming the melee button just doesn't cut it for good action games.  If one would look at any well received action games like DMC, MGS Rising, GoW, even Dynasty Warriors, we'll realize none allow these kind of one buttom mashing ftw nonsense (jump cancel exploits aside).  You will always benefit more for doing none basic combos.  

Right now the energy blades are so powerful, I wonder if I'm even playing a melee Warframe.  And don't tell me to go Body Count build, that defeats the point of a energy blade as your Warframe's ult.  This is a disconnection and balance issue, not a playstyle problem.   


thank you for this Casval ^_^

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I don't mind the waves. But I do mind the pointlessness of the combos, which renders him too spammy and overly simplistic to use.

I'd like to do this:

  • Wave reach reduced by a whole bunch (15 meters max?). Affected by Power Range though.
  • Wave damage = 50% of strike damage. Strike and wave damage stack with another, so a close range attack = 150% damage done.
  • Combos do various things: One combo could add increased wave range, one combo could end with a much wider wave and one combo could release 3 spread out waves at once with increased damage. Stuff like that, to reward combo useage.
  • Charge attack = Circular slash with a big circular energy wave, but costs additional energy to execute.
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How is a different from a gun? It's not. They literally said in the dev streams when they were designing his rework that they based exalted blade off the Fluctus which IS a gun. But I quite enjoy it none the less. Exalted Blade without waves is like playing Wukong, and he's one of my least enjoyable frames because the range sucks on his powers. 

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On 16/2/2016 at 3:07 AM, MIRROR_ell said:

Exalted Blade's waves need to be removed except for selected combos since the waves make Excalibur function less as a melee/swordsman frame and more of a gun-frame. Not to mention Exalted Blade gets all the melee perks without all the downsides.


Same as Valkyr's invulnerability.


Exalted Blade and Hysteria are for people who want to melee but don't know how to.

Hold it right there mate. seem like your style of melee is to cast cc then proceed to kill one by one, or use Ash teleport/bladestorm i mean??? You are surely insulting people who using Eb and Hysteria in sortie. except for valkyr is way weaker than excalibur since excal has the same wreck enemy ultimate but ranged and a Top-tier CC. If you CAN USE 99% damage reduction trinity in sortie 3 with melee only then tell me about valkyr's nerf. Give valkyr the same CC as Excalibur then we can talk about remove Hysteria's damage storing. 

P/s: Excalibur with blind build is way more OP than EB build.

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On February 24, 2016 at 5:51 PM, EinheriarJudith said:

WTB an augment mod that removes the discs please (if you can do it with tornado removing its CC you can do it with EB removing the discs while adding melee range) thank you.


Oh, Look. You finally learned. You wanted to add melee range to compensate for removing the waves.


I don't think it would be enough of a change for an augment mod, but its a start. Lock On Melee like archwing with increased range would be a fair trade off and probably a decent augment mod while not forcing the change on everyone. That seems fair.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:


Oh, Look. You finally learned. You wanted to add melee range to compensate for removing the waves.


I don't think it would be enough of a change for an augment mod, but its a start. Lock On Melee like archwing with increased range would be a fair trade off and probably a decent augment mod while not forcing the change on everyone. That seems fair.

Excuse me? I wasn't clueless in the first place. the range increase is an example since few are offering what can be use for trade off id easily take any other kind of boost. .slash dash already has lock don't need the game to play for me any more than that. DE forced parkour 2.0 on everyone and guess what we all got used to it and the complaining stopped if they decide to make the discs a charge attack everyone has to get used too, then you either do or you don't the decision to even make any change is ultimately theirs after all.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Excalibur's Exalted Blade is one ability players might prefer using than a gun. But it is not anywhere *near* as powerful as the strongest guns. You don't use EB to get top damage and fast kills on high level enemies. It maxed out maybe around 60-70ish before Excalibur becomes paper thin while god tier guns still shred enemies past lvl 100. If you nerf EB, it will only drop Excal back into the "Nobody Cares To Use" bin like where he belonged before, without fixing anything. It will only take a warframe out of use. Might as well make Loki's invisibility lasts only 5 seconds or Ash's Bladestorm only hits 5 targets max.  Let's nerf everything!

In summary, if you find EB Excal to be outdamaging or outkilling you, the problem is your puny guns, not EB.

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37 minutes ago, JalakBali said:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade is one ability players might prefer using than a gun. But it is not anywhere *near* as powerful as the strongest guns. You don't use EB to get top damage and fast kills on high level enemies. It maxed out maybe around 60-70ish before Excalibur becomes paper thin while god tier guns still shred enemies past lvl 100. If you nerf EB, it will only drop Excal back into the "Nobody Cares To Use" bin like where he belonged before, without fixing anything. It will only take a warframe out of use. Might as well make Loki's invisibility lasts only 5 seconds or Ash's Bladestorm only hits 5 targets max.  Let's nerf everything!

In summary, if you find EB Excal to be outdamaging or outkilling you, the problem is your puny guns, not EB.

