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Hotfix 18.5.5 +


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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hotfix 18.5.5

•    Fixed Limbo being hurt by environmental Lightning while in the Rift.

Is a fix for Hyekka Master's and Naplams killing Limbo during Rift Walk on the way? :D
Also thanks for all the other fixes good stuff to hear the game is getting polished up well!

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2 hours ago, -Z3Z0 said:

Thank you so much for the reverb lag fix!

Also, please don't nerf Inaros too hard. :( It's going to happen, but I went through a lot of trouble getting him, so pls be gentle. 

He's not necessarily op in the sense he should be nerfed. His skills don't do damage at high end and his skills are still useful, I could see at least maybe a line of sight nerf on the first one

i haven't been able to play warframe today because of all this updating. If this happens Thursday in going to be angry cause I get inaros Thursday. I have slow internet so these updates have literally taken al day 

I'm not saying he's a bad frame, he's just not nerf worthy 

Edited by DarthJundar
Forgot to say something.
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Lets hope Ineros don't get nerfed to bad via HP sense he has no shields and that hes to good at Hijack which such extremely high health. Having Trinity and Inaros teamed up togather there unstoppable force of nature even if he cannot benifit from Trinity's overshields with Vampire Leech she can still heal him.

I was able to face level 22 Grineer as a level 2 Inaros just by using a almost maxed out steel fiber with reactor installed and a almost maxed out Vitality.

Anyways, I love the frame so far my most favorite.

Edited by UltimateGrenninja
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50 minutes ago, cob_metallica said:

STILL NO FIX for Looter (Simaris mod) not tradable

Anyway, it's not that useful as it sounds to be... Sweeper shoots 3 times, while 1 is more than enough, targeting very slow (mechanics is similar to Helios scan), sometimes it refuse shooting crate two steps away. 

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Shock Eximus need to be be fixed
the Issue isn't the Mag proc ... it's the Mag proc's range ... it should be a meter or 2 ... not 30 ... I swear they are mag procing me from across the room and it's bullcrap

another Issue is Power Fists now how a knock down wave .. Fine whatever .. BUT you need to Fix the bombards and Heavy Gunner's Knockdowns .. they are unstoppable , uninterruptable and often make it so I have to cast Paralysis like 3 times to actually Hit the damn thing. I've been using Inaros and the heavy units are doing the ground pound when blinded or trapped in the quicksand.

Squad Issue ... you need to make an option for us to go into a public mission without looking to connect to open squads ...

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1 hour ago, GrooveZet said:

Anyway, it's not that useful as it sounds to be... Sweeper shoots 3 times, while 1 is more than enough, targeting very slow (mechanics is similar to Helios scan), sometimes it refuse shooting crate two steps away. 

we don't care that it is not usefull, its still a bug to fix

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•    You can now place the Sacred Vessel on your ship as a decoration if you've completed the Sands of Inaros quest! 

thank you! I honestly loved having it and almost decided not to finish the quest just so i could keep it.

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first post on the forums sand to say thank you thank you thank you. game is finally  playable at medium setting again for me. yes i know hd4850 sucks but at medium i am getting 60fps in mission (never got quite that high before).  when 18.5 first came out at these setting i got 1-0 fps is not a complete freeze. had to turn all settings off/down and run at 720p. now back up to medium at 1080p and it runs smooth damn smooth. so again thank you thank you

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2 hours ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Shock Eximus need to be be fixed
the Issue isn't the Mag proc ... it's the Mag proc's range ... it should be a meter or 2 ... not 30 ... I swear they are mag procing me from across the room and it's bullcrap

another Issue is Power Fists now how a knock down wave .. Fine whatever .. BUT you need to Fix the bombards and Heavy Gunner's Knockdowns .. they are unstoppable , uninterruptable and often make it so I have to cast Paralysis like 3 times to actually Hit the damn thing. I've been using Inaros and the heavy units are doing the ground pound when blinded or trapped in the quicksand.

Squad Issue ... you need to make an option for us to go into a public mission without looking to connect to open squads ...

I noticed they were buffed too so I did some testing it's about 6 - 6.2 metres, I think it's BS that they can debuff you instantly!

I think it would be nice to have some sort of HUD scramble that increases the closer they get to you something mild to give you a warning at the least if they want to keep the instant debuff mechanic ... I know that there can be a circle around your feet of electricity but you will rarely notice it when swamped with enemies or the other circles around your feet when there are multiple eximus units around giving off multiple auras is it fire now? Is it toxic now?

Honestly it feels silly difficulty mechanic and seems cheesy, artificial difficulty if you will ... and that's why I dislike most of the eximus units in the game that can mess you up just by being near you let alone a bunch of them near you without physically touching you. I think I could tolerate the instant removal of hundreds of my energy going in an instant if I had more warning! People are gonna say that it's not a big deal but when you're using a quick thinking build it damn well is because it ends up killing you.


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