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Please DE, don't attempt Syndicate Melee with too high MR lock....


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1 minute ago, Valsako said:

Playtime lock? That'd be the dumbest thing in the world. "You must play X amount of hours before you can have this weapon"? That'd look so unprofessional and so awkward in any game.

No, what we need is a change to the MR system so it's an actual indication for a player's experience rather than a player's willingness to grind everything in the game for a system that does nothing for them. I'm MR15, I could definitely be higher up, but... Why bother? Why grind a bunch of weapons I don't even want to use just so I can gain higher MR and get nothing for it unless DE locks more gear behind a higher number? I've been around since 2013, and I have the Lato Vandal to prove it. Yet I see people who joined two months ago and are already MR20.

We don't need higher MR locks, we don't need playtime locks, what we need is a full rework to how MR is obtained, THEN an actual reason to reach the higher levels.

Amen, Tenno.

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1 minute ago, Sorise said:

He transform into one, flies through the skies and sees angels singing kumbaya :)

This would probably still make more sense than people actually wanting MR-locks.

Edited by Valsako
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43 minutes ago, Valsako said:

No, just a lot of witches.

This is what my mind keeps interpreting what you said. I play too much Dungeon Fighter Online with my witch main.

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Just now, Sorise said:

Sounds like they bought booster packs and moved to draco :)

They most likely did. Fact is, it can be done. So long as you can get to MR20 in such a small amount of time just by paying, it's not a system that separates the inexperienced from the pros. All it does is add an arbitrary limit to the gear people can obtain and encourage even more Draco farming. I don't know about you, but a "you've done Draco THIS many times" meter doesn't exactly sound to me like what should be deciding who gets what gear.

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4 minutes ago, Sorise said:

Sounds like they bought booster packs and moved to draco :)


Trinity Prime access and now Saryn Prime access, cuz I love this game. 90 day affinity boosters are great.


No weapons were initially ranked on Draco, when forma'ing lately I've used Draco and Pluto spy to re-rank. Initial ranking done typically through Saturn survival.


MR 21 in 5 months. Used plat to buy some discontinued things.


This isnt a "just by paying" method.


Anyhoo back to the topic, yes the syndicate melee should be MR locked, but not at something ridiculous like MR18 as another user suggested. MR 10 is do-able fairly easy.

Edited by giantconch
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6 minutes ago, giantconch said:


Trinity Prime access and now Saryn Prime access, cuz I love this game. 90 day affinity boosters are great.


No weapons were initially ranked on Draco, when forma'ing lately I've used Draco and Pluto spy to re-rank. Initial ranking done typically through Saturn survival.


MR 21 in 5 months. Used plat to buy some discontinued things.


This isnt a "just by paying" method.

Whether or not you accomplished it that quickly is irrelevant because that was never my point to begin with. You also still used affinity boosters.

My point is that all people have to do to quickly get high MR is just use a booster, craft a ton of stuff either by rushing it or buying a lot of slots and crafting a lot of stuff all at once, then go to Draco. This means that you could very well have an MR20 player who only played for a couple of months or less whose only experience consists of:

1: Grinding the resources (not hard)

2: Crafting weapons.

3: Buying boosters.

4: Playing Draco.

This isn't the kind of thing we need to have separating what gear players can use and what gear they can't. MR12 is acceptable I suppose, but until there's actually a more experience-driven way to earn MR, I don't think it should go higher than that.

Edited by Valsako
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I think any MR locks should reflect the skill needed to unlock the weapon's potential combined with its potential power when in the right hands.

The existing MR locks have largely stayed the same through buffs and nerfs. This is likely fine for some, but others could probably use another look.

MR is all about trying new things and going new places. It is deceptive in its simplicity, as it can mean different things depending on how you choose to play the game. For some it will be easy to obtain, and for others, it will be a long road indeed. Neither group is wrong, and so a balance must be struck.

A lock higher than 20 presently requires mastery from exclusives to obtain, so the closer to 20 a weapon is locked, the less accessible it is to players who joined more recently, regardless of what their skill level may be. A lock of lower than 8 could make their presence in the game as syndicate weapons feel pointless, as at that point, you'd just be adding to the pool rather than offering a unique and powerful variant, as syndicate weapons are meant to be.

