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Should Valkyr's armor be nerfed?


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3 hours ago, Gordon9106 said:

600 armor for a beserk frame,it is still too high. At least reduce it by 50 or a hundred.

Wow such a great and considerate reason as to why she should get a armor nerf. In fact you should go and have chroma and rhino armor nerf too just cause they don't fit the description of a heavily armed frame. 

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34 minutes ago, AntifaHooligan said:

(unless you just use hysteria as a quick way to regain HP and then go back to regular weapons).

What they could do is remove the invulnerability, make that life-stealing really strong and maybe throw in a passive bonus to survivability per nearby enemy like you mentioned. That would really force valkyr to stay on the fray for Hysteria to be effective, and we would still be sort of invulnerable but it would require more active gameplay.

that's what i use it for, because invulnerability and anything else considered or not, Hysteria has absolutely Abysmal Animations, even if you only want it to be to the bar of Warframe's Melee, which is... not particularly impressive in the first place.

what i've been fond of sums up to - cannot go below 2HP, so you still can't die while the Ability is active, but if you're being very lazy and messy and not attacking things, the Ability ever turning off will mean instant death. it's not a perfect idea.
the Life Steal actually is already pretty strong, basic strikes in Hysteria already fill like, 1/3 or more of Valkyr's Health with Vitality. with any sort of Finisher being guaranteed to fill Health no matter what (unless perhaps a Lv500 Armored Heavy Unit or something)
i also had flat Damage Resistance in mind, but resistance that builds for being nearby more Enemies is definitely the more interesting choice (and gives Players more reason to use Ripline for Mobility, to move to groups of Enemies ASAP).
0.5% for any Finisher also means that Paralysis can Heal you though, but at something more akin to a stream of Health, rather than instant full. actually, 0.5% is a bit low - better served with ~3%, which means ~22 Health whenever you Stealth,Ground,or Combat Finisher. yes, 3% of Maximum Health, because of current would be poo.

i uh, unintentionally(but i'm not going to delete that much information) went a bit ranty about it over here.

24 minutes ago, helix.hex said:

i'd say buff the armor of frost and rhino for armored frames they seem....squishy at times.

if i had a nickel for every time someone said 'survivability too low, more Armor would fix it' - i could retire.
you'd get more EHP out of another 25HP/Shield than you would 100 Armor. for some Warframes, even 200 or even 300 Armor.

Edited by taiiat
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3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

if i had a nickel for every time someone said 'survivability too low, more Armor would fix it' - i could retire.
you'd get more EHP out of another 25HP/Shield than you would 100 Armor. for some Warframes, even 200 or even 300 Armor.

rhino is supposed to be a tank which back in the day a rhino could handle anything in end game areas with ease i have seen a few rhinos get ripped to shreds now adays

frost was once considered to be a "battle mage" soaks some hits and cast snowglobe when needed. now i sometimes have to cast snowglobe so i can drop a H. pad......and i use a near maxed redirection, vitiality, and steel fiber(with armored agility)

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11 minutes ago, taiiat said:

what i've been fond of sums up to - cannot go below 2HP, so you still can't die while the Ability is active, but if you're being very lazy and messy and not attacking things, the Ability ever turning off will mean instant death. it's not a perfect idea.
the Life Steal actually is already pretty strong, basic strikes in Hysteria already fill like, 1/3 or more of Valkyr's Health with Vitality. with any sort of Finisher being guaranteed to fill Health no matter what (unless perhaps a Lv500 Armored Heavy Unit or something)
i also had flat Damage Resistance in mind, but resistance that builds for being nearby more Enemies is definitely the more interesting choice (and gives Players more reason to use Ripline for Mobility, to move to groups of Enemies ASAP).
0.5% for any Finisher also means that Paralysis can Heal you though, but at something more akin to a stream of Health, rather than instant full. actually, 0.5% is a bit low - better served with ~3%, which means ~22 Health whenever you Stealth,Ground,or Combat Finisher. yes, 3% of Maximum Health, because of current would be poo.

This is more or less what i think Hysteria should be like.

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1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

It makes perfect sense. I state my opinion on the subject and that is that. Quit complaining because YOU want to argue. What you're doing now is what is dumb.

Are you an extremist feminist like Anita Sarkeesian by any chance? Or associated with any similar group? No offense, just genuinely curious, because your actions perfectly describe the mentality behind those types of individuals.

You come to a topic, you post your opinion as a direct contradiction to the opinions of others (you disagree), but then when people respond to you with a counter to your disagreement, you play victim about how all the mean, bad people just want to argue with you when you're so cute and innocent and never wanted to argue at all.

Your logic is basically this:

"It's perfectly okay if I come here and disagree with you, but if you disagree with ME then you're a bad guy, because it's only okay if I'm the one arguing and you say nothing back, because I am a special little flower that can't handle having to actually argue a point, despite being perfectly willing to argue the points of others."