If your EB stops killing at level 70, I would suggest to consider your build, because Excal can still perform very well even after level 100. It is not a nerf per se, it is bringing an OP mechanic in line with the rest of the game.

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6 hours ago, JalakBali said:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade is one ability players might prefer using than a gun. But it is not anywhere *near* as powerful as the strongest guns. You don't use EB to get top damage and fast kills on high level enemies. It maxed out maybe around 60-70ish before Excalibur becomes paper thin while god tier guns still shred enemies past lvl 100. If you nerf EB, it will only drop Excal back into the "Nobody Cares To Use" bin like where he belonged before, without fixing anything. It will only take a warframe out of use. Might as well make Loki's invisibility lasts only 5 seconds or Ash's Bladestorm only hits 5 targets max.  Let's nerf everything!

In summary, if you find EB Excal to be outdamaging or outkilling you, the problem is your puny guns, not EB.

excal drop back into the "nobody cares to use" ? excuse me? last i checked i am my self and you are not me. i used him alot even before his rework and not as draco spam meta (because meta jockeys sometime ridicule people for not playing like they do). all warframes become paper thin at 70+ its the only reason hysteria invincibility has a leg to stand on. moving the blades to charge attack is not a nerf. they are still going to be there but how you access them is different. you are starting to sound more and more like the kind of player that we've been talking about here who has made a behavior around spamming E just for the discs. and your whole lets nerf everything comment is over dramatic and its obvious.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Yeah, the waves are really dumb. I was excited to finally try Excal when i heard about incoming rework. And i wasnt fully paying attention but on the stream where they first showed EB, i thought the waves were from a channeling or special requirement met. Lol nope, just spin around and "hurp durp durp hurp durp* 


Slash Dash going between targets seemed so cool, too x_x

Edited by (PS4)ShiroPhyla
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7 hours ago, JalakBali said:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade is one ability players might prefer using than a gun. But it is not anywhere *near* as powerful as the strongest guns. You don't use EB to get top damage and fast kills on high level enemies. It maxed out maybe around 60-70ish before Excalibur becomes paper thin while god tier guns still shred enemies past lvl 100. If you nerf EB, it will only drop Excal back into the "Nobody Cares To Use" bin like where he belonged before, without fixing anything. It will only take a warframe out of use. Might as well make Loki's invisibility lasts only 5 seconds or Ash's Bladestorm only hits 5 targets max.  Let's nerf everything!

In summary, if you find EB Excal to be outdamaging or outkilling you, the problem is your puny guns, not EB.

lol wukong don't have waves, yet he's not in my "nobody cares to use" bin. why? because melee. because of wukong, i can actually stop caring about what happens to excalibur, he's the real melee version excalibur should've been, though a bit useless cloud, still more fun as he actually allows me to melee and not shoot. the only downside is people who don't like the feeling of fighting with a staff, i can go with that, still more fun than the fluctus turret so-called excalibur.

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On 16/02/2016 at 0:47 AM, Cyandana said:

Excalibur is the "melee" frame.

His ultimate has the range, damage, and AoE potential of a top tier gun. It has a melee hitbox of course, but the way people play him he is seldom doing ANY melee combat.

The only non-gun function that his sword seems to have is the auto block.

I've always been very bothered that a frame named after what is probably the most legendary sword of all time has such a dry and unexciting ranged playstyle. Playing him without EB is WAY more fun, though is far far far from optimal.

Ill tell You how Exalted Blade is different from a Gun, and a Sword aswell.

The thing is.... Its not Either. Its an EXALTED BLADE it sends projectile slash waves thru the air and its awesome.

Before you destroy him. I suggest You play and enjoy him currently. Spam those EB waves and when he is Reworked/Nerfed try him out again and tell Me how much better he feels to You, in Sorties, T4Survivals, etc. He can currently in the EB wave state drop like a Fly on the Fly if You dont play him correctly.

Exalted Waves dont determine his Over Power, Judging by that is quiet shallow of You. This thread is basically saying, How come Excalibur can kill faster then My synoid simulor, boltor prime, soma prime, etc.

I can understand from an outsiders view when You play in a squad with Excals who slash the air with Waves when You run to kill and a wave reaches the enemy before You do but if that disappoints You then You are a PvP player and You are elite. You consider it Kill Stealing dont You? TBH I can careless about who gets the most kills in every match.

Especially in PvE. I prefer My team kill more then Me then to Fail the mission, which Ultimately the objective in Warframe is to Complete the objective and go home with Your rewards. Now in Conclave I respect and understand balance, which EB only lasts for 5 seconds maybe less. Thats Balance.

Maybe Youre more fit for PvP? Your demeanor demands it. Your a challenge buff and i applaude You to play some PvP, but lets end the Nerf trend going about in Forums, Your only setting this game back. You will ask for a Nerf and in a month or so, players will agin demand to rebuff and reimplement Exalted Waves.

I would understand a range decrease abit, or no infinite Punchthrough, a heck what am I saying, Leave it be!