Having established lower and upper bounds of 8 and 20 for the MR lock, where within that range should they fall? I would say it largely depends on the weapons DE chooses, and how they choose to alter their stats.

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22 minutes ago, Weidro said:

if u need to grind through 90% of the gear to realize that draco is boring and makes u a slower and worse player than ppl who actualy play then noone can help u anymore

and are u rly trying to tell me that playing the same mission over and over again is bad but refusing to try out other gear so might find somethign that u enjoy more than ur old gear is better ? try everything to find out if ur gear is still the one u like most and u will get mr without noticing

I don't need to try Paris, Cernos, mk1 Paris if I have Paris Prime. I don't need Dread and Rakta Cernos either if I'm not enjoying bows that much in the first place. Sure they might be better in some situations, but they are more or less pretty much the same, and if I'm not using bows all the time, I don't really need to have a bow for every kind of situation. That's just one example of why I don't actually need to get all the gear in the game. Sure there are some unique weapons I might be interested in trying out, but there are SO many that are just not interesting at all and/or are copies of other gear with different type of damage (all the Bolto/akbolto/akmagnus/akvasto etc, if I don't like how one of them handles, I'm pretty much guaranteed that I won't like all the other ones)

Also let me ask you this, if you're playing RPG game, do you actually buy EVERY weapon in every shop and trying it out, even when it's clearly has much worse stats than what you're currently using? I guess you're not, so why do you insist that people playing Warframe should do that JUST to level their Matery Rank?

Sure some people might enjoy collecting all the gear in the game, and I don't mind if they are rewarded with some cosmetic things or some bonus stuff for that. But locking game content behind that is just silly.

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35 minutes ago, Valsako said:

Whether or not you accomplished it that quickly is irrelevant because that was never my point to begin with. You also still used affinity boosters.

My point is that all people have to do to quickly get high MR is just use a booster, craft a ton of stuff either by rushing it or buying a lot of slots and crafting a lot of stuff all at once, then go to Draco. This means that you could very well have an MR20 player who only played for a couple of months or less whose only experience consists of:

1: Grinding the resources (not hard)

2: Crafting weapons.

3: Buying boosters.

4: Playing Draco.

This isn't the kind of thing we need to have separating what gear players can use and what gear they can't. M12 is acceptable I suppose, but until there's actually a more experience-driven way to earn MR, I don't think it should go higher than that.

Ok, so you think MR is pointless and shouldnt be what determines wether or not a person can get a weapon. So what SHOULD be what determines wether or not a person can gain access to the weapon? Time lock? You've already said you are against this so...what then?


Do you gain MR from unlocking planets? From having the most kills in a mission? What? From running Void missions?


**Sorta asked two questions at once here, what should be the determining factor for weapons lock, and what would be better for determining MR in your opinion

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8 minutes ago, Valsako said:

Whether or not you accomplished it that quickly is irrelevant because that was never my point to begin with. You also still used affinity boosters.

My point is that all people have to do to quickly get high MR is just use a booster, craft a ton of stuff either by rushing it or buying a lot of slots and crafting a lot of stuff all at once, then go to Draco. This means that you could very well have an MR20 player who only played for a couple of months or less whose only experience consists of:

1: Grinding the resources (not hard)

2: Crafting weapons.

3: Buying boosters.

4: Playing Draco.

This isn't the kind of thing we need to have separating what gear players can use and what gear they can't. MR12 is acceptable I suppose, but until there's actually a more experience-driven way to earn MR, I don't think it should go higher than that.

So it literally screams for a MR rework, doesn't it? But the stronger weapons have to get locked into further ranks so you always get the feeling to achieve something. People gotta hit MR5, get the tonkor and be done. Boom. Bad &#! endgame done. That's a problem.

