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Sick of Nitain?


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Please tell me I am not the only one who finds nitain a poor stop gap that is simply there to slow progress.

I understand the alerts and I understand that it is not horrid to obtain, but it feels like it was tacked on because DE felt we where progressing too fast and those of us vets who have a ton of resources are being purposely gated behind this resource for nothing more than "hey slow down, or give us your money!".

It just feels like a cheap tactic to me, and I wanna know how you guys feel about it, cause it has been bugging me since all the new frames have had it tacked on it, and I expect mummy-frame to be another 6-12 nitain.

Edited by Naruchico
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I have like, 46 nitain built up now and have built and solo researched everything that needs it now except for Saryn Prime. it was a slow down for like, the very first week it was introduced, now it's just kinda there and I don't even really notice or care.

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Nitain, just like temporary resource boosters, argon, extractors,.....

They are designed to make sure players play the game more often, nitain isn't fairly common so i expect alerts and special mission to give some nitain in the future, but until then just endure and play when you can.

Obviously playing more regularly will give you alot of nitain, so if you're more into casual gameplay then nitiain still appear at a decent rate.

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You guys are very right, I guess my overall thought on Nitain is why was it even added really, just seems like a useless material that just adds more to the pool of things like fieldron, mutagen mass etc. that are just gated for no good reasoning aside from...hurry up and wait.


Edited by Naruchico
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I'll say again what I said elsewhere:

Nitain is not a "Grind" issue, it is a game/life balance issue, also a fairness issue.

  1.  A person who can play for a few hours a day can consistently fail to get Nitain.
  2.  A person who can put their life on hold and allocate 4 x 15 mins a day to warframe when Warframe tells them they can can get up to 4 Nitain per day.

If there was 1 * 24 hr Nitain alert per day that would be better. Even better would be a rolling cap of ~7 Nitain per week with a random mission type.

I mean is it really reasonable for:

  • A person who can play Warframe at any time when Warframe says so can get 28 Nitain a week for 28 * ~15 mins playtime
  • A person who can only play once a day at roughly the same time can only get ~14 Nitain a week for the same amount of playtime
  • A person who can only play once a week at roughly the same time can only get ~3 Nitain a week for the same amount of playtime

That to me looks like a bad mechanic when players investing the same time can get 1/9th of the rewards because they aren't putting their life on hold to play the gain right nao!

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4 minutes ago, KIREEKPSO said:

Nitain, just like temporary resource boosters, argon, extractors,.....

They are designed to make sure players play the game more often, nitain isn't fairly common so i expect alerts and special mission to give some nitain in the future, but until then just endure and play when you can.

Obviously playing more regularly will give you alot of nitain, so if you're more into casual gameplay then nitiain still appear at a decent rate.

Should we really be OK with Skinner box mechanics psychologically manipulating us?

This seems to be a common attitude and I do not get it, you guys throw a fit when something gets nerfed but if the actual game mechanics exploit the players, that's totally fine and we should just take it up the wazoo?

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No, but i have a fair amount of nitain and i can say the rate is fair for 2 reasons.

 - even if you play alot less than me, you should get nitain at a decent rate required to build stuff

 - You aren't required to build everything in the game, especially the stuff that uses nitain, if you want everything then play more often

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3 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

That to me looks like a bad mechanic when players investing the same time can get 1/9th of the rewards because they aren't putting their life on hold to play the gain right nao!

I've gotten enough Nitain to research everything (and fund the dojo research solo) and I can only play for a couple hours in the evening after work. I can usually catch 1 alert during my normal playing time, I don't put my life on hold or monitor the alerts at all.

I'm also totally ok with people that put their lives on hold to play Warframe getting more Nitain than me. I may have taken 4 times longer to build the first thing requiring Nitain, big deal...it's a non-issue now that I've played enough days to accumulate a healthy reserve.

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32 minutes ago, ThorienKELL said:

Nitain is a resource you farm just like anything else. I farm my plastids, argon, neural sensors, neurodes, I fail to see the difference to nitain. 

The difference is that none of the other resources are gated through the alert system.

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50 minutes ago, (PS4) Elvenbane said:

I've gotten enough Nitain to research everything (and fund the dojo research solo) and I can only play for a couple hours in the evening after work. I can usually catch 1 alert during my normal playing time, I don't put my life on hold or monitor the alerts at all.

I'm also totally ok with people that put their lives on hold to play Warframe getting more Nitain than me. I may have taken 4 times longer to build the first thing requiring Nitain, big deal...it's a non-issue now that I've played enough days to accumulate a healthy reserve.

"I have been lucky hence I don't see a problem" - Nice!

Really the fact that returns on this resource are literally gated on putting your life on hold, not actual time played (on anything skill related, heaven forfend) doesn't bother you at all? I'll remember that when you run out and can't find any for weeks because you have the fatal combination of a life and bad luck.