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2 hours ago, SomeCrackHead said:

lol wukong don't have waves, yet he's not in my "nobody cares to use" bin. why? because melee. because of wukong, i can actually stop caring about what happens to excalibur, he's the real melee version excalibur should've been, though a bit useless cloud, still more fun as he actually allows me to melee and not shoot. the only downside is people who don't like the feeling of fighting with a staff, i can go with that, still more fun than the fluctus turret so-called excalibur.

Wait why would you need to activate the ultimate just for a melee fight? No one makes you to. Just build around your melee weapon using slash dash augment and voila: no waves, no energy drain, red crits (with some new event mods that do not work on EB) and you use any weapon you want.

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12 hours ago, JalakBali said:


Excalibur's Exalted Blade is one ability players might prefer using than a gun. But it is not anywhere *near* as powerful as the strongest guns. You don't use EB to get top damage and fast kills on high level enemies. It maxed out maybe around 60-70ish before Excalibur becomes paper thin while god tier guns still shred enemies past lvl 100. If you nerf EB, it will only drop Excal back into the "Nobody Cares To Use" bin like where he belonged before, without fixing anything. It will only take a warframe out of use. Might as well make Loki's invisibility lasts only 5 seconds or Ash's Bladestorm only hits 5 targets max.  Let's nerf everything!

In summary, if you find EB Excal to be outdamaging or outkilling you, the problem is your puny guns, not EB.

Soo I just ran Exalted Blade in T4S and I dropped soo many times. lol

I really dont understand the cries here besides the Kill steal complaints. Its just a matter of Pride and glory here honestly. Exalted Blade waves need not be Nerfed and if soo I will find another rediculous meta to spam and irritate players, then the Nerf threads will arise again.

Honestly the folks who complain are just never satisfied with anything.

I love Exalted Blade and Hysteria and Bladestorm and Primal fury and any Press 4 to disappoint Your Pistols. Why? I suk at PvP let me feel OP in PvE, plus im a Melee player not a Shooter. I will join Your sessions and I will activate My abilities and stay infinite God mode till DE destroys Fleeting Expertise+Streamline, the spamming will Never end.

Why not make a Nerf efficiency mods thread?

P.S. Lets also make the Grind 1,000xs Harder 

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45 minutes ago, xLordKogax said:

Soo I just ran Exalted Blade in T4S and I dropped soo many times. lol

I really dont understand the cries here besides the Kill steal complaints. Its just a matter of Pride and glory here honestly. Exalted Blade waves need not be Nerfed and if soo I will find another rediculous meta to spam and irritate players, then the Nerf threads will arise again.

Honestly the folks who complain are just never satisfied with anything.

I love Exalted Blade and Hysteria and Bladestorm and Primal fury and any Press 4 to disappoint Your Pistols. Why? I suk at PvP let me feel OP in PvE, plus im a Melee player not a Shooter. I will join Your sessions and I will activate My abilities and stay infinite God mode till DE destroys Fleeting Expertise+Streamline, the spamming will Never end.

Why not make a Nerf efficiency mods thread?

P.S. Lets also make the Grind 1,000xs Harder 

all i got out of this was that it is your opinion to not give other people the option of not having the discs shootout. some of us find the discs annoying(not because of damage but because they are actually quite an eyesore) and want them to be moved to charge attack or to be removed by an augment which will still let people have them but it will be optional (like tornado CC removal augment). first when coming to give feedback one must take into consideration that there are others here and should act in a civil manner. if you want god mode in a game go buy a single player game. in an online game where you are playing with others god mode shouldnt even be a thing.

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18 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

Excuse me? I wasn't clueless in the first place. the range increase is an example since few are offering what can be use for trade off id easily take any other kind of boost. .slash dash already has lock don't need the game to play for me any more than that. DE forced parkour 2.0 on everyone and guess what we all got used to it and the complaining stopped if they decide to make the discs a charge attack everyone has to get used too, then you either do or you don't the decision to even make any change is ultimately theirs after all.


When something is changed in warframe its usually something gets taken and something gets added. We lost coptering slide attacks but we got bullet jump, double jump and bullet glide in return.


Ive been asking you for many many posts now to think of something to replace exalted waves blades so it doesn't nerf excal back to the stone age. You have been entirely clueless, until you decided you wanted an augment mod for that traded the waves for the extended range.


I don't think it is enough, When comparing excalibur to wukong or valkyr. But atleast you are going in the right direction. (Slash dash doesn't have a consistent lock on, I find myself sometimes going right where i want to and sometimes i find myself in a wall.) My speed idea/lock on is the same as your range idea. How is it the same you ask? You can hit an enemy from farther away with your sword. The main difference is the Lunge would be more true to a melee frame. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

(Slash dash doesn't have a consistent lock on, I find myself sometimes going right where i want to and sometimes i find myself in a wall.) My speed idea/lock on is the same as your range idea. How is it the same you ask? You can hit an enemy from farther away with your sword. The main difference is the Lunge would be more true to a melee frame. 

they could give it the same touch up as atlas #1 that thing is pinpoint on hitting.

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