 I wouldn't expect anything too special about syndicate melees anyway. Even if they were MR16, some of them probably will suck compared to low MR's like nikana prime. The whole system is flawed (mhmm, embolist mr 8). MR shouldn't be dependant on leveling. And because i understand people not bothering to lvl all that crap till they can get their hands on a shiny op gun, we could really need a new MR system sooner or later. MR30 you say? I'm probably dead by then or the game is dead. I should reach MR30 for skill and experience, not for visiting draco and waiting for new "MR fodder" to come out. If i don't like the weapon, i shouldn't be forced to level it. It's not fun, it's work.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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41 minutes ago, Valsako said:

Playtime lock? That'd be the dumbest thing in the world. "You must play X amount of hours before you can have this weapon"? That'd look so unprofessional and so awkward in any game. Not to mention that doesn't even really count as experience. All it'd encourage is people AFK'ing in-game to rack up hours.

Any MR restriction is basically "you need to play at least MR*24 hours to be able to get this weapon".

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21 minutes ago, Mofixil said:

Any MR restriction is basically "you need to play at least MR*24 hours to be able to get this weapon".

It is more than than. It also encourages players to try things. It is too damn easy to pick one type of weapon, and roll with it, while being oblivious, that there are better alternatives. This was my case, as I refused to rank up for 10 weeks - I just had what i needed, and rolled with it, even though I was wrong.

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1 minute ago, knightsofsanghelios said:

I disagree, melee is nowhere near as useful or high-damage as primary or even secondary weapons.


Nothing says "I love you, mobs", more than an fully polished melee to the face.

PS : Please do not make me do the "statics" games, it is not fun and will not prove anything, since it all boils down to play style.

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46 minutes ago, (PS4)Gaelic-_-Flame said:


Also let me ask you this, if you're playing RPG game, do you actually buy EVERY weapon in every shop and trying it out, even when it's clearly has much worse stats than what you're currently using? I guess you're not, so why do you insist that people playing Warframe should do that JUST to level their Matery Rank?


actualy i have played every single weapon

and i dont lvl them on draco

there are some weapons where i know after a few attacks that i dont like it but i still gave it a fair chance and tryed it

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2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

It is more than than. It also encourages players to try things. It is too damn easy to pick one type of weapon, and roll with it, while being oblivious, that there are better alternatives. This was my case, as I refused to rank up for 10 weeks - I just had what i needed, and rolled with it, even though I was wrong.

There really isn't a "wrong" weapon set for most missions in this game, any weapon can be made legitimately useful for almost anything (except for trials and maybe sorties), it should be about what weapon is the most fun for you to use, not about what the best build is.

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4 hours ago, Herosupport said:

DE please lock the Vaykor Jat kittag, Tellos boltace, Synoid Lacera, Secura Serro, Rakta Venka,  Sancti Redeemer behind the MR 12 wall please.

I'd prefer having a glaive type for Rakta, since the other weapons they use are silent...and having a SLASH based thrown would fit them as they have an impact bow and puncture sidearm.

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4 minutes ago, knightsofsanghelios said:

There really isn't a "wrong" weapon set for most missions in this game, any weapon can be made legitimately useful for almost anything (except for trials and maybe sorties), it should be about what weapon is the most fun for you to use, not about what the best build is.

I did not mean "best build". I meant that I was actually wrong - the loadouts I used were not efficient for me. I did use them for a long time, but after "needing" to pick up other equipment in order to level it up, I was able to gain more knowledge and found out that I can have more fun and do more with other weapons. In this case, it was riffles VS shotguns. I had to start use shotguns, in order to see that they, overall better for me - more fun, more useful and fit the way I play better.

PS: Not all shotguns, I was never able to make Boar and Tigris* work for me, as much as Hek and Strun.

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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:


PS : Please do not make me do the "statics" games, it is not fun and will not prove anything, since it all boils down to play style.


Don't worry, I don't like doing the "statistics game" either, I simply meant that most kills I get during a match are usually from a distance with a primary, although I certainly do understand the fun and joy of bashing a bombard's face in with a good 'ol spike hammer, then again I tend to prefer playing squishy frames.

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2 minutes ago, Weidro said:

actualy i have played every single weapon

and i dont lvl them on draco

there are some weapons where i know after a few attacks that i dont like it but i still gave it a fair chance and tryed it

I was not asking about Warframe, but about any other RPG game you might've played. Usually all the weapons are there for a CHOICE, not for a system that forces you to try all of them, whether you like a weapon or not. I'm not sure why you want Warframe to take a weird route where you literally have to use 90% of equipment to get other gear.

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