"This just in, people who's names start with a 'J' get 9 times the rewards in the void, obviously this is fair and reasonable"

Edited by SilentMobius
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I am an MR 20 with every frame, got my Saryn pieces, saw that it took nitain, decided to stop playing the game. I've purchased prime access more than once, bought plat on several occasions, but I can't continue to play the game casually when all the new weapons and frames require a resource which is not available when I have time, but only obtainable on THEIR schedule. Basically, a huge middle finger to anybody who plays the game casually.

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4 hours ago, Naruchico said:

Please tell me I am not the only one who finds nitain a poor stop gap that is simply there to slow progress.

I understand the alerts and I understand that it is not horrid to obtain, but it feels like it was tacked on because DE felt we where progressing too fast and those of us vets who have a ton of resources are being purposely gated behind this resource for nothing more than "hey slow down, or give us your money!".

It just feels like a cheap tactic to me, and I wanna know how you guys feel about it, cause it has been bugging me since all the new frames have had it tacked on it, and I expect mummy-frame to be another 6-12 nitain.

Well i mean, you are correct on slowing vets down, but it doesn't bother me for a few reasons

1.As you pointed out, its not horrid to obtain

2.Few things use it as of now

3.Even if you only manage to do one of the alerts per day, it will get to a point where its like argon that doesn't decay, what i mean by that is when argon was first introduced it was like nitain, only a few things used it and everyone hated it, but eventually DE put it into alot of other recipes, but at that point no-one seemed to care

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Look its a game and as a game things need to be difficult at times so the game isn't run dry to fast, items such as these are just the thing were you can go on if you want to obtain one or not and really kills none of the game only forces you to wait a bit. Honestly sure alert resources are a bit odd but they still pop up 3 times a day and around at least once for each timezone in a good spot for the players, hate to say it but its not destroying the game only hard to obtain and by that nothing to be hated on really.

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1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

"I have been lucky hence I don't see a problem" - Nice!

Really the fact that returns on this resource are literally gated on putting your life on hold, not actual time played (on anything skill related, heaven forfend) doesn't bother you at all? I'll remember that when you run out and can't find any for weeks because you have the fatal combination of a life and bad luck.

"This just in, people who's names start with a 'J' get 9 times the rewards in the void, obviously this is fair and reasonable"

Luck? What a bunch of nonsense. Nitain alerts are better than farming for argon crystals.

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My only concern with Nitain it screws over those who work long hours and have a family to tend to. I think they need to either double the frequency of Nitain Alerts or the Alerts give more Nitain maybe 1-3 depending on where the Alert is located. 

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I'm okay with Nitain and Argon because they are part of what makes Warframe a great F2P model in the first place. 


The reason WF does F2P so well is that almost everything is P2skip instead of P2W. In other words, you can get almost everything non cosmetic that you could want eventually in the game, it's just without paying it can take you a lot longer and a lot more effort. 


Remember for WF to continue existing, there has to be a certain amount of plat sales for the game to sustain it's overhead alone, much less make a profit. In order to convince people to keep spending plat, they not only have to keep the game updated and fresh, as well as add new things for people to buy, but they need to make them feel like it was worth the purchase. 


Even if the grind is hard, if someone can go grind and get the wf together and already started building right away it might make the people who supported the game feel like... well, what was the point of spending the money? They could have just done that and they still would hardly have had to wait. Just get it all started and then skip it with plat if you're really in a rush and still save a ton. There needs to be more real advantage to actually spending money, and since WF has always tried to keep it fair by just making that advantage being about skipping time and rng walls, I think Nitain is a perfect idea. 


You can only build up so much in a certain time period (there are only four alerts spread out every day) this means it's a finite resource as there can be no more than that plus the number of days it has existed in any given persons inventory. They can track these statistics easily as well as average Nitain buildup in order to release stuff that depletes the overall pool. But the point is, Nitain is essentially just time gating for F2P, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to skip the timewalls, support the devs and buy plat, or help support the devs by trading for plat and buying it.


Nitain is here for the simple reason that WF has a pay to skip free to play model, and it's actually one of the fairest F2P models I have ever seen by far. 

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1 minute ago, Kuestenjung said:

Nitain is way easier to get AND keep then Argon. If any recourse slows down progress then it is Argon and not Nitain.

Do I like the implementation and how DE is handling Nitain lorewise, No.

Is it bad, No.

I agree on the keep part, but do i have stupidly good luck with argon or something? i go into a defence and usually get an argon in 5 waves if not then definitely 1 or more in 10 waves

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2 minutes ago, Arenzo4 said:

I agree on the keep part, but do i have stupidly good luck with argon or something? i go into a defence and usually get an argon in 5 waves if not then definitely 1 or more in 10 waves


Your luck is pretty standard. Some people I've talked to have horrendous luck with Argon but it's pretty rare. Usually most people will net at least one (if not more) from 10 minutes of survival or 10 waves of defense even without any loot manipulation. 


Argon just forces you to go do something first before you build. I think at this point it's just to make people have more mission variety instead of just getting each new weapon bp, building it, and then going straight to rank it up on spy or draco. Nitain was the solution to enforce true time gating. But I don't mind it at all. It appears reliably enough. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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