In short, you're okay with arguing when you're the one arguing with other people's points, but when people argue about your points, suddenly there's a problem, and you must resort to claiming it's not an argument, and anyone disagreeing with you is just a savage argument-hungry beast, despite this not applying to you for doing the same thing they're doing.

Final conclusion: You are not only ignorant, you are a hypocrite.

Have a nice day. If you truly don't want to argue, you'll stay true to that and not even respond to me. But we all know that won't happen, because then how would you play victim? Oh my, how WILL you respond? Accusing me of just wanting to argue? Trying to twist my words around to favor you? Throw out some ad hominem attack? Delve deeper into hypocrisy? Contradict yourself completely? Claim this is all because I want Valkyr's immortality to stay despite me never stating an opinion on that one way or the other? Or will you actually surprise me and say something logical? Now I'm excited to find out just what slot on the wheel of ignorance you'll land on.

Edited by Valsako
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2 hours ago, Valsako said:

Are you an extremist feminist like Anita Sarkeesian by any chance? Or associated with any similar group? No offense, just genuinely curious, because your actions perfectly describe the mentality behind those types of individuals.

You come to a topic, you post your opinion as a direct contradiction to the opinions of others (you disagree), but then when people respond to you with a counter to your disagreement, you play victim about how all the mean, bad people just want to argue with you when you're so cute and innocent and never wanted to argue at all.

Your logic is basically this:

"It's perfectly okay if I come here and disagree with you, but if you disagree with ME then you're a bad guy, because it's only okay if I'm the one arguing and you say nothing back, because I am a special little flower that can't handle having to actually argue a point, despite being perfectly willing to argue the points of others."

In short, you're okay with arguing when you're the one arguing with other people's points, but when people argue about your points, suddenly there's a problem, and you must resort to claiming it's not an argument, and anyone disagreeing with you is just a savage argument-hungry beast, despite this not applying to you for doing the same thing they're doing.

Final conclusion: You are not only ignorant, you are a hypocrite.

Have a nice day. If you truly don't want to argue, you'll stay true to that and not even respond to me. But we all know that won't happen, because then how would you play victim? Oh my, how WILL you respond? Accusing me of just wanting to argue? Trying to twist my words around to favor you? Throw out some ad hominem attack? Delve deeper into hypocrisy? Contradict yourself completely? Claim this is all because I want Valkyr's immortality to stay despite me never stating an opinion on that one way or the other? Or will you actually surprise me and say something logical? Now I'm excited to find out just what slot on the wheel of ignorance you'll land on.

Your post is pointless to the topic OP has brought up and childish - grow up. Stop wasting your time with whining and filling my notifications up with nonsense. Have a nice life.

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39 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

Your post is pointless to the topic OP has brought up and childish - grow up. Stop wasting your time with whining and filling my notifications up with nonsense. Have a nice life.

Oh, what a surprise, your response was exactly as I expected. Nothing but saying the post was pointless and childish. Sounds a bit like the nonsensical "I'm a victim of arguments!" game you play here, doesn't it? Oh, no, of course it doesn't. It's hard to see your flaws when you're so blind to them.

I'll just leave this final summary here:

What you did is like coming in and delivering a punch to someone, then immediately saying you don't want to fight, and actually expecting nobody to hit you back, then when they do, you claim they're just looking for a fight to pick with you because you're you.

Take your own advice and stop wasting others' time with your naive ignorance you've displayed in every single post thus far in this topic.


Also, fun fact, your post was also pointless to the topic. There you go again, doing the exact same thing you complain about. You can't even come back at this post with a "but it's a response to YOUR pointless post" remark without being a hypocrite, considering my first response to you was responding to a post of yours that was only one of several that had no actual relevance to the topic.

Have a lovely day. I do hope we meet again.

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TC, you're bold too criticize anything about the 'all mighty' Valkyr, I'll give you that. I personally try not to rattle that beehive.

But when I see Valk mains complain about Inaros, or anything regarding stuff being too easy or OP, I can't help but chuckle. Let another Warframe be a little ridiculous in powers for  a change. It won't hurt, or take away from her spotlight.

You will lose no matter what, btw. Advice from your friendly neighborhood Volt.

Edited by SinReplica
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I swear to the Lotus the nest person to ask for a Valkyr nerf is gonna learn just how Sharp my Nikana is...

LEAVE. HER. ALONE!!!!!!!!!

how is an armour nerf in any way helpful? rather than reducing her armour, why not BUFF the armour of other frames? it really irks me that nerf-brigaders can only see things one way: theirs. she won't get nerfed, she's fine as she is, and I will personally Dropkick the next person who asks for a nerf of ANY kind.....


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5 hours ago, taiiat said:

that's what i use it for, because invulnerability and anything else considered or not, Hysteria has absolutely Abysmal Animations, even if you only want it to be to the bar of Warframe's Melee, which is... not particularly impressive in the first place.

what i've been fond of sums up to - cannot go below 2HP, so you still can't die while the Ability is active, but if you're being very lazy and messy and not attacking things, the Ability ever turning off will mean instant death. it's not a perfect idea.
the Life Steal actually is already pretty strong, basic strikes in Hysteria already fill like, 1/3 or more of Valkyr's Health with Vitality. with any sort of Finisher being guaranteed to fill Health no matter what (unless perhaps a Lv500 Armored Heavy Unit or something)
i also had flat Damage Resistance in mind, but resistance that builds for being nearby more Enemies is definitely the more interesting choice (and gives Players more reason to use Ripline for Mobility, to move to groups of Enemies ASAP).
0.5% for any Finisher also means that Paralysis can Heal you though, but at something more akin to a stream of Health, rather than instant full. actually, 0.5% is a bit low - better served with ~3%, which means ~22 Health whenever you Stealth,Ground,or Combat Finisher. yes, 3% of Maximum Health, because of current would be poo.

i uh, unintentionally(but i'm not going to delete that much information) went a bit ranty about it over here.


This is pretty much how I feel about Valk's Hysteria. Is it "cheap invuln"? Yes, to an extent. But the tradeoff in utility is so huge, it's almost useless aside from the healing.
I'll mention Saryn again, because DE's rework of her abilitites was absolutely perfect. Before, she used to be a "press 4 to kill everything" frame, with little use of her other abilities. Sure, people called her "OP" because of that, but she was boring to play, lacked any sort of teamplay and escalated -very- poorly in end game. Valkyr suffers from the exact same issues, and as much as I love her, I'd play her even more if they actually made her kit as interesting and synergized as they made Saryn's. 
EDIT: On a sidenote, I really like your ideas for melee.

5 hours ago, Valsako said:

Are you an extremist feminist like Anita Sarkeesian by any chance? Or associated with any similar group? No offense, just genuinely curious, because your actions perfectly describe the mentality behind those types of individuals.


Wow, really? Way to go off-topic mr. Edgelord. Obligatory anti-feminist comment sucessfuly posted. Moving on.

Edited by AntifaHooligan
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5 hours ago, AntifaHooligan said:

I'll mention Saryn again, because DE's rework of her abilitites was absolutely perfect.

not quite perfect - however it is fairly good overall.

most of the issues being that Toxic Lash does very little(single purpose Ability, even if the single purpose works relatively well), and the Blocking Bonus is effectively useless.
but also reduced Health with no reason for it(if Frost is going to have direct durability upgrades, Saryn should have 150 Health and Saryn Prime 175 Health), Molt still doesn't seem to scale Shield Regen or Health Regen with Power Strength (still fond of short Invisibility on casting Molt that cannot be reapplied until it wears off to reinforce the elusive theme more), and Miasma still being a single purpose Ability. which also means Saryn still completely lacks any CC whatsoever, when CC is absolutely necessary.

some other, longer writeups here.


(and a few posts after it)

you can find... some older versions of ideas here.

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14 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

Her armor is fine, but the invulnerability on Hysteria needs to go.

For the individuals that my posted has triggered:

I'm not interested in having a debate on Valkyr's Hysteria. Don't waste your time.

Yes I fully agree her invulnerability is way too strong, it's always has been even when her melee was all clunky and broken.

Edited by Demoonic
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6 hours ago, AntifaHooligan said:

This is pretty much how I feel about Valk's Hysteria. Is it "cheap invuln"? Yes, to an extent. But the tradeoff in utility is so huge, it's almost useless aside from the healing.
I'll mention Saryn again, because DE's rework of her abilitites was absolutely perfect. Before, she used to be a "press 4 to kill everything" frame, with little use of her other abilities. Sure, people called her "OP" because of that, but she was boring to play, lacked any sort of teamplay and escalated -very- poorly in end game. Valkyr suffers from the exact same issues, and as much as I love her, I'd play her even more if they actually made her kit as interesting and synergized as they made Saryn's. 
EDIT: On a sidenote, I really like your ideas for melee.

Wow, really? Way to go off-topic mr. Edgelord. Obligatory anti-feminist comment sucessfuly posted. Moving on.

Not sure if you were around for the old Valkyr threads but, i had posted a pretty decent idea for making her abilities more effective with Hysteria's invulnerability removed. I might dig it up.


7 hours ago, Valsako said:


I didn't bother reading any of what you just typed. Why? Because you clearly didn't read mine. Quit filling my notifications with your nonsense. You got that upset about my opinion and that i won't debate why, so you need to make these laughable posts. Grow up and move on with your life. Try contributing something else to the thread instead of your toxicity and personal vendetta with me